Why did JSLint mark this line as an error - jslint

/*global THREE Coordinates $ document window*/
JSLint says it was expecting */ but got Coordinates instead
but the line passed when passed when I ran it in Eclipse javascript project.

Js lint thought you were using the /*global*/ directive. This is used to indicate a variable is global and somewhere else.
See: JS Lint Global Directive


Add 'library' directive to dart code generated using protoc

Can someone tell me how to get protoc to generate dart files with a leading library directive?
I'm using the dart-protoc-plugin (v0.10.2) to generate my dart, c++, c#, js and java models from proto files. I was under the impression there was no way to get protoc to add a 'library' directive to the generated dart files, until I noticed the directive appearing in another project (see date.pb.dart).
If I take the same file (date.proto) I cannot get protoc to generate a dart file containing a 'library' directive.
In short: I want to take a .proto file with the following content
syntax = "proto3";
package another.proj.nspace;
message MyObj {
and produce a .dart file with a leading 'library' directive similar to the following snippet
// Generated code. Do not modify.
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names,library_prefixes
library another.proj.nspace;
NOTE: I don't care about the actual value of the directive since I can restructure my code to get the desired result. I just need a way for protoc to add the library directive...
The basic command I'm using to generate the dart files is
protoc --proto_path=./ --dart_out="./" ./another/proj/nspace/date.proto
Unfortunately the dart-protoc-plugin's README isn't very helpful and I had to go through the source to find out which options are available; and currently it seems like the only dart-specific option is related to grpc.
I've tried options from the other languages (e.g. 'library', and 'basepath') without any success.
It would simplify my workflow quite a bit if this is possible, but I'm starting to get the impression that the library directive in date.pb.dart is added after the code was generated...
After asking around a little bit, it seems that the library directive was removed from the protoc plugin at some stage (see pull request), thus it is no longer supported.

Getter/setter "is used reflectively but not in MirrorsUsed" warning after dart2js compilation

In my class, I have getters and setters which are working thanks to NoSuchMethod - that is, they're not explicitly defined. After I compile and run the js, I get the following error in the browser console:
Warning: 'closes_in=' is used reflectively but not in MirrorsUsed. This will break minified code.
In this case, closes_in= is an example of such a setter and there are some other warnings related to other getters/setters too. I do have a #MirrorsUsed with the name of the library/class included and the resulting compiled js is actually smaller than it was without using #MirrorsUsed statements.
However, if a -m flag is passed to dart2js, then when the js program runs it fails - as predicted by the warning message.
Thus, I have two questions:
1. How do I write my #MirrorsUsed statement so that the warning goes away?
2. If it's not possible, how do I suppress the warning message? (because if it's not possible to solve the problem, then my only option would be to NOT minify the file then).

Defining preprocessor symbols for CLion analyzer

In my project there's a file enclosed in an ifdef preprocessor directive
... entire file ...
SOME_SYMBOL is defined by another file that's compiled before this one, and the code works as expected, but the static analyzer isn't aware of this symbol and so it treats SOME_SYMBOL is undefined. The entire file has no syntax highlighting and some of the analysis is just skipped (e.g. syntax error highlighting).
Is there a way to tell the analyzer to treat this symbol as defined without defining it in CMakeLists.txt?
I don't have the option of defining SOME_SYMBOL in CMakeLists.txt since the project depends on it being undefined in some compilation paths (changing this would be near impossible).
Seems like this is currently an open issue with JetBrains. See Issue CPP-2286
Clion now has a macro which you can use to detect the IDE:
#ifdef __JETBRAINS_IDE__
// Stuff that only clion will see goes here
This allows you to put in defines to make clion render your code properly in cases where it can't be clever enough to figure it out.
The __JETBRAINS_IDE__ macro's value is a version string for the IDE. Specific versions of the macro exist for different Jetbrains IDEs: __CLION_IDE__, __STUDIO_IDE__ (for Android Studio), and __APPCODE_IDE__ (for AppCode).
To get syntax highlighting:
Go to Settings ⇒ Editor ⇒ Colors&Fonts ⇒ C/C++ and remove all ticks for 'Conditionally non-compiled code'. This way all code will show up with the usual highlighting.
The task has no solution for common case.
But! You can find the target and related resolve context, where SOME_SYMBOL is defined.
...in the status bar you can find the Resolve Context chooser for switching between the Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel contexts to resolve your code in the IDE with the desired definitions.

Rails: require JS code to pass the Closure Linter or JSHint

With Ruby on Rails, is there a configuration I can set that requires the JS code to pass the Closure Linter or JSHint?
You know how when you have a syntax error in your SCSS, an error shows up in dev. I'd like to require something similar with JSHint.
Can you set up an IDE to trigger JShint checker, check out http://jshint.com/install/

Rails and CoffeeScript compile error in production

Somehow in development environment my coffeeScript files compile correctly. But when I compile them for production I get something like this
alert "hello world"
Compiled to Javascript
(function() {
alert("hello world");
I have checked for miss indentations and spacing errors, or for a mix of tabs and spaces but there are not any. The weird thing is that when I converted the with the compiler from coffeescript.org it compiles correctly, its just in the production environment. Any ideas?
by the way: I am using rails 4
It's a coffeescript setting.
(function() {
# Code here
Is a closure generated by coffeescript by default (can be disabled, but you shouldn't), used to avoid global namespace pollution.
It doesn't affect the script execution, your jQuery code will still be run once document is loaded.
Important note
The only issue you may find with that closure is that you actually have hard time declaring global variables. This can be solved in this way:
window.yourvar = 'something'
There is also a suggestion here on how you can disable it anyway: How can I use option "--bare" in Rails 3.1 for CoffeeScript?
