Searching Twitter feeds - twitter

I'm looking to take information from Twitter feeds such as removed posts. Is it possible to do this through some sort of string match search by looking for keywords, that is, "this post removed"?
This is for an Arduino project.

It should be. Twitter just turned off their old API, though, so as long as you're willing to get an API key, you should be fine ( Grab the data with loadBytes or loadStrings called on the API URL and then start walking through the data you got back ( -- which in the new API will be JSON. You can use a JSON library to turn that into an actual object, but frankly if you want to do text matching, which you do, then there's really no need for Object repacking.


Is there a way to simply query the YouTube Data Api for information about a url?

It seems like pretty common problem/question on here to ask how to parse a YouTube video/user/channel/playlist url; with a lot of the answers being partial or outdated regex solutions (Meaning they don't support legacy urls or newer features like handles). Which made me wonder..
Can I simply just ask the v3 Youtube Data Api if a url is valid; then have it return any relevant information? (similar to doing a search w/the api, it'll tell you the type, id, etc.)
As far as I can tell from the reference it's not entirely possible.
The closest I could find was doing a search with the url as the query, but this unsurprisingly led to getting a list with somewhat unpredictable results.

How should I get all the tweets of an specific hashtag?

I'm trying to develop some code in order to get all the tweets that were generated with certain hashtags, then parse them and finally analyse them. I believe I've already thought and solve the last two parts of this but I'm having some trouble with the first one. I've already read the Twitter Search API documentation but I haven't realised yet how to do this. Can anyone help me?
If you want to retrieve the tweets sent recently, you should use the search/tweets endpoint of twitter' REST API, and mention the hashtag inside q parameter
In case you want to listen to tweets containing the hashtag and receive them in real time, then twitter's streaming API is what you should use (statuses/filter endPoint).
Have a look at the documentation on twitter's website, there's also plenty of information on how to do this all around the web.

Is there a way to get a list of users based on a hashtag they used?

I want to get a list of users who have used a particular hashtag. Eg. #ManOfSteel.
How can I get a list of the users who are using that hashtag as well as their details (like which city they are tweeting from) using a twitter API or any other means?
Yes, you can. And it's quite simple, really.
According to the documentation:
GET search/tweets: - Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query.
Resource URL:
Now if you scroll down on that page, it gives an example of what a query for a tweet returns (I took a screen, sorry about the appalling arrow, it's 10am here and I haven't had my tea yet).
Great! So you know the URL and method (GET) that you need to get your data. As for searching for a hashtag specifically, the query documentation is what you're after.
This is basically as urlencoded string in the GET request like: ?q=#hashtag. Perform the search like that and you'll get back the data above. Then just loop through it, find the user object, and grab the value location key if you want the user's city.
Now, as for a library to interact with the twitter API, you haven't even stated what language you're using. From your profile, you use JAVA I'm guessing. Regardless, checkout the libraries page on the twitter dev site - there's one for JAVA that looks pretty good (and many for other languages too).
If you were using php, this post would be immensely helpful.

Long URLs from Twitter feeds without making additional API calls/HTTP requests

Is there any built-in way to get the long, expanded URL from a twitter RSS feed? Right now the feed lists all the urls as I'd like to do what the Twitter display does and display the long URLs; I'd also like to avoid having to do either an API call or HTTP request for each URL in the feed. Ideally, I'd also like to avoid using the Twitter API directly but if that's the only way, so be it.
I'm not interested in doing a separate request for every single link, or calling the Twitter API. I was hoping there was a single request I could make that would include the long URLs in the metadata (or even provide the tweet in full expanded form as it appears on Twitter). Turns out the way to do this is by requesting the JSON version from rather than the RSS feed, and tacking on include_entities=True.
Rewrite, hopefully this makes it more clear
I'm using to get a feed of tweets matching a search term. The feed contains only the shortened urls. Is there a way to modify my request so that the tweets contain the expanded URLs instead?
The goal is to do just one request rather than having to go through the tweets and parse each url separately (especially since for a feed with several dozen urls, that means several dozen separate requests). If necessary, I am willing to use the Twitter API directly to do the search instead of using RSS, but for my purposes using a feed is more ideal.
No, Twitter does not offer a urls entity in its RSS responses, nor does the include_entities option appear to work. You'll have to use a different response format e.g. JSON (with which you can use the include_entities option which includes an entities['urls'][n]['expanded_url'] object), or "unshorten" the URLs yourself after the fact.
There is a way to do this without using the Twitter API directly. You can use one of several resources,
API call prototype :
API call prototype :
API call prototype:
of course you can also use the Twitter API directly for this as Jordan mentioned by including &include_entities=1 or true as a parameter to some calls.
also try to CURL the URL and see what information you can gleam from that. I think this pretty much exhausts the options.

Is there a URL is can use to search for an image and returns the first found image?

I want to use a URL to search for a car by its name & model and have the first image hit returned. Is there a way to achieve this? I've looked at Google & YAHOO, but they return more than I wish for.
All I need is my request to be redirected to the URL of the first found image....
One way to obtain a relevant imagine (not equal to the top hit on Google), is:
http://( Type any keyword here )
For example:
I know you mentioned Yahoo didn't work, however we are utilizing a Yahoo API in a very similar context successfully. Check out the BOSS image search API. One of the reasons we originally went with BOSS was that it does not have any daily limits. The image search API also lets you filter, indicate size, and more. The results are returned in XML.
With all that being said, if we had to do it over, we would go the Bing API route, as Bing has a brighter future than Yahoo and has very similar, if not better, API. It looks like it can return results in XML, JSON, and SOAP.
After seeing you were JUST looking for a URL, I tried all the three major search engines and the following URL was the closest I could come to what you decribed:
I'm afraid the only way to get exactly what you are looking for 100% client side would to be to utilize the Bing API with a jsonp result and then manipulate the DOM via Javascript. Check out this code sample for a rough start.
Bing has a pretty easy to use web search API. You can pass it a URL with various parameters and it will return an XML result. The two parameters you would be interested in would be SourceType (=Image) and ImageRequest.Count (=1).
However, you would need to parse the XML because it won't just give you back the image data.
