Box::info showing "refreshEx" - x++

I have a method that displays a validation result using the syntax
However, the first time I run the code it displays the correct title, but the message refreshEx.
Debugging the code the message that is being used is correct, Valid Account Number, but what displays is refreshEx. If I rerun the process the correct message is displayed, this only happens the first time.
Just in case it matters the flow is
Form - DoValidation method creates Class to call...
Class - public AccountValidation method that calls...
- private displayValidation method that contains this code

I have seen this error (unfortunately), in an AX 2009 installation, launched from code behind a button in a form:
if(HIEItemOrderSetup.RMAvailable < HIEItemOrderSetup.RMQuantity)
ok = DialogButton::Ok == box::okCancel("#HIE848",DialogButton::Ok,"#HIE849");
As far as I can tell it only occurs when you have a breakpoint on your form, when you are updating it. Removing the breakpoint will show the original message or at least this is what I have found.

If the message contains some fields from the database, try to execute a reread() or refresh() or refreshEx() method (depending on the context) to the datasource before showing the value through the info box.
May be the cached data is not refreshed after an update or insert.
If you are specting a return parameter from an Event, don't forget that this is an async process. An example on MSDN:


Acumatica Purchase Receipt Return: Open PO Line Default to false

After clicking the "Return" action on a selected item from a completed Purchase Receipt, we're trying to get the "Open PO Line" value to default to false. Anyone know how customize this?
The field defaulting seems to be overwritten when we press the "Return" button. We've tried several different events in the grid but none of the seem to work.
The desired result is to default the "Open PO Line" to false after a return and once the return is released the Purchase Order line associated with the return should remain completed.
The AllowOpen field on POReceiptLine is a PXBool. This means that the value must be populated via a PXDBScalar, PXFormula, etc. or via some business logic in the graph. To see what is happening, let's look at the DAC for POReceiptLine...
#region AllowOpen
public abstract class allowOpen : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<allowOpen> { }
protected Boolean? _AllowOpen;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Open PO Line", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Service, Visible = true)]
public virtual Boolean? AllowOpen
return this._AllowOpen;
this._AllowOpen = value;
As you can see, there isn't any logic to this field in the DAC, so we need to turn to the graph to see how it is used. (Even if there were logic in the DAC, we would need to see if the graph does something. However, logic in the DAC might have been an easy override with CacheAttached - unfortunately, not in this case.)
Let's turn to POReceiptEntry where the return is handled. We find AllowComplete and AllowOpen being set in the POReceiptLine_RowSelected event, as we would expect since it must be populated on the graph side of code having no logic in the DAC.
if ((row.AllowComplete == null || row.AllowOpen == null) && fromPO)
POLineR source = PXSelect<POLineR,
Where<POLineR.orderType, Equal<Required<POLineR.orderType>>,
And<POLineR.orderNbr, Equal<Required<POLineR.orderNbr>>,
And<POLineR.lineNbr, Equal<Required<POLineR.lineNbr>>>>>>
.Select(this, row.POType, row.PONbr, row.POLineNbr);
// Acuminator disable once PX1047 RowChangesInEventHandlersForbiddenForArgs [Legacy, moved the exception here from PX.Objects.acuminator because the condition was changed]
row.AllowComplete = row.AllowOpen = (row.Released == true) ?
(row.ReceiptType != POReceiptType.POReturn ? source?.Completed == true : source?.Completed != true) :
(source?.AllowComplete ?? false);
The field is populated in the row.AllowComplete = row.AllowOpen = (row.Released == true) ?... section of code.
Subsequently, we see that the CopyFromOrigReceiptLine method sets this value to false on the "destLine" being created.
destLine.AllowOpen = false;
As that isn't "true" then we know this isn't our spot. Continuing on, we see in UpdatePOLineCompletedFlag that AllowComplete and AllowOpen are being set. This could be our spot (or one of them).
row.AllowComplete = row.AllowOpen = poLineCurrent.AllowComplete;
Side note: It is worth noting that this line appears twice in an if then else. In both cases it is going to be executed, therefore it would be better coding practice to place this identical statement AFTER the if then else since both the if and else conditions will execute this same statement regardless of the if.
This particular use appears to be pulling the value from the AllowComplete field of the PO Line being received. At this point, you should consider if you need to look upstream at the PO Line to see if the field there needs to be manipulated as well. I cannot answer that for you as your business case will drive the decision.
There also is a line in the Copy method that sets AllowComplete and AllowOpen.
aDest.AllowComplete = aDest.AllowOpen = (aSrc.CompletePOLine == CompletePOLineTypes.Quantity);
The Copy method is overloaded, and the other signature of the method sets the values to true.
aDest.AllowComplete = true;
aDest.AllowOpen = true;
Both of these cases may need customization as well, but I don't think it's the primary issue.
Next Steps
At this point, we see that either the field is being set in UpdatePOLineCompletedFlag or in methods that seem related to copying records. You will need to investigate further if the copy related methods warrant a change as well. However, I think the initial focus should be on the UpdatePOLineCompletedFlag method.
If we find the other points identified require customization, we likely will handle them all the same way... Override the base method/event, invoke the original method/event in our override, and then force the values to fit our business case. Careful testing will be needed since forcibly altering these values may create unforeseen negative ripples.
Something to try
We want to update (or create) a graph extension for POReceiptEntry to override the UpdatePOLineCompleteFlag method. This compiles, but it is completely untested on my part. We need to create a delegate and specify the PXOverride attribute. Then we want to execute the base method before we override the field(s) in question.
Note the extra code (commented out) as a reminder that you need to be careful of methods (typically events) updating our record in the cache and needing to be located so that we don't use a stale copy of the record. I don't think that's necessary in this case, but it seems to be somewhat obscure in code samples that I see. Of course, that is because I'm always looking at the code repository which rarely has graph extensions overriding event handlers!
#region CreateReceiptEntry Override
public delegate void UpdatePOLineCompleteFlagDelegate(POReceiptLine row, bool isDeleted, POLine aOriginLine);
public virtual void UpdatePOLineCompleteFlag(POReceiptLine row, bool isDeleted, POLine aOriginLine, UpdatePOLineCompleteFlagDelegate baseMethod)
//Execute original logic
baseMethod(row, isDeleted, aOriginLine);
/* If the base method has updated the cache, then we would need to locate the updated record in the cache to proceed
* This tends to be the case more often with event handlers, so it probably isn't needed in this case.
* This is just for reference as a training reminder
//If row has been updatd in the baseMethod, let's go get the updated cache values
POReceiptLine locateRow = Base.transactions.Locate(row);
if (locateRow != null) row = locateRow;
//Override the fields to false - need to test to see if this creates any issues with breaking existing business logic
row.AllowComplete = row.AllowOpen = false;
If this doesn't get you the specific answer you need, I hope it at least gives you some insight into how to hunt down "the spot" to change. I suspect you may need to update the POLine for a complete solution as hinted above. (See the event handler POReceiptLine_AllowOpen_FieldUpdated for the code that leads me to that conclusion.)
Good luck with your customization, and happy coding!

Checking if a table has been created not working

Using the code:
function createNewBody(name,mass)
if not world.body[name]==nil then
print("This body has already been created. Maybe you meant to update it's values?\n")
This code shows no errors, but when I bind createNewBody(moon,1.622) to a key and then use it, it lets me spam the key without showing the error message.
And, yes, I have defined world.bodies and world.body
not world.body[name]==nil is parsed as (not world.body[name])==nil. Since the result of not is a boolean, it is never nil.
Try not(world.body[name]==nil) or world.body[name]~=nil.

Event Handler later than OnPublished

Are there any Project Server event handler events later than the "OnPublished"-event when creating a new project?
The time when the on published event occurs seems to be to early. Loading the project FieldValues does not work. They are always null.
PublishedProject project = projCollection.First().IncludeCustomFields;
CustomFieldCollection fields = project.CustomFields;
Dictionary<string, object> fieldValues = project.FieldValues;
When executing the same code for an existing project everything works fine.
Instead I could do a timeout for x seconds but I would prefer a later server event where all values have already been set.
Seems there was something wrong with my other code before executing this. Custom Fields and FieldValues are loading correctly now.
But loading the projectSiteUrl afterwards is still to early at this point. The ProjectSiteUrl stays null.
projectContext.Load(project, p => p.ProjectSiteUrl);
Once a project is completely published, OnProjectChangedRemote event of ReportingEventReceiver Class gets fired.
When a new project is created and the creation process completes, OnProjectCreatedRemote event of ReportingEventReceiver Class gets fired.
I used PSI not CSOM and "ProjectSiteUrl" is null after first publish(OnPublished event).
For first publish I used OnWssWorkspaceCreated event which is in WssInteropEventReceiver class or interface.

eVar value not getting passed in call

I have a page that contains a login form. I am calling a separate function (which resides in a separate .js file) on the onsubmit event of the form. Below is the function
var LoginClick = function() {
// Omniture Code
s.linkTrackVars="events, eVar1";
s.eVar1="Login";, "o", "Login Clicks");
while the events data is getting passed on the call, the evar1 value turns up as "none" in the conversion report. I used a packet sniffer (omnibug) to check the values being passed. Even though s.eVar1 is assigned the value "Login" it does not pass that value.
Ofcourse, s.t() works well (evar value gets passed) but I dont want to do that.
I have tried, "o"...) which doesnt work either.
What am I doing wrong here?
Appreciate your time and help.
remove the space between the comma and eVar1
s.linkTrackVars="events, eVar1"
should be

nsIProtocolHandler: trouble loading image for html page

I'm building an nsIProtocolHandler implementation in Delphi. (more here)
And it's working already. Data the module builds gets streamed over an nsIInputStream. I've got all the nsIRequest, nsIChannel and nsIHttpChannel methods and properties working.
I've started testing and I run into something strange. I have a page "a.html" with this simple HTML:
<img src="a.png">
Both "xxm://test/a.html" and "xxm://test/a.png" work in Firefox, and give above HTML or the PNG image data.
The problem is with displaying the HTML page, the image doesn't get loaded. When I debug, I see:
NewChannel gets called for a.png, (when Firefox is processing an OnDataAvailable notice on a.html),
NotificationCallbacks is set (I only need to keep a reference, right?)
RequestHeader "Accept" is set to "image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5"
but then, the channel object is released (most probably due to a zero reference count)
Looking at other requests, I would expect some other properties to get set (such as LoadFlags or OriginalURI) and AsyncOpen to get called, from where I can start getting the request responded to.
Does anybody recognise this? Am I doing something wrong? Perhaps with LoadFlags or the LoadGroup? I'm not sure when to call AddRequest and RemoveRequest on the LoadGroup, and peeping from nsHttpChannel and nsBaseChannel I'm not sure it's better to call RemoveRequest early or late (before or after OnStartRequest or OnStopRequest)?
Update: Checked on the freshly new Firefox 3.5, still the same
Update: To try to further isolate the issue, I try "file://test/a1.html" with <img src="xxm://test/a.png" /> and still only get above sequence of events happening. If I'm supposed to add this secundary request to a load-group to get AsyncOpen called on it, I have no idea where to get a reference to it.
There's more: I find only one instance of the "Accept" string that get's added to the request headers, it queries for nsIHttpChannelInternal right after creating a new channel, but I don't even get this QueryInterface call through... (I posted it here)
Me again.
I am going to quote the same stuff from nsIChannel::asyncOpen():
If asyncOpen returns successfully, the
channel is responsible for keeping
itself alive until it has called
onStopRequest on aListener or called
If you go back to nsViewSourceChannel.cpp, there's one place where loadGroup->AddRequest is called and two places where loadGroup->RemoveRequest is being called.
nsViewSourceChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener *aListener, nsISupports *ctxt)
mListener = aListener;
* We want to add ourselves to the loadgroup before opening
* mChannel, since we want to make sure we're in the loadgroup
* when mChannel finishes and fires OnStopRequest()
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> loadGroup;
if (loadGroup)
this), nsnull);
nsresult rv = mChannel->AsyncOpen(this, ctxt);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) && loadGroup)
nsnull, rv);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
mOpened = PR_TRUE;
return rv;
nsViewSourceChannel::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsISupports* aContext,
nsresult aStatus)
if (mChannel)
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> loadGroup;
if (loadGroup)
nsnull, aStatus);
return mListener->OnStopRequest(NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIViewSourceChannel*,
aContext, aStatus);
As I have no clue about how Mozilla works, so I have to guess from reading some code. From the channel's point of view, once the original file is loaded, its job is done. If you want to load the secondary items linked in file like an image, you have to implement that in the listener. See TestPageLoad.cpp. It implements a crude parser and it retrieves child items upon OnDataAvailable:
MyListener::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest *req, nsISupports *ctxt,
nsIInputStream *stream,
PRUint32 offset, PRUint32 count)
//printf(">>> OnDataAvailable [count=%u]\n", count);
nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
PRUint32 bytesRead=0;
char buf[1024];
if(ctxt == nsnull) {
rv = stream->ReadSegments(streamParse, &offset, count, &bytesRead);
} else {
while (count) {
PRUint32 amount = PR_MIN(count, sizeof(buf));
rv = stream->Read(buf, amount, &bytesRead);
count -= bytesRead;
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
printf(">>> stream->Read failed with rv=%x\n", rv);
return rv;
return NS_OK;
The important thing is that it calls streamParse(), which looks at src attribute of img and script element, and calls auxLoad(), which creates new channel with new listener and calls AsyncOpen().
rv = NS_NewChannel(getter_AddRefs(chan), uri, nsnull, nsnull, callbacks);
RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "NS_NewChannel");
rv = chan->AsyncOpen(listener, myBool);
RETURN_IF_FAILED(rv, "AsyncOpen");
Since it's passing in another instance of MyListener object in there, that can also load more child items ad infinitum like a Russian doll situation.
I think I found it (myself), take a close look at this page. Why it doesn't highlight that the UUID has been changed over versions, isn't clear to me, but it would explain why things fail when (or just prior to) calling QueryInterface on nsIHttpChannelInternal.
With the new(er) UUID, I'm getting better results. As I mentioned in an update to the question, I've posted this on, I'm curious if and which response I will get there.
