ODataConsumer create method undefined - ADT - Build: v21.1.0-569685 - odata

I'm entering the world of android development, i haven't written java since uni (some time ago now). I have written and deployed a working WCF Data Service and am now attempting to consumer that service from my android app.
i've been reading blogs and following tutorials and everything starts with
ODataConsumer c = ODataConsumer.create("http://www.tooks-net.co.uk/DataService/PublicDataService.svc/");
List<OEntity> list = c.getEntities("NewsBulletins").execute().toList();
the problem that i am getting won't even let me run the app to see if the service will connect and retrieve the list of news. The error i get in eclipse is this:
The method create(String) is undefined for the type ODataConsumer
Like i said, all documentation says to start with ODataConsumer.create and it won't let me get even that far.
What i've done so far is. Follow the the android training programme here http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html until the point where i create a new activity and start that, but instead of displaying the message entered i run the above code.
What have i missed? Thanks in advance!

You have to use
ODataConsumer c = ODataJerseyConsumer.create("http://www.tooks-net.co.uk/DataService/PublicDataService.svc");
Make sure that you added the clientbundle jar (the latest is odata4j-0.7.0-clientbundle.jar).


"Cached element do not exists in DOM" when run Appium with Robot Framework

I'm working on automated test using Appium with Robot framework on Android device. I create schedule run on Jenkins. My test flow is entering some data in page A and submit, then switch to page B to check the result and switch to page A to enter a new data. I repeat this loop for around 10+ time. Everything works fine in around 4-5 rounds but after that there show up an error :
StaleElementReferenceException: Message: Cached element 'By.xpath:
//android.widget.TextView[#text='Limit']' do not exists in DOM anymore
The TextView is in the page A. I monitored the robot and saw that the TextView was shown up but the robot did not see it. I tried restart the device but the problem is not solved. I search through the internet and found some who facing the same issue but they use different programming language like Java or Python. I have no idea what I have to do next.
Development Tools :
Appium version: 1.21.0
Robot Framework version: 4.1.2 (Python 3.10.0 on win32)
First I do not use Robot Framework, but the code should be similar according to this https://robocorp.com/docs/languages-and-frameworks/robot-framework/try-except-finally-exception-catching-and-handling.
Second, I'm not sure if this is the best way to get around this. I think there is something you can do with the expected conditions class to get around this in a "cleaner way" but I'm not quite familiar with it enough to show/tell you. Instead what I've done is something like this...
from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
while some_limiting_factor:
# logic for submitting page A, assertions for page B
except StaleElementReferenceException:
element = driver.find_element('By.xpath: //android.widget.TextView[#text='Limit']' )
As much as I want to cache elements in appium, it seems that the service itself does NOT want you to, at least not in my experience. Getting a fresh element(s) every time seems to ensure a "slow but steady" test. Hopefully someone can show me the deep appium secrets one day.

"failed to get context" error against real server, works fine with mockserver

Following the ODATA V4 tutorial in step 2: app runs against mockserver, tips are given to run it against a real server. Used the existing index.html as test/mockServer.html and created a new index.html, pointing to ComponentSupport for oninit. Added cors-anywhere and adjusted the manifest. Works well, both mockserver and real.
That was in step 2 and the app worked fine also against a real server. Fast-forward to step 5 and I notice the app fails to load any data when running against a real server. Long story short, the backend is throwing an error, not even "count" together with "top" is accepted. I checked the docs for ODATA, "count" does not seem to be an exclusive option.
Am I fundamentally misunderstanding the way ODATA works? I am especially puzzled by the fact that the mockserver runs fine.
EDIT: created bugreport
As reported in the closing comment of my bugreport, Microsoft has confirmed the issue: "This was due to an error in the version of the OData WebAPI library we were using in the backing service. I have an update with various fixes, including updating to the latest WebAPI library that contains this fix, that I just haven't pushed out to production yet. Let me see when if I can get that deployed."

Pass end point details in Rest Web Service command in Automation Anywhere

In the Rest Webservice Command, I don't see any option to pass a variable in the URI.
We do not want to hard the end point in the script.
As an e.g I will want the script to use different points for dev/stage and prod.
Is there a work around for this.
On building a URI with variables like :
https://$v_hostname$/test-rs-v1/employee/data send request works fine but
bot runs we get an error stating :
Hostname could not be parsed.
Update: That was a bug and fixed on version 11.3.1. You can only achieve that on version 11.3.1 or later.
Reference: https://docs.automationanywhere.com/bundle/enterprise-v11.3/page/topics/release-notes/release-notes-11-3-1.html
Workaround for older versions (If you have experience with C#): Build and test DLLs
The following applies only on version 11.3.1 and later.
Make sure that $v_hostname$ contains a value at the run time, using debugging option or message box command.
I did reproduce the same error by entering a variable that doesn't exist or doesn't have a value, there is no another scenario would reproduce "Hostname could not be parsed".
If the hostname/URL is invalid you will get "The remote name could not be resolved:".
I've tested the REST Web Service command on both community and enterprise editions, and it's working very well.

Web service call missing field value xamarin IOS

I'm having a web reference which is being used by both a Xamarin IOS application, Xamaring Android application, and a Windows Store application.
And this all worked very well, until I updated Xamarin.
Now, there is a field that But it works fine for the Android and Windows applications.
I have tried to update the web reference multiple times, with no luck. I have also tried to debug the web service locally, to see if it returns the same , which it does.
When I receive it in my Windows Store app., it looks like this:
And in my IOS app., it looks like this:
It is always the StructureId that is never set, for some reason. And it was not like that before I updated Xamarin.
Anyone who knows what I am doing wrong, or have stumbled onto the same kind of problem ?
That looks like the linker removed unused members. Defaults have not changed (it's not related to your update) but you should check that your application is being built with Link SDK (and not Link all).
If you want a smaller executable and set Link all to achieve this then you'll need to add [Preserve] attributes on the structure you're serializing (e.g. used in web services).
I was able to make it work. I am not sure if it cached anything, or what, but it helped to add some "noise" on the webservice call.
I just added DateTime.Now.Ticks to my webservice URL in Reference.cs, so it would always be a new URL call:
this.Url = "http://somewebsitename.com/ReportService/ReportService.asmx?v=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks;

Local paths active and causing error to web app. after publish

We're trying to publish our little web app here.
I've done it several times in the past and it worked pretty well.
As the tags states, its a MVC ASP.Net project coded with VS2008.
Other interns worked on that project and we tried to re-publish again and we have this error:
[IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.]
XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXRepository..ctor() in
XXXXXXX.HomeController..ctor() in
Problem is, the path pointed here E:\XXXXXXX....*Controller or *Rep is located on the LOCAL machine where the dev. is made. It's as if something was hardcoded directly in our local machines in the Rep.VB and HomeController.VB. It should point in the path where we published the whole project wich is not E:\XXX\YYY\ZZZ
Anyone ever encountered this ?
Thanks alot guys
Have a nice day.
That is just information about where to search error in source files, so those paths have nothing to do with error appearance, they just for debugging purposes - if you will compile from your machine, they will change, but error will not dissapear.
Error message indicates, that problem is, that code tries to access array element, which is not there (let's say array has 1 element and program tries to access second one).
