Removing a GKTurnBasedMatch which is in an invalid state - ios

I am doing some experimentation to try to learn about GameKit and I made a simple game and an interface which lists my player's matches. I am trying to add the ability to remove games using the removeWithCompletionHandler: method on the match, but I am having trouble removing a GKTurnBasedMatch which seems to have entered an invalid state.
A po of the match in question prints:
$0 = 0x1d590d20 <GKTurnBasedMatch 0x1d590d20 id:858d8257-cc49-4060-b1d8-38c09a929e3c status:Ended message: taken:2013-03-08 18:08:47 +0000 created:2013-03-08 03:24:14 +0000
current:<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x1d58c020 - id:G:1717956303 (local player) status:Invited outcome:None lastTurn:(null)>
<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x1d58bc90 - id:G:1717239488 status:Done outcome:Quit lastTurn:2013-03-08 18:08:47 +0000>
<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x1d58c020 - id:G:1717956303 (local player) status:Invited outcome:None lastTurn:(null)>
Which seems to indicate that the match has been ended. However, one of the participants has the outcome:None, which I am led by the docs to believe is invalid for an ended game. Trying to simply remove the game gives:
The requested operations could not be completed because one or more parameters are invalid.
While trying to set the outcomes and end the game gives:
The requested operation could not be completed because the session is in an invalid state.
I thought perhaps I could not remove the game because the local player is the active participant, but both participantQuitInTurnWithOutcome:... and endTurnWithNextParticipants:... both give the error:
The requested operation could not be completed because the session is in an invalid state.
as well. Am I doing something wrong or did I somehow create an unremovable game?
P.S. I am also unable to remove the games through the Game Center provided interface, where they are listed under the "Game Over" section.

This is how I managed to remove all invalid matches.
I checked the status of the current participant, if it's invited, I called declineInviteWithCompletionHandler, otherwise I called participantQuitInTurnWithOutcome.
In both completion blocks, I then called removeWithCompletionHandler to remove the match.
This generated a few errors but the matches were still removed so my list is clean.
And here is a workaround on how to avoid getting to this state to begin with. This has the added benefit that the invitee never even get a notification if the inviter quits before finishing his/hers first turn.
In playerQuitForMatch, first end the turn and then in the completion handler, immediately quit the match. Like so,
[match endTurnWithNextParticipants:[NSArray arrayWithObject:nextParticipant]
matchData:nil completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(#"%#", error);
[match participantQuitOutOfTurnWithOutcome:GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeQuit
withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(#"%#" ,error);

Unfortunately, I've run into the exact same error. To help others understand the problem, in hopes of researching a solution, you can recreate this by inviting a friend to a match, but then quitting the match during the first turn before you ever submit that turn to the invited player. Then, the hosting player removes the match from Game Center. On the invited player's device, they will have a match that looks like the one referenced above, that cannot be deleted. I've tried all types of workaround solutions.
I haven't had any luck yet, but I will update my answer with a solution if I find one. I'm currently trying to ship a Game Center game and so I have to find some way around this. I'll have a conclusion within the next day or two.
I went over my non-deleteable matches, and they are almost the same as yours except my player with the Invited status also has the match outcome of Won. It seems the key to put the match into an invalid state is to have one player status be Invited instead of Done, but have the match status be Ended. That's the common element between our two cases, and it's an edge case in Apple's bizantine Game Center code. It wouldn't surprise me if they simply screwed up this edge case and expected you to "just know" that you weren't supposed to put the players in that state (undoubtedly if you read their docs closely enough you'll be able to piece this together eventually).
My conclusion is that Apple has an edge case on their hands that goes unnoticed easily because it only can happen if you quit a new match, and only if you invite a friend, two cases you might not test often. Also, if you aren't setting match outcomes improperly I'm guessing it will never happen so they just never caught it.
Since I haven't shipped yet, I'm going to configure my app to detect matches in this state and ignore them. I'm going to report to the console a count of how many matches are in this state, just so I can ensure its not growing past this point. Then, I'm going to analyze my quitting code and make sure that in this edge case that I simply can never put a match into this state again. I think given what we know we've got to be proactive, and just suck up the fact that some matches slipped through.
Hopefully you haven't shipped yet, so the error case matches will be localized to the Game Center Sandbox environment. Actually, the bad matches are just localized to your test user in the Sandbox, so you could just throw away that user and start with a new user once you've corrected your issue. If you implement my above suggestions you should be able to confirm your app is working properly before taking this step.
If anyone can actually find a way to remove these error matches once they exist, please let us know, but I hope my suggestions and identification of the actual cause will be enough to help you proceed with your project.

I found the solution. For invalid matches just use -participantQuitOutOfTurn method and then -removeWithCompletionHandler method. It will be completely removed.

I have a similar situation, if slightly different. I start a match, invite a second sandbox account to play, then the first player quits and deletes the game before the second player can respond. When the second player tries to then quit the game, they get this error:
Error quitting match in turn: Error Domain=GKErrorDomain Code=22 "The requested operation could not be completed because the specified participant is invalid."
UserInfo=0x1f5de800 {
NSUnderlyingError=0x1f58b610 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
status = 5097,
Invalid state: turn sent to playerId:1952436619 in slotIndex: 0 for sessionId: 698b074b-fa0b-4505-834f-1b4305b7eecb : expected slot state: Active but found: Inactive",
NSLocalizedDescription=The requested operation could not be completed because the specified participant is invalid.
So as far as I can tell, that's happening because the next participant to move already has a status of "Done," which I'm guessing is because they already quit:
<GKTurnBasedMatch 0x1f532b20 id:698b074b-fa0b-4505-834f-1b4305b7eecb status:Open message: taken:2013-03-30 19:53:47 +0000 created:2013-03-30 18:29:09 +0000
current:<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x1f532b80 - id:G:1952433332 (local player) status:Active outcome:None lastTurn:2013-03-30 19:53:47 +0000>
<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x1f532b70 - id:G:1952436619 status:Done outcome:Lost lastTurn:2013-03-30 18:29:10 +0000>
<GKTurnBasedParticipant 0x1f532b80 - id:G:1952433332 (local player) status:Active outcome:None lastTurn:2013-03-30 19:53:47 +0000>
Hopefully this will help others diagnose if nothing else. Would love to hear others' insights towards a workaround or solution. If this is a bug on Apple's part, it seems like it might be worth filing a radar.

Apple Technical Developer support confirmed the issue. Submitted bug report. Will keep you posted.


When can i use SendChatMessage after logon?

After logon, i would like to send a chat message to the Guild channel.
I'm currently listening for events:
Once those have fired (in order), i'd like to send a chat message. However, it never sends.
SendChatMessage(msgToSend, "GUILD");
It's also worth noting that if i then trigger this manually, it works.
I do see the "Should_send" print statement appearing in the default chat window each time - as expected. I've also checked that "msgToSend" contains content - and is less than 255 characters.
So, when can i call SendChatMessage?
Ok, in order to be able to send a chat message to guild, you need to wait for the event "CLUB_STREAM_SUBSCRIBED" to fire.
This is due to the Guild channel becoming a "community" channel of sorts - previously, it seems this wasn't required.
So, adding an event listener:
Resolves the issue.
You will likely need to set a flag for the event, then print later on another event.
You can send chat messages any time after you see the welcome message or after the welcome message was posted. Which is pretty soon after you able to receive events from your frames.
Here is what I would do to complete a similar mission:
Just put your send code in a macro to test it first. Don't worry about timing the message until you see it work in a macro.
You can make your own print to send generic messages to the chat window which should always work similar to:
function MyPrint( msg, r, g, b, frame, id)
(frame or DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME):AddMessage(msg, r or 1, g or 1, b or 0, id or 0)
-- put these in your event handlers
And use that for debugging instead.
You need to divide and conquer the problem, because there are so many things that could be wrong causing your issue, no one here can really have a definitive answer.
I know for sure that if you try to write to chat before the welcome message with print it at least used to not work. I remember spooling messages in the past until a certain event had fired then printing them.

AKTubularBells() and AKRhodesPiano() together cause error on the second

I'm using AKRhodesPiano() and AkTubularBells(). Both work alone. When I try to initialize both, I get the following error.
AKRhodesPiano.swift:init(frequency:amplitude:):88:Parameter Tree Failed
Notably, if I change the order of initialization, the error occurs for the last one of the two instantiated.
Adding the following line to the AKTubularBells playground right under the initialization of AKTubularBells is enough to trigger the error.
let tubularBells = AKTubularBells()
let temp = AKRhodesPiano() /// <- Add this line.
I saw in another post AKRhodesPiano error (crush) on AudioKit v4.2 that there was a recent error in the STK Physical models, so perhaps this is part of that. Any insight appreciated as always.
Thanks for noticing this, it only occurred when using those two nodes simultaneously, but it was basically just a cut-and-paste job gone bad. I fixed it on develop, so if you can rebuild the framework you'll be fine or else wait for the next release which should be soon.
Here's the fix:

WatchKit extension crash: "Program ended with exit code: 0"

For people wanting to reply quickly without reading the post: I am not hitting any memory limits. Read the whole post for details.
My WatchKit extension cannot properly function without the user first being "onboarded" through the phone app. Onboarding is where the user must accept the permissions that we require, so it's very crucial.
On my WatchKit extension, I wanted to display a simple warning for users who had not finished onboarding within our phone app yet.
As such, I thought I'd get the status of onboarding from the phone in two ways:
When the user opens the app/the app is activated (I use the willActivate method to detect this)
When the app finishes onboarding it sends a message to the watch of its completion (if the extension is reachable, of course)
Both of these combined would ensure that the status of onboarding is always kept in sync with the watch.
I wrote the first possibility in, utilizing reply handlers to exchange the information. It worked just fine, without any troubles. The warning telling the user to complete disappears, the extension does not crash, and all is well.
I then wrote in the second possibility, of the extension being reachable when the user finishes onboarding (with the phone then directly sending the companion the new status of onboarding). My extension crashes when it receives this message, and I am stuck with this odd error.
Program ended with exit code: 0
My extension does not even get a chance to handle the new onboarding status, the extension just quits and the above error is given to me.
I am not hitting any sort of memory limit. I have read the technical Q&A which describes what a memory usage limit error looks like, and I don't receive any sort of output like that whatsoever. As well, before the extension should receive the message, this is what my memory consumption looks like.
I have monitored the memory consumption of the extension right after finishing onboarding, and I see not a single spike indicating that I've gone over any kind of threshold.
I have tried going line by line over the code which manages the onboarding error, and I cannot find a single reason that it would crash with this error. Especially since the reply handler method of fetching the onboarding status works so reliably.
Here is the code of how I'm sending the message to the watch.
- (void)sendOnboardingStatusToWatch {
[self.session sendMessage:#{
LMAppleWatchCommunicationKey: LMAppleWatchCommunicationKeyOnboardingComplete,
LMAppleWatchCommunicationKeyOnboardingComplete: #(LMMusicPlayer.onboardingComplete)
errorHandler:^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
NSLog(#"Error sending onboarding status: %#", error);
(All LMAppleWatchCommunicationKeys are simply #define'd keys with exactly their key as the string value. ie. #define LMAppleWatchCommunicationKey #"LMAppleWatchCommunicationKey")
Even though it's never called by the extension, here is the exact receiving code of the extension which handles the incoming data, if it helps.
- (void)session:(WCSession *)session didReceiveMessage:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)message {
NSString *key = [message objectForKey:LMAppleWatchCommunicationKey];
if([key isEqualToString:LMAppleWatchCommunicationKeyOnboardingComplete]){
BOOL newOnboardingStatus = [message objectForKey:LMAppleWatchCommunicationKeyOnboardingComplete];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:newOnboardingStatus
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
for(id<LMWCompanionBridgeDelegate> delegate in self.delegates){
if([delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(onboardingCompleteStatusChanged:)]){
[delegate onboardingCompleteStatusChanged:newOnboardingStatus];
Before including this onboarding-related code, my WatchKit extension was tested by over 100 people, without any troubles. I am using the exact same custom error dialogue that I was using before, just with a different string. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing this crash, and the ambiguity of it has given me very little to work with.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for taking your time to read my post.
Edit: I just tried creating a symbolic breakpoint for exit(), which is never hit. If I call exit() myself, it calls the breakpoint, so I know the breakpoint itself is working.

Simperium Received an Invalid Change

I am developing integration with Simperium, the integration is complete and has been running on test machines for sometime, I am starting to get this error on one of the devices and it keeps repeating constantly any ideas?
MeetingPad[891:1103] Simperium error (ActionLinks82), received an invalid change for (a18852011efe4964a6fdeb1853c790f3)
2013-02-07 10:07:05:277 MeetingPad[891:1103] Simperium client ios-7f43b434754d882923e966df5d885755 received change (ActionLinks82) ios-4176925448fa8ae0a2f1d0937627aa6b: {
ccids = (
clientid = "ios-4176925448fa8ae0a2f1d0937627aa6b";
cv = 5112df4b37a401031dcc5be1;
ev = 2;
id = 9ca0b7ad04314ab9888d75691be784b5;
o = "-";
If this occured on a user account what would be the guidance?
One thing to check is that you're using the latest version of the code. The repository was recently open sourced on GitHub. There used to be a bug related to nil values that could cause an invalid diff to appear in your change stream, but it should be fixed now.
Assuming you're using the latest code though, does the error repeat continuously for the same "id" value, or are there different values?
Looking at the Simperium code where this error occurs, it's possible it could be displayed if you've deleted an object locally and remotely at around the same time. In your app, might ActionLinks fit that pattern, i.e. are you creating and deleting a lot of them across multiple clients?
If that is indeed the cause, then the error is innocuous and we should patch the code. Let me know what you discover.

node.js process out of memory error

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_2 Allocation Failed - process out of memory
I'm seeing this error and not quite sure where it's coming from. The project I'm working on has this basic workflow:
Receive XML post from another source
Parse the XML using xml2js
Extract the required information from the newly created JSON object and create a new object.
Send that object to connected clients (using
Node Modules in use are:
When I receive an XML packet the first thing I do is write it to a log.txt file in the event that something needs to be reviewed later. I first fs.readFile to get the current contents, then write the new contents + the old. The log.txt file was probably around 2400KB around last crash, but upon restarting the server it's working fine again so I don't believe this to be the issue.
I don't see a packet in the log right before the crash happened, so I'm not sure what's causing the crash... No new clients connected, no messages were being sent... nothing was being parsed.
Seeing as node is running constantly should I be using delete <object> after every object I'm using serves its purpose, such as var now = new Date() which I use to compare to things that happen in the past. Or, result object from step 3 after I've passed it to the callback?
Edit 2
I am keeping a master object in the event that a new client connects, they need to see past messages, objects are deleted though, they don't stay for the life of the server, just until their completed on client side. Currently, I'm doing something like this
function parsingFunction(callback) {
//Construct Object
parsingFunction(function (data) {
masterObject[someIdentifier] = data;
Edit 3
As another step for troubleshooting I dumped the process.memoryUsage().heapUsed right before the parser starts at the parser.on('end', function() {..}); and parsed several xml packets. The highest heap used was around 10-12 MB throughout the test, although during normal conditions the program rests at about 4-5 MB. I don't think this is particularly a deal breaker, but may help in finding the issue.
Perhaps you are accidentally closing on objects recursively. A crazy example:
function f() {
var shouldBeDeleted = function(x) { return x }
return function g() { return shouldBeDeleted(shouldBeDeleted) }
To find what is happening fire up node-inspector and set a break point just before the suspected out of memory error. Then click on "Closure" (below Scope Variables near the right border). Perhaps if you click around something will click and you realize what happens.
