Titanium Image Processing - image-processing

I am currently working on Appcelerator (Titanium) and now I want colorize image in APP. Like I have an image and I can able to change its color through Hue or saturation just like in Photoshop. I have searched too many things but still nothing found in working condition.
Any help would be highly appreciable

Probably the best architecture is to create a webview in which you have a canvas tag, then you are able to use any canvas image manipulation library you wish. There are a number of them, but here are a few.


Ios how to recognize a simple Logo on a white background?

I'm trying to write an app that recognize a logo saved in app bundle and readed as UIImage. I have did a search before make this question, the only free solution seems to be OpenCv. I have tried it in a demo i had download from toptal_logo_detector . The demo works and i can find my logo everywhere i place it. Anyway the camera is very slow, too slow to use it in a real app. Maybe there's a way to optimize it, but my question is another.
I have to recognize a vector logo (always the same logo) centered in a white background ,something like this wifi logo:
My only solution is the complex OpenCV? There's a free and simpler way to achive the result: YES here there's your logo/No there isn't ?
I found this tutorial (with project download) that does what you want using OpenCV

Replace particular color of image in iOS

I want to replace the particular color of an image with other user selected color. While replacing color of image, I want to maintain the gradient effect of that original color. for example see the attached images.
I have tried to do so with CoreGraphics & I got success to replace color. But the replacing color do not maintain the gradient effect of the original color in the image.
Can someone help me on this? Is the CoreGraphics is right way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
After some struggling almost with the same problem (but with NSImage), made a category for replacing colors in NSImage which uses ColorCube CIFilter.
inspired by this code for UIImage (also uses CIColorCube):
I do a lot of color transfer/blend/replacement/swapping between images in my projects and have found the following publications very useful, both by Erik Reinhard:
Color Transfer Between Images
Real-Time Color Blending of Rendered and Captured Video
Unfortunately I can't post any source code (or images) right now because the results are being submitted to an upcoming conference, but I have implemented variations of the above algorithms with very pleasing results. I'm sure with some tweaks (and a bit of patience) you might be able to get what you're after!
Furthermore, the real challenge will lie in separating the different picture elements (e.g. isolating the wall). This is not unlike Photoshop's magic wand tool which obviously requires a lot of processing power and complex algorithms (and is still not perfect).

How to binaries image using ImageMagick?

I have got one image like this
to only black and white colored image.
And I come across this ImageMagick resource
Does this can be used to generate black and white image from the above given image?
Does it is good to use this one?
If it is good one then does there is any documentation or tutorial on "How to use?".
No third party api is required for doing this as apple's COREIMAGE.FRAMEWORK is the best for doing what I want to do. It's filters are working like charm :)
Thanks for the suggestion :)
I use this image filter. And it is great in speed and provides great output :)
Why would you want to use imageMagick instead of the standard Core Image to produce black and White images? I haven't used it before, but I doubt it's gonna give a much better performance than the native framework when it's just about creating a filter.
Since iOS 6 you have it really easy, have a look: Core Image filters, specially to CIColorMonochrome, which is the one you may be interested in.
If you're playing with images in your app, this is definitely worth checking: Core Image Programming Guide

To Convert Image to Cartoon in ios

Is there any filters available in ios to convert a image to cartoonistic image like exactly in the above picture?
For a much faster solution than ImageMagick, you could use the GPUImageToonFilter from my GPUImage framework:
It combines Sobel edge detection with posterization of the image to give a good cartoon-like feel. As implemented in this framework, it's fast enough to run on realtime video from the iPhone's camera, and is probably at least an order of magnitude faster than something similar in ImageMagick. My framework's also a little easier to integrate with an iOS project than ImageMagick.
If you want more of an abstract look to the image, the GPUImageKuwaharaFilter converts images into an oil painting style, as I show in this answer.
Try to use imagemagick for iOS http://www.imagemagick.org/download/iOS/
Of course you need some serval hours how to use imagemagick for iOS.
But then you should also look at: http://www.fmwconcepts.com/imagemagick/cartoon/index.php
and maybe also on:
This Core Image filter section in the iOS dev library, possibly combined with the script referenced by Jonas and a little luck, might get you where you're going. Not sure, having never used either of these technologies.

Is there some API on BlackBerry for "smooth" image resizing?

To get image thumbnails on BlackBerry I use EncodedImage.scaleImage32(). It works Ok, but when I open native image viewer (from the Camera app) I see the difference in quality - native viewer thumbnails look nice (smooth, anti-aliased), while mine are a bit ugly. Looks like native viewer resizes images using some filter (bicubic or smth like that). How can I do the same? Is there some API for "smooth" resizing?
Starting in 5.0, the Bitmap class has a method called scaleInto() which can use a filter to perform smooth scaling of an image. The quality is MUCH better than scaling without a filter. See Bitmap.scaleInto() for more information.
