iPhone music streaming - ios

I'm trying to send music over bluetooth from one iOS device to another. I've been using this to build packets like in Ray Wenderlich's SNAP tutorial, but I've been having trouble reconstructing the packet information on the receiving phone. I have tried using https://github.com/abbood/iphoneAudioSyncer but I think it is too complicated for my needs (since I do not need synced playing). What is the simplest buffer approach that accounts for things like lost/out of order packets? I have read through a lot of CoreAudio stuff but it is very dense, so I would appreciate help from someone who has tackled this type of problem.

when you talk about los/out of order packets.. you're talking about the topic of Packet Loss Concealment.. which is a very dense topic (I mean if you think core audio is dense.. wait till you dive into PLC).
In a nutshell, there are many ways to deal with packet loss.. but the simplest way (which I advise you to do) is to replace the lost packets with silence (same goes with out of order packets.. if a packet is out of order.. just discard it).
that being said.. you are dealing with audio that is streamed to you (ie sent via the bluetooth/wifi network).. which means in almost 100% of the time it's compressed audio you're getting (ie Variable Bit Rate audio VBR).. if you simply try to substitute lost VBR packets with silence.. you'll run into this problem. You'll either have to insert silence packets in the same compression format as the VBR audio you're dealing with, or you will have to convert your VBR compressed audio into non-compressed audio (Lossless PCM), then insert zeros in place of the missing packets.


Send audio buffer in parts to a server from an iOS device's microphone

I am trying to build an iOS application that streams audio coming directly from the input (or mic) of a device. What I am thinking is that every certain period of time, I'd have to send the audio buffer to the server, so that the server sends it to another client that might want to listen. I am planning to use WebSockets for the server-side implementation.
Is there a way to grab just a specific stream of buffer from the input (mic) of the iOS device and send it to the server while the user speaks another bit and so on and so forth? I am thinking that if I could start an AVAudioRecorder perhaps with AVAudioEngine and record every 1 second or half a second, but I think that that would create too much of a delay and possibly lost streams in the transition process.
Is there a better way to accomplish this? I am really interested in understanding the science behind it. If this is not the best approach please tell me which one it is and maybe a basic idea for its implementation or something that could point me in the right direction.
I found the answer to my own question!! The answer lies in the AVFoundation framework, specifically AVCaptureAudioDataOutput and its delegate that will send you a buffer as soon as the input source captures it.

how to find an offset from two audio file ? one is noisy and one is clear

I have once scenario in which user capturing the concert scene with the realtime audio of the performer and at the same time device is downloading the live streaming from audio broadcaster device.later i replace the realtime noisy audio (captured while recording) with the one i have streamed and saved in my phone (good quality audio).right now i am setting the audio offset manually with trial and error basis while merging so i can sync the audio and video activity at exact position.
Now what i want to do is to automate the process of synchronisation of audio.instead of merging the video with clear audio at given offset i want to merge the video with clear audio automatically with proper sync.
for that i need to find the offset at which i should replace the noisy audio with clear audio.e.g. when user start the recording and stop the recording then i will take that sample of real time audio and compare with live streamed audio and take the exact part of that audio from that and sync at perfect time.
does any one have any idea how to find the offset by comparing two audio files and sync with the video.?
Here's a concise, clear answer.
• It's not easy - it will involve signal processing and math.
• A quick Google gives me this solution, code included.
• There is more info on the above technique here.
• I'd suggest gaining at least a basic understanding before you try and port this to iOS.
• I would suggest you use the Accelerate framework on iOS for fast Fourier transforms etc
• I don't agree with the other answer about doing it on a server - devices are plenty powerful these days. A user wouldn't mind a few seconds of processing for something seemingly magic to happen.
As an aside, I think it's worth taking a step back for a second. While
math and fancy signal processing like this can give great results, and
do some pretty magical stuff, there can be outlying cases where the
algorithm falls apart (hopefully not often).
What if, instead of getting complicated with signal processing,
there's another way? After some thought, there might be. If you meet
all the following conditions:
• You are in control of the server component (audio broadcaster
• The broadcaster is aware of the 'real audio' recording
• The broadcaster and receiver are communicating in a way
that allows accurate time synchronisation
...then the task of calculating audio offset becomes reasonably
trivial. You could use NTP or some other more accurate time
synchronisation method so that there is a global point of reference
for time. Then, it is as simple as calculating the difference between
audio stream time codes, where the time codes are based on the global
reference time.
This could prove to be a difficult problem, as even though the signals are of the same event, the presence of noise makes a comparison harder. You could consider running some post-processing to reduce the noise, but noise reduction in its self is an extensive non-trivial topic.
Another problem could be that the signal captured by the two devices could actually differ a lot, for example the good quality audio (i guess output from the live mix console?) will be fairly different than the live version (which is guess is coming out of on stage monitors/ FOH system captured by a phone mic?)
Perhaps the simplest possible approach to start would be to use cross correlation to do the time delay analysis.
A peak in the cross correlation function would suggest the relative time delay (in samples) between the two signals, so you can apply the shift accordingly.
I don't know a lot about the subject, but I think you are looking for "audio fingerprinting". Similar question here.
An alternative (and more error-prone) way is running both sounds through a speech to text library (or an API) and matching relevant part. This would be of course not very reliable. Sentences frequently repeat in songs and concert maybe instrumental.
Also, doing audio processing on a mobile device may not play well (because of low performance or high battery drain or both). I suggest you to use a server if you go that way.
Good luck.

Creating a rtsp client for live audio and video broadcasting in objective C

I am trying to create a RTSP client which live broadcast Audio and Video. I modified the iOS code at link http://www.gdcl.co.uk/downloads.htm and able to broadcast the Video to server properly. But now i am facing issues in broadcasting the audio part. In the link example the code is written in such a way that it writes the Video data to file and than reads the data from the file and upload the NALU's video packets to RTSP server.
For Audio part i am not sure how to proceed on it. Right now what i have tried is that get the audio buffer from mic and than broadcast it to the server directly by adding RTP headers and ALU.. but This approach is not properly working as Audio starts lagging behind and lag increases with time. Can someone let me know if there is some better approach to achieve this and with lip sycn audio/video.
Are you losing any packets on the client? If so, you need to leave "space." If you receive packet 1,2,3,4,6,7, You need to leave space for the missing packet (5).
The other possibility is a what is known as a clock drift problem. The clock (crystal) on your client and server are not perfectly in sync with each other.
This can be caused by environment, temperature changes, etc.
Let's say in a perfect world your server is producing audio samples 20ms audio samples at 48000 hz. Your client is playing them back using a sample rate of 48000 hz. Realistically your client and server are not exactly 48000hz. Your server might be 48000.001 and your client might be 47999.9998. So your server might be delivering faster than your client or vise versa. You would either consume packets too fast and under run the buffer or lag too far behind and overflow the client buffer. In your case, it sounds like the client is playing back too slow and slowly lagging behind the server. You might only lag a couple milliseconds per minute but the issue will keep continuing and it will look like a 1970s lip synced Kung Fu movie.
In other devices, there is often a common clock line to keep things in sync. For example, Video camera clocks, midi clocks. multitrack recorder clocks.
When you deliver data over IP, there is no common clock shared between a client and server. So your issue concerns syncing clocks between disparate devices with no. I have successfully solved this problem using this general approach:
A) Let the client count the rate of packets that come in over a period of time.
B) Let the client count the rate that the packets are consumed (played back).
C) Adjust the sample rate of the client based on A and B.
So your client requires that you adjust the sample rate of the playback. So yes you play it faster or slower. Note that the playback rate change will be very very subtle. You might set the sample rate to be 48000.0001 hz instead of 48000 hz. The difference in pitch would be undetectable by humans as it would only cause a fraction a cent difference in pitch. I gave an explanation of a very simplified approach. There many other nuances and edge cases that must be considered when developing such a control system. You don't just set it and forget it. You need a control system to manage the playback.
An interesting test to demonstrate this is to take two devices with the exact same file. A long recording (say 3 hours) is best. Start them at the same time. After 3 hours of playback, you will notice that one is ahead of the other.
This post explains that it is NOT a trivial task to stream audio and video.

Directsound stream synchronisation

I have a question regarding the synchronization of 2 Directsound streams.
To record and play sound I currently use Portaudio to open 2 Directsound streams.
There are 2 callback functions which are called every time the input buffer is filled and the output buffer needs data.
Now here`s my problem...
The input stream is running at 48kHz samplerate (#1024 samples). The output stream is running at 192kHz samplerate (#4096 samples). Every time the input buffer is filled and the callback is called I do some DSP and after that I convert the result to 192kHz. The output stream takes the result and outputs the data. Now the 2 streams are running completely out of sync.
I have looked through the entire Portaudio API but I cant`t find a sync option to lock the 2 streams together.
Is there any way to lock 2 Directsound streams? I really need 48kHz input and 192kHz output.
Vincent Bruinink.
The thing is that you can't really open two streams "at the same time", nor can you open two devices (or even one device at two different sample rates) and expect them to stay truly in sync, even if they were, at one time, in sync. To understand why, you may want to read something about how audio works on a computer. You may also want to read this document, which is specific to PortAudio.
As an alternative, you may want to consider opening a single device in a single stream and using software sample-rate conversion.

iOS: Modify mic data stream with audio unit?

Could someone explain in terms of Audio Unit connections how to modify the iPhone microphone data stream visible to other processes with gain or EQ? I understand how to use a remote I/O unit to grab mic data and do my processing. I want this new data to replace the original mic data stream, not go to speakers or a file. "Audio Unit Hosting Fundamentals" Figure 1-3 is close.
I have read everything out there on Audio Units and used several of the online examples (Tim B, Play It Loud, Tasty Pixel) but don't see how to do this yet.
Any help?
This doesn't seem to be clearly explained or illustrated in the documentation. However, if you look at the AURIOTOUCH sample code, you will see how within the remote I/O render callback, it makes a call to retrieve data from the microphone. then it optionally processes this data, and returns it.
this is kind of doubly useful because this call to retrieve microphone data returns already created buffesr. this means you don't have to create your own buffers, which is great becaues that is a bit of a hassle.
