Rotations issues in ios6 - black screen - ipad

I found several problems with rotations in ios6 using iPAD...all of us...I resolved mostly all of them using the new method shouldAutorotate and shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. But in one of the views is not updating properly the rotation. You can see (more or less) what happen:
The top images describes the behaviour from landscape to portrait...if I change the rotation of my app in other different of the first image, and come back to the first tab, the app doesn't update properly the view in portrait.
The bottom images describes what happen when I am comming from portrait to the last screen I can the half of the screen completely black.
My level in iOS is really basic I will like some tips...what do you think which could be the problem? because in other tabs is not happen of the same app it is not happen.
If you need a piece of code, let me know...thank you!

Try this:
Sample how to have NavigationBar, TabBar and SplitViewController in one project with correct looking transitions between orienations

Thanks for your reaction (ironic). I've discovered what was the problem with the rotation only in a particular screen of my app. The problem is that the one that built the app before me, used one UISplitViewController inside of a UITabBarController. This mix of ViewController, in iOS 6 bring a bunch of problems, specially with the rotations. After thousands of tries, I found this link and it is solved.
UISplitViewController inside UITabBarController in iOS6:
That's all.
Should I change the title of the question?


How to smoothly translate view in iMessage extension in iOS 10?

I have issue when I try to push view controller in willTransitionToPresentationStyle:. The view was blinking for a split second before it fully expanded. It might be a small glitch or bug since iOS 10 and Xcode 8 are still in beta. But when I manually requested to change presentation style to MSMessagesAppPresentationStyleExpanded by calling requestPresentationStyle: after I push view controller, it went to expand mode more smoothly. Does anyone have similar issue?
I have had similar problems with transitions in iMessage apps. I think this should improve considerably when iOS 10 and Xcode 8 come out of beta, but for now we have to deal with Xcode's bugs.
There's a few things I've done to make this look better. Inside my extension I have a method that checks the presentation style every time the view changes. This method manages two different UIs - one for MSMessagesAppPresentationStyleExpanded and one for MSMessagesAppPresentationStyleCompact. This method hides and shows specific views accordingly. In my compact UI I have a button that allows the user to expand the interface by clicking it (this is basically the same as clicking the up arrow at the bottom right of the screen).
I've noticed that if you let the user expand the messages app after the view has been loaded for a while the transitions are much smoother and less buggy. Not sure why this is the case, but you should give it a try. Also, I've found segues to be extremely buggy, so that's why I went with keeping everything on one view controller.

Sporadic black screen when performing segue in iOS 9.2.1 / XCode 7.2

Upvoters: can you let me know if you've seen this problem as well?
The issue I'm seeing occurs roughly every 1 in 15 times when I try to modally launch a view controller from a button on a certain scene.
This is done with iOS 9.2.1 and XCode 7.2, though it is not clear which versions it happens on. It's not easy to change the iOS version down.
The symptoms are as follows:
The destination view controller is not visible on the phone. Instead, the top bar (the one with the carrier) goes black, and sometimes it flickers so the whole screen is completely black. The launching view controller is visible, but not responsive.
When this happens, I go to the XCode screen and do view debugging. Remarkably, this shows the destination screen, almost as it's supposed to look. The only difference is that one of the views has not done its drawRect, and one of the other views looks all speckled. But of course it does not at all correspond to what the phone is showing.
The cancel button on the destination screen seems to still work, because when I press where it's supposed to be, the app continues to function. If I try to relaunch the screen with the button, it again doesn't work though. So once this has happened, the screen has stopped working for that session and the app needs to be killed and restarted.
There are not many hints, but this information may help:
There's 3 scrollviews containing views on the destination screen. All three child views have their own drawRect. It turns out one of the drawRects is not called when the error occurs, resulting in the grey background being shown. The speckled view does run, but I have no clue why it looks like that in view debugging.
No warnings in XCode. Nothing about NSLayout constraints or presentations overlapping.
Two fields are set on the destination view controller on the prepareForSegue function.
The segue is launched from the times button by way of the storyboard. There's no missing or extra outlet, and it is named correctly for the prepare function to catch it.
The issue is sporadic, but will reliably occur if you launch/cancel many times in a row.
Here are the screen grabs. I won't show you the black screen. It's just black with the carrier and the time.
I've solved it. Checking the memory usage turned out to be quite useful.
The grey area was supposed to be filled by a large background with lines drawn. It turns out the naive implementation of drawBackground causes the memory size to balloon to over 200MB. I replaced it with a CSTiledLayer, and now it takes a few MB instead.

UIPopoverController with UIVisualEffectView over UISplitViewController - background is not getting blurred on iPhone 6 plus

I am trying to display a popover controller over UISplitViewController.
The popover is displayed correctly. However, the visual effect view, which I have added to it, is not being displayed correctly on iPhone 6 plus (the background is not getting blurred). Here is the result which I am getting:
I have no clue how to resolve this issue.
The most similar question I was able to find is this. However, none of the solutions worked for me.
I have also tried modifying the presentation styles but it does not help as well. Setting the background for popover to clearColor also doesn't help...
I have uploaded a project to GitHub which you can find here.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
This is the normal behaviour, if you want to blur the background while the popup is presented, you should use UIPresentationController and it's delegates.
You can find the documentation here and a top notch tutorial here.
Here you will find an example of what you're trying to achieve.

My IOS orientation acting very strange and won't listen to any programing-code?

As the title describes I am having a big "what the * is this" at my app atm. It seems I can't get the control over the orientation at all in the different slides.
I can only manage the orientation in one way, via the info-plist file. The problem is, info-plist file sets the orientation for the whole app and I am not interested in that.In some slides I want to allow Landscape left/right and others only Portrait and this is not doable vie info-plist?
I have tried my best to understand the problem but I can not say I have gained any bigger "aha moment" so far. I am using UINavigatorbar and Tabbar in my IOS-app which may occur the problem. How can I make the app to start listening to the code in each-file so I can manage the orientation localy ?
Are you using iOS 6? If so, the -shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation method was deprecated.
You now have to override -supportedInterfaceOrientations and -preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation methods in order to manage screen orientation. You can do this globally or within individual view controllers.
See the UIViewController class reference for more details.

Mutltiple UISplitviewControllers in TabBar are not all notified of rotations events

I have an application with a tabBar containing 3 UISplitiViewControllers. Everything works well except for one scenario:
I have the ipad in landscape position on tab1. I click on tab3, then I rotate the ipad portrait mode. I click on tab1, it is well displayed in portrait mode, I'm happy.
I now come back to landscape position.
I click again on tab3 and there, the splitView controller is still displayed in "portrait mode". the delegate of my splitviewController in tab3 was never called.
Is there a way to force the rotation of this splitViewController in the "viewWillAppear"?
Your might find this git useful.
It is just a simple subclass of UISplitViewController that is notified of rotation changes.
Alternatively, this is a more robust replacement that adds lots of features.
Hope it helps.
BTW I have gotten apps approved using these classes.
After a deep analysis of event bubbling, it appears that rotation events are not forwarded to hidden splitViews...
There is no way to forward these events without using hidden apis.
Lots a developers have the same problem and this implementation of event management in splitView has been reported as a bug to apple, even though guidelines are to use only one splitView added to the root view of application.
