Applying a DirectX shader to a rotated texture in XNA - xna

I had a dynamic light shader for which the shaded sprite was fine in my own test program, but started resembling an eclipse once I imported it into my friend's physics based game. I narrowed it down by simplifying the gradient to be purely based on the X value within the shape, and making the outside of the circle in the sprite red, but as you can see, the rotation continues to cause problems (can't post images, so here's links to the album).
Circle at different rotations(not in order, but labelled by radian values):
Everything I researched about matrix math says I am using the correct formula for rotation, but I figure maybe I'm doing something wrong. Here is my .fx shader code:
float rotationrads; /*assumed rotation is in radians*/
sampler TextureSampler: register(s0);
float4 staticlight(float2 Tex: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
float4 Color = tex2D(TextureSampler, Tex);
float2 NewTex;
/*Get the new X and Y values by applying the UV formula with the rotation*/
NewTex.x = (Tex.x * cos(rotationrads)) - (Tex.y * sin(rotationrads));
NewTex.y = (Tex.y * sin(rotationrads)) + (Tex.y * cos(rotationrads));
if(Color.a > 0.0)
Color.r = (Color.r * NewTex.x);
Color.g = (Color.g * NewTex.x);
Color.b = (Color.b * NewTex.x);
Color.r = 100;
Color.g = 0;
Color.b = 0;
Color.a = 100;
return Color;
technique StaticLightOnly
pass Pass1
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 staticlight();
If anyone has experience with sprite-based rotation in 2d shaders, I'd appreciate any help with this! Thanks in advanced!

Because rotations are performed about the origin, you have to move the rotation center (0.5, 0.5) to the origin, execute the rotation and then undo the translation.


Normal mapping on a large sphere is not entirely correct

So I've been working on a Directx11/hlsl rendering engine with the goal of creating a realistic planet which you can view from both on the surface and also at a planetary level. The planet is a normalized cube, which is procedurally generated using noise and as you move closer to the surface of the planet, a binary-based triangle tree splits until the desired detail level is reached. I got vertex normal calculations to work correctly, and I recently started trying to implement normal mapping for my terrain textures, and I have gotten something that seems to work for the most part. However, when the sun is pointing almost perpendicular to the ground (90 degrees), it is way more lit up
However, from the opposite angle (270 degrees), I am getting something that seems
, but may as well be just as off.
The debug lines that are being rendered are the normal, tangent, and bitangents (which all appear to be correct and fit the topology of the terrain)
Here is my shader code:
Vertex shader:
PSIn mainvs(VSIn input)
PSIn output;
output.WorldPos = mul(float4(input.Position, 1.f), Instances[input.InstanceID].WorldMatrix); // pass pixel world position as opposed to screen space position for lighitng calculations
output.Position = mul(output.WorldPos, CameraViewProjectionMatrix);
output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
output.CameraPos = CameraPosition;
output.Normal = normalize(mul(input.Normal, (float3x3)Instances[input.InstanceID].WorldMatrix));
float3 Tangent = normalize(mul(input.Tangent, (float3x3)Instances[input.InstanceID].WorldMatrix));
float3 Bitangent = normalize(cross(output.Normal, Tangent));
output.TBN = transpose(float3x3(Tangent, Bitangent, output.Normal));
return output;
Pixel shader (Texcoord scalar is for smaller textures closer to planet surface):
float3 FetchNormalVector(float2 TexCoord)
float3 Color = NormalTex.Sample(Samp, TexCoord * TexcoordScalar);
Color *= 2.f;
return normalize(float3(Color.x - 1.f, Color.y - 1.f, Color.z - 1.f));
float3 LightVector = -SunDirection;
float3 TexNormal = FetchNormalVector(input.TexCoord);
float3 WorldNormal = normalize(mul(input.TBN, TexNormal));
float nDotL = max(0.0, dot(WorldNormal, LightVector));
float4 SampleColor = float4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
SampleColor *= nDotL;
return float4(, 1.f);
Thanks in advance, and let me know if you have any insight as to what could be the issue here.
Edit 1: I tried it with a fixed blue value instead of sampling from the normal texture, which gives me the correct and same results as if I had not applied mapping (as expected). Still don't have a lead on what would be causing this issue.
Edit 2: I just noticed the strangest thing. At 0, 0, +Z, there are these hard seams that only appear with normal mapping enabled
It's a little hard to see, but it seems almost like there are multiple tangents associated to the same vertex (since I'm not using indexing yet) because the debug lines appear to split on the seams.
Here is my code that I'm using to generate the tangents (bitangents are calculated in the vertex shader using cross(Normal, Tangent))
v3& p0 = Chunk.Vertices[0].Position;
v3& p1 = Chunk.Vertices[1].Position;
v3& p2 = Chunk.Vertices[2].Position;
v2& uv0 = Chunk.Vertices[0].UV;
v2& uv1 = Chunk.Vertices[1].UV;
v2& uv2 = Chunk.Vertices[2].UV;
v3 deltaPos1 = p1 - p0;
v3 deltaPos2 = p2 - p0;
v2 deltaUV1 = uv1 - uv0;
v2 deltaUV2 = uv2 - uv0;
f32 r = 1.f / (deltaUV1.x * deltaUV2.y - deltaUV1.y * deltaUV2.x);
v3 Tangent = (deltaPos1 * deltaUV2.y - deltaPos2 * deltaUV1.y) * r;
Chunk.Vertices[0].Tangent = Normalize(Tangent - (Chunk.Vertices[0].Normal * DotProduct(Chunk.Vertices[0].Normal, Tangent)));
Chunk.Vertices[1].Tangent = Normalize(Tangent - (Chunk.Vertices[1].Normal * DotProduct(Chunk.Vertices[1].Normal, Tangent)));
Chunk.Vertices[2].Tangent = Normalize(Tangent - (Chunk.Vertices[2].Normal * DotProduct(Chunk.Vertices[2].Normal, Tangent)));
Also for reference, this is the main article I was looking at while implementing all of this: link
Edit 3:
Here is an image of the planet from a distance with normal mapping enabled:
And one from the same angle without:

How to get normal Map to work using Direct X, in Pixel shader

I have the tangents and the bitangents etc, I think I have the math correct up until the final stuff in the pixel shader.
I have been looking at tutorials but can't seem to get it to work in my own programme.
My normal map code looks like this so far:
float3 normalMap = (nTex.Sample(mySampler, input.UV).rgb);
normalMap = (normalMap * 2) - 1.0f;
input.tangents = normalize(input.tangents - dot(input.tangents, input.normal) * input.normal);
float3 biTang = cross(input.normal, input.tangents);
float3x3 texSpace = float3x3(input.tangents, biTang, input.normal);
//float3 normalWW = float3(normalMap.r, normalMap.g, normalMap.b);
input.normal = normalize(mul(normalMap, texSpace));
float3 plDir = float3(pointLightDir.rgb);
//float final = saturate(dot(-plDir, input.normal));
//float4 finalW = saturate(float4(combined * final));
output.Color = color * combined;
output.Color+= saturate((dot(-plDir, input.normal)*combined)*color);
output.Color.a = 1;
I haven't named things in a good way yet.
"combined" is my phong shading, I have diffuse, specular and ambient added together. "color" is just the sampled diffuse texture.
The result is no different than if I only had the first texture. if I only use the normal map it's displayed so that works.
I'm in directx in c++.

How to understand Exponential Shadow Mapping in HLSL with Directional Light?

I've tried to understand how ESM is working - I have regular Shadow Mapping in Place (occluded/not occluded) in a deferred rendering pipeline and are trying to use ESM instead.
I've tried to adapt this from Cansin: Rendering in XNA 4.pdf
But as he does not use directional lights, I may have a misunderstanding. This is basically my approach on adapting it to directional lights:
Create ShadowMap:
float4 PS(VSO input) : COLOR0
float depth = input.Position2D.z / input.Position2D.w;
return exp(depth);
I am using an Orthogonal Projection Matrix (same NearFarClip as actual cam), as I do with regular Shadow Mapping (Position2D is ScreenSpace, because it's a directional light, Z is always the distance surface/light, or am I wrong?)
Get Shadow Factor - basically like regular Shadow Mapping, I transform into Light/Screenspace, getting the depth from the ShadowMap
float4 Position = 1;
Position.xy = input.ScreenPosition.xy;
Position.z = Depth; // saved depth from gbuffer
Position = mul(Position, InverseViewProjection);
Position /= Position.w;
float4 LightScreenPos = mul(Position, LightViewProjection);
LightScreenPos /= LightScreenPos.w;
float2 LUV = 0.5f * (float2(LightScreenPos.x, -LightScreenPos.y) + 1.0f);
float shadowDepth = tex2D(sampler_shadow, LUV).r;
float shadow = shadowDepth * exp(-10 * LightScreenPos.z);
Is my thinking fundamentally wrong?

DirectX + GLM Depth Reconstruction issues

I'm trying to port my engine to DirectX and I'm currently having issues with depth reconstruction. It works perfectly in OpenGL (even though I use a bit of an expensive method). Every part besides the depth reconstruction works so far. I use GLM because it's a good math library that has no need to install any dependencies or anything for the user.
So basically I get my GLM matrices:
struct DefferedUBO {
glm::mat4 view;
glm::mat4 invProj;
glm::vec4 eyePos;
glm::vec4 resolution;
DefferedUBO deffUBOBuffer;
// ...
glm::mat4 projection = glm::perspective(engine.settings.fov, aspectRatio, 0.1f, 100.0f);
// Get My Camera
CTransform *transform = &engine.transformSystem.components[engine.entities[entityID].components[COMPONENT_TRANSFORM]];
// Get the View Matrix
glm::mat4 view = glm::lookAt(
transform->GetPosition() + transform->GetForward(),
deffUBOBuffer.invProj = glm::inverse(projection);
deffUBOBuffer.view = glm::inverse(view);
if (engine.settings.graphicsLanguage == GRAPHICS_DIRECTX) {
deffUBOBuffer.invProj = glm::transpose(deffUBOBuffer.invProj);
deffUBOBuffer.view = glm::transpose(deffUBOBuffer.view);
// Abstracted so I can use OGL, DX, VK, or even Metal when I get around to it.
Then in HLSL, I simply use the following:
cbuffer MatrixInfoType {
matrix invView;
matrix invProj;
float4 eyePos;
float4 resolution;
float4 ViewPosFromDepth(float depth, float2 TexCoord) {
float z = depth; // * 2.0 - 1.0;
float4 clipSpacePosition = float4(TexCoord * 2.0 - 1.0, z, 1.0);
float4 viewSpacePosition = mul(invProj, clipSpacePosition);
viewSpacePosition /= viewSpacePosition.w;
return viewSpacePosition;
float3 WorldPosFromViewPos(float4 view) {
float4 worldSpacePosition = mul(invView, view);
float3 WorldPosFromDepth(float depth, float2 TexCoord) {
return WorldPosFromViewPos(ViewPosFromDepth(depth, TexCoord));
// ...
// Sample the hardware depth buffer.
float depth = shaderTexture[3].Sample(SampleType[0], input.texCoord).r;
float3 position = WorldPosFromDepth(depth, input.texCoord).rgb;
Here's the result:
This just looks like random colors multiplied with the depth.
Ironically when I remove transposing, I get something closer to the truth, but not quite:
You're looking at Crytek Sponza. As you can see, the green area moves and rotates with the bottom of the camera. I have no idea at all why.
The correct version, along with Albedo, Specular, and Normals.
I fixed my problem at There was a matrix majorness issue as well as a depth handling issue.

Volumetric Fog Shader - Camera Issue

I am trying to build an infinite fog shader. This fog is applied on a 3D plane.
For the moment I have a Z-Depth Fog. And I encounter some issues.
As you can see in the screenshot, there are two views.
The green color is my 3D plane. The problem is in the red line. It seems that the this line depends of my camera which is not good because when I rotate my camera the line is affected by my camera position and rotation.
I don't know where does it comes from and how to have my fog limit not based on the camera position.
Pass {
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
uniform float4 _FogColor;
uniform sampler2D _CameraDepthTexture;
float _Depth;
float _DepthScale;
struct v2f {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 projection : TEXCOORD0;
float4 screenPosition : TEXCOORD1;
v2f vert(appdata_base v) {
v2f o;
o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
// o.projection = ComputeGrabScreenPos(o.pos);
float4 position = o.pos;
float scale = -1.0;
float scale = 1.0;
float4 p = position * 0.5f;
p.xy = float2(p.x, p.y * scale) + p.w; =;
o.projection = p;
// o.screenPosition = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos);
position = o.pos;
float4 q = position * 0.5f;
q.xy = float2(q.x, q.y * _ProjectionParams.x) + q.w *;
q.xy = float2(q.x, q.y * _ProjectionParams.x) + q.w;
#if defined(SHADER_API_FLASH)
q.xy *= unity_NPOTScale.xy;
#endif =; = 1.0f;
o.screenPosition = q;
return o;
sampler2D _GrabTexture;
float4 frag(v2f IN) : COLOR {
float3 uv = UNITY_PROJ_COORD(IN.projection);
float depth = UNITY_SAMPLE_DEPTH(tex2Dproj(_CameraDepthTexture, uv));
depth = LinearEyeDepth(depth);
return saturate((depth - IN.screenPosition.w + _Depth) * _DepthScale);
Next I want to rotate my Fog to have an Y-Depth Fog but I don't know how to achieve this effect.
I see two ways to acheive what you want:
is to render depth of your plane to texture and calculate fog based on difference of depth of plane and depth of object, 0 if obj depth is less and (objDepth - planeDepth) * scale if it is bigger)
Is to instead of rendering to texture calculate distance to plane in shader and use it directly.
I am not sure what you do since I am not very familiar with Unity surface shaders, but djudging from the code and result something different.
It seems that this is caused by _CameraDepthTexture, that's why depth is calculated with the camera position.
But I don't know how to correct it... It seems that there is no way to get the depth from another point. Any idea ?
Here is another example. In green You can "see" the object and the blue line is for me the fog as it should be.
