JBehave Vs FitNesse - bdd

If your system is basically crunching numbers i.e. given a set of large inputs, run a process on them, and then assert the outputs, which is the better framework for this?
By 'large inputs', I mean we need to enter data for several different, related entities.
Also, there are several outputs i.e. we don't just get one number at the end.

If you find yourself talking through different examples with people, JBehave is probably pretty good.
If you find yourself making lists of numbers and comparing inputs with outputs, Fitnesse is probably better.
However, if you find yourself talking to other devs and nobody else, use plain old JUnit. The less abstraction you have, the quicker it will be to run and the easier it will be to maintain.


Is it a good way of working with ETL, if I use joins in the table input step?

I am wondering if it is the correct way of working with ETL by using a join (in my case I use 3 joins to get the desired values) in the table input step in my transformation. Or is there a better way? Thank you for your help.
As it is often the case: the answer depends on your environment. For instance, if you have a fast changing source system and lots of transformations with longer durations, first copying the needed information into a staging database can help you create reproducible results through all transformations involved. Directly joining tables from the source system can in that case create different results for two transformations running one after the other.
If you have a timeframe where your source system doesn't change much or at all - or if you need that information only in this single transformation - joining the tables may be no problem at all.
From a technical point of view there is nothing to say against joins (actually there are arguments for joins, especially performance). Comprehensibility is another matter, and here again your specific environment matters. ETL processes are often badly documented and working on a transformation that has been created years ago by someone else can be either easy or a complete pain. If your joins make sense from a technical perspective and you obtain your data from a consistent source, I don't see why you shouldn't use them. They should always be much faster than lookup steps in an ETL transformation.

Find almost-duplicate strings in Objective-C on iOS

I have a list of song tracks that I uploaded from the iTunes API. Some of them are duplicates, but not perfect duplicates. For example, one might say "All 4 u" vs "All for you", or "Some song" vs "some song feat. some other artist"
I want to be able to identify the duplicates. Is the best way to compute the Levenshtein distance for all pairs? That seems excessive.
I'm working in the Cocoa Touch framework for iOS programming so if anyone knows of any libraries that would help a lot.
Why do you consider computing the Levenshtein distance excessive? What algorithm would you use if you were sitting down to a list with pencil and paper?
That said, Levenshtein is likely necessary, but not sufficient. I would start by normalizing the strings. In some cases, a string might normalize a couple of ways and you'll need to do both. Normalization would look like:
convert to lowercase
Strip any leading numbers followed by punctuation ( "1.", "1 - ", etc.)
Tentatively strip anything after "feat." or "with"
This is an example of special knowledge about your problem set. You're going to have to use a lot of special knowledge like this.
"Tentatively" means you should probably keep both the stripped and non-stripped versions of the string
Keep in mind that things including "feat." might be remixes, so you have to be careful about assuming duplicates. This is of course true of almost any attempt at de-dupping. There are often multiple versions.
Tentatively expand common abbreviations (u=>you, 4=>for, 2=>two, w/=>with, etc. etc.)
Tentatively strip anything in parentheses
Strip English articles (a, an, the). Maybe even strip all very short words (3 or less characters) as a first pass.
Doing this well is complicated and will require a lot of trial and error. I've done a lot of contact de-dupping in the past, and one piece of advice: start conservative. It is very easy to accidentally de-dupe way too much. Build a big list of test data that you've de-duped by hand and test, test, test after every algorithm change. Make sure your UI can present the user with anything you're uncertain about, because there are going to be many, many records that you can't be certain about. (This is true even when you do it by hand. Look at a big list of human-entered titles and tell me which ones are duplicates 100% without listening to the tracks. A computer isn't going to do better than you at this.)
I'm not aware of any publicly available library for this. It's been solved by many people many times (search for "dedupe song titles" or anything similar). But it's generally commercial software.
One more piece of advice for this, since it's a huge O(n^2) or worse problem. Look for bucketing opportunities. If you can match artists first, then albums, then tracks, you can divide and conquer in much less time.

Thoughts on minimize code and maximize data philosophy

I have heard of the concept of minimizing code and maximizing data, and was wondering what advice other people can give me on how/why I should do this when building my own systems?
Typically data-driven code is easier to read and maintain. I know I've seen cases where data-driven has been taken to the extreme and winds up very unusable (I'm thinking of some SAP deployments I've used), but coding your own "Domain Specific Languages" to help you build your software is typically a huge time saver.
The pragmatic programmers remain in my mind the most vivid advocates of writing little languages that I have read. Little state machines that run little input languages can get a lot accomplished with very little space, and make it easy to make modifications.
A specific example: consider a progressive income tax system, with tax brackets at $1,000, $10,000, and $100,000 USD. Income below $1,000 is untaxed. Income between $1,000 and $9,999 is taxed at 10%. Income between $10,000 and $99,999 is taxed at 20%. And income above $100,000 is taxed at 30%. If you were write this all out in code, it'd look about as you suspect:
total_tax_burden(income) {
if (income < 1000)
return 0
if (income < 10000)
return .1 * (income - 1000)
if (income < 100000)
return 999.9 + .2 * (income - 10000)
return 18999.7 + .3 * (income - 100000)
Adding new tax brackets, changing the existing brackets, or changing the tax burden in the brackets, would all require modifying the code and recompiling.
But if it were data-driven, you could store this table in a configuration file:
Write a little tool to parse this table and do the lookups (not very difficult, right?) and now anyone can easily maintain the tax rate tables. If congress decides that 1000 brackets would be better, anyone could make the tables line up with the IRS tables, and be done with it, no code recompiling necessary. The same generic code could be used for one bracket or hundreds of brackets.
And now for something that is a little less obvious: testing. The AppArmor project has hundreds of tests for what system calls should do when various profiles are loaded. One sample test looks like this:
#! /bin/bash
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Novell/SUSE
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
# License.
#=NAME open
# Verify that the open syscall is correctly managed for confined profiles.
pwd=`dirname $0`
pwd=`cd $pwd ; /bin/pwd`
. $bin/prologue.inc
runchecktest "OPEN unconfined RW (create) " pass $file
# PASS TEST (the file shouldn't exist, so open should create it
rm -f ${file}
genprofile $file:$okperm
runchecktest "OPEN RW (create) " pass $file
genprofile $file:$okperm
runchecktest "OPEN RW" pass $file
genprofile $file:$badperm1
runchecktest "OPEN R" fail $file
genprofile $file:$badperm2
runchecktest "OPEN W" fail $file
genprofile $file:$badperm1 cap:dac_override
runchecktest "OPEN R+dac_override" fail $file
# This is testing for bug: https://bugs.wirex.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2885
# When we open O_CREAT|O_RDWR, we are (were?) allowing only write access
# to be required.
rm -f ${file}
genprofile $file:$badperm2
runchecktest "OPEN W (create)" fail $file
It relies on some helper functions to generate and load profiles, test the results of the functions, and report back to users. It is far easier to extend these little test scripts than it is to write this sort of functionality without a little language. Yes, these are shell scripts, but they are so far removed from actual shell scripts ;) that they are practically data.
I hope this helps motivate data-driven programming; I'm afraid I'm not as eloquent as others who have written about it, and I certainly haven't gotten good at it, but I try.
In modern software the line between code and data can become awfully thin and blurry, and it is not always easy to tell the two apart. After all, as far as the computer is concerned, everything is data, unless it is determined by existing code - normally the OS - to be otherwise. Even programs have to be loaded into memory as data, before the CPU can execute them.
For example, imagine an algorithm that computes the cost of an order, where larger orders get lower prices per item. It is part of a larger software system in a store, written in C.
This algorithm is written in C and reads a file that contains an input table provided by the management with the various per-item prices and the corresponding order size thresholds. Most people would argue that a file with a simple input table is, of course, data.
Now, imagine that the store changes its policy to some sort of asymptotic function, rather than pre-selected thresholds, so that it can accommodate insanely large orders. They might also want to factor in exchange rates and inflation - or whatever else the management people come up with.
The store hires a competent programmer and she embeds a nice mathematical expression parser in the original C code. The input file now contains an expression with global variables, functions such as log() and tan(), as well as some simple stuff like the Planck constant and the rate of carbon-14 degradation.
cost = (base * ordered * exchange * ... + ... / ...)^13
Most people would still argue that the expression, even if not as simple as a table, is in fact data. After all it is probably provided as-is by the management.
The store receives a large amount of complaints from clients that became brain-dead trying to estimate their expenses and from the accounting people about the large amount of loose change. The store decides to go back to the table for small orders and use a Fibonacci sequence for larger orders.
The programmer gets tired of modifying and recompiling the C code, so she embeds a Python interpretter instead. The input file now contains a Python function that polls a roomfull of Fib(n) monkeys for the cost of large orders.
Question: Is this input file data?
From a strict technical point, there is nothing different. Both the table and the expression needed to be parsed before usage. The mathematical expression parser probably supported branching and functions - it might not have been Turing-complete, but it still used a language of its own (e.g. MathML).
Yet now many people would argue that the input file just became code.
So what is the distinguishing feature that turns the input format from data into code?
Modifiability: Having to recompile the whole system to effect a change is a very good indication of a code-centric system. Yet I can easily imagine (well, more like I have actually seen) software that has been designed incompetently enough to have e.g. an input table built-in at compile time. And let's not forget that many applications still have icons - that most people would deem data - built in their executables.
Input format: This is the - in my opinion, naively - most common factor that people consider: "If it is in a programming language then it is code". Fine, C is code - you have to compile it after all. I would also agree that Python is also code - it is a full blown language. So why isn't XML/XSL code? XSL is a quite complex language in its own right - hence the L in its name.
In my opinion, none of these two criteria is the actual distinguishing feature. I think that people should consider something else:
Maintainability: In short, if the user of the system has to hire a third party to make the expertise needed to modify the behaviour of the system available, then the system should be considered code-centric to a degree.
This, of course, means that whether a system is data-driven or not should be considered at least in relation to the target audience - if not in relation to the client on a case-by-case basis.
It also means that the distinction can be impacted by the available toolset. The UML specification is a nightmare to go through, but these days we have all those graphical UML editors to help us. If there was some kind of third-party high-level AI tool that parses natural language and produces XML/Python/whatever, then the system becomes data-driven even for far more complex input.
A small store probably does not have the expertise or the resources to hire a third party. So, something that allows the workers to modify its behaviour with the knowledge that one would get in an average management course - mathematics, charts etc - could be considered sufficiently data-driven for this audience.
On the other hand, a multi-billion international corporation usually has in its payroll a bunch of IT specialists and Web designers. Therefore, XML/XSL, Javascript, or even Python and PHP are probably easy enough for it to handle. It also has complex enough requirements that something simpler might just not cut it.
I believe that when designing a software system, one should strive to achieve that fine balance in the used input formats where the target audience can do what they need to, without having to frequently call on third parties.
It should be noted that outsourcing blurs the lines even more. There are quite a few issues, for which the current technology simply does not allow the solution to be approachable by the layman. In that case the target audience of the solution should probably be considered to be the third party to which the operation would be outsourced to.
That third party can be expected to employ a fair number of experts.
One of five maxims under the Unix Philosophy, as presented by Rob Pike, is this:
Data dominates. If you have chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming.
It is often shortened to, "write stupid code that uses smart data."
Other answers have already dug into how you can often code complex behavior with simple code that just reacts to the pattern of its particular input. You can think of the data as a domain-specific language, and of your code as an interpreter (maybe a trivial one).
Given lots of data you can go further: the statistics can power decisions. Peter Norvig wrote a great chapter illustrating this theme in Beautiful Data, with text, code, and data all available online. (Disclosure: I'm thanked in the acknowledgements.) On pp. 238-239:
How does the data-driven approach compare to a more traditional software development
process wherein the programmer codes explicit rules? ... Clearly, the handwritten rules are difficult to develop and maintain. The big
advantage of the data-driven method is that so much knowledge is encoded in the data,
and new knowledge can be added just by collecting more data. But another advantage is
that, while the data can be massive, the code is succinct—about 50 lines for correct, compared to over 1,500 for ht://Dig’s spelling code. ...
Another issue is portability. If we wanted a Latvian spelling-corrector, the English
metaphone rules would be of little use. To port the data-driven correct algorithm to another
language, all we need is a large corpus of Latvian; the code remains unchanged.
He shows this concretely with code in Python using a dataset collected at Google. Besides spelling correction, there's code to segment words and to decipher cryptograms -- in just a couple pages, again, where Grady Booch's book spent dozens without even finishing it.
"The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data" develops the same theme more broadly, without all the nuts and bolts.
I've taken this approach in my work for another search company and I think it's still underexploited compared to table-driven/DSL programming, because most of us weren't swimming in data so much until the last decade or two.
In languages in which code can be treated as data it is a non-issue. You use what's clear, brief, and maintainable, leaning towards data, code, functional, OO, or procedural, as the solution requires.
In procedural, the distinction is marked, and we tend to think about data as something stored in an specific way, but even in procedural it is best to hide the data behind an API, or behind an object in OO.
A lookup(avalue) can be reimplemented in many different ways during its lifetime, as long as its starts as a function.
...All the time I desing programs for nonexisting machines and add: 'if we now had a machine comprising the primitives here assumed, then the job is done.'
... In actual practice, of course, this ideal machine will turn out not to exist, so our next task --structurally similar to the original one-- is to program the simulation of the "upper" machine... But this bunch of programs is written for a machine that in all probability will not exist, so our next job will be to simulate it in terms of programs for a next lower level machine, etc., until finally we have a program that can be executed by our hardware...
E. W. Dijkstra in Notes on Structured Programming, 1969, as quoted by John Allen, in Anatomy of Lisp, 1978.
When I think of this philosophy which I agree with quite a bit, the first thing that comes to mind is code efficiency.
When I'm making code I know for sure it isn't always anything close to perfect or even fully knowledgeable. Knowing enough to get close to maximum efficiency out of a machine when it is needed and good efficiency the rest of the time (perhaps trading off for better workflow) has allowed me to produce high quality finished products.
Coding in a data driven way, you end up using code for what code is for. To go and 'outsource' every variable to files would be foolishly extreme, the functionality of a program needs to be in the program and the content, settings and other factors can be managed by the program.
This also allows for much more dynamic applications and new features.
If you have even a simple form of database, you are able to apply the same functionality to many states. You may also do all manner of creative things like changing the context of what your program is doing based on file header data or perhaps directory, file name or extension, though not all data is necessarily stored on a filesystem.
Finally keeping your code in a state where it is simply handling data puts you in a state of mind where you are closer to envisioning what is actually going on. This also keeps the bulk out of your code, greatly reducing bloatware.
I believe it makes code more maintainable, more flexible and more efficient aaaand I like it.
Thank you to the others for your input on this as well! I found it very encouraging.

Background reading for parsing sloppy / quirky / "almost structured" data?

I'm maintaining a program that needs to parse out data that is present in an "almost structured" form in text. i.e. various programs that produce it use slightly different formats, it may have been printed out and OCR'd back in (yeah, I know) with errors, etc. so I need to use heuristics that guess how it was produced and apply different quirks modes, etc. It's frustrating, because I'm somewhat familiar with the theory and practice of parsing if things are well behaved, and there are nice parsing frameworks etc. out there, but the unreliability of the data has led me to write some very sloppy ad-hoc code. It's OK at the moment but I'm worried that as I expand it to process more variations and more complex data, things will get out of hand. So my question is:
Since there are a fair number of existing commercial products that do related things ("quirks modes" in web browsers, error interpretation in compilers, even natural language processing and data mining, etc.) I'm sure some smart people have put thought into this, and tried to develop a theory, so what are the best sources for background reading on parsing unprincipled data in as principled a manner as possible?
I realize this is somewhat open-ended, but my problem is that I think I need more background to even know what the right questions to ask are.
Given the choice between what you've proposed and fighting a hungry crocodile while covered in raw-beef-flavored marmalade and both hands tied behind my back, I'd choose the ...
Well, OK on a more serious note, if you have data that doesn't abide by the any "sane" structure, you have to study the data and find frequencies of quirks in it and correlate the data for the given context (i.e. how it was generated)
Print to OCR to get the data in is almost always going to lead to heart break. The company I work for employs a veritable army of people who manually read such documents and hand "code" (i.e. enter by hand) the data for known problematic OCR scenarios, or documents our customers detect the original OCR failed on.
As for leveraging "Parsing Frameworks" these tend to expect data that will always follow the grammar rules you've laid out. The data you've described has no such guarantees. If you go that route be prepared for unexpected - though not always obvious - failures.
By all means if there is any way possible to get the original data files, do so. Or if you can demand that those providing the data make their data come in a single well defined format, even better. (It might not be "YOUR" format, but at least it's a regular and predictable format you can convert from)

Why Fit/FitNesse?

What's the point of using Fit/FitNesse instead of xUnit-style integration tests? It has really strange and very unclear syntax in my opinion.
Is it really only to make product owners write tests? They won't! It's too complicated for them. So why should anyone Fit/FitNesse?
Update So it's totally suitable for business-rules tests only?
The whole point is to work with non-programmers, often even completely non-technical people like prospect users of a business application, on what application should do and then put it into tests. While making tests work is certainly too complicated for them, they should be able to discuss tables of sample data filled out in e.g. Word. And the great thing is, unlike traditional specification, those documents live with your application because automated tests force you to update them.
See Introduction To Fit and Fit Workflow by James Shore and follow links to the rest of documentation if you want.
Update: Depends on what you mean by business rules? ;-) Some people would understand it very narrowly (like in business rules engines etc), others---very broadly.
As I see it, Fit is a tool that allows you to write down business (as in domain) use cases with rich realistic examples in a document, which the end users or domain experts (in some domains) can understand, verify and discuss. At the same time these examples are in machine readable form so they can be used to drive automated testing, You neither write the document entirely by yourself, nor requre them to do it. Instead it's a product of callaboration and discussion that reflects growing understanding of what application is going to do, on both sides. Examples get richer as you progress and more corner cases are resolved.
What application will do, not how, is important. It's a form of functional spec. As such it's rather broad and not really organized by modules but rather usage scenarios.
The tests that come out of examples will test external behavior of application in aspects important from business point of view. Yes, you might call it business rules. But lets look at Diego Jancic's example of credit scoring, just with a little twist. What if part of fit document is 1) listing attributes and their scores and then 2) providing client data and checking results, Then which are the actual business rules: scoring table (attributes and their scores) or application logic computing the score for each client (based on scoring table)? And which are tested?
Fit/FitNesse tests seem more suitable for acceptance testing. Other tests (when you don't care about cooperation with clients, users, domain experts, etc., you just want to automate testing) probably will be easier to write and maintain in more traditional ways. xUnit is nice for unit testing and api tests. Each web framework should have some tool for web app/service testing integrated in its modify-build-test-deploy cycle, eg. django has its little test client. You've lots to chose from.
And you always can write your own tool (or preferably tweak some existing) to better fit (pun intended) some testing in your particular domain of interest.
One more general thought. It's often (not always!!!) better to encode your tests, "business rules" and just about anything, in some form of well defined data that is interpreted by some simple, generic piece of code. Then it's easy to use the data in some other way: generate documentation, migrate to new testing framework, port application to new environment/programming language, use to check conformance with some external rules or other system (just use your imagination). It's much harder to pull such information out from code, eg. simple hardcoded unit tests or business rules.
Fit stores test cases as data. In very specific format because of how it's intended to be used, but still. Your domain specific tests may use different formats like simple CSV, JSON or YAML.
The idea is that you (the programmer) defines an easy to understand format, such as an excel sheet. Then, the product owner enters information that is hard to understand for people that is not in the business... and you just validate that your code works as the PO expects running Fit.
The way used in xUnit, can be used for programmers as an input for easy to understand or simple information.
If you're going to need to enter a lot of weird examples with multiple fields in your xUnit test, it will became hard to read.
Imagine a case where you have to decide whether to give a loan to a customer, based on the Age, Married/Single, Amount of Childrens, Wage, Activity, ...
As a programmer, you cannot write that information; and a risk manager cannot write a xUnit test.
Helps reduce redundancy in regression and bug testing. Build manageable repository of test cases. Its like build once and use for ever.
It is very useful during cooperation of the QA and devs teams: QA could show to developer the result of the failed test and a developer will easyly help to solve an environment issue and will understand steps for reproducing a bug.
It is suitable for UI and even for API testing.
