Ogre3D+CEGUI Mouse position icon not cleared from screen - ogre3d

In our project we are developing an architecture based on plugins.
Each game is set up as a separate plugin and is responsible for establishing the right environment (SceneManager, SceneNodes, Entities, Lights, ...Cameras,..)
In our last game using a charger scenes, each scene is set up as a separate file (format .dotscene) with all resources defined graphics.
Within this videjuego CEGUI configure as GUI and this works flawlessly. But to go out and load another game we found CEGUI strange behavior .
The cursor position is updated fine but the icon above position is not clear screen, this causes it to accumulate on the screen
[Sceenshot 1] https://www.dropbox.com/s/6kuw0yat7r4s2as/ErrorCEGUI.png
Any idea of the cause and how to fix it?
Very thanks,

For some internal bugs we were creating additional cameras and CEGUI does not work correctly.
After removed those camera and leave on 1 camera and works!


ARKit insideFrustumOf ambiguous result

I want to show navigation guide(tell user to move left or right if node is not visible). And for this I am using this code sninppet to check if node is present in camera or not
renderer.isNode(pathNode, insideFrustumOf: navigationNode)
Most of the times, it is working fine, but when object/node is on the ground(i.e. near foot or even little behind your foot) and not visible in camera, it still returns true. Is there anything I am missing or Anything can be done to make experience better?
After some more debugging, I found out its the 3rd party library I am using for creating custom geometry scene node is at fault, Function works well.

How to stop Swift ARKit app from reverting SCN Technique, and world tracking issues

I am making an ARKit swift app, and have followed this post on how to apply a mirroring effect to the camera feed. However, I've run into a couple problems. First, the mirroring effect stops after a while. This often happens when the images I am searching for come into the frame, but also happens when looking at something totally unrelated. The camera simply reverts back to the default, unmirrored view, and does not go back to the SCNTechnique mirrored view.
I have been able to conclude that this is not happening when the anchors are placed in the world, since the code is not executing those lines when the mirroring effect reverts back. Is there a way to stop this from happening and make sure the mirroring SCNTechnique remains? I am unsure if this is simply a hardware limitation of the iPhone 11 that the app is running on, or if there is an issue with the code.
Also, whenever the image reverts from the mirrored effect to the default camera feed, the world tracking is severely screwed up. The coordinate axes that are placed in the view essentially just move around with the camera, and do not seem to be attached to any specific place. Is this related to the above issue, or would this be a separate problem with the code or implementation?

React Native Navigator transition issue

I have a simple RN app, when I call navigator.push({...}) to navigate to a different scene, the current scene slides out towards left, and the new scene slides in from right. The problem is the current scene slides much slower (seems it only moves about 1/4 of the screen width) than the new scene, so the new scene actually catches up and overlaps with the current scene before the current scene disappears.
Any idea on how to fix this?
RN version: 0.34
Navigator (not NavigatorIOS)
I am running the app in simulator.
Thanks in advance.
When testing animations and performance you should ensure that you are not using chrome debugger or devtools. The reason it is slow is because you are running the app JavaScript on a completely different machine and there is a lot of overhead to passing messages back and forth.
You can also set Development mode to false and see if it makes a difference.
JavaScript thread performance suffers greatly when running in dev mode. This is unavoidable: a lot more work needs to be done at runtime to provide you with good warnings and error messages, such as validating propTypes and various other assertions.
OK, I figured this out and it's my own fault -
I turns out the scene on its way out is supposed to move about 1/4 screen width. The scene on its way in 'catches up' and cover the scene on its way out.
My problem was that my second view does not have backgroundColor set, so it became transparent so the content of both scenes 'blended' and looks wrong.

SpriteKit Particle Emitter Not Appearing in Xcode Editor

I'm having a constant issue of particle effects not appearing in the editor. Everything works fine when I first create them, but after some time they stop appearing. I just see the black background, but the particles aren't there.
The only way I'm able to deal with this problem is to delete the node and create a new particle node with the same attributes, which is time consuming and annoying. And then, after a while, the same thing happens to the new particle nodes.
Anyone else experience this?
This happens to me all of time after editing a value and switching to code view of another page. Come back and the preview is gone. Can confirm it is still broken in Xcode 7.3 Beta
There are a couple of home remedies that work until it gets fixed by Apple.
Right click on the file --> Open As --> Quick Look
select a different file and come back and it should work now
Close the emitter document with File --> Close “Particle.sks” (Control-Command-W) and reopening it should circumvent the issue.
Hope this helps in the mean time

What is the right way to design a point and click game with Lua?(Corona)

I have some ideas,I have already drawn the scenes roughly and put them into corona.
This is how I would think it would work.
1.I have all the major scenes
2.In each major scene ,there are mini scenes,which lead to smaller scenes with puzzles.
3.I create a game.lua module so it would handle the game logics,and keep track of them.
A.Door is opened,puzzle number one is solved.
B.Send a costume event to the game module.
4.I need a separate module for inventory box so it acts as an overlay over other scenes.
It also interacts with game module.
I know you might say,wait till you get started,but Am I on the right Track?
Do you have better suggestions or know any code examples(Corona Sdk,Lua,Moai,GiderosMobile)?
Thanks in advance
I am making a game more or less on this style using Corona, there are a beta on google play.
Corona SDK offers a API named Storyboard, that API allow you to code each scene as a lua module, and allows also you to load a scene as a "overlay".
I guess that you would make each of your scenes a full Storyboard scene, and the inventory a "overlay" scene.
The difference between overlay to a normal scene, is that when you load a overlay it triggers a event on the scene that was open instead of unloading that scene (And when the overlay is unloaded, it triggers another event)
So yes, at least if you do it in Corona, you are in the right track!
