Make app iPad1 compatible - ios

Good evening,
My app is a simple calculator that starts with a main menu. It is working as designed on my iPad2, but a friend who downloaded it in the App Store is unable to even launch to the main menu on his iPad1.
There seem to be no memory issues, according to Instruments.
I set the deployment target in the summary screen to iOS 5.0. Is there anything else I need to do to get this to work on iPad1?


Big problem with iOS app in Xcode for Launch Screen Update

As title I have a big problem with my iOS app.
I'm working on an update of launch screen of my app and have make several layouts modification.
After modification I have launch the app on simulator and on the physical device but it's possible to se the new launch screen, it appare the old launch screen and not how it appare on the storyboard now.
I have try a lot of possible solution find in the apple developer forum and on Stack but nothings of these work for me.
Help me I'm in Hell....

Application launched to a pink screen and a blank screen after built on Xcode and tested on Testflight

I am creating a mobile game application using Unity software. I have already successfully uploaded it onto Google Playstore and there was totally no issues.
However, when I built my game on my MacBook using Xcode, there seems to be a major issue.
Everything was built successfully and after I tested the app on TestFlight, these are the issues that were occurring:
Upon launch, screen was in a magenta/pink color
Took few seconds to load then screen changed to a somewhat grey color
Background music was playing
I clicked certain buttons on the blank screen and it could bring me to the play mode (as I roughly know where the buttons are)
So the main issue is that nothing is showing on my screen but codes wise should be working fine.
I have tried resetting the graphics setting in unity and removed all storyboard related as I am not using any storyboards for launchscreen. I am using Xcode 11.1 and tested on my iPhone X on the latest iOS 13.2
When I first submitted for Apple to review, it was rejected by saying that upon launch there was a blank screen and no information on how to resolve it was given to me
This pink usually is caused by wrong shaders, especially if you are using asset bundle to load assets at runtime, you need to build different copies of asset bundles for different platforms and load the corresponding one.
It's recommended to build an empty project to test your environment, such like different version of Unity Editor, different rendering API settings and so on.
This is due to missing shaders in graphics settings of your project. reset shaders and your game will work fine, i found this effective in my case
Edit/ProjectSettings/Graphics. And Right Click at the top of the inspector page for built-in shaders and choose reset it should fix it for you automatically.

iOS simulator change devices not working

So I'm working through the BNR iOS objective c book, and I want to run a project on the iPad simulator. according to the book, I change the deployment device in the general settings for the project target as "universal," which I did.
However when I run and switch to any iPad on the simulator I get drawn back to the main method of my project. The iPad does appear after a delay, but without the app I built. I've set all the views in my xibs to "inferred" but I still can't run my project on iPad.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
This is probably because the app is crashing. it's possible if you created the app without setting it to universal it is missing a storyboard for iPad which would cause a crash and take you to that area. You should look at the console logs and see what is happening. There should be good information in there as to what is missing or why it's crashing right away.

Testing iOS changes?

I want to know one thing: how accurate is the Xcode iOS simulator in representing the actual run time on a physical device? I recently tested an app with a 6.1 deployment target on a device running 6.1 (iPad 2). So far I had been testing on an iPad mini running 8.2 (after building the app in Xcode 6.2 and scaling back the deployment target from 7.1) but was shocked to see that the buttons I made didn't load at all on my physical iPad 2. The buttons instead loaded as blank "old school" iPhone buttons and when I clicked some of them, they crashed the app even though their only functionality was to perform a basic segue.
Should I update my iPad 2 to 8.2/8.3 and try again? I guess I am asking because the iPad 2 isn't technically mine and the owner doesn't want me to update it in fear of loosing data so I'm in a pickle as far as conceiving my next step in development . Does this problem sound at all familiar to anyone or should I just save up and buy my own 2nd testing device and hope for the best?

iOS accessibility labels not shown in Instruments on device build

I have been putting accessibility labels into our source code so that we can automate using apples automation framework. When we first started this project, we were building using sdk 4.3 and I had troubles getting the simulator to show the labels in the application. Through advice on stack overflow I was able to fix it by altering the accessibility.plist in the simulator files.
Now that we have switched over to iOS sdk 5.0. I am having the opposite problem. I can no longer get the labels to show up on the device when I run our automation tests. They show up fine in the simulator. And I'm also able to confirm that they were properly compiled into the application by turning on VoiceOver on the device and doing a triple-double tab of and application window to show the elements.
I've looked over all the build settings and made sure everything was set to a debug build, and have tried going back to a build that I know worked when building for a 4.3 device and having the same exact settings(except for the sdk version of course) but the labels are still not being picked up.
So where do I go from here? Is there a library file that needs to be included into the application when building for iOS 5?
On the device, in "Settings > Accessibility > Triple-click Home", choose "Ask". This seems to turn on "enough" of the accessibility machinery to make things work, but not so much of it that it'll interfere with the normal functions of the device (ex. turning on VoiceOver works too, but changes the flow of the app in ways that break tests.)
