Rails seeds.db not saving relationships - ruby-on-rails

When I try to use the db/seeds.rb file to prepopulate the database, my code looks like:
now = Time.now.beginning_of_hour
later = Time.now.end_of_hour + 1
sch1 = Schedule.create(start_time: now, stop_time: later)
sch1.channel = channel
sch1.program = cartoon
where channel and cartoon are defined earlier in the code with a Channel.create and Program.create with appropriate values.
When I look in the rails console, I see that all three objects (channel, program and schedule) exist, but that no schedule has no program_id. (schedule.program works just fine for some reason). A program's program.schedules is an empty array as well.
As a test, I did the following in the console:
now = Time.now.beginning_of_hour
later = Time.now.end_of_hour + 1
channel = Channel.first
cartoon = Program.first
sch1 = Schedule.create(start_time: now, stop_time: later)
sch1.channel = channel
sch1.program = cartoon
and that worked just fine.
What is special about seeds? Do I need to call save before referencing it later or something? the variable is clearly not null...


Using Insert with a large multi-layered table using Lua

So I am working on a script for GTA5 and I need to transfer data over to a js script. However so I don't need to send multiple arrays to js I require a table, the template for the table should appear as below.
The issue I'm having at the moment is in the second section where I receive all vehicles and loop through each to add it to said 'vehicleTable'. I haven't been able to find the "table.insert" method used in a multilayered table
So far I've tried the following
This seems to store an 'object'(table)? so it does not show up when called in the latter for loop
vehicleTable = vehicleTable + vehicleTable[class][i][vehicleName]
This seemed like it was going nowhere as I either got a error or nothing happened.
This one failed on the second line, I'm unsure why however it didn't even reach the next problem I saw later which would be the fact that line 3 had no way to specify the "Name" field.
Lastly the current one,
local test = {[class] = {[i]={["Name"]=vehicleName}}}
It works without errors but ultimately it doesn't file it in the table instead it seems to create its own branch so object within the object.
And after about 3 hours of zero progress on this topic I turn to the stack overflow for assistance.
local vehicleTable = {
["Sports"] = {
[1] = {["Name"] = "ASS", ["Hash"] = "Asshole2"},
[2] = {["Name"] = "ASS2", ["Hash"] = "Asshole1"}
["Muscle"] = {
[1] = {["Name"] = "Sedi", ["Hash"] = "Sedina5"}
["Compacts"] = {
[1] = {["Name"] = "MuscleCar", ["Hash"] = "MCar2"}
["Sedan"] = {
[1] = {["Name"] = "Blowthing", ["Hash"] = "Blowthing887"}
local vehicles = GetAllVehicleModels();
for i=1, #vehicles do
local class = vehicleClasses[GetVehicleClassFromName(vehicles[i])]
local vehicleName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(vehicles[i]))
print(vehicles[i].. " " .. class .. " " .. vehicleName)
local test = {[class] = {[i]={["Name"]=vehicleName}}}
for k in pairs(vehicleTable) do
-- for v in pairs(vehicleTable[k]) do
-- print(v .. " " .. #vehicleTable[k])
-- end
If there is not way to add to a library / table how would I go about sorting all this without needing to send a million (hash, name, etc...) requests to js?
Any recommendations or support would be much appreciated.
Aside the fact that you do not provide the definition of multiple functions and tables used in your code that would be necessary to provide a complete answere without making assumptions there are many misconceptions regarding very basic topics in Lua.
The most prominent is that you don't know how to use table.insert and what it can do. It will insert (append by default) a numeric field to a table. Given that you have non-numeric keys in your vehicleTable this doesn't make too much sense.
You also don't know how to use the + operator and that it does not make any sense to add a table and a string.
Most of your code seems to be the result of guess work and trial and error.
Instead of referring to the Lua manual so you know how to use table.insert and how to index tables properly you spend 3 hours trying all kinds of variations of your incorrect code.
Assuming a vehicle model is a table like {["Name"] = "MyCar", ["Hash"] = "MyCarHash"} you can add it to a vehicle class like so:
table.insert(vehicleTable["Sedan"], {["Name"] = "MyCar", ["Hash"] = "MyCarHash"})
This makes sense because vehicleTable.Sedan has numeric indices. And after that line it would contain 2 cars.
Read the manual. Then revisit your code and fix your errors.

Unable to save an Entry because matrix field is invalid - Craft CMS 2

I'm trying to save an Entry but Craft errors because of an invalid matrix field. The Entry includes a matrix field but I haven't changed it. I'm trying to edit another field. When I save the entry manually from the admin panel, it saves fine without any errors.
I have researched this problem online and a lot of people were recommending that I provide the matrix's ids when saving the entry. However, even then, I still get an error.
In the code below you'll see that I'm trying to save 3 fields:
Cover Image
Each of these fields required me to manually save them because they are relations. That's OK, however, as mentioned earlier, the matrix field (named tracks) errors.
Here's my code below
$criteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria(ElementType::Entry);
$criteria->section = "programmes";
$entry = $criteria->first([
"slug" => $programme["slug"]
if ($entry) {
// Update Entry attributes
$entry->getContent()->coverImage = $entry->coverImage->ids();
$entry->getContent()->tracks = $entry->tracks->ids();
$entry->getContent()->language = $entry->language->ids();
// Save Entry
if (!craft()->entries->saveEntry($entry)) {
return $entry->getErrors();
The error that comes back is the following
Argument 1 passed to Craft\MatrixService::validateBlock() must be an instance of Craft\MatrixBlockModel, string given, called in craft/app/fieldtypes/MatrixFieldType.php on line 451
Including the matrices themselves and not their ids has worked.
$entry->getContent()->tracks = $entry->tracks->all();

Open a libreoffice mail merged textdocument directly with swriter

I need help with opening the result of my mail merge operations directly in an new writer document.
Object mailMergeService = mcf.createInstanceWithContext(mailMergePackage, context);
XPropertySet mmProperties = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, mailMergeService);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("DocumentURL", templatePath);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("DataSourceName", dbName);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("CommandType", mmCommandType);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("Command", mmCommand);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("OutputType", mmOutputType);
// mmProperties.setPropertyValue("OutputURL", templateDirectory);
// mmProperties.setPropertyValue("FileNamePrefix", mmFileNamePrefix);
// mmProperties.setPropertyValue("SaveAsSingleFile", mmSaveAsSingleFile);
The mmOutputType is set as MailMergeType.SHELL
The LibreOffice API documentation says
"The output is a document shell.
The successful mail marge returns a XTextDocument based component."
So I've tried something like this
XJob job = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XJob.class, mailMergeService);
Object mergedTextObject = job.execute(new NamedValue[0]);
String url = "private:factory/swriter";
loader.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_blank", 0, new PropertyValue[0]);
XTextDocument mergedText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, mergedTextObject);
XTextCursor cursor = mergedText.getText().createTextCursor();
I guess I have to pass the XTextDocument component to the url-argument of the loadComponentFromURL method but I didnt find the right way to do that.
When I change the OutputType to MailMergeType.FILE the result is generated in a given directory and I can open the file and see that the mail merge succeeded. But this is not what my application should do.
Does someone know how I can open the result of the mail merge directly in an new writer document without saving the result to the hard drive?
Sincerly arthur
Hey guys I've found a simple way to open the result of my mail merge process directly.
The relevant snippets are these
XJob job = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XJob.class, mailMergeService);
Object mergedTextObject = job.execute(new NamedValue[0]);
XTextDocument mergedText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, mergedTextObject);
The last line of code made the window appear with the filled mail merge result.
I also don't need this line anymore
loader.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, new PropertyValue[0]);
The document opens as a new instance of a swriter document. If you want to save the result as a file you can do this
XStorable storeMM = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, mergedText);
XModel modelMM = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, mergedText);
storeMM.storeAsURL(outputDirectory + outputFilename, modelMM.getArgs());
What version of LO are you using? The SHELL constant has only been around since LO 4.4, and it is not supported by Apache OpenOffice yet, so it could be that it isn't fully implemented. However this code seems to show a working test.
If it is returning an XTextDocument, then normally I would assume the component is already open. However it sounds like you are not seeing a Writer window appear. Did you start LO in headless mode? If not, then maybe the process needs a few seconds before it can display.
Object mergedTextObject = job.execute(new NamedValue[0]);
Anyway to me it looks like your code has a mistake in it. These two lines would simply insert the text onto itself:
XTextCursor cursor = mergedText.getText().createTextCursor();
Probably you intended to write something like this instead:
XTextDocument mergedText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, mergedTextObject);
String url = "private:factory/swriter";
XComponent xComponent = loader.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_blank", 0, new PropertyValue[0]);
XTextDocument xTextDocument = (XTextDocument)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, xComponent);
XText xText = (XText)xTextDocument.getText();
XTextRange xTextRange = xText.getEnd();
One more thought: getString() might just return an empty string if the entire document is in a table. If that is the case then you could use the view cursor or enumerate text content.
To preserve formatting including tables, you can do something like this (adapted from https://blog.oio.de/2010/10/27/copy-and-paste-without-clipboard-using-openoffice-org-api/):
// Select all.
XController xMergedTextController = mergedText.getCurrentController();
XTextViewCursorSupplier supTextViewCursor =
(XTextViewCursorSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XTextViewCursorSupplier.class, xMergedTextController);
XTextViewCursor oVC = supTextViewCursor.getViewCursor();
oVC.gotoStart(False) // This would not work if your document began with a table.
// Copy and paste.
XTransferableSupplier xTransferableSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTransferableSupplier.class, xMergedTextController);
XTransferable transferable = xTransferableSupplier.getTransferable();
XController xController = xComponent.getCurrentController();
XTransferableSupplier xTransferableSupplier_newDoc = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTransferableSupplier.class, xController);

Using index value in method

In my Rails application, in a model, I am trying to use the loop index x in the following method, and I can't figure out how to get the value:
def set_winners ## loops over 4 quarters
1.upto(4) do |x|
qtr_[x]_winner.winner = 1
I'm going to keep searching but any help would be greatly appreciated!
edit: So I guess I can't do that! Here is the original method I was trying to refactor in full by looping four times:
def set_winners
## set all 4 quarter's winning squares
home_qtr_1 = game.home_q1_score.to_s.split('').last.to_i
away_qtr_1 = game.away_q1_score.to_s.split('').last.to_i
qtr_1_winner = squares.where(xvalue:home_qtr_1, yvalue:away_qtr_1).first
qtr_1_winner.winner = 1
home_qtr_2 = game.home_q2_score.to_s.split('').last.to_i
away_qtr_2 = game.away_q2_score.to_s.split('').last.to_i
qtr_2_winner = squares.where(xvalue:home_qtr_2, yvalue:away_qtr_2).first
qtr_2_winner.winner = 1
home_qtr_3 = game.home_q3_score.to_s.split('').last.to_i
away_qtr_3 = game.away_q3_score.to_s.split('').last.to_i
qtr_3_winner = squares.where(xvalue:home_qtr_3, yvalue:away_qtr_3).first
qtr_3_winner.winner = 1
home_qtr_4 = game.home_q4_score.to_s.split('').last.to_i
away_qtr_4 = game.away_q4_score.to_s.split('').last.to_i
qtr_4_winner = squares.where(xvalue:home_qtr_4, yvalue:away_qtr_4).first
qtr_4_winner.winner = 1
Is there a better way to do this if it's bad practice to dynamically change attribute names?
It looks like you are trying to do a PHP-like trick in a language that doesn't support it, and where we recommend NOT doing it because it results in code that is very difficult to debug due to the dynamically named variables.
It looks like you want to generate a variable name using:
to create something like:
Instead, consider creating an array named qtr_winner containing your objects and access the elements like:
You could create a hash to do a similar thing:
qtr_winner = {}
qtr_winner[1] = 5
then later access it using qtr_winner[1] and get 5 back or
qtr_winner[1].winner = 1
The determination of whether to use a hash or an array is whether you need to walk the container, or need random access. If you are always indexing into it using a value, then it's probably a wash about which is faster.
Based on your edit, you don't need dynamic variables. The only thing that changes in your loop is game.home_qN_score, so that's what the focus of your refactoring should be. Given that, here's a viable solution:
1.upto(4) do |i|
home_qtr = game.send("home_q#{i}_score)".to_s.split('').last.to_i
away_qtr = game.send("away_q#{i}_score)".to_s.split('').last.to_i
winner = squares.where(xvalue:home_qtr, yvalue:away_qtr).first
winner.winner = 1
Original answer:
If qtr_1_winner, etc. are instance methods, you can use Object#send to achieve what you want:
def set_winners ## loops over 4 quarters
1.upto(4) do |x|
send("qtr_#{x}_winner").winner = 1

ZendAMF 1.11 and the missing source

We are trying to upgrade from an older version of Zend Framework to the most recent one (1.11).
We have to send some ArrayCollections to a Flex-app that I can not access. Previous versions of ZF's Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection have a source attribute which the newer versions don't have.
I have tried editing the Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection class to have that source property, but it seems like ZF doesn't send objects to the Flex-app (I've noticed that via a debugging proxy). The ArrayCollection still has the correct keys (AFAIK, going from 0 -> 3), but the values are NULL.
This is from a small test-file:
$c = new RoomCategoryVO();
$c->name = 'root';
$c->childCategories = new Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection();
$cc1 = new RoomCategoryVO();
$cc1->sortPriority = 2;
$cc1->name = $this->xml->roomService->windows;
$cc1->parentCategory = $c;
$cc1->childItems = new Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection();
$re11 = new ElementVO();
$re11->id = "simpleWindow";
$re11->name = $this->xml->roomService->window;
$re11->type = 'SIMPLE_WINDOW';
$re11->icon = 'assets/runtime/images/schemeIcons/simpleWindow.png';
//$cc1->childItems->source[] = $re11;
$cc1->childItems[] = $re11;
//$c->childCategories->source[] = $cc1;
In comments you see the 'old' way of ZendAMF, below them the new way.
Is there any way to get ZendAMF use the source property again without going back to an older version of ZF?
We finally settled on using ZendAMF, with only the Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection from the previous version being:
class Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection
public $source;
This allows us still using the source property.
