Best way to search the path in shell - parsing

I've got a small script called "onewhich". Its purpose is to behave like which, except that it will only give the FIRST occurrence of any executables specified as options, as found in the order they'd appear in the path.
So for example, if my path is /opt/bin:/usr/bin:/bin, and I have both /opt/bin/runme and /usr/bin/runme, then the command onewhich runme would return /opt/bin/runme.
But if I also have a /usr/bin/doit, then the command onewhich doit runme would return /usr/bin/doit instead.
The idea is to walk through the path, check for each executable specified, and if it exists, show it and exit.
Here's the script so far.
for what in "$#"; do
for loc in `echo "${PATH}" | awk -vRS=: 1`; do
if [ -f "${loc}/${what}" ]; then
echo "${loc}/${what}"
exit 0
exit 1
The problem is, I want to be better about PATH directories with special characters. Every second shell question here on StackOverflow talks about how bad it is to parse paths with tools like awk and sed. There's even a bash faq entry about it. (Proviso: I'm not using bash for this, but the recommendation is still valid.)
So I tried rewriting the script to separate paths in a pipe, like this"
for what in "$#"; do
echo "${PATH}" | awk -vRS=: 1 | while read loc ; do
if [ -f "${loc}/${what}" ]; then
echo "${loc}/${what}"
exit 0
exit 1
I'm not sure if this gives me any real advantage (since $loc is still inside quotes), but it also doesn't work because for some reason, the exit 0 seems to be ignored. Or ... it exits something (the sub-shell with the while loop that terminates the pipe, maybe), but the script exits with a value of 1 every time.
What's a better way to step through directories in ${PATH} without the risk that special characters will confuse things?
Alternately, am I reinventing the wheel? Is there maybe a way to do this that's built in to existing shell tools?
This needs to run in both Linux and FreeBSD, which is why I'm writing it in Bourne instead of bash.

This doesn't directly answer your question, but does eliminate the need to parse PATH at all:
onewhich () {
for what in "$#"; do
which "$what" 2>/dev/null && break
This just calls which on each command on the input list until it finds a match.
To parse PATH, you can simply set `IFS=':'.
if [ "${IFS:-x}" = "${IFS-x}" ]; then
# Only preserve the value of IFS if it is currently set
for f in $PATH; do # Do not quote $PATH, to allow word splitting
echo $f
if [ "${OLDIFS:-x}" = "${OLDIFS-x}" ]; then
The above will fail if any of the directories in PATH actually contain colons.

Your first method looks to me as if it should work. In practical terms, if it's really the $PATH you'll be searching, it's unlikely you'll have spaces and newlines embedded in directories there. If you do, it's probably time to refactor.
But still, I don't think you're at risk from the possibility of bad names clobbering your loop, since you're wrapping variables in quotes. At worst, I suspect you might miss the odd valid executable, but I can't see how the script would generate errors. (I don't see how the script would miss valid executables, and I haven't tested - I'm just saying I don't see problems at first glance.)
As for your second question, about the loop, I think you've hit the nail on the head. When you run a pipe like this | that | while condition; do things; done, the while loop runs in its own shell at the end of the pipe. Exiting that shell may terminate the actions of the pipe, but that only brings you back to the parent shell, which has its own thread of execution that terminates with exit 1.
As for a better way to do this, I would consider which.
for what in "$#"; do
which "$what"
done | head -1
And if you really want the exit values as well:
for what in "$#"; do
which "$what" && exit 0
exit 1
The second might even be fewer resources, as it doesn't have to open a file handle and pipe through head.
You can also split your path using IFS. For example, if you wanted to wrap your loops the other way around, you could do this:
for loc in $PATH; do
for what in "$#"; do
if [ -x "$loc"/"$what" ]; then
echo "$loc"/"$what"
exit 0
exit 1
Note that under normal circumstances, you might want to save the old value of $IFS, but you seem to be doing things in a stand-alone script, so the "new" value gets thrown out when the script exits.
All the above code is untested. YMMV.

Another way to get around the need to parse PATH at all is to run the builtin type command in new shell with a stripped environment (i. e. there simply are no functions or aliases to look up; cf. env -i sh -c 'type cmd 2>/dev/null).
# using `cmd` instead of $(cmd) for portability
onewhich() {
ec=0 # exit code
for cmd in "$#"; do
command -p env -i PATH="$PATH" sh -c '
export LC_ALL=C LANG=C
path="`type "$cmd" 2>/dev/null`"
if [ X"$path" = "X" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "error: command \"${cmd}\" not found in PATH" 1>&2
exit 1
case "$path" in
*\ /*)
printf "%s\n" "$path";;
printf "%s\n" "error: no disk file: $path" 1>&2
exit 1;;
exit 0
' _ "$cmd"
[ $? != 0 ] && ec=1
[ $ec != 0 ] && return 1
onewhich awk ls sed
onewhich builtin
onewhich if
Since which on success returns two full command paths if two commands are specified as arguments, exit 0 in the first onewhich script above aborts the program prematurely. In addition, if two commands are specified as arguments to which, the exit code of which is set to 1 even if only one command lookup failed (cf. which awk sedxyz ls; echo $?). To mimic this behaviour of the which command it is necessary to toggle on/off two variables (cnt and nomatches below).
onewhich() (
for cmd in "$#"; do
for loc in $PATH ; do
if [ $cnt = 0 ] && [ -x "$loc"/"$cmd" ]; then
echo "$loc"/"$cmd"
[ $cnt = 0 ] && nomatches=1
[ $nomatches = 1 ] && exit 1 || exit 0 # exit 1: at least one cmd was not in PATH
onewhich awk ls sed
onewhich awk lsxyz sed
onewhich builtin
onewhich if


Convert unix script to use gnu parallel

I have the following piece of code, which works as expected. It ensures that 2 processes are always spawned, and if any process fails, the script comes to a halt.
I have worked with GNU parallel earlier on simple one line scripts and they have worked really well.I'm sure the one below too can be made simpler.
The sleeper function in reality is MUCH more complex than one shown below.
The objective is that GNU parallel will call sleeper function in parallel and also do error handling
sleep 5
echo "Status is $1"
return $1
rm "$errfile"
while read LINE && [ ! -f "$errfile" ]
while [ ! -f "$errfile" ]
NUM=$(jobs | wc -l)
if [ $NUM -lt $PROCS ]; then
(sleeper $LINE || echo "bad exit status" > "$errfile") &
sleep 2
What you are looking for is --halt (requires version 20150622):
sleep 5
echo "Status is $1"
return $1
export -f sleeper
parallel -j2 --halt now,fail=1 -v sleeper ::: 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
If you do not want the sleeper to get killed (maybe you want it to finish so it cleans up), then use --halt soon,fail=1 to let the running jobs complete without starting new ones.

Error handling in Makefile

What is wrong with this Makefile?
I want to compile some lua files to check if there are any unexpected globals defined. I'm doing this by grepping the output of luac -l and then ignoring known globals.
So for a given lua file everything is OK if grep doesn't find anything, having ignored known lua globals.
As grep's return status code is 0 if it does find something and 1 if it doesn't I want to force an error if the status code from the grep is 0 and allow everything to continue if it isn't.
The Makefile is like this
IGNORE_GLOBALS = "dofile\|string\|tostring\|tonumber\|math\|io\|type\|os\|table\|pairs\|next\|require"
all: $(patsubst src/common/%.lua, %.lua, $(wildcard src/common/*.lua))
#echo check $#
#luac -l src/common/$# | grep '.ETGLOBAL' | grep -v $(IGNORE_GLOBALS) && $(error Unexpected globals in $#) || echo "No unexpected globals in $#"
But when I run it immediately quits on the first file, which happens to have no unexpected globals with
Makefile:10: *** Unexpected globals in chat-cmd.lua. Stop.
line 10 is surprisingly the line before, i.e.
#echo check $#
Interestingly if I replace $(error ...) with echo ..., as in
#luac -l src/common/$# | grep '.ETGLOBAL' | grep -v $(IGNORE_GLOBALS) && echo "Unexpected globals in $#" || echo "No unexpected globals in $#"
it behaves as intended.
As #siffiejoe says in the comment. $(error) is make function and is run when the recipe as a whole is being evaluated (you can think of it like hoisting if that helps).
So as soon as the recipe needs to be run (and the first line executed) the $(error) call is evaluated.
Note: In the shell X && Y || Z is not a ternary operation. Z will be run if X succeeds and Y fails as well as when X fails. This doesn't matter here as echo cannot really fail but in general is worth paying attention to.
You want to use something more like #! lua ... | grep -v $(IGNORE_GLOBALS) || { echo 'Unexpected globals in $#'; exit 1; } there. This doesn't spit out the "everything's ok" message but removes the X && Y || Z ternary issue.
If you wanted to keep that message the simplest thing to do would be to move to an actual if statement.

Unpredictable result with echo command when used in a for loop

I am trying to write a small shell script to find out the signed and unsigned jars in particular directory. While the script works fine until 4-5 jars, it starts showing unpredictable results if my directory has more jars ( currntly about 25 jars). I am not sure but a possible reason for this might be related to buffering of STDIN/STDOUT. I tried to find a resolution for this in related posts but could not get a clear answer.
Here goes my script: ( it takes JAVA_HOME as an argument ):
#! /bin/bash
for i in `ls *.jar`
echo "scanning $i ..."
$JV_HOME/bin/jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs $FILE | grep "jar verified" ;
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "\n$FILE is code-signed\n"
echo "\n$FILE is unsigned/unverified..\n"
For some of the jars, it says the jar to be unsigned, when they are actually signed when checked individually with the following command:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs
What could possibly be wrong with the above script?
Thanks in advance,

grep show all lines, not just matches, set exit status

I'm piping some output of a command to egrep, which I'm using to make sure a particular failure string doesn't appear in.
The command itself, unfortunately, won't return a proper non-zero exit status on failure, that's why I'm doing this.
command | egrep -i -v "badpattern"
This works as far as giving me the exit code I want (1 if badpattern appears in the output, 0 otherwise), BUT, it'll only output lines that don't match the pattern (as the -v switch was designed to do). For my needs, those lines are the most interesting lines.
Is there a way to have grep just blindly pass through all lines it gets as input, and just give me the exit code as appropriate?
If not, I was thinking I could just use perl -ne "print; exit 1 if /badpattern/". I use -n rather than -p because -p won't print the offending line (since it prints after running the one-liner). So, I use -n and call print myself, which at least gives me the first offending line, but then output (and execution) stops there, so I'd have to do something like
perl -e '$code = 0; while (<>) { print; $code = 1 if /badpattern/; } exit $code'
which does the whole deal, but is a bit much, is there a simple command line switch for grep that will just do what I'm looking for?
Actually, your perl idea is not bad. Try:
perl -pe 'END { exit $status } $status=1 if /badpattern/;'
I bet this is at least as fast as the other options being suggested.
$ tee /dev/tty < ~/.bashrc | grep -q spam && echo spam || echo no spam
How about doing a redirect to /dev/null, hence removing all lines, but you still get the exit code?
$ grep spam .bashrc > /dev/null
$ echo $?
$ grep alias .bashrc > /dev/null
$ echo $?
Or you can simply use the -q switch
-q, --quiet, --silent
Quiet; do not write anything to standard output. Exit
immediately with zero status if any match is found, even if an
error was detected. Also see the -s or --no-messages option.
(-q is specified by POSIX.)

How can I tell from a within a shell script if the shell that invoked it is an interactive shell?

I'm trying to set up a shell script that will start a screen session (or rejoin an existing one) only if it is invoked from an interactive shell. The solution I have seen is to check if $- contains the letter "i":
#!/bin/sh -e
echo "Testing interactivity..."
echo 'Current value of $- = '"$-"
if [ `echo \$- | grep -qs i` ]; then
echo interactive;
echo noninteractive;
However, this fails, because the script is run by a new noninteractive shell, invoked as a result of the #!/bin/sh at the top. If I source the script instead of running it, it works as desired, but that's an ugly hack. I'd rather have it work when I run it.
So how can I test for interactivity within a script?
Give this a try and see if it does what you're looking for:
if [ $_ != $0 ]
echo interactive;
echo noninteractive;
The underscore ($_) expands to the absolute pathname used to invoke the script. The zero ($0) expands to the name of the script. If they're different then the script was invoked from an interactive shell. In Bash, subsequent expansion of $_ gives the expanded argument to the previous command (it might be a good idea to save the value of $_ in another variable in order to preserve it).
From man bash:
0 Expands to the name of the shell or shell script. This is set
at shell initialization. If bash is invoked with a file of com‐
mands, $0 is set to the name of that file. If bash is started
with the -c option, then $0 is set to the first argument after
the string to be executed, if one is present. Otherwise, it is
set to the file name used to invoke bash, as given by argument
_ At shell startup, set to the absolute pathname used to invoke
the shell or shell script being executed as passed in the envi‐
ronment or argument list. Subsequently, expands to the last
argument to the previous command, after expansion. Also set to
the full pathname used to invoke each command executed and
placed in the environment exported to that command. When check‐
ing mail, this parameter holds the name of the mail file cur‐
rently being checked.
$_ may not work in every POSIX compatible sh, although it probably works in must.
$PS1 will only be set if the shell is interactive. So this should work:
if [ -z "$PS1" ]; then
echo noninteractive
echo interactive
try tty
if tty 2>&1 |grep not ; then echo "Not a tty"; else echo "a tty"; fi
man tty :
The tty utility writes the name of the terminal attached to standard
input to standard output. The name that is written is the string
returned by ttyname(3). If the standard input is not a terminal, the
message ``not a tty'' is written.
You could try using something like...
if [[ -t 0 ]]
echo "Interactive...say something!"
read line
echo $line
echo "Not Interactive"
The "-t" switch in the test field checks if the file descriptor given matches a terminal (you could also do this to stop the program if the output was going to be printed to a terminal, for example). Here it checks if the standard in of the program matches a terminal.
Simple answer: don't run those commands inside ` ` or [ ].
There is no need for either of those constructs here.
Obviously I can't be sure what you expected
[ `echo \$- | grep -qs i` ]
to be testing, but I don't think it's testing what you think it's testing.
That code will do the following:
Run echo \$- | grep -qs i inside a subshell (due to the ` `).
Capture the subshell's standard output.
Replace the original ` ` expression with a string containing that output.
Pass that string as an argument to the [ command or built-in (depending on your shell).
Produce a successful return code from [ only if that string was nonempty (assuming the string didn't look like an option to [).
Some possible problems:
The -qs options to grep should cause it to produce no output, so I'd expect [ to be testing an empty string regardless of what $- looks like.
It's also possible that the backslash is escaping the dollar sign and causing a literal 'dollar minus' (rather than the contents of a variable) to be sent to grep.
On the other hand, if you removed the [ and backticks and instead said
if echo "$-" | grep -qs i ; then
your current shell would expand "$-" with the value you want to test,
echo ... | would send that to grep on its standard input,
grep would return a successful return code when that input contained the letter i,
grep would print no output, due to the -qs flags, and
the if statement would use grep's return code to decide which branch to take.
no backticks would replace any commands with the output produced when they were run, and
no [ command would try to replace the return code of grep with some return code that it had tried to reconstruct by itself from the output produced by grep.
For more on how to use the if command, see this section of the excellent BashGuide.
If you want to test the value of $- without forking an external process (e.g. grep) then you can use the following technique:
if [ "${-%i*}" != "$-" ]
echo Interactive shell
echo Not an interactive shell
This deletes any match for i* from the value of $- then checks to see if this made any difference.
(The ${parameter/from/to} construct (e.g. [ "${-//[!i]/}" = "i" ] is true iff interactive) can be used in Bash scripts but is not present in Dash, which is /bin/sh on Debian and Ubuntu systems.)
