Service and Controller Methods Similar Operations -

I have a message service with operations like Create, List, Update and Delete.
In this Service I have a ListByMember(int memberId) method.
I need to build two Views, one to list with only the Title of the Message, and another View to List the Title and the Description of the message, and another to list the title and the total of the message answers already received.
I don't know if I create one method in the service layer and transport via DTO all the information from the message entity to the View and in the View I only show the fields that I want or if I create three methods in the service layer to be independent with it's own DTO's and to the specific View.
I'm afraid to create one single service method and if in the future I need a special list of the messages, I will face a problem.
Any advice would be nice.

Views /Controller actions are not the best place to put business logic. Try to have three methods at the service even if it means a little bit of additional code. You have decided to use DTOs to project that really good. One approach you may take is to create a private method to get the DTOs as IQueryable from the repository and expose it via public methods
As an example
// DTOs
public class MessageSummaryADto
public int MessageId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public class MessageSummaryBDto : MessageSummaryADto
public string Description { get; set; }
// public methods
public int GetMessageCount()
return GetMessageSummary().Count();
public IQueryable<MessageSummaryADto> GetMessageSummaryADto()
return GetMessageSummary().Select(m => new MessageSummaryADto { MessageId = m.MessageId, Title = m.Title });
public IQueryable<MessageSummaryBDto> GetMessageSummaryBDto()
return GetMessageSummary();
// the private method
private IQueryable<MessageSummaryBDto> GetMessageSummary()
return yourMessageRepository.Select(m =>
new MessageSummaryBDto {
MessageId = m.MessageId,
Title = m.Title,
Description = m.Description
If you are not a fan of IQueryable, you can expose the dtos as IList
Good luck

my second answer warrants for two levels of services, a business service and a UI service. You would want to have this approach if you have very specific UI processing such as projections and filters for things such as lists and grids. The business service will expose more generic methods, which would be neutral to the UI
So how it is mapped is;
Domain objects (output: Business Objects)-> Business Service (output generic DTOs) -> UI Service (UI specific DTOs) -> Controller Action -> View
Offloading the UI tasks of slicing and dicing of data to a UI specific service makes the Controller Action very thin (as it should be); generally it would be good if you can limit the number of lines of code in a controller action to a 10~15
Separating UI services from the code business services will make it easy for you to have multiple UIs. For example, when your business service is UI neutral, you may use it to carter to a ASP.Mvc and WPF app
Above approach comes with a price of additional layers to maintain, but if you want a clear separation, it’s worth considering


Multiple entities with one web api controller

I am building a mvc based website with ef6 code first type db. Right now i have a web api controller named Categories Controller that works nicely and shells out json data to my js requests.
// GET: api/Categories
public IQueryable<Category> GetCategories()
return db.Categories;
Now I need to wire up same for products, materials and some other entities. What I would like is something like :
//GET: api/Data/Categories
//GET: api/Data/Products
etc. all wired into one DataController. Is there a way to accomplish this?
For example one Data Controller, with separate region of code for all category specific api actions, product specific api actions and so on. Then I could do /api/Data/Categories/Create or api/Data/Products/Create
Instead of bringing in a new technology, you could handle this by creating a new class that contains both. I am assuming there is no relation between them, such as a Product has Categories, but rather you want both exclusively.
// GET: api/Data/ProductCategories
public IQueryable<ProductsCategory> GetProductsCategories()
return GetProductsCategories();
public class ProductsCategory
public IEnumerable<Category> Categories { get; set;}
public IEnumerable<Product> Products{ get; set;}
public ProductsCategory GetProductsCategories()
var products = db.Products.ToList();
var categories = db.Categories.ToList();
var productCategories = new ProductsCategory()
Products = products,
Categories = categories
return productCategories;
Or something to that degree.
Also don't return IQueryable directly, it's redundant and ill advised unless the caller of that API is going to somehow be executing some Query against what has been returned which is unlikey seeing as its WebAPI and not some method. Instead return a List or IEnumerable.
And if you are looking to improve what you have a little bit as well, be sure to wrap that repository that you have in some sort of service, so you can say something along the lines of:
Rather than accessing the context directly in your API.
Extended Reading for Repositories and Service Layers
Difference between Repository and Service Layer?
The easiest way to do what you want is to implement an OData controller, or a Breeze controller. They will do all the heavylifting to expose your EF model to in Web APi endpoints:
They're wuite easy to setup and OData is a recognized standard for this kind of task. They both had prebuilt support for oldering, filtering, paging, including related conllections and so. There are Nuget packages to use both of them.
Breeze also has feature-rich clients for JS and C#, and a lot of extra functionality.

better organise database operation codes in mvc

I am new to .net mvc ,and here is my situation, in mvc solution, I have data modal and reposity,also have ioc container, when comes to operate data operation,should I put all my logical code in the controller?or there are any better way?
public ActionResult SomeOperate(Person person)
var reposity = _kernel.Get<IReposity<Person>>();
//what about if there are many database operation logical based on my generic reposity,should I put them all here?
return RedirectToAction("SomeWhere");
my generic reposity have already support basic database operations such as add,update,remove,query transaction
By default, the controller can contain business logic (and its okay). But as your application grows in size, you start doubting whether the controller should be responsible for containing the business logic.
In a more advance architecture, the Controller only acts as a "Coach" and let players do the job. In other words, the controller only worries about who should do what. Hence the name controller.
The Service Layer
The Service Layer is just a collection of classes created for one purpose, to encapsulate your business layer, moving the logic away from the controller.
See my example below for a basic implementation of a service.
public class ProductService
private IProductRepository productRepository;
public ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository)
this.productRepository = productRepository;
public IEnumerable<Product> ListProducts()
return this.productRepository.ListProducts();
public void CreateProduct(Product productToCreate)
// Do validations here.
// Do database operation.
// Controller
public class ProductController : Controller
private ProductService productService;
// If you are wondering how to instantiate this
// controller, see the ninject tutorial
public ProductController(ProductService productService)
this.productService = productService;
public ActionResult Index()
IEnumerable<Product> products = this.productService.ListProducts();
return View(products);
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
public ActionResult Create(Product productToCreate)
return View();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
The full tutorial straight from Microsoft:
Why use a service layer
Service per Model/Entity
With regards to the number of service per model, there is no absolute rule. Most of the time it can scale to one-to-one and sometimes one-to-many (referred service per module)
The number routines in a single service class depends on the number of operations in the UI, meaning if there is no delete button anywhere in the system then there shouldn't be a delete method anywhere in your code. In other words, CRUD should only apply when needed.
Service per Module
Sometimes a service can scale to multiple models, given there is an operation that requires you to updated multiple models. This is sometimes referred as "service per module", this is when a service does not represent a model but rather an operation.
- RetireEmployee(User user)
- SendWeeklyMails()
Services and Interfaces
Most of the time, interfaces are not required for a service layer. The only time that they are usually for the following reasons:
Large team (5 or more)
Large system
Heavy test driven development.
This link extends much on this subject:
The Single-Responsibility Principle would indicate that you should identify one responsibility for each class, and avoid putting logic into the class that doesn't pertain to that responsibility.
If this is just an exercise in learning technologies, or a small project, then you're probably safe putting most of your Entity manipulations and business logic in the individual controller actions. If this project is likely to grow, and need to be maintained by various people over time, you're probably better off defining an N-Tier architecture right off the bat.
How you do this will depend somewhat on personal preference and the nature of your project, but a popular approach is to create a "Service" or "Manager" layer where all of your business logic resides. Then the various controller actions invoke the actions on that layer, transform them into ViewModel objects, and pass them off to the views. In this architecture, Controllers end up begin very light-weight, and are focused mostly on transforming requests into service calls and composing the data that the Views will need to render.
Many people feel that the ORM (e.g. Entity Framework) represents the "data access layer," and they don't see a need to create an additional layer beyond the service layer. Other people create individualized classes to hold the queries and commands to Entity Framework, and the Service layer leverages these various other classes.

MVC 4 Notification Messages to the User

I'm using a controller - service - repository layer pattern I'm my Application. The repository holds basic CRUD operations and the service layer all the business logic while the controllers are kept very lean (they only call the service layer functions).
I want to send messages (success, warning, etc.) to the user but I'm unsure how to do it from a service layer level? I've looked up some solutions using TempData and a base class but those only seem to work on a controller level.
Is there a good solution to push user notifications to a view from a service layer?
Looks like you have a good separation of concerns in your app architecture. It would be very wise to keep it this way - do not make your service layer to know anything about UI.
What I would do I would create some class for service layer to return as execution result.
public class ExecutionResult<T>
public T Result { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
This way you could pass Message to ViewBag.UserNotification and shouw it in your view:
Edit: sample usage:
public class Math
public ExecutionResult<double> Divide(double number, double divideBy)
if (divideBy == 0)
return new ExecutionResult<double>
Result = double.NaN,
Message = "Division by zero is not possible"
return new ExecutionResult<double>
Result = number/divideBy
This is just a sample. In real world you would take different approach in comparing values of type double
With that kind of pattern you don't want to interact with the views directly from the service layer so you might consider returning some custom data transfer objects to the controller on each method call. These DTO's could contain any error messages or notifications. Then the controller can pass this data on to the view.
One way might be for your service methods to return boolean values to indicate the success or failure. The controller would then know this and can act accordingly.
Another way might be for methods to return a custom "Error" object that contains information about what happened in the service.

Difference between Repository and Service Layer?

In OOP Design Patterns, what is the difference between the Repository Pattern and a Service Layer?
I am working on an ASP.NET MVC 3 app, and am trying to understand these design patterns, but my brain is just not getting it...yet!!
Repository Layer gives you additional level of abstraction over data access. Instead of writing
var context = new DatabaseContext();
return CreateObjectQuery<Type>().Where(t => t.ID == param).First();
to get a single item from database, you use repository interface
public interface IRepository<T>
IQueryable<T> List();
bool Create(T item);
bool Delete(int id);
T Get(int id);
bool SaveChanges();
and call Get(id). Repository layer exposes basic CRUD operations.
Service layer exposes business logic, which uses repository. Example service could look like:
public interface IUserService
User GetByUserName(string userName);
string GetUserNameByEmail(string email);
bool EditBasicUserData(User user);
User GetUserByID(int id);
bool DeleteUser(int id);
IQueryable<User> ListUsers();
bool ChangePassword(string userName, string newPassword);
bool SendPasswordReminder(string userName);
bool RegisterNewUser(RegisterNewUserModel model);
While List() method of repository returns all users, ListUsers() of IUserService could return only ones, user has access to.
In ASP.NET MVC + EF + SQL SERVER, I have this flow of communication:
Views <- Controllers -> Service layer -> Repository layer -> EF -> SQL Server
Service layer -> Repository layer -> EF This part operates on models.
Views <- Controllers -> Service layer This part operates on view models.
Example of flow for /Orders/ByClient/5 (we want to see order for specific client):
public class OrderController
private IOrderService _orderService;
public OrderController(IOrderService orderService)
_orderService = orderService; // injected by IOC container
public ActionResult ByClient(int id)
var model = _orderService.GetByClient(id);
return View(model);
This is interface for order service:
public interface IOrderService
OrdersByClientViewModel GetByClient(int id);
This interface returns view model:
public class OrdersByClientViewModel
CientViewModel Client { get; set; } //instead of ClientView, in simple project EF Client class could be used
IEnumerable<OrderViewModel> Orders { get; set; }
This is interface implementation. It uses model classes and repository to create view model:
public class OrderService : IOrderService
IRepository<Client> _clientRepository;
public OrderService(IRepository<Client> clientRepository)
_clientRepository = clientRepository; //injected
public OrdersByClientViewModel GetByClient(int id)
return _clientRepository.Get(id).Select(c =>
new OrdersByClientViewModel
Cient = new ClientViewModel { ...init with values from c...}
Orders = c.Orders.Select(o => new OrderViewModel { ...init with values from o...}
As Carnotaurus said the repository is responsible for mapping your data from the storage format to you business objects. It should handle both how to read and write data(delete, update too) from and to the storage.
The purpose of service layer on the other hand is to encapsulate business logic into a single place to promote code reuse and separations of concerns. What this typically means for me in practice when building MVC sites is that I have this structure
[Controller] calls [Service(s)] who calls [repository(ies)]
One principle I have found useful is to keep logic to a minimum in controllers and repositories.
In controllers it is because it helps keeping me DRY. It's very common that I need to use the same filtering or logic somewhere else and if I placed it in the controller I can't reuse it.
In repositories it is because I want to be able to replace my storage(or ORM) when something better comes along. And if I have logic in the repository I need to rewrite this logic when I change the repository. If my repository only returns IQueryable and the service does the filtering on the other hand, I will only need to replace the mappings.
For example I recently replaced several of my Linq-To-Sql repositories with EF4 and those where I had stayed true to this principle could replaced in a matter of minutes. Where I had some logic it was a matter of hours instead.
The accepted answer (and upvoted hundreds of time) has a major flaw. I wanted to point this out in the comment but it will just get buried down there in 30 something comments so pointing out here.
I took over an enterprise application which was built that way and my initial reaction was WTH? ViewModels in service layer? I did not want to change the convention because years of development had gone into it so I continued with returning ViewModels. Boy it turned into a nightmare when we started using WPF. We (the team of devs) were always saying: which ViewModel? The real one (the one we wrote for the WPF) or the services one? They were written for a web application and even had IsReadOnly flag to disable edit in the UI. Major, major flaw and all because of one word: ViewModel!!
Before you make the same mistake, here are some more reasons in addition to my story above:
Returning a ViewModel from the service layer is a huge no no. That's like saying:
If you want to use these services you better be using MVVM and here is the ViewModel you need to use. Ouch!
The services are making the assumption they will be displayed in a UI somewhere. What if it is used by a non UI application such as web services or windows services?
That is not even a real ViewModel. A real ViewModel has observability, commands etc. That is just a POCO with a bad name. (See my story above for why names matter.)
The consuming application better be a presentation layer (ViewModels are used by this layer) and it better understand C#. Another Ouch!
Please, don't do that!
Repository layer is implemented to access the database and helps to extend the CRUD operations on the database. Whereas a service layer consists of the business logic of the application and may use the repository layer to implement certain logic involving the database. In an application, it is better to have a separate repository layer and service layer. Having separate repository and service layers make the code more modular and decouple the database from business logic.
Usually a repository is used as scaffolding to populate your entities - a service layer would go out and source a request. It is likely that you would put a repository under your service layer.

How to mock a model in ASP.NET MVC?

I've made a custom model, and I want to mock it. I'm fairly new to MVC, and very new to unit testing. Most approaches I've seen create an interface for the class and then make a mock that implements the same interface. However I can't seem to get this to work when actually passing the interface into the View. Cue "simplified" example:
public interface IContact
void SendEmail(NameValueCollection httpRequestVars);
public abstract class Contact : IContact
//some shared properties...
public string Name { get; set; }
public void SendEmail(NameValueCollection httpRequestVars = null)
//construct email...
public class Enquiry : Contact
//some extra properties...
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<project.Models.IContact>" %>
<!-- other html... -->
<td><%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => ((Enquiry)model).Name)%></td>
public ActionResult Index(IContact enquiry)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(enquiry);
return View("Sent", enquiry);
Unit Testing-
public void Index_HttpPostInvalidModel_ReturnsDefaultView()
Enquiry enquiry = new Enquiry();
_controller.ModelState.AddModelError("", "dummy value");
ViewResult result = (ViewResult)_controller.Index(enquiry);
public void Index_HttpPostValidModel_CallsSendEmail()
MockContact mock = new MockContact();
ViewResult result = (ViewResult)_controller.Index(mock);
public class MockContact : IContact
public bool EmailSent = false;
void SendEmail(NameValueCollection httpRequestVars)
EmailSent = true;
Upon a HttpPost I get a "Cannot create an instance of an interface" exception. I seems that I can't have my cake (passing a model) and eat it (pass mock for unit testing). Maybe there's a better approach to unit testing models bound to views?
I'm going to throw it out there, if you need to mock your models you're doing it wrong. Your models should be dumb property bags.
There is absolutely no reason that your model should have a SendEmail method. That is functionality that should be invoked from a controller calling to an EmailService.
Responding to your question:
After years of working with Separation of Concern (SOC) patterns like MVC, MVP, MVVM and seeing articles from people brighter than me (I wish I could find the one I'm thinking off about this but maybe I read it in a magazine). You will eventually conclude in an enterprise application you will end up with 3 distinct sets of model objects.
Previously I was a very big fan of doing Domain Driven Design (DDD) using a single set of business entities that were both plain old c# objects (POCO) and Persistent Ignorant (PI). Having domain models that are POCO/PI leaves you with a clean slate of objects where there is no code related to accessing the object storage or having other attributes that have schematic meaning for only 1 area of the code.
While this works, and can work fairly well for a period of time, there is eventually a tipping point where the complexity of expressing the relationship between View, Domain Model, and Physical Storage Model becomes too complex to express correctly with 1 set of entities.
To solve the impedance mismatches of View, Domain and Storage you really need 3 sets of models. Your ViewModels will exactly match your views binding to facilitate it to be easy to work with the UI. So this will frequently have things such as adding a List to populate drop downs with values that are valid for your edit view/action.
In the middle is the Domain Entities, these are the entities that you should validate against your business rules. So you will map to/from them on both sides to/from the view and to/from the storage layer. In these entities is where you could attach your code to do validation. I personally am not a fan of using attributes and coupling validation logic into your domain entities. It does make alot of sense to couple validation attributes into your ViewModels to take advantage of the built in MVC client side validation functionality.
For validation I would recommend using a library like FluentValidation (or your own custom one, they're not hard to write) that lets you separate your business rules from your objects. Although with new features with MVC3 you can do remote validation severside and have it display client side, this is an option to handle true business validation.
Finally you have your storage models. As I said previously I was very zealous on having PI objects being able to be reused through all layers so depending on how you setup your durable storage you might be able to directly use your domain objects. But if you take advantage of tools like Linq2Sql, EntityFramework (EF) etc you will most likely have auto generated models with code for interacting with the data provider so you will want to map your domain objects to your persistence objects.
So wrap all of this up this would be a standard logic flow in MVC actions
User goes to edit product page
EF queries the database to get the existing product information, inside the repository layer the EF data objects are mapped to the Business Entities (BE) so all the data layer methods return BEs and have no external coupling to the EF data objects. (So if you ever change your data provider you don't have to alter a single line of code except for the internal implementation)
The controller gets the Product BE and maps it to a Product ViewModel (VM) and adds collections for the different options that can be set for drop down lists
Return View(theview, ProductVM)
User edits the product and submits the form
Client side validation is passed (useful for date validation / number validation instead of having to submit the form for feedback)
The ProductVM gets mapped back to ProductBE at this point you would validate the business rules along the lines ValidationFactory.Validate(ProductBE), if it's invalid return messages back to view and cancel edit, otherwise continue
You pass the ProductBE into your repository model, inside the internal implementation of the data layer you map the ProductBE to the Product Data Entity for EF and update the database.
2016 edit: removed usages of Interface as separation of concerns and interfaces are entirely orthogonal.
Your issue is here:
public ActionResult Index(IContact enquiry)
MVC in the background has to create a concrete type to pass to the method when calling it. In this method's case, MVC needs to create a type which implements IContract.
Which type? I dunno. Neither does MVC.
Instead of using interfaces in order to be able to mock your models, use normal classes that have protected methods which you can override in mocks.
public class Contact
//some shared properties...
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual void SendEmail(NameValueCollection httpRequestVars = null)
//construct email...
public class MockContact
//some shared properties...
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool EmailSent {get;private set;}
public override void SendEmail(NameValueCollection vars = null)
EmailSent = true;
public ActionResult Index(Contact enquiry)
It is possible to use interfaces.
