iOS5 facebook integration - ios

I am trying to integrate "social option" to my app.
I have iOS6, but the idea is to have an app available for iOS5. Using Twitter framework it has been very simple and it works in devices with r.0 version and 6.0 version.
Regarding Facebook, I do not understand how integrate it. I just need the "post to wall" function.
I know that it exists in social.framework but does that in iOS5?

Social framework does not exist in iOS 5. But facebook has a very extensive developer tutorial:

If your app is targeting the iOS5+. then you need to implement Facebook Graph or Facebook SDK.
I hope, Above tutorial & Sample app will help you for Facebook Integration in iOS5 devices.

For the latest version you need at least Xcode 4.5.


In which iOS does Facebook Share Dialog work in?

I intend to use Facebook Share Dialog( for my application and interested to know whether it supports iOS5 or it is only for iOS6 and above?
It's supported on any iOS version that the Facebook app supports, which does include iOS5.
Make sure you get the latest version from the app store.
SLComposeViewController is only available in iOS6 if that's what you mean?
UIActivityViewController is also only available in iOS6.
If you're using less than iOS 6.0 then you'll have to fall back on the Facebook SDK etc...

iOS 6- : Facebook API

I'm developing a application that integrates with Facebook.
I read about integrating in ios 6, ok.
I downloaded the SDK and came with samples. I opened "Scrumptious", but it's for iOS 4.3!!
So, two questions:
There is any sample for iOS 6?
How can I develop my application that integrates with iOS 6 and others iOS, using Facebook SDK?
The latest version of the Facebook SDK works on all Apple-supported versions of iOS, i.e. 4.3+. If the device is using iOS 6 and you request your permissions in an appropriate fashion (ie, read first, write later) then it will use Apple's built-in Facebook support and the username/password the user has supplied elsewhere. However it'll also work on iOS 4 and 5 devices that don't have that support, supplying an appropriate in-app prompt or paging out momentarily to the Facebook app as appropriate.
Use of the Facebook SDK is therefore optional for accessing Facebook from iOS 6 but is likely a good idea because:
it also works under iOS 4 and 5; and
it supplies a lot of pre-built dialogues for common Facebook tasks.
So although Scrumptious will work on iOS 4.3 it is using the latest version of the SDK and will use the OS-level support if available.
One of the distinguishing features of the latest SDK versus the older ones is that FBSession now has a concept of the activeSession, i.e. it has singleton-like features that support a global modal session. That was added publicly in June last year. Scrumptious makes use of that feature, for example on lines 94, 130, 144, 152 and 159 of SCAppDelegate.m.
So to answer your question directly: you've quite probably already downloaded the correct SDK. You'd write exactly the same code to work with it under iOS 4, 5 or 6. The samples like Scrumptious are a good place to start.
If you want a great tutorial, you can start with Ray Wenderlich's site. They have a good beginning tutorial using the social framework. I actually bought his book iOS 6 by tutorial. It helped me make an app for a friend that integrates Facebook and twitter. It really helps you understand the social framework.
Are you trying to integrate with the ios6 SocialKit? You don't need to download an SDK for that, it's built into the OS. I would recommend using Share Kit if you want to support older ios versions.

Twitter integration that supports for IOS4 & IOS 5 and IOS6

I am trying to integrate twitter in my universal application which should run on devices with IOS4+. After googling i came to know that for the devices with IOS<4.0 we can use Sharekit and for the devices with IOS>5 we have to use the twitter framework. And that twitter framework should be added weakly (BuildPhases-> beside twitter framework make it optional).
Should i use both of them in my app? If so is there any samples that can be run on devices IOS 4+ devices with the help of either Sharekit or twitter framework. Checking the version of the device and proceeding with the relavant process(either sharekit or twitter framework) is possible? If possible can you help with the snippets or sample.
DETweetComposeViewController will give you a tweet composer on iOS 4 that looks like the native one in iOS 5/6. In iOS 5+ it will use the native twitter libraries instead. It's pretty straight forward to setup and use.

Is there any Single sign-on project integrated both twitter and facebook

I'm developing an ios app and I want to allow users sign in with Twitter and Facebook. Is there any open source project like ShareKit integrated both ? Or is there project integrated into ShareKit?
You now have the twitter framework inside the iOS SDK. So I would advise you sticking with that. The Facebook, on the other hand is still not a part of the iOS SDK. Nevertheless, it's quite simple to integrate it in your application (if you are able to spend 20 minutes by yourself to learn it). You can check it here.
Other possibility is to use ShareKit 2.0. Original ShareKit is not maintained anymore. ShareKit 2.0 uses iOS5 Twitter framework and Facebook SSO. If you decide to use ShareKit 2.0, make sure to follow updated installation guide. You can make a quick preview of what ShareKit is capable running the demo app.

Help with facebook ios sdk

I've found some tutorials how to connect your app to facebook with facebook ios sdk, but they all use FBSession.h which doesn't exist in the newest version of facebook ios sdk so I don't know how to connect.
Can someone tell me how to connect it with the newest facebook ios sdk, or has some new tutorial?
Have you looked here? This guide shows you how to use the fb graph api with mobile platforms
You can add FacebookSDK and deprecated (backwards compatibility) folder into the frameworks group. You can import Facebook.h and it usually has everything u require.
