I have used truts2 jQuery grid plugin with DropDown select box in my web application. That work's pretty good.
Here's the codes i have tried so far:
#Action(value="selectcountries", results= {
#Result(name="success", type="dispatcher", location="ImportedJspFiles/countrys_select.jsp")
public String selectCountries() {
this.selectCountriesList = provinceController.selectAllCountries();
return SUCCESS;
<%# taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<s:select list="selectCountriesList" theme="simple" listKey="countryId"
listValue="countryName" />
grid coloum:
<sjg:gridColumn name="countryName"
searchoptions="{sopt:['eq','ne','bw','cn'], dataUrl : '%{selectcountries}'}"
editoptions="{ dataUrl : '%{selectcountries}' }"
formoptions="{label:'Select a Country'}" />
And I would like to implement double select type in grid columns. But how can I implement double select type in struts2 jquery grid view?
select city
select areas in that city
When we select a particular city I want to load areas of that city in area select box.
Please share with me, if any one had a solution about the same.
I am trying to implement jQuery with PrimeFaces and JSF components, but it's not working properly. When I tried to do the same with HTML tags it;s working properly.
Here is the code with HTML tags which works properly with jQuery:
<input type="checkbox" id="check2"></input>
<h:outputText value="Check the box, if your permanent address is as same as current address."></h:outputText>
<h:message for="checkbox" style="color:red" />
$("#check2").change(function() {
if ($("#check2").is(":checked")) {
} else {
Here is the code with PrimeFaces/JSF which doesn't work properly with jQuery:
<p:selectManyCheckbox >
<f:selectItem itemLabel="1" value="one" id="rad" ></f:selectItem>
$("#rad").change(function() {
if ($("#rad:checked").val() == "one") {
} else {
You should realize that jQuery works with the HTML DOM tree in the client side. jQuery doesn't work directly on JSF components as you've written in the JSF source code, but jQuery works directly with the HTML DOM tree which is generated by those JSF components. You need to open the page in webbrowser and rightclick and then View Source. You'll see that JSF prepends the ID of the generated HTML input elements with the IDs of all parent NamingContainer components (such as <h:form>, <h:dataTable>, etc) with : as default separator character. So for example
<h:form id="foo">
<p:selectManyCheckbox id="bar" />
will end up in generated HTML as
<form id="foo" name="foo">
<input type="checkbox" id="foo:bar" name="foo:bar" />
You need to select elements by exactly that ID instead. The : is however a special character in CSS identifiers representing a pseudo selector. To select an element with a : in the ID using CSS selectors in jQuery, you need to either escape it by backslash or to use the [id=...] attribute selector or just use the old getElementById():
var $element1 = $("#foo\\:bar");
// or
var $element2 = $("[id='foo:bar']");
// or
var $element3 = $(document.getElementById("foo:bar"));
If you see an autogenerated j_idXXX part in the ID where XXX represents an incremental number, then you must give the particular component a fixed ID, because the incremental number is dynamic and is subject to changes depending on component's physical position in the tree.
As an alternative, you can also just use a class name:
<x:someInputComponent styleClass="someClassName" />
which ends up in HTML as
<input type="..." class="someClassName" />
so that you can get it as
var $elements = $(".someClassName");
This allows for better abstraction and reusability. Surely those kind of elements are not unique. Only the main layout elements like header, menu, content and footer are really unique, but they are in turn usually not in a NamingContainer already.
As again another alternative, you could just pass the HTML DOM element itself into the function:
<x:someComponent onclick="someFunction(this)" />
function someFunction(element) {
var $element = $(element);
// ...
See also:
How can I know the id of a JSF component so I can use in Javascript
How to use JSF generated HTML element ID with colon ":" in CSS selectors?
By default, JSF generates unusable IDs, which are incompatible with the CSS part of web standards
Integrate JavaScript in JSF composite component, the clean way
You also can use the jQuery "Attribute Contains Selector" (here is the url http://api.jquery.com/attribute-contains-selector/)
For example If you have a
<p:spinner id="quantity" value="#{toBuyBean.quantityToAdd}" min="0"/>
and you want to do something on its object you can select it with
and if you want to print its value you can do this
In order to know the real html tag of the element you can always look at the real html element (in this case spinner was translated into input) using firebug or ie developer tools or view source...
If you're using RichFaces you can check rich:jQuery comonent. It allows you to specify server side id for jQuery component. For example, you have component with specified server id, then you can apply any jQuery related stuff to in next way:
<rich:jQuery selector="#<server-side-component-id>" query="find('.some-child').removeProp('style')"/>
For more info, please check doumentation.
Hope it helps.
look this will help you when i select experience=Yes my dialoguebox which id is dlg3 is popup.and if value is No it will not open
For partial updating my composite components, I have some problems finding the correct parent IDs. e.g. if my component is inside of a tabView
<p:tabView id="foo">
<stg:mycomponent id="bar" />
Now I need the String :foo:bar to find the correct parts, that I want to update. Via #{cc.id} I just get bar, so this does not work for me.
However, I tried to achieve this by some kind of dirty hack by adding a attribute to my component like this
If I hand over the String :foo:bar to parentId everything works fine, but of course that's not what I really want to do. I do not want to force the user of my component to hand over this ID.
But now the problem: If I do not hand over a parentId, I only can use my attribute in the "first level" of my component. If there are some kind of "nested IDs" then #{cc.attrs.parentId} is evaluated e.g. to foo:bar (which is nice) but also foo:bar:fooBar or somethin like that, depending on where #{cc.attrs.parentId} is located in my code.
I hope it's comprehensible what my problem is and what I am exactly asking for. If not, please leave a comment.
I am using primefaces 3.5 and JSF 2.1 (Mojarra)
If I understand, you need to update parts of a composite component within the composite component itself. Normally you don't need to know the parents IDs to achieve this.
As you are setting id on a primefaces component, you can update it with primefaces using the same id (without any :container:etc prefix) as long as your update is in the same scope.
Here is an example (see source below).
Observe the generated id's in the HTML page produced by JSF in the first tab:
First span : id="static" (raw html id, not PF, not unique in the document)
Second span : id="myform:tv1:comp1:static2" (PF-generated to ensure id is unique in the document)
Third span : id="myform:tv1:comp1:dynamic" (PF-generated, unique)
poll component use the id "myform:tv1:comp1:dynamic", even if we only provide "dynamic" in the source.
The parents does not need to know the ID of the component part to be updated
The component does not need to know the IDs of its parents/containers
Please note generated IDs on the second tab. PrimeFaces does its job by naming them unique.
Sample composite component:
<composite:attribute name="label" />
<h1><h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.label}"/></h1>
<span id="static1">
Static : #{testBean.increment}
<p:outputPanel id="static2">
Static : #{testBean.increment}
<p:outputPanel id="dynamic">
Dynamic : #{testBean.increment}
<p:poll interval="3" update="dynamic" />
Use the component in a XHTML page:
<h:form id="myform">
<p:tabView id="tv1" >
<p:tab id="tab1" title="First Tab">
<comps:myComponent id="comp1" label="Abc" />
<p:tab id="tab2" title="Second Tab">
<comps:myComponent id="comp2" label="Def" />
And this is the code for the test bean:
public class TestBean implements Serializable
static int _counter = 0;
public String getIncrement()
return Integer.toString(_counter);
I hope this example will be clear enough and close to what you want to get.
Please let me know.
I have a Datatable with pagination and I want to change the current page with a commandlink outside the Datatable, how I can get it?
<p:commandLink title="changePage" action="#{myBean.changeMethod}"
update="myDataTable" />
<p:dataTable id="myDataTable" var="myItem" paginator="true" rows="1"
value="#{myBean.ListOfItem}" binding="#{myBean.DataTable}">
This will set the page of the table to the first one
public void changeMethod() {
final DataTable d = (DataTable) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot()
int first = 0;
Or on client side:
EDIT : The "first" attribute indicates the index of the first row to be displayed
It's ok, but now in primefaces 5.1 on the client side you have to do like:
For me works very nice, but you have to type the entire component name
I have following structure to display in zul file and got List of clinic object from Java controller.
I tried several zk components in zul with no luck. What component should I use with a forEach?
Here is structure need to display :
For each clinic
For each clinic.location
For each (clinic.location.provider)
Output (provider display name)
Output (clinic name)
Output (clinic.location address)
Output (clinic.locatoin telephone number)
Output (clinic.web address)
As explained in the answer given by Darius, here is an example of how to use a <Grid> with a <rows> component
<?page title="Result"?>
<window apply="org.zkoss.bind.BindComposer"
viewModel="#id('vm') #init('fully.qualified.viewmodel.classname')"
title="Result Window" border="normal" >
<listbox model="#bind(vm.listname)">
<listheader label="Item Name"
<listheader label="Attribute Value"
<listheader label="Qualifier Value"
<template name="model" var="item">
<listitem value="${item }">
<listcell label="#load(item.name)"
style="text-align:center;" />
You can use a Listbox or a Grid.
If you use a Listbox, it will contain Listitem objects
If you use a Grid, it will contain a Rows object, which will contain Row objects
To the Listitem or the Row, you will add other components: the simplest would be Label objects
I notice you have an inner table of providers. For these, you will probably need a nested Grid or Listbox. You could also use ZK's Detail component. it would allow you to expand in order to see the inner table.
There are multiple ways how to achieve this
including separate zul file to template row, whitch will contain a grid with separate view model - this style you can have shown all nested grid at once ,but it should and it will have performance issiues with larger ammout of data(because count of rows == count of viewmodels of nested grids)
include nested grid with own template ,and data model as parameter of view model,and show this grid on demand(button click,row click etc) - this is bether way in case of no performance issues,but you will be able to show only one nested grid at time
Final words - just donĀ“t
Nesting a grid to grid is a very bad design,because it is incredibly hard to render this,and it is only usable for small data. The best way to do this,in my opinion is to create two separate grids,side by side,and show adition data on in second grid,after a click on row in first grid. This way you can achieve very fast gui with no performance issiues,ever with a lot of data. Another way is to create a popup on grid row,whitch will show additional data,a it is also a lot bether for your performance.
i have a jsp page where i am displaying my books detail in Struts2 jquery grid.
Now i want to call an action and pass rowid as a parameter to the the action class on the click of a row from my Jquery grid. And i also i want to specify the target of my div to refresh after calling my action.
These stuffs i know nicely through <sj:submit target="targetDivToRefresh" formId="form2" button="true"/> but i don't know how to do these task "when users click a row from my struts2 jquery grid".
Please help me to solve this issue.
my jsp page
width= "1550"
<sjg:gridColumn name="id" index="locationId" title="ID" formatter="integer" sortable="false" key="true"
search="false" editable="true" hidden="true" />
<sjg:gridColumn name="authLastname" index="authLastname" title="AuthorLastname" sortable="true" search="true" editrules="{required: true}"
editable="true" edittype="text" />
try this:
$.subscribe('rowselect', function(event,data) {
Reference Link: Struts2 jquery plugin showcase
Please make sure this event will be triggered, if you click on a row, i added test code alert() to make sure, it has been called during the event. there is still a thing, that i have to tell, you have to register your selectrow event in your <sj:grid> tag using onSelectRowTopics="rowselect"
$("#targetDivToRefresh").load("<s:url value="your-struts2-action"/>"+"?id="+event.originalEvent.id);