Delayed Processing Jobs in Ruby: How much is not blocking my path - ruby-on-rails

I have this project which still uses delayed job as processing job queue. I've recently found an edge case which is making me question a few things: I have this AR (I'm using MySQL, by the way) object, which on update sends a message to all the elements of an has_many association. In order to do that, I have to instantiate all the elements of this association an call the message on them. It seemed only fair enough to delay the call of this message for each one of them.
Now the association has grown quite a bit, where in an edge case I have 40000 objects belonging to that association. The message sending thereby now involves the (synchronous) creation of 40000 delayed-job jobs. Since these happen inside an after update callback an not after commit, they are thereby (ab)using the same connection, not taking advantage of any context-switching. Short version, I have a pipe of 1 Update statement and 40000 Inserts on the same connection. This update is gobbling quite a few minutes in production, for that reason.
Now, there are a lot of ways around this: Change the callback to an after commit, creating 1 (synchronous) delayed job which will create 40000 jobs (I don't want to handle the 40000 (AR) objects in one job, the 40000 now will be 120000 tomorrow, and that's memory-armageddon), etc etc...
But what I'm really considering is switching my delayed processing queue to resque or sidekiq. They use redis, so write performance is far better. They use something rather than MySQL, which means the connections will not block each other. My only issue is: how much would 40000 writes at once to redis cost me? And: does any one of these options first store the jobs in memory, not blocking the response to the client and belatedly stores them in redis? So, my real question is: how much would this delaying delay me in such an edge case?

Indeed, Redis can process writes faster than MySQL. Try running redis-benchmark, you'll see figures of 100k+ writes/sec.
does any one of these options first store the jobs in memory, not blocking the response to the client and belatedly stores them in redis?
No, they do it synchronously.
I don't want to handle the 40000 (AR) objects in one job
Maybe you should try hybrid approach: process chunks of N objects per job. Batch writes should be faster than 40k individual writes. And it scales well (batch size will stay the same, be it 40k or 400k items).


Sidekiq Idempotency, N+1 Queries and deadlocks

In the Sidekiq wiki it talks about the need for jobs to be idempotent and transactional. Conceptually this makes sense to me, and this SO answer has what looks like an effective approach at a small scale. But it's not perfect. Jobs can disappear in the middle of running. We've noticed certain work is incomplete and when we look in the logs they cut short in the middle of the work as if the job just evaporated. Probably due to a server restart or something, but it often doesn't find its way back into the queue. super_fetch tries to address this, but it errs on the side of duplicating jobs. With that we see a lot of jobs that end up running twice simultaneously. Having a database transaction cannot protect us from duplicate work if both transactions start at the same time. We'd need locking to prevent that.
Besides the transaction, though, I haven't been able to figure out a graceful solution when we want to do things in bulk. For example, let's say I need to send out 1000 emails. Options I can think of:
Spawn 1000 jobs, which each individually start a transaction, update a record, and send an email. This seems to be the default, and it is pretty good in terms of idempotency. But it has the side effect of creating a distributed N+1 query, spamming the database and causing user facing slowdowns and timeouts.
Handle all of the emails in one large transaction and accept that emails may be sent more than once, or not at all, depending on the structure. For example:
User.transaction do
users.update_all(email_sent: true)
users.each { |user| UserMailer.notification(user).deliver_now }
In the above scenario, if the UserMailer loop halts in the middle due to an error or a server restart, the transaction rolls back and the job goes back into the queue. But any emails that have already been sent can't be recalled, since they're independent of the transaction. So there will be a subset of the emails that get re-sent. Potentially multiple times if there is a code error and the job keeps requeueing.
Handle the emails in small batches of, say, 100, and accept that up to 100 may be sent more than once, or not at all, depending on the structure, as above.
What alternatives am I missing?
One additional problem with any transaction based approach is the risk of deadlocks in PostgreSQL. When a user does something in our system, we may spawn several processes that need to update the record in different ways. In the past the more we've used transactions the more we've had deadlock errors. It's been a couple of years since we went down that path, so maybe more recent versions of PostgreSQL handle deadlock issues better. We tried going one further and locking the record, but then we started getting timeouts on the user side as web processes compete with background jobs for locks.
Is there any systematic way of handling jobs that gracefully copes with these issues? Do I just need to accept the distributed N+1s and layer in more caching to deal with it? Given the fact that we need to use the database to ensure idempotency, it makes me wonder if we should instead be using delayed_job with active_record, since that handles its own locking internally.
This is a really complicated/loaded question, as the architecture really depends on more factors than can be concisely described in simple question/answer formats. However, I can give a general recommendation.
Separate Processing From Delivery
start a transaction, update a record, and send an email
Separate these steps out. Better to avoid doing both a DB update and email send inside a transaction, batched or not.
Do all your logic and record updates inside transactions separately from email sends. Do them individually or in bulk or perhaps even in the original web request if it's fast enough. If you save results to the DB, you can use transactions to rollback failures. If you save results as args to email send jobs, make sure processing entire batch succeeds before enqueing the batch. You have flexibility now b/c it's a pure data transform.
Enqueue email send jobs for each of those data transforms. These jobs must do little to no logic & processing! Keep them dead simple, no DB writes -- all processing should have already been done. Only pass values to an email template and send. This is critical b/c this external effect can't be wrapped in a transaction. Making email send jobs a read-only for your system (it "writes" to email, external to your system) also gives you flexibility -- you can cache, read from replicas, etc.
By doing this, you'll separate the DB load for email processing from email sends, and they are now dealt with separately. Bugs in your email processing won't affect email sends. Email send failures won't affect email processing.
Regarding Row Locking & Deadlocks
There shouldn't be any need to lock rows at all anymore -- the transaction around processing is enough to let the DB engine handle it. There also shouldn't be any deadlocks, since no two jobs are reading and writing the same rows.
Response: Jobs that die in the middle
Say the job is killed just after the transaction completes but before the emails go out.
I've reduced the possibility of that happening as much as possible by processing in a transaction separately from email sending, and making email sending as dead simple as possible. Once the transaction commits, there is no more processing to be done, and the only things left to fail are systems generally outside your control (Redis, Sidekiq, the DB, your hosting service, the internet connection, etc).
Response: Duplicate jobs
Two copies of the same job might get pulled off the queue, both checking some flag before it has been set to "processing"
You're using Sidekiq and not writing your own async job system, so you need to consider job system failures out of your scope. What remains are your job performance characteristics and job system configurations. If you're getting duplicate jobs, my guess is your jobs are taking longer to complete than the configured job timeout. Your job is taking so long that Sidekiq thinks it died (since it hasn't reported back success/fail yet), and then spawns another attempt. Speed up or break up the job so it will succeed or fail within the configured timeout, and this will stop happening (99.99% of the time).
Unlike web requests, there's no human on the other side that will decide whether or not to retry in an async job system. This is why your job performance profile needs to be predictable. Once a system gets large enough, I'd expect completely separate job queues and workers based on differences like:
expected job run time
expected job CPU/mem/disk usage
expected job DB or other I/O usage
job read only? write only? both?
jobs hitting external services
jobs users are actively waiting on
This is a super interesting question but I'm afraid it's nearly impossible to give a "one size fits all" kind of answer that is anything but rather generic. What I can try to answer is your question of individual jobs vs. all jobs at once vs. batching.
In my experience, generally the approach of having a scheduling job that then schedules individual jobs tends to work best. So in a full-blown system I have a schedule defined in clockwork where I schedule a scheduling job which then schedules the individual jobs:
# in config/clock.rb
every(, 'user.usage_report', at: '00:00') do
# in app/jobs/user_usage_report_scheduler_job.rb
class UserUsageReportSchedulerJob < ApplicationJob
def perform
# need_usage_report is a scope to determine the list of users who need a report.
# This could, of course, also be "all".
# in app/jobs/user_usage_report_job.rb
class UserUsageReportJob < ApplicationJob
def perform(user)
# the actual report generation
If you're worried about concurrency here, tweak Sidekiq's concurrency settings and potentially the connection settings of your PostgreSQL server to allow for the desired level of concurrency. I can say that I've had projects where we've had schedulers that scheduled tens of thousands of individual (small) jobs which Sidekiq then happily took in in batches of 10 or 20 on a low priority queue and processed over a couple of hours with no issues whatsoever for Sidekiq itself, the server, the database etc.

Should data being used by ActiveJob (resque) be persisted or put into a ruby object and passed by object id?

I am using Twilio to send/receive texts in a Rails 4.2 app. I am sending in bulk, around 1000 at a time, and receiving sporadically.
Currently when I receive a text I save it to the DB (to, from, body) and then pass that record to an ActiveJob worker to process later. For sending messages I currently persist the Twilio params to another DB and pass that record to a different ActiveJob worker. Since I am often doing it in batches I have two workers. The first outgoing message worker sends a single message. The second one queries the DB and finds all the user who should receive the message, creates a DB record for each message that should be sent, and then passes that record to the first outgoing message worker. So the second one basically just creates a bunch of jobs for the first one to process.
Right now I have the workers destroying the records once they finish processing (both incoming and outgoing). I am worried about not persisting things incase the server, redis, or resque go down but I do not know if this is actually a good design pattern. It was suggested to me just to use a vanilla ruby object and pass it's id to the worker but I am not sure how that effects data reliability. So is it over kill to be creating all these DBs and should I just be creating vanilla ruby objects and passing those object's ids to the workers?
Any and all insight is appreciated,
It seems to me that the approach of sending a minimal amount of data to your jobs is the best approach. Check out the 'Best Practices' section on the sidekiq wiki:
What if your queue backs up and that quote object changes in the meantime? Don't save state to Sidekiq, save simple identifiers. Look up the objects once you actually need them in your perform method.
Also in terms of reliability - you should be worried about your job queue going down. It happens. You either design your system to be fault tolerant of a failure or you find a job queue system that has higher reliability guarantees (but even then no queue system can guarantee 100% message deliverability). Sidekiq pro has better reliability guarantees than sidekiq (non-pro), but if you design your jobs with a little bit of forethought, you can create jobs that can scan your database after a crash and re-queue any jobs that may have been lost.
How much work you spend desinging fault tolerant solutions really just depends how critical it is that your information make it from point A to point B :)

Speeding up web service by writing to redis first, disk after?

I have a web service that runs multiple DB queries and takes roughly ~500ms-1,000ms (depending on how much I/O EC2 decides to give me at the given junction if invocation). Users want stuff faster than 1,000ms, and understandably so. What I'm thinking of doing is taking the request parameters, stuffing them into a redis queue without writing to disk, and then running a job in an asynchronous queue which does the disk writes. Does something like this happen normally in practice? am I insane for suggesting it?
So long as your Redis is persisting to disk on regular intervals, this should work. You want to limit the number of scenarios where you might lose data. A sufficiently aggressive persistence schedule for Redis should work for most cases.
Try to give feedback to the user immediately that their action has been received and is being processed. Nothing is more confusing than a slight delay before it appears that might prompt people to attempt the upload again.

Grails non time based queuing

I need to process files which get uploaded and it can take as little as 1 second or as much as 10 minutes. Currently my solution is to make a quartz job with a timer of 30 seconds and then process and arbitrary job whenever it hits. There are several problems with this.
One: if the job will take less than a few seconds it is wasteful to make things wait 30 seconds for the job queue.
Two: if there is only one long job in the queue it could feasibly try to do it twice.
What I want is a timeless queue. When things are added the are started immediately if there is a free worker. Is there a solution for this? I was looking at jesque, but I couldn't tell if it can do this.
What you are looking for is a basic message queue. There are lots of options out there, but my favorite for Grails is RabbitMQ. The Grails plugin for it is quite good and it performs well in my experience.
In general, message queues allow you to have N producers (things creating jobs") adding work messages to a queue and then M consumers pulling jobs off of the queue and processing them. When a worker completes it's job, it simply asks the queue for the next job to process and if there is none, it just waits for the queue to give it something to do. The queue also keeps track of success / failure of message processing (you can control this) so that you don't give the same message to more than one worker.
This has the advantage of not relying on polling (so you can start processing as soon as things come in) and it's also much more scaleable. You can scale both your producers and consumers up or down as needed, decoupling the inputs from the outputs so that you can take a traffic spike and then work your way through it as you have the resources (workers) available.
To solve problem one just make the job check for new uploaded files every 5 seconds (or 3 seconds, or 1 second). If the check for uploaded files is quick then there is no reason you can't run it often.
For problem two you just need to record when you start processing a file to ensure it doesn't get picked-up twice. You could create a table in the database, or store the information in memory somewhere.

Executing large numbers of asynchronous IO-bound operations in Rails

I'm working on a Rails application that periodically needs to perform large numbers of IO-bound operations. These operations can be performed asynchronously. For example, once per day, for each user, the system needs to query to fetch the user's current list of accounts (companies) that he's tracking. This results in huge numbers (potentially > 100k) of small queries.
Our current approach is to use ActiveMQ with ActiveMessaging. Each of our users is pushed onto a queue as a different message. Then, the consumer pulls the user off the queue, queries, and processes the results. But this approach gives us horrible performance. Within a single poller process, we can only process a single user at a time. So, the queries become serialized. Unless we run literally hundreds of poller processes, we can't come anywhere close to saturating the server running poller.
We're looking at EventMachine as an alternative. It has the advantage of allowing us to kickoff large numbers of queries concurrently within a single EventMachine process. So, we get great parallelism and utilization of our server.
But there are two problems with EventMachine. 1) We lose the reliable message delivery we had with ActiveMQ/ActiveMessaging. 2) We can't easily restart our EventMachine's periodically to lessen the impact of memory growth. For example, with ActiveMessaging, we have a cron job that restarts the poller once per day, and this can be done without worrying about losing any messages. But with EventMachine, if we restart the process, we could literally lose hundreds of messages that were in progress. The only way I can see around this is to build a persistance/reliable delivery layer on top of EventMachine.
Does anyone have a better approach? What's the best way to reliably execute large numbers of asynchronous IO-bound operations?
I maintain ActiveMessaging, and have been thinking about the issues of a multi-threaded poller also, though not perhaps at the same scale you guys are. I'll give you my thoughts here, but am also happy to discuss further o the active messaging list, or via email if you like.
One trick is that the poller is not the only serialized part of this. STOMP subscriptions, if you do client -> ack in order to prevent losing messages on interrupt, will only get sent a new message on a given connection when the prior message has been ack'd. Basically, you can only have one message being worked on at a time per connection.
So to keep using a broker, the trick will be to have many broker connections/subscriptions open at once. The current poller is pretty heavy for this, as it loads up a whole rails env per poller, and one poller is one connection. But there is nothing magical about the current poller, I could imagine writing a poller as an event machine client that is implemented to create new connections to the broker and get many messages at once.
In my own experiments lately, I have been thinking about using Ruby Enterprise Edition and having a master thread that forks many poller worker threads so as to get the benefit of the reduced memory footprint (much like passenger does), but I think the EM trick could work as well.
I am also an admirer of the Resque project, though I do not know that it would be any better at scaling to many workers - I think the workers might be lighter weight.
I've used AMQP with RabbitMQ in a way that would work for you. Since ActiveMQ implements AMQP, I imagine you can use it in a similar way. I have not used ActiveMessaging, which although it seems like an awesome package, I suspect may not be appropriate for this use case.
Here's how you could do it, using AMQP:
Have Rails process send a message saying "get info for user i".
The consumer pulls this off the message queue, making sure to specify that the message requires an 'ack' to be permanently removed from the queue. This means that if the message is not acknowledged as processed, it is returned to the queue for another worker eventually.
The worker then spins off the message into the thousands of small requests to SalesForce.
When all of these requests have successfully returned, another callback should be fired to ack the original message and return a "summary message" that has all the info germane to the original request. The key is using a message queue that lets you acknowledge successful processing of a given message, and making sure to do so only when relevant processing is complete.
Another worker pulls that message off the queue and performs whatever synchronous work is appropriate. Since all the latency-inducing bits have already performed, I imagine this should be fine.
If you're using (C)Ruby, try to never combine synchronous and asynchronous stuff in a single process. A process should either do everything via Eventmachine, with no code blocking, or only talk to an Eventmachine process via a message queue.
Also, writing asynchronous code is incredibly useful, but also difficult to write, difficult to test, and bug-prone. Be careful. Investigate using another language or tool if appropriate.
also checkout "cramp" and "beanstalk"
Someone sent me the following link: This is a system that's somewhat similar to ActiveMessaging except that it is built on top of EventMachine. It's almost exactly what we need. The only problem is that it seems to only work with Amazon's queue, not ActiveMQ.
