Apostrophe issue in url with OData - odata

I am using oData protocol which add the filter criteria in the url
E.g. /api/restaurants/getall?$filter=substringof('macdonald',Name)
My problem when the value has apostrophe like (macdonald's) it will break the url
It works fine if I replace it with %26 like macdonald%26 but by adding s (macdonald%26s) the url will not work
any suggestions?

When inside the quoted string a single quote can be escaped by doubling it. So in your case it would look like 'macdonald''s'.

I see this is an old post, but I'll point out that the arguments in the substringof expression are switched.
This is aside from the apostrophe (single quote) problem.


How To Avoid The Firewll error due to an Apostrophe (’) in a URL generated

I'm working on QlikView and there is requirement that a URL would be generated using the filters that I have selected in QV and then it would be parse to another application. The url contains the values that I have selected in QV. We are facing an issue due to the and apostrophe (') in the user name.
Below is url generated. You could see, the generated url is not completely treated as a URL due to the apostrophe.
http://abcworld.com/berlin/cgi-bin/berlinisapi.dll?b_action=berlinViewer&ui.action=run.prompt=false&p_Type=E&p_Tra=Paul O'Donnell&p_AdjType=O&p_UD=2014-08-11
How to overcome this issue? Is there any special character that I could replace it with?
Thanks in advance.
You would want to encode the apostrophe as %27. This is called URL Encoding and is useful when you need to insert characters in a URI that can't normally be represented in a URI, or otherwise have special meaning, like a question mark. Spaces are often encoded as %20. So your final URL might be:

RESTful url in android with (')

I am developing an android application and I am using a RESTful service to connect to SQL azure database. I need to use this RESTful url:
As you can see am looking for this word (child's_game) in the table wn_synset.
The problem is the single quote (') in child's_game. As you can see it puts the word inside quotes '...' so when it finds the quote in child's_game it thinks it is the end of the word and the rest is error.
How can i solve this problem?
You can url-encode the ' symbols with %27. See http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp and try it in the "Try it yourself" section.
Edit: (moved correct guess from comments to the answer itself)
Or is it just, that the SQL-Server on the server side gets it wrong? Like it builds a select * from wn_synset where word = 'child's game' and there's the error? Then you'll have to look up how you escape single quotes for your database -- probably it's by using two single quotes (''), so perhaps try to send child''s game instead of child's game.
There is no problem, or in other words, your URL is not a URL. If it were a URL, ther wouldn't be a '. Of course, you can have this ' in your URL, so to speak. But it needs to be escaped in accordance with the rules for URLs. You may want to look at URLEncoder and Uri.

slashes in url variables

I have set up my coldfusion application to have dynamic urls on the page, such as
However my variable names will sometimes contain slashes, such as
This is causing a problem, because my application presumes that the slash in the variable name represents a different section of the website, the artists albums. So the URL will fail.
I am wondering if there is anyway to prevent this from happening? Do I need to use a function that replaces slashes in the variable names with another character?
You need to escape the slashes as %2F.
You could easily replace the forward slashes / with something like an underscore _ such as Wikipedia uses for spaces. Replacing special characters with underscores, etc., is common practice.
You need to escape those but don't just replace it by %2F manually. You can use URLEncoder for this.
Eg URLEncoder.encode(url, "UTF-8")
Then you can say
yourUrl = "www.musicExplained/index.cfm/artist/" + URLEncoder.encode(VariableName, "UTF-8")
Check out this w3schools page about "HTML URL Encoding Reference":
for / you would escape with %2F

Can we use & in url?

Can we use "&" in a url ? or should "and" be used?
Yes, you can use it plain in your URL path like this:
Only if you want to use it in the query you need to encode it with %26:
Otherwise it would be interpreted as argument separator when interpreted as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
See RFC 3986 for more details.
An URL is generally in the form
So it is not advisable to use it in an URL unless you want to use it for parameters. Otherwise you should percent escape it using %26, e.g.
This results in the path being submitted as hello&world. There are other characters which must be escaped when used out of context in an URL. See here for a list.
Unless you're appending variables to the query string, encode it.
encode '&' with & (this answer is based on your use of tags)
If you are asking what to use "&" or "and" when registering the name of your URL, I would use "and".
EDIT: As mentioned in comments "& is an HTML character entity and not a URI character entity. By putting that into a URI you still have the ampersand character and additional extraneous characters." I started answering before fully understanding your question.

Pass URL as get parameter?

I'm trying to pass u url as parameter to a get method.
I defined a route that accepts a {*url} parameter so I can send "/" characters without it separating my parameter.
As soon as there is a ":" in the url (like in http: or localhost:3857 for example), the method never gets hit.
The Html.ActionLink method escapes it's parameter itself, but it doesn't seem to escape the ':'. I cannot escape it manually because then the escape characters get escaped by the very same Html.Actionlink method.
any ideas?
Use EncodeUrl before you pass it, and then decode it on the other side.
I ran into the same problem. I ended up removing the Html.ActionLink and replaced it with:
#item.ID is a url returned from the netflix api, example http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/series/70021357/seasons/70021357. Now my url looks like this - /Home/Movies?id=http://api.netflix.com/catalog/titles/series/70021357/seasons/70021357, and I just used Request.QueryString to get the value in the controller:
Probably not ideal but it works for now.
It's a bit of a hack, but you could replace the ':' with '%3A' (which is the escaped form), and see what the ActionLink does with it. If it's escaped once more, you'd have to replace the twice-escaped version back to ':' at the server, otherwise just replace '%3A' back to ':'
