Way to easily see which assets are not used? - ruby-on-rails

I've inherited a rails app that had been used a few times over for various, different applications. In doing so, it looks as with each iteration, the developers simply copied in the new assets (images, javascript, etc) without starting fresh, so now I've got folders full of assets I'm sure aren't used.
I want to clean this up, as I'm responsible for the current iteration.
Is there a quick/easy way (a script perhaps) to filter out what is used and what isn't?

if you have very verbose logs try this script (taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/14488684/1440599)
grep -Eo ‘GET /(.*(.gif|.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.css|.js))[ \?]’ [the-log].log > ~/assets.txt
of course, this doesn't take into account the time the assets are used (some may be obsolete) depending on how long the application has been logged so you'll have to take this into account


Electron does not run on shared folder

C:\share is shared folder.
C:\share\electron-v13.0.1-win32-x64, \\\share\electron-v13.0.1-win32-x64 and Z:\electron-v13.0.1-win32-x64 are same folder.
Electron app is launched correctly when I execute C:\share\electron-v13.0.1-win32-x64\electron.exe command.
However, electron app is not launched correctly when I execute Z:\electron-v13.0.1-win32-x64\electron.exe command.
According to the task manager, electron processes are running.
However, electron's window is not shown.
Can electron run correctly on shared folder?
Should be safer to use it locally (from the C:\share). The mapped drives behave very differently compared to local filesystem. And their implementations can differ in their settings as well:
If I understand you are just mapping back your own shared folder, and overall the Windows server cofigurations felt to me more consistent, however the protocol changed over the time as well:
I do not understand the network sharing protocols well to give you exact answer why you have the problem, but I know enough to tell you that the mounted shared folders are not like your own local filesystem. In many cases the differences do not matter and it gives great user expierence, but in some cases these minute differences break things in misterious ways, even if they are mapped/mounted almost like a regular/local drive. This is not exclusive problem to Electron.
And that is a problem with a lot of things through SMB (mainly binaries/tools), the shared folder might be running a different filesystem, different permission and privileges (or run a completely different structure of permissions underneath if it's a completely different filesystem). Remote folders might have issues with inotify getting events on file updates, might miss changed file (like touch on Linux is meant to update date on the file), so through shared folder the date updates might be delayed/rounded. I think at one point even Makefiles were misbehaving as it was depending on the access-date to work the way it would locally.
Other problem with tools is the sharability, can it handle run multiple instances from the same location? Is it saving something into a ./tmp or some other file which could conflict with other user running it at the same time?
Overall with shares I tend to use them for data (and few times had issues with them as well), but have shared remotely applications only if they are known to not cause troubles.

How to display log for Rails application?

I have a rails app and I would like to display the log in the app itself. This will allow administrators to see what changes were recently made without entering the console and using the file with the logs. All logs will be displayed in the application administration. How is it possible to implement and what kind of gems do I need to use?
You don't need a Gem.
Add a controller, read the logfiles and render the output in HTML.
Probably need to limit the number of lines you read. Also there might be different log files to chose from.
I don't think this is a good idea though. Log files are for finding errors and you should not need them in your day to day work, unless you manage ther server.
Also they might contain sensitive data (CC Numbers, Pwds, ...) and it might get complicated when you use multiple servers with local disks.
Probably better to look at dedicated tools for this and handle logs outside of your application.
Assuming that you have git associated with your application or git bash installed in your system.
For displaying log information for the development mode, migrate to your application folder in your console/terminal and type tail -f log/development.log

Grails 2.2.3 - lots of resources in project root makes the app hang forever

I have this Grails 2.2.3 (still...) application. It's a normal app using GORM, and SpringSecurity, nothing unusual.
The only unusual thing is when the app goes in production, the webapps/ROOT folder (where the app lives) is populated by a lot of other folders in the root of it. These folders do not contain stuff that is needed by Grails, but for reasons I find shameful ^_^; , they have to be there. I'm talking about a huge amount of directories with various depths.
The big problem here is at Tomcat restart, the whole process hangs with a beautiful:
INFO: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
and takes like 40 minutes to proceed further.
Using JVisual, we noticed the reason was a huge amount of directory listing and file reads.
We never reproduced this behavior locally, until we noticed this thing. We recreated an environment full of directories and violà, same behavior.
anyone can confirm my guess is right
any idea on how I can "disable" this search on uninteresting paths (or tell which are interesting)
Ok, I can confirm this is actually happening. When Grails starts, it looks into its webapp directory and scans looking for something. If the directory is stuck with content, it'll hang forever.
We didn't find a solution to this problem but found a way to move those resources away from the folder.
So keep in mind: always keep your webapp directory clean form stuff that can be moved elsewhere.

Modifying Grails apps post deployment

I'm investigating Grails vs. other Agile web frameworks, and one key use case I'm trying to support is the ability to modify controllers and install plugins post deployment. It appears that this isn't possible with Grails, but I want to make sure before I write it off.
As far as modifying controllers goes, it would be sufficient if the Groovlet behavior existed (compile-on-demand).
As far as plugin installs go, I understand this may be a long shot, but I thought I'd check to be sure.
For your information, I need this because I work on a product that requires a little site-specific customization, such as adding validation of simple meta-data, integrating with customer security environments, and maybe even including new controllers/pages quickly.
Out of the box, no, grails doesn't really support what you want. There may be ways to customize it but I've never looked into it. A PHP framework might be more of your ally since there is no real deployment process other than copying PHP files to a location.
That said, I personally would prefer a strict set of deployment policies. And honestly, deploying changes with Grails is as simple as running the 'grails war' command and copying that war to your servlet container. The site's downtime is negligible and if you have multiple web servers with a load-balancer, your customers should never see down time due to deployments.
Although it's not recommended for complex coding; You could execute groovy code from a string that you could store in database or a file on the fly at run time:
check out Groovy template engine:
but even then, you are still limited on what you can do or can't do let alone debugging will lack. you may want to consider an interpreted language; few to mention PHP/Perl/Coldfusion.

Unable to understand the basic PATHs at root

I trying to put my Mac's data in order.
I have many rc-files at my root such as .vimrc, .srceenrc and .bashrc.
I would like to put these files to the specific folders such as .vimrc and .screenrc to ~/bin/coding and .bashrc then again to ~/bin/shells.
How can you determine where these rc-files must be?
Seriously, you should leave them where they are. Applications will be looking for them in specific locations (probably your $HOME directory which is not root, by the way, or shouldn't be). This is a very old UNIX convention that you should attempt to change only if you fully understand the consequences.
Not meaning to sound condescending but your error in naming your home directory as your root directory seems to indicate your knowledge level of how it all works is less than it should be to understand those consequences (apologies if that offends you, I agonized over the best way to say it - what I mean is that you should tread carefully).
If you move them, you will have to ensure you run the applications that use them with their paths fully specified, and some applications may not let you do that.
They all start with "." so that they're hidden to the normal ls commands and, if you're using a graphical file browser, there should be a way to hide them there as well (such as the Gnome File Manager CTRL-H).
Configuration of a program is both defined at system-level and user-level, you can tweak the user-level one, which resides in your home, to help you in what you need.
No need to group them in subfolders as you said: leaving them in your home (not root) is following the convention everybody uses, rc-files usually stay there after the program has been uninstalled, so if some day you make a fresh install you'll find the application configured as you left it.
Also, by leaving them in your home, you can bring your own home folder to another system and have the environment set as you like it.
