Clojure SHA256 HMAC function not producing expected results - character-encoding

I have the following Clojure code:
(ns myproject.hmac-sha256
(:import (javax.crypto Mac)
(javax.crypto.spec SecretKeySpec)))
(defn secretKeyInst [key mac]
(SecretKeySpec. (.getBytes key) (.getAlgorithm mac)))
(defn toString [bytes]
"Convert bytes to a String"
(String. bytes "UTF-8"))
(defn sign [key string]
"Returns the signature of a string with a given
key, using a SHA-256 HMAC."
(let [mac (Mac/getInstance "HMACSHA256")
secretKey (secretKeyInst key mac)]
(-> (doto mac
(.init secretKey)
(.update (.getBytes "UTF-8")))
When I use the sign function in the REPL, strange glyphs are output:
(sign "key" "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
whereas I was expecting f7bc83f430538424b13298e6aa6fb143ef4d59a14946175997479dbc2d1a3cd8 as per
This is doubtless a string encoding issue, but I don't really know much about encoding. Can anyone help?

To put the output into a format that can be compared with the examples don't call the toString defined above, instead treat the result of .doFinal as a byte array and print it in hex. The example above is signing the string "UTF-8" instead of the input string:
(defn sign [key string]
"Returns the signature of a string with a given
key, using a SHA-256 HMAC."
(let [mac (Mac/getInstance "HMACSHA256")
secretKey (secretKeyInst key mac)]
(-> (doto mac
(.init secretKey)
(.update (.getBytes string)))
myproject.hmac-sha256> (apply str (map #(format "%x" %) (sign "key" "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")))
you could then write the toString function as something like:
(defn toHexString [bytes]
"Convert bytes to a String"
(apply str (map #(format "%x" %) bytes)))


How to also get how many characters read in parse?

I'm using Numeric.readDec to parse numbers and reads to parse Strings. But I also need to know how many characters were read.
For example readDec "52 rest" returns [(52," rest")], and read 2 characters. But there isn't a great way that I can find to know that it read 2 characters.
You could check the string length of show 52, but if the input was 052 that would give you the wrong answer (this solution also wouldn't work for the string parsing which has escape characters). You also could use the length of the post parsed string subtracted from the length of the input string. But this is very inefficient for long strings with many parses.
How can this be done correctly and efficiently (preferably without just writing your own parse)?
With just base, instead of readDec, you can use readDecP from Text.Read.Lex, which uses a ReadP parser:
readDecP :: (Eq a, Num a) => ReadP a
The gather combinator in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP returns the parse result along with the actual characters parsed:
gather :: ReadP a -> ReadP (String, a)
You can run the parser with readP_to_S, which gives back a ReadS parser, which is a function that accepts a string and produces a list of possible parses with the remainder of the string.
readP_to_S :: ReadP a -> ReadS a
type ReadS a = String -> [(a, String)]
An example in GHCi:
> import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (gather, readP_to_S)
> import Text.Read.Lex (readDecP)
> readP_to_S (gather readDecP) "52 rest"
[(("52",52)," rest")]
> readP_to_S (gather readDecP) "0644 permissions"
[(("0644",644)," permissions")]
You can simply check that there is only one valid parse if you want the result to be unambiguous, and then take the length of the first component to find the number of Char code points parsed.
These parsers are fairly limited, however; if you want something easier to use, faster, or able to produce more detailed error messages, then you should check out a more fully featured parsing package such as regex-applicative (regular grammars) or megaparsec (context-sensitive grammars).

Replace double backslash in Dart

I have this escaped string:
\u0414\u043B\u044F \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0434\u0430\u0436\u0438
If I do:
print('\u0414\u043B\u044F \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0434\u0430\u0436\u0438 \u043D\u0435\u0434\u0432\u0438\u0436\u0438\u043C\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438');
Console will show me:
Для продажи недвижимости
But if I get escaped 2 times string from the server:
And do some replace job:
var result = string.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\\'), r'\');
Compiler will not decode those characters and will show same escaped string:
\u0414\u043B\u044F \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0434\u0430\u0436\u0438
How I can remove those redunant slashes?
In string literals in Dart source files, \u0414 is a literal representing a unicode code point, whereas in the case of data returned from the server, you're just getting back a string containing backslashes, us, and digits that looks like a bunch of unicode code point literals.
The ideal fix is to have your server return the UTF-8 string you'd like to display rather than a string that uses Dart's string literal syntax that you need to parse. Writing a proper parser for such strings is fairly involved. You can take a look at unescapeCodeUnits in the Dart SDK for an example.
A very inefficient (not to mention entirely hacky and unsafe for real-world use) means of decoding this particular string would be to extract the string representations of the unicode codepoints with a RegExp parse the hex to an int, then use String.fromCharCode().
Note: the following code is absolutely not safe for production use and doesn't match other valid Dart code point literals such as \u{1f601}, or reject entirely invalid literals such as \uffffffffff.
// Match \u0123 substrings (note this will match invalid codepoints such as \u123456789).
final RegExp r = RegExp(r'\\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]+)');
// Sample string to parse.
final String source = r'\\u0414\\u043B\\u044F \\u043F\\u0440\\u043E\\u0434\\u0430\\u0436\\u0438 \\u043D\\u0435\\u0434\\u0432\\u0438\\u0436\\u0438\\u043C\\u043E\\u0441\\u0442\\u0438';
// Replace each \u0123 with the decoded codepoint.
final String decoded = source.replaceAllMapped(r, (Match m) {
// Extract the parenthesised hex string. '\\u0123' -> '123'.
final String hexString =;
// Parse the hex string to an int.
final int codepoint = int.parse(hexString, radix: 16);
// Convert codepoint to string.
return String.fromCharCode(codepoint);

Decrypt Lua byte code?

I'm encrypting my Lua code with this script.
local script = string.dump(
local function h4x(strtbl)
for v in strtbl do
return buffer
for v=1,string.len(script) do --Convert our string into a hex string.
end'encrypted.txt','w') --Output our bytecode into ascii format to encrypted.txt
The output of encrypted.txt is like "00/12/46/4/2/6/4/62/". How do I decrypt bytecode?
This text is not encrypted. It's just Lua bytecode in hexadecimal.
Discussion of means of disassembling this bytecode into human-readable opcodes is in another question: Lua equivalent to Python dis()?
Obviously its printing out each BYTE as a value (which is decimal, even though its stated its converted to hex) delimited by a '/'.
All you need to do then is fill an array using the bytes you pull from the string, using tonumber to convert them back to their byte value. this will help with parsing the formatted output

store string of bytes in table in lua

i need to store a string of bytes in a table in lua, how I can do it
Is that what you mean?
s="some string"
A Lua string is exactly what you wrote - a string of bytes. Lua is different from C-like languages in that it is 8-bit clean, meaning that you can even store embedded zero '\0' inside strings - the length of the string is held separately and is not based on where '\0' is.
You did not write where you want those bytes from (what is the source), so let's assume you are reading from a file. In the following example, f is a file handle obtained by calling, and t is a table (t = {}).
local str = f:read(100) -- will read up to 100 bytes from file handle f
t[#t + 1] = str -- will append the string to the end of table t
table.insert(t, str) -- alternative way of achieving the same

F# string.Format

I am writing my first F# library
I am trying to use string.Format and it complains that no such function exists.
Is it not available or am I doing something wrong?
If you want to avoid using the full name, you can use open in F#:
open System
let s = String.Format("Hello {0}", "world")
This should work in both F# interactive (enter the open clause first) and in normal compiled applications. The key thing is that you must write String with upper-case S. This is because string in C# isn't a usual type name - it is a keyword refering to the System.String type.
Alternatively, you could also take a look at the sprintf function. It is an F#-specific alternative to String.Format which has some nice benefits - for example it is type checked:
let s = sprintf "Hello %s! Number is %d" "world" 42
The compiler will check that the parameters (string and int) match the format specifiers (%s for string and %d for integers). The function also works better in scenarios where you want to use partial function application:
let nums = [ 1 .. 10 ]
let formatted = nums |> (sprintf "number %d")
This will produce a list of strings containing "number 1", "number 2" etc... If you wanted to do this using String.Format, you'd have to explicitly write a lambda function.
the full name of it is:
