sharing views, css, javascript between multiple mvc 3 projects -

It seems to be impossible/hard to share views between several mvc 3 projects. At least, that's what Google tells me. Please correct me if I am wrong ...
What's about css and js files? Did someone do this already? If so, what is the best practice to achieve this (within a vs studio 2010 solution with several mvc 3 projects)?
Just curious, is it possible to share css and js between mvc3 areas?

Since you mention svn - it has "svn:externals" property that lets you map a folder (even from a different repository) to a location under the web site root folder. We used it with success to reuse multiple library tools with external resources (scripts, css files, images and views) in a number of MVC applications.

There is a cool way to share js, cshtml, css etc. files using "Add as Link" feature of VS. There is a great answer here describing the whole process. Also dont forget to add a build task to copy the files on build so you'd be able to debug them.

Related MVC 5 separate projects for UI and Web

How can I go about separating my MVC project into UI specific (JS, CSS, Images, Fonts, and maybe Views) and Controller/Model specific (Controllers, Helpers, Models, and may be Views). Since our front-end developers work mostly independent of Visual Studio, I was looking for best practices in separating projects. Any pointers or sample projects?
This is how we finally ended up doing it.
Create a separate visual studio project called SolutionName.Client (this is where all frontend js and scss files go)
Create you MVC project called SolutionName.MVC (this is the mvc project)
Using Grunt.JS write tasks that compiles all js and css files and drops them to SoltuionName.MVC/Content folder
Similarly write tasks that drops all Views (razor files) into SolutionName.MVC/Views folder.
In Project build settings, add a pre-build tasks to run grunt task.
This setup took few hours to get it working but it is now quite useful.
You can easily do this and I've done it for each of my projects in MVC as well.
One project has your Controllers, ViewModels, and in my case, any custom logic related to Dependency Resolution for MVC and custom classes related to security authentication with MVC. Basically any code that touches the MVC framework core and is not involved in rendering content.
The other one has pretty much everything that you use on the client-side, and code needed for the front end. Which in my case, code-wise, is very minimalist and included some code for Glimpse and Elmah. The rest is your Views, Styles, Scripts, static content like downloads, etc.
As for the files in App_Start, My views project has Bundles, Filters, and obviously any HtmlHelpers you may have, custom css transformationslike for LESS.
My Controller's App_Start has the RouteConfig. These aren't necessarily critical it's just the way I ended up organizing mine and really depends what aspects you need access to during the startup of those components.
I will say that to save yourself time, in your Views/web.config file, add a namespace entry for your Company.Project.ViewModels namespace so that it's done in one place and you don't have to add it to each view, as this namespace would reside in your Controllers Project.
Your project with the Views will be your startup project. Just make sure in the global.asax your calls to the FilterConfig, RouteConfig and BundleConfig all resolve correctly.
It's fairly easy to do, my recommendation is to try it yourself and split it out the way you want and if you have problems come back and ask about the difficulties rather than looking for a step by step guide.
Bottom line is, yes it's possible and yes it works,

mvc webpage without using the default templates

I am using MVC 4.I have designed a webpage in Dreamweaver and then tried to convert it as a razor page. I wanted to view it in a browser, without using Visual Studio. I have heard that a Razor page can be edited using a notepad.
Please help, I am comfortable designing pages in Dreamweaver, than in Visual Studio.
If I understand you correctly you have a HTML design (created in whichever tool you prefer) and you wish to create an MVC website out of this. You have experience in ASP.NET Webforms.
Primarily to creating anything I would follow the topics covered in the ASP.NET MVC tutorials of MVC itself. It's not about "default templates" it's about understanding what builds your final output. Layouts, partial renderings etc...
PS: Ask yourself: Is MVC the right choice for my solution? (because I get the feeling everyone just wants to use MVC and doesn't think about what it is and why you should or shouldn't use it...)
If you dont't want to use default template then you can include your css files you created in Content folder. In shared folder which is located inside Views folder you can create the your customized layout which uses the css that you included in Content folder. And you can then include these layout in the views you later create inside shared folder of Views.
You can explore yourself by installing twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.sample from package manager console and see how your project changes.
This package changes your default layout to different layout, which is pretty cool.
Hope you can get idea of what is done and how you include your own layout from this above mentioned package.

How to create ASP.NET MVC area as a plugin DLL?

Here is what I want to achieve, I want to separate AREAs of ASP.NET MVC as pure single DLL.
Each of them are individual ASP.NET MVC Area, with its own default CSHTML or ASPX pages. Installing, migrating and maintaining lots of pages including resources, javascripts and so on are real pain for long run. As most of these will hardly change.
My final website will be like this.
Without adding any thing, just dropping Blog.dll, my application should support /blog and all its pages. If I want to customize something, than I can add area, and add only cshtml pages..
\BlogLayout.cshtml <-- this will override the look
This will help in reusing ASP.NET Area Plugins, by simply dropping the dll in bin folder. However web.config may require some changes, but most likely we will save configure values in database and only thing needed will be "Entity Framework connection string" in web.config.
My challenges (Questions)
Is it possible? It sure looks to me, but will there be any reflection/permission issues?
How do I include cshtml/aspx views within one DLL? Probably compiled versions? I have seen couple of text template based View Engines on codeplex but I am little confused on how to actually use them.
And how do I get ViewEngine to first check if physical directory file exists or not and then look into cshtml/aspx within the dll itself as resource file?
You may take a look at the following article which illustrates how a custom VirtualPathProvider could be used in order to retrieve Razor views that are embedded into separate assemblies as resources.
Maybe worth looking at portable areas from mvccontrib. I haven't used them since MVC 2, but found the following SO question by someone having some problems using them with MVC 3, with some possible solutions: ASP.NET MVC 3, Razor Views, and Portable Areas
MvcCodeRouting supports what you want, plus many other cool stuff. Check out this post about ASP.NET MVC Plugins.

Maintaining .NET web application

I am considering using .NET MVC for my next web app but one of the requirements is that there should be minimum work involved from the clients side (who will be maintaining the site).
They are used to simple HTML sites where all they have to do in order to make a minor change is to modify an html in notepad and upload it.
What parts of an .NET web app needs to be compiled? Is it only the .cs parts of it? Can all the rest be updated freely by modifying files with e.g. notepad?
Also, in an MVC environment, is more of the view related code in compiled files?
How is this kind of maintenance usually done in such cases where the client will take over the site on delivery (and are not interested in needing VS installed and needing to compile!)?
If you really need a web application, then in order to make changes to the 'application' part, they're going to need to be able to recompile.
If they're going to make visual changes, then your best bet is to provide a method for them to edit the HTML of the site. You can make changes to the views (.aspx files) in ASP.NET MVC without having to recompile. If you make changes to your controllers or your Model, then you'll have to recompile.
If this is a major requirement for your client, you can build the site using ASP.Net Web Forms instead of ASP.NET MVC in which case changes to the .cs files will be compiled on the fly when the page is first accessed. Note that this only applies to the .cs files in your Web Forms project. Any .cs files in referenced assemblies will need to be pre-compiled.
That said, I suspect your client is primarily interested in modifying the look/feel/content of a page, so they would probably be satisfied modifying the .aspx files in either a Web Forms or MVC app.
If they have the budget for it, sounds like the best solution is to build a Content Management System, so they don't have to edit files ever again.

ASP.Net Share Master Pages, Js, Css across multiple applications

Okay, so I have a couple of ASP.Net Mvc web applications that I would like to share a common master page, some css and js files across...
I tried creating a common repository for the files and then in my studio projects using the Add Existing... As Link... feature but, this doesn't appear to work...
When I try and debug the project I get an error stating the master page cannot be found. Which is because it doesn't physically exist in the location where I created the link...
Has anyone gotten this to work or perhaps have another suggestion on how to share these types of common files...
If you're using a source control system like SVN, you could keep your master page in one repository and reference that repository with a svn:externals property in your project repositories.
You could then branch the master page if each project required a modification that the other did not, while still maintaining the ability to merge changes made in the original.
You won't be able to share master pages, but it's possible to share static resources like CSS files and Javascripts, but you wouldn't add them to your web application. You'd just reference them in your aspx files and provide their URL.
Where do these files reside? anywhere on the disc or in a folder of some other application?
i don't think it is a good idea because if you have a source control you might need to check in the application source code (including css and js files and masterpages) so someone else on an other machine can run (modify or update) it without problems
