HTTP live stream of screen capture from VMs to iOS - ios

I've set up an HTTP live stream of a screen capture of my computer and the necessary client-end code in iOS to watch the live stream, which I'm using to stream the "spectate" mode of the game League of Legends, which is running on my machine.
I'm wondering what would be involved in making this an app that other people could use to watch any game of League of Legends. I have almost zero experience with servers as my background is in iOS, but would it be possible to start up a VM with League of Legends and VLC and the screen-capture software for each client requesting to spectate a different game?
I'm guessing I could set this up if I had a machine for each client requesting a stream, but I don't really know whether or how I can run many VMs on a server and what that would cost me.

check out something like (
There are a number of other application virtualization technoliges as well. check out and the list at the bottom of similar products.


iOS App for Live Concert Ideas

I want to make an App for concert. Basically this will serve a lights sync on the music played in the concert. The flashing of lights should be in sync in the beat or music at the concert.
Something like this:
Question is
Is the app listening to the music thru the microphone?
If it is listening, how does it know when to flash the lights based on the beat of the music or the music itself?
In the example app I posted it's not using any wifi or mobile data so does it mean that it's standalone and does #1 and #2?
I have this question coz I'm new to app development. I want to do those feature but my idea is that there is a server which we control that will just send the lights flashing pattern on those apps, my concern is that if there's were 100,000 people in the event, provided the all have a wifi connection, will the sending of flashing lights pattern be a problem espcially you are sending hundred thousands of commands at the same time? I would prefer it to be in offline mode but how till it exactly work?
That is an amazing app. You need to synchronize your apps to the musik and maybe the apps among them selfs.
I picked some links for you:
In praxis i can imagine that the user starts playing the song and the app synchonize by the recorded sounds...

YouTube Player API android does not automatically change the video quality

Hope anyone can help me
We are developing an Android app that integrates the latest YouTube API Player. Everything seems to be ok when user wants to load a video (using the video Id), and the user is able to visualize it.
However, we have identified in our lab an strange behaviour in the YouTube player when the quality of the network where the user is located gets worse. We thought that the YouTube player would automatically adapt the video quality depending on the network conditions (no quality selection is done, thinking that by default is set to automatic), however it does not, but the native YouTube App does.
Let me describe the test performed where we have observed this behaviour:
An android device with the native YouTube App and our app installed and connected to our WLAN network
The WLAN network provides access to internet and we can inject some impairments on that network (i.e. reduce the bandwith)
Configure excellent bandwith in the nertwork
Start the video and visualize some seconds
Configure bad bandwith (i.e. 256 kbit/s) in the network
After a few seconds:
a. YouTube App stalls just a little, then decrease the quality and continue playing the video.
b. AT4-App stalls longer to continue playing at the initial quality.
We think we already use the Youtube API at the most so we don’t know if we can upgrade our app to behave exactly like native YouTube App, because it does not make any sense that the API has less functionality that the native App (which is supposed to rely on the same APIs).

Does the Sony qx10 api support multiple simultaneous clients?

Apologies in advance for the general-ness of the question.
I'm writing a multiple client iOS app for viewing the video feed from a single camera. Can the QX10 api support two (or 3) iPad's discovering/viewing the same QX10 at the same time?
I've been looking QX10 sample code, the camera api docs, StackOverflow, and of course the dev website and haven't seen an answer. I'd just buy the bloody thing to test with, but there are none nearby and I was hoping to avoid having to mail order/return it if it didn't work.
....And we're not locked into HW. If there's a better option, I'm open....
I don't believe it does. For ios, the camera creates a network that the ios connects to. (In ios settings/wireless) Any further attempts to connect to the camera from another device fail. Since the API only works after a network connection is established, I don't see how the API could possibly allow 2 devices could connect at once.
(No extraneous words in this post b/c that will get edited which auto down votes the question.....ahhh internet)
I did not try it, but you could use a computer with nat. For example an openrwt router to open up multiple wifi interfaces, one to connect to the camera, using the network the camera uses and then an other network to connect your clients with NAT.
The question would be when the API would start to get confused.
So depending on what you want, maybe some mapper on that helper-computer could
do some proxying of information.
So in theory with an external box, maybe, but as Oldmicah said, it seems that only
one device can connect at the time (at least my QX100 also behaves like that). :(

Network sniffer on iOS

I need to do video streaming to iPhone.
However, I don't have a homebrewed application playing the H.264 stream yet.
I have to understand first, how much delay there's for iPhone to receive the first packet/frame.
Anyone knows how to get some "sniffer" like WireShark on iPhone? Is it possible at all?
You can configure Fiddler as a reverse proxy and monitor the traffic from mobile devices. I don't know if this will do exactly what you want (I haven't done it in a long time) but the company I work at has analytics products for the various mobile platforms and that was the method we used to monitor their network usage.

Can an iPhone application running in the background transfer data via USB interface?

There are 2 iPhone applications. One application running in the foreground and the other running in the background. Is there any way to get the background application to send data over USB without coming into foreground? Ideally we want to keep the foreground app in the foreground, while the background app process some data. Once the data is processed it will inform the foreground app that the data has been processed.
No it cannot. It cannot even do this without the use of private frameworks, unless you're in the Made for iPhone program. If you are, then your organization will know, based on the documentation made available to you, what you can and cannot access, when and how.
Should you be in the Made for iPhone program, and are unclear as to what you have access to and when, contact the person in your organization who is the technical contact with Apple for this program, they will be able to give you the details.
If the task is started while the app is in the foreground and you call the appropriate beginBackgroundTask/endBackgroundTask methods, you should be able to have it continue running after the app is backgrounded.
Note that access to USB is restricted (see jer's answer) and that there's no officially sanctioned way to communicate between different apps on the same device. Also, you can only buy/download one app at a time in the App Store and I can't see Apple approving an app that required you to download a second app for it to work. So you may have bigger problems to solve first.
It would help significantly if you told us what you actually wanted to achieve. For example, "I want MyApp on the user's phone to communicate with MyApp on the user's computer".
The absolute easiest way is to send data between the phone and a computer is to require that they're both on the same Wi-Fi network. Several iPhone apps incorporate a web server (this was the easiest way of "file sharing" before OS 3.2), and many more iPhone apps connect to a computer running server software.
Your other options, more or less:
Reverse-engineer the Bluetooth side of GameKit and reimplement it on the computer-side. I'm not aware of anyone who's done this. Loosely, I think it's IP over Bluetooth PAN plus some sort of Bluetooth service discovery.
Audio input/output, e.g. the headphone jack or certain pins on the dock connector. I'm not entirely sure how the mic side works (the resistance was a bit high for a carbon mic when I checked), but you might get lucky and find a way to turn it into "line in" or find "line in" pins on the dock connector.
A webcam pointing at the iDevice screen (and the iDevice camera pointing at the computer screen). Ewwwww.
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