vim-powerline status line looks wierd - vim-powerline

I installed powerline plugin, downloaded a patched font and did a fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts. I then cleared the PowerlineClearCache and restarted vim. My status line looks like this. What am I missing?
NORMAL ⮀ Scripts/ ⮀ ⮂ unix ⮃ utf-8 ⮃ python ⮂ 8% ⮂ ⭡ 2:1
I have this line in my .vimrc
let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy'

I was trying this on mac OSX (Leopard) and apparently many mac users have this problem. Then I downloaded iterm2 and tried the steps suggested by this fantastic post and now it works as expected!


After Upgrading from Alfresco 4.2 to 5.2, Transformation is not working for .TIF Image files

I have migrated one Application from Alfresco 4.2 version to Alfresco 5.2 version.
But after up-gradation Image preview is not displaying for any file and Transformation is not working.
Console Logs:-----
2018-02-02 08:58:46,022 INFO [repo.jscript.ScriptNode] [http-apr-8080-exec-25] Unable to create thumbnail 'doclib' for image/tiff as no transformer is currently available.
2018-02-02 08:59:10,076 WARN [jcms.transform.TesseractOCRTransformer] [http-apr-8080-exec-45] Command options did not appear to contain ImageMagick setting for monochrome, cannot invoke Tesseract.
Can anyone please help with this, or any work around to solve this issue.
your valuable reply will be really appreciated.
For more details about issue, please find attached screen-shot.
In the Alfresco Community 5.2 on Windows the ImageMagick install is borked. I found a workaround:
Install ImageMagick from the developer site
Edit the found in C:\alfresco-community\tomcat\shared\classes
Change the img.root value to point to your fresh installation, like this:
Restart the alfresco server
NOTE: You will see this in the logs before:
err: convert.exe: RegistryKeyLookupFailed `CoderModulesPath' # error/module.c/GetMagickModulePath/670.
convert.exe: no decode delegate for this image format `GIF' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/509.
Afterwards that error will not be present in the logs.
There's a setenv.bat file that sets up some Imagemagick related environment variables. I suspect they're missing from the build that you have, either by yours or Alfresco's mistake.
After you installed Imagemagick separately, that installation simply took care of these variables.
They go something like this:

Ruby On Rails Installation Mac OS X Bundler GemFileNotFound

I'm using Mac OS X Sierra and following Daniel's Setup Article to install Ruby on Rails. All goes well until I get try to confirm the Rails version, I get errors saying it can't locate several files. Here's a screenshot of the console output for the last couple of steps:
After the first attempt, I imploded rvm, removed all traces from .bashrc, .bash_profile, and .profile, and started from the beginning. I hit the same issue at the same point in the process. If any further information would be useful, please let me know and I'll be glad to modify. Just in case it has something to do with $PATH, I'll put the echo $PATH output below:
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
[edit] Not having had any replies and having spent an entire day trying to get it running locally, I decided to try an online environment with cloud9. I was up and running on cloud9 in 15 minutes without any issues, and that includes creating the account. I would still like to know if anyone has any ideas about the rvm local version, so I'll leave the question for now. [/edit]

How to install ImageMagick on Windows 8?

I'm trying to setup ImageMagick so I can use the Paperclip gem for Ruby on Rails. I've looked at pretty much every question on StackOverflow about the issue, but they all just skip over my issue, that none of the ImageMagick commands are recognized on the CommandPrompt.
I downloaded and then installed ImageMagick-7.0.1-1-Q16-x64-dll.exe on this page
I installed the program to my C: directory, so that there wouldn't be an issue with spaces in the Path, and I used all default installation selections and even selected "Install development headers" which some answers said to do. My issue is that when ImageMagick finishes installing, and it says to test some commands (like "convert -version) on Command Prompt, they all result in
"'convert' is not recognized as an internal or external command ...."
On the command prompt. What could be an issue? Every step-by-step tutorial automatically assumes that these commands are recognized. Most troubleshooting involves steps afterwards.
Here's the documentation for paperclip. All I have to do is make sure the gem has access to ImageMagick, by putting in the development.rb file:
Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/local/bin/"
In order to find that path above, however, the documentation says to type "which convert". I've researched this and apparently that's a Unix command, and not something for Windows.
So basically, what steps do I need to take so that paperclip has access to ImageMagick? Why aren't basic ImageMagick commands recognized, even after a completed installation?
When you install ImageMagick under Windows, they is a button you need to check that tells the script to install "legacy" utilities such as convert. Reinstall, click on this button, and convert is ready to use. Alternatively, install ImageMagick 6.X which deploys convert automatically.
Windows users, I've answered most of this here.
The windows command line won't run which convert. You'll need to use something like git bash.
Reinstalling image magick won't hurt. You could try another file. I know the dll one (you mentioned) is top of the list, the next one is 64bit as well. You must check every option at install as paperclip will use lots of image magick functionality behind the scenes so check all options. Then restart the system.
in command before typing convert you have to type in magick then convert
keep in mind you are using a newer version of IM hence you have to start by typing 'magick' and then follow other command

How to install Image Magick for MAMP (Pro) on Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

I've been searching for a way to install Image Magick on my Mountain Lion setup (where I use MAMP Pro). I did find this article, but it isn't specific to ML. Also found a couple other similar questions here on SO but they were too specific I think. Doesn't help that I'm not great at this sort of thing. Can anyone point me to a good resource?
As was pointed out in erwinheiser's comment, MAMP 3 now comes with imagemagick pre-installed. I checked MAMP's User Guide (PDF) and found this:
The ImageMagick PHP module is included by default, but you must enable it inside the php.ini template file. Remove the ‘;’ from the following line.
And how do you find and change the (right) php.ini file for MAMP Pro?
From MAMP's menu choose File › Edit Template › PHP › [the latest version]
or use the keyboard shortcut: ⌘4
Make the edit. (Imagick was was at line 542 in mine.)
Save and close the file.
MAMP asks if you want to restart the servers now, choose yes.
And you're done!
Make sure you check out Joel Farris' answer if you're using an up-to-date version of MAMP
I finally managed to get it installed properly using Homebrew and the instructions here:
I did have to run brew doctor and brew link a couple of times to fix dependencies (and change permissions on a file or two), and use
brew install php54-imagick
rather than the one mentioned at the url.
The extension he mentions at the end (the bit you have to paste in your different ini files) is:
Hope it helps!
MAMP comes with Imagick installed. I have MAMP v3.2.1 (not MAMP Pro) running on OS X 10.10.3 (Yosemite).
I enabled imagick by editing php.ini file which comes with MAMP.
php.ini file is available on the following path:
Replace 5.6.7 with your php version number.
php.ini file will contain the following line:
Change that line to:
Now restart the MAMP servers and you are good to go.
We made a Mac installer package here—

Completely stumped by "is not recognized by the 'identify' command" error in rails/paperclip on windows dev box

Nothing I have tried seems to have any impact at all on this error. The code is working on both a Mac Pro dev maching as well as our Ubunto 9.10 server. Dev work is using Mongrel not Passenger.
I am fully and completely stumped. Willing to try anything.
I followed this:
to the letter.
I tried installing both 32 and 64 bit versions (on XP 64).
Updated config with:
require "paperclip"
Paperclip.options[:command_path] = 'C:\ImageMagick\ImageMagick-6.6.3-Q16'
Paperclip.options[:swallow_stderr] = false
System is:
XP 64 bit service pack 2
Rails 2.3.8
paperclip 2.3.3
aws-s3 0.6.2
There is some goofy stuff going on in the paperclip.rb file. It adds single quotes around command line arguments. If I can recall, I believe its on line 133 and the line looks like this:
... '#{m}' ...
Just remove the single quotes.
If that doesn't help there was also an issue with there being spaces in the ImageMagick path. It didn't like C:\Program Files..., so I had to change it to C:\Progra~1...
That seemed to do the trick for me. That will at least get the identify executable running. I am currently having issues with running convert and am completely confused. :)
There is an issue with the last couple of releases of paperclip when running on Windows.
I rollback to a version where it worked but there is a fix that someone has since mentioned. See my comment here + the other fix below:
One thing I just found out as well on windows this command "150x150>" makes problems if you go for Brandon's version as '>' is used for piping on windows boxes. Maybe use something like "150x150#" instead.
