Neo4j unsupported Java runtime. use JDK 6. ubuntu 12.04 - neo4j

I am a new user to Neo4j usage and my OS is 32bit Ubuntu12.04. You need to start the server from Terminal by entering into the directory of Neo and then type
bin/neo4j start
which is all set and correct was until yesterday, there is some problem now and I get this
WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40 000 recommended.
See the Neo4j manual.WARNING! You are using an unsupported Java runtime.
Please use JDK 6.Neo4j Server already running with pid 3527
I am clueless to why this error occured suddenly.
When I run
on my browser it doesn't recognise it any more.I tried to update my version following Install JDK6 on Ubuntu 12.04 link, but doesn't seem to work.Still gives the same error.
After checking for the version from terminal
java -version
I recieve
java version "1.6.0_27"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.3) (6b27-1.12.3-0ubuntu1~12.04.1)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
How do make localhost:7474 work on my machine?

For some licensing issues, Ubuntu does no longer ship Oracle/Sun JDKs directly, blame Oracle for that!
There is which automatically fetches Oracle/Sun JDKs, build local deb packages from them and puts them in a local apt repository.
Using update-java-alternatives you can set your system's default jdk.
Regarding the "open file" warning see

We are using Ubuntu 12.04 as well. We use OpenJDK 1.6.0_24.
We ran into similar problems when we initially used Neo4j. Here are the instructions to get pass those hurdles.
You need to be able to open more files.
Edit /etc/security/limits.conf and add these two lines:
root soft nofile 40000
root hard nofile 40000
Edit /etc/pam.d/su and uncomment or add the following line:
session required
Finally check that limit was changed. You might need to reboot.
ulimit -n
Returns 40000
Next in order to be able to use the webadmin on Ubuntu. You need to change one of the properties files inside neo4j. It works without this change on a Mac, I know.
Edit the file:
cd [neo4j installation]/conf/
Change this line
The default is set to only listen for connections from localhost (that's why it works on a Mac). This way you can access the webadmin from anywhere. This can be a security problem though.
Hope this helps.

This seems to be a bug in neo4j about detection of running instance. By the reported pid there was some script about gnome and proxy, which after being killed (including parent lens script) let me start neo4j with OpenJDK. I guess they made it too smart.


Neo4J Community 4.1.6 Stops after starting

I try to run Neo4J Community Edition 4.1.6 and need a hint. I have downloaded the winzip-package and unzipped it on a Windows 10 PC. I created a folder for the Neo4j files and another for the current JDK 15 package. The path for JDK has been put into system path variables. The log-flags in the neo4j conf has been set to DEBUG for HTPP. JAVA version throws the correct "15.0.2". No JAVA error message while starting.
I can start the service and the status gives back "Neo4j Service started...". After roughly 10 seconds the status shows that Neo4j has stopped without any further notice.
I can't see any logs in the \logs folder - the folder is empty.
I do not see a graphdb been created under neo4j-community-4.1.6\data\databases - the folder is empty
I cannot access the DB by localhost:7474
I do not see any error messages in the cmd windows.
I restarted the system several times but I still have the same outcome. Any hints?
Thank you
I believe we only support JDK 11 when using Neo4j 4.x.
Your errors may be because you are using JDK 15.
When diagnosing issues, it also helps to check the neo4j.log and debug.log files in the logs directory.

Can't install Docker - Hash sum mismatch (Ubuntu 18.04, Vagrant, Virtualbox)

I just can't install Docker in a fresh image of Ubuntu 18.04 (in Virtualbox, using Vagrant).
I am using the instruction from the official site:
Or the short command from
curl -fsSL -o && sudo sh
And always got the same errors - Hash sum mismatch:
Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch
Hashes of expected file:
- SHA512:600f2d9b51024e5866a6256f2d08b4e733a6c8428e334d81de483a7138cbe9db00e8d67673a88d46c80ef0aa673e2f0183f8fd58226575a3a6a843f955c49e2a
- SHA256:22fe06851dde23200c835641e234760bbb60b79abc3b2a1fbbd1a9b0f1a2e9d0
- SHA1:7292df34a82e58cab0e45af61036ec19c81eb199 [weak]
- MD5Sum:8d62aefa851deb2f0739b4a1fd232322 [weak]
- Filesize:22879338 [weak]
Hashes of received file:
- SHA512:265e3e4f877e4d060098d88527258335a08c9b421fabd5573bb5c951fd337c2d157c418132ff6a54568e85c6bd0da3e1b66c51196410016b4b409d1cef2df4cd
- SHA256:3d15d2e2a7bacc0840aea09400970328d853eb369585e97ce33c8bebbc5c4d37
- SHA1:da5b39535801e35493cd2f7c6f2b176263bd7da4 [weak]
- MD5Sum:a4e2e8ec89b2d98c218b3931d7845f50 [weak]
- Filesize:22879338 [weak]
Last modification reported: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 19:46:26 +0000
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
I'm also seeing this problem with a large number of packages in multiple Linux distributions. All in VirtualBox 6.1.6 on Windows 10.
Errors include Hash Sum mismatch, LZMA compression corruption, GZIP corruption, and Squashfs decompression failures. Basically anything that involves a checksum.
It seems unlikely that I have downloaded 4 distributions (and dozens of packages) and they're all faulty. Disabling Hyper-V does seem to improve things.
OK guys, as I can understand, this is the fault of the Virtualbox.
Because I don't see this problem in Vagrant when I using the hyperv provider at the same box.
The version of the Virtualbox is 6.1.4 r136177 (Qt5.6.2).
I have check how virtual OS download the packages (just by download it by direct link using wget) and I saw that hashsum of the downloaded package is really different from the original (but the size is absolutely equal).
I have download the same package in the host OS, and the hashsum has match to original.
Output error and the hashsum of the downloaded package inside the virtual OS (different from original):
The hashsum of the downloaded package at the host OS (equal to original):
I was also having these issues constantly!
My setup was Virtual Box 6.1.6 with Vagrant 2.2.7 running on a Win10 host.
Using the above idea that the issue might be inherent to Virtual Box rather than Ubuntu, I uninstalled Virtual Box 6.1.6 then installed an older version of Virtual Box (6.0.10) and re-installed Vagrant 2.2.7. I also uninstalled Hyper-V from Windows.
With these system and software changes made, the automatic Docker provisioning of Vagrant worked as expected without any hash mismatch messages. This worked for me and I hope it helps someone else also.
I had issues with Windows 10, Update 2004. I would get checksum mismatches when updating the software repository index and on installs.
The problem was actually due to networking and the "autotuning" parameter of Windows.
You can check the current state in an elevated command prompt:
netsh int tcp show global
Receive Window Auto-Tuning on normal created problems. By setting it to disabled the problem is gone for me.
You can change it by executing the following in an elevated command prompt.
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
For anyone who is still getting this error, it's been fixed in the latest version of VirtualBox (since at least version 6.1.16). Check if your version is out of date.
For anyone still having issues with this, I managed to get it working by disabling HyperV (as most people have already suggested). However, on my setup, disabling HyperV using the mentioned approaches didnt actually disable HyperV since my windows machine used HyperV for both CredentialGuard and Secure Boot, both of which needed to be disabled before HyperV was actually fully disabled
If running systeminfo.exe in an elevated terminal shows A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed, then HyperV is not fully disabled. Disabling credential guard and secure boot coupled with a few restarts (and all the commands to disable HyperV that have already been mentioned) solved all issues for me.
Just for reference, if HyperV is fully disabled, you should see
Hyper-V Requirements: VM Monitor Mode Extensions: Yes
Virtualization Enabled In Firmware: Yes
Second Level Address Translation: Yes
Data Execution Prevention Available: Yes
when running systeminfo.exe
Ok, so here it is.
After studying the most helpful #Kurt Le Breton's answer and repeated testing, my conclusion is as follows.
Virtual Box latest is currently 6.1.12 and this gives the said Hash sum mismatch problem. In fact it seems the entire 6.1.xx gives this problem.
So go to the previous 6.0 version. But when you issue this vagrant up command, vagrant spits the following error right on your face.
There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrant
for controlling VirtualBox. The command and stderr is shown below.
Command: ["startvm", "40f50d63-6d70-4ac9-b0d6-02dcf1cdce7c", "--type", "headless"]
Stderr: VBoxManage.exe: error: Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: ERROR_SUCCESS (Last=0xc000000d/87) (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED)
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component ConsoleWrap, interface IConsole
Now to resolve this, you need to fiddle with Hyper-v settings. You need to run the following command as an administrator.
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
After you run that command, you need to restart your pc.
With this your Vagrant should run without complaining, and docker should be installed on your VM without any Hash Sum Mismatch error.
I tested with 6.0.24, which is the latest 6.0 version, and things look file so far.
But then, there is a catch. Once you set hypervisorlaunchtype to off, docker desktop would not launch. You get this error now. And you will get this error when you are trying to launch Docker on windows for Linux containers. For windows this is not a problem.
An error occured. Cannot enable Hyper-V service.
So now you need to reset this back to its original state.
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
Note auto this time instead of off.
Again, you need to be an admin to run this, and after you run, you have to restart your pc.
So the workflow should be to first set that to off, launch your vms and provision them with docker using vagrant, then finally, set hypervisorlaunchtype back to auto.
Same problem here in a fresh Debian VM (VBox) amd64 (32GB VDI).
E: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch
Hashes of expected file:
- SHA512:e0f8eb0ed3bd881bf5f278f3736da3e4fb05410014a0103301c135a33061945e013bcf8a9cd704d9d6b4fa088d478ebea27e86e466889d0194a8cbb77e94efdf
- SHA256:a4f244216e54a8a47f2dc5c57acb4cb48a779c54a8588ea2d55c40a57092baf6
- SHA1:90611afda0acabae485f871b09e4c1eba0ac4dc0 [weak]
- MD5Sum:78a039cf82b1bd4a285114bdd030982e [weak]
- Filesize:20114318 [weak]
Hashes of received file:
- SHA512:41c516c077d9941b55b605d4c83a9462c2ec52089f8af55618e5335da7d272d33d57fdd14a51b5a5e433ad6d9671e1a0063f9edeaa8c31525f56474b6ac1d875
- SHA256:57080e5482d92e74c3095b948fc0ba827f43b7b03c8825e5a64b7ef058b5434c
- SHA1:4f114ab71f4622f5785da726b822ad213ec77d44 [weak]
- MD5Sum:9a5d02cb5624219e6715875cc4bc8673 [weak]
- Filesize:20114318 [weak]
Last modification reported: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 04:24:01 +0000
E: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch
I encounter the same issue and tried above solutions. none of the them works on my cases. I change box to Debian. All issues are gone.
I had the same problem with Docker or PHP (Debian sury depo -
HyperV was already disabled on my Windows. But I always haved this problem under VirtualBox.
I resolved it in Virtualbox machine configuration :
"System" > "Processor" > "Enable PAE/NX" option.
Then reboot your virtual machine, launch apt install (or upgrade) command and it should works.
It is the same error as me. Hash Sum mismatch...
After I initialized WSL2, Oracle VM ware worked fine.
-Disable Windows Hyper-v

Neo4J 2.1.16 service refuses to start at boot on Ubuntu 14.10

I have resolved issues related to the file limit, neo4j user, path, etc. Neo4j user default shell is /bin/bash in vipw. I can't seem to get it to auto-start at boot. I can run the service as root, but when I run it as user neo4j it can't find Java, despite that my /etc/environment file has JAVA_HOME defined and .profile in $NEO4J_HOME also has both the PATH addition for $JAVA_HOME/bin and JAVA_HOME itself redefined.
Forgive me for asking such a basic question, but I've been wrestling with this for two days.
Here's the end of ./data/log/console.log; there is no wrapper.log:
I was able to resolve it by using Neo4j's instructions to download packages from their repository.
It works properly now,but this worries the heck out of me. Ubuntu packages are rarely up-to-date, but how many software creators will trouble themselves to host their own PPA repo? It seems to me that Ubuntu is straying too far from traditional 'nix for source packages to compile.

How to set Neo4j auto start when booting?

I want to start my Neo4j service when booting, and my system environment is Redhat.
I add below text on /etc/rc.d/rc.local, but it is not working
/opt/neo4j/bin/neo4j start
But it works for MongoDB...
Please take a look at the Neo4j reference for Linux installation. You can find it here:
We have an installer script that will configure Neo4j to startup at system boot $ /path/to/neo4j-community-2.1.4/bin/neo4j-installer install
First remove the text you've added from /etc/rc.d/rc.local to make sure there aren't any conflicts.
You can also use our debian package installation to automatically download, install, and configure Neo4j as a service on Linux.
That information can be found here:

Unable to get Neo4j to run

I searched for an answer to this, but was unable to find anyone else having the same problem.
This is the first time I've tried to use Neo4j.
I'm running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.
I downloaded and unzipped Neo4j Community 1.8.2 for Windows.
In a command window, I switched to the bin folder and ran Neo4j.bat.
I received the following message in the command window: Unable to locate jvm. Could not find HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment/CurrentVersion entry in windows registry.
I verified that I have the latest JVM.
I verified that the above registry key is not present in the location shown, but I did find it at HKLM\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment/CurrentVersion.
How should I proceed?
Thanks for any direction!
I Fixed this problem by making a new environment variable JAVA_HOME and pointing it to my Java installation folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin
try to set up the java PATH variable to the correct path. tutorial here:
than, newest java are i think by 2 version newer than the original java for neo4j 1.8.2. a remind myself some problems with such versioning few months ago - i solved it by running neo4j in the newest versions of 1.9.0x
I installed JRE version 6 on my machine and this cleared the problem. (I previously had version 7 on the machine.)
Set the JAVA_HOME path in your environment variables.
