Use destinationViewController button in a custom segue - ios

My goal is to make a custom segue with a custom animation as follows:
I want the segue to cover a button from the sourceViewController with a button from the destinationViewController with an effect similar to the navigation controller's push effect, i.e. the new button is supposed to push the old button away from right to left.
I have been able to make the old button (from the sourceViewController) move away as desired:
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
// set the target frame for animated view
sourceViewController.optionsButton.frame = leftButtonTargetFrame;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[navigationController pushViewController:destinationViewController animated:NO];
// reset the button's frame back to its original frame
sourceViewController.optionsButton.frame = leftButtonInitFrame;
But I am struggling to make the new button (from the destinationViewController) move in. The reason is that I cannot access the destinationViewController's view elements: While performing the segue they are not instantiated. And I cannot animate a button that is not instantiated.
So how can I replace a button in the sourceViewController with a button from the destinationViewController?

The view of the destination view controller hasn't been initialized/loaded at the time when you try to access the buttons. To load the view of the destination view controller, you can simply access the view property. Do this before using the buttons: [destinationViewController view];
destinationViewController.view; would also work, but it would generate a compiler warning.
Background Information:
If you access the view property and its value is currently nil, the view controller automatically calls the loadView method and returns the resulting view.
The method loadView loads the view that the controller manages. You should never call this method directly.

You are correct that you cannot animate an object that does not yet exist. However, you can fake it.
Create a place-holder button that will look identical to the button that will be in the new view controller.
Animate it to the correct place.
As the destination view controller comes in, its button should be invisible.
After the the view controller is in place (i.e. the segue has finished) the destination view controller can ensure the proper placement if its button and make its actual button visible.
Hope this helps.


Manually Trigger `automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets` at a Certain Time

I have a UINavigationController, containing a UIViewController that is parent to two UITableViewController controllers.
When the user taps on a segmented control in the UIToolbar of the navigation controller, the current child table controller is swapped out with the new one. This includes removing the old controller from the parent hierarchy and removing its view as a subview of the parent view controller.
The first view controller that is displayed when the navigation view controller first presents it has its contentInset correctly configured by automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, however, when I pull that one out and insert the view from the second table view controller, that does not.
Furthermore, if I rotate the device (Which shrinks the UINavigationBar) and then swap back to the first view controller, its contentInset is now incorrect and it doesn't scroll properly. The second controller, however, does have its contentInset property properly set as a result of the device rotation.
Is there a way to manually force a UIViewController to redo its automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets operation when I need it?
It's not an absolutely amazing one, but I found a solution that works.
Inserting a new child view controller isn't enough to trigger UINavigationController to automatically work out the appropriate contentInset values for any scroll views in the new child. BUT! You can force it to perform that calculation by doing something that would have required it anyway. For example, hiding and showing the navigation bar or toolbar.
- (void)insertViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
// Add the view to our view
viewController.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
[self.view addSubview:viewController.view];
// Add the new controller as a child
[self addChildViewController:viewController];
[viewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
// Show and hide the toolbar to force the content inset calculation
self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = YES;
self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = NO;
I've tested it, and there appear to be no visual glitches by rapidly hiding either the navigation bar or toolbar, so this solution seems to be acceptable.

Creating custom push segue

I'm writing a custom segue class (HySegue) which allows views to animate the transition. The code is working great, except when under a UINavigationController stack. Actually, the transitions run and animate well, but the top UINavigationBar is what is causing me problems.
When first animating, I add the destination view as a subview of the source view. As such:
UIView * sourceView = sourceViewController.view;
UIView * destinationView = viewControllerToPresent.view;
// Force the source view to layout
[sourceView addSubview:destinationView];
[sourceView layoutIfNeeded];
When the transition is over, I present the destination view controller:
UIViewController * parentViewController = viewControllerToDismiss.parentViewController;
UIView * destinationView = destinationViewController.view;
// Break the view hierarchy that was setup earlier
[destinationView removeFromSuperview];
// When presenting in a UINavigationController stack, push the destination view controller
if ([parentViewController isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]]) {
[(UINavigationController *)parentViewController pushViewController:destinationViewController
else {
// Present the destination view controller
[viewControllerToDismiss presentViewController:destinationViewController
[viewControllerToDismiss willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
[viewControllerToDismiss.view removeFromSuperview];
[viewControllerToDismiss removeFromParentViewController];
[viewControllerToDismiss didMoveToParentViewController:nil];
The problem is that during the animation the destination view does not know that it's being pushed in a navigation stack and so the top bar, although visible, is not taken into account in the view's bounds. That is, the navigation bar is visible because it's visible for the source view controller, but the destination view controller knows nothing about it. When the animation finishes the destination view controller is pushed onto the stack, so it now knows about the navigation bar, and all my content with Top Space to Top Layout Guides constraints jumps down on the frame.
The top bar also doesn't show in IB. This is when I use my custom segue:
And this is when I use show segue:
Notice that the bar shows on the later but not on the former.
What I was wondering is how IB knows that it's a push segue. Is it some flag? Is it because of the specific class it's using? How would I make my custom segue also a push segue?
Edit: I loved the segue's type in prepareForSegue:sender: and it seems its type is UIStoryboardPushSegue, which is not a public or documented class. How can I can I solve it then? I already tried setting the destination view's frame and bounds from the source view.

Display UIViewController as Popup in iPhone

Since there is no complete, definitive answer to this common recurring question, I'll ask and answer it here.
Often we need to present a UIViewController such that it doesn't cover full screen, as in the picture below.
Apple provides several similar UIViewController, such as UIAlertView, Twitter or Facebook share view controller, etc..
How can we achieve this effect for a custom controller?
NOTE : This solution is broken in iOS 8. I will post new solution ASAP.
I am going to answer here using storyboard but it is also possible without storyboard.
Init: Create two UIViewController in storyboard.
lets say FirstViewController which is normal and SecondViewController which will be the popup.
Modal Segue: Put UIButton in FirstViewController and create a segue on this UIButton to SecondViewController as modal segue.
Make Transparent: Now select UIView (UIView Which is created by default with UIViewController) of SecondViewController and change its background color to clear color.
Make background Dim: Add an UIImageView in SecondViewController which covers whole screen and sets its image to some dimmed semi transparent image. You can get a sample from here : UIAlertView Background Image
Display Design: Now add an UIView and make any kind of design you want to show. Here is a screenshot of my storyboard
Here I have add segue on login button which open SecondViewController as popup to ask username and password
Important: Now that main step. We want that SecondViewController doesn't hide FirstViewController completely. We have set clear color but this is not enough. By default it adds black behind model presentation so we have to add one line of code in viewDidLoad of FirstViewController. You can add it at another place also but it should run before segue.
[self setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationCurrentContext];
Dismiss: When to dismiss depends on your use case. This is a modal presentation so to dismiss we do what we do for modal presentation:
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:Nil];
Thats all.....
Any kind of suggestion and comment are welcome.
Demo :
You can get demo source project from Here : Popup Demo
NEW : Someone have done very nice job on this concept : MZFormSheetController
New : I found one more code to get this kind of function : KLCPopup
iOS 8 Update : I made this method to work with both iOS 7 and iOS 8
+ (void)setPresentationStyleForSelfController:(UIViewController *)selfController presentingController:(UIViewController *)presentingController
if (iOSVersion >= 8.0)
presentingController.providesPresentationContextTransitionStyle = YES;
presentingController.definesPresentationContext = YES;
[presentingController setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext];
[selfController setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationCurrentContext];
[selfController.navigationController setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationCurrentContext];
Can use this method inside prepareForSegue deligate like this
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
PopUpViewController *popup = segue.destinationViewController;
[self setPresentationStyleForSelfController:self presentingController:popup]
Modal Popups in Interface Builder (Storyboards)
Step 1
On the ViewController you want as your modal popup, make the background color of the root UIView clear.
Tip: Do not use the root UIView as your popup. Add a new UIView that is smaller to be your popup.
Step 2
Create a Segue to the ViewController that has your popup. Select "Present Modally".
Two Methods To Create Popup From Here
Method One - Using the Segue
Select the Segue and change Presentation to "Over Current Context":
Method Two - Using the View Controller
Select the ViewController Scene that is your popup. In Attributes Inspector, under View Controller section, set Presentation to "Over Current Context":
Either method will work. That should do it!
You can do this in Interface Builder.
For the view you wish to present modally set its outermost view background to transparent
Control + click and drag from the host view controller to the modal view controller
Select present modally
Click on the newly created segue and in the Attribute Inspector (on the right) set "Presentation" to "Over Current Context"
Feel free to use my form sheet controller MZFormSheetControllerfor iPhone, in example project there are many examples on how to present modal view controller which will not cover full window and has many presentation/transition styles.
You can also try newest version of MZFormSheetController which is called MZFormSheetPresentationController and have a lot of more features.
You can use EzPopup (, it is a Swift pod and very easy to use:
// init YourViewController
let contentVC = ...
// Init popup view controller with content is your content view controller
let popupVC = PopupViewController(contentController: contentVC, popupWidth: 100, popupHeight: 200)
// show it by call present(_ , animated:) method from a current UIViewController
present(popupVC, animated: true)
Imao put UIImageView on background is not the best idea . In my case i added on controller view other 2 views . First view has [UIColor clearColor] on background, second - color which u want to be transparent (grey in my case).Note that order is important.Then for second view set alpha 0.5(alpha >=0 <=1).Added this to lines in prepareForSegue
infoVC.providesPresentationContextTransitionStyle = YES;
infoVC.definesPresentationContext = YES;
And thats all.
Swift 4:
To add an overlay, or the popup view
You can also use the Container View with which you get a free View Controller ( you get the Container View from the usual object palette/library)
Have a View (ViewForContainer in the pic) that holds this Container View, to dim it when the contents of Container View are displayed. Connect the outlet inside the first View Controller
Hide this View when 1st VC loads
Unhide when Button is clicked
To dim this View when the Container View content is displayed, set the Views Background to Black and opacity to 30%
You will get this effect when you click on the Button
You can do this to add any other subview to the view controller.
First set the status bar to None for the ViewController which you want to add as subview so that you can resize to whatever you want. Then create a button in Present View controller and a method for button click. In the method:
- (IBAction)btnLogin:(id)sender {
SubView *sub = [[SubView alloc] initWithNibName:#"SubView" bundle:nil];
sub.view.frame = CGRectMake(20, 100, sub.view.frame.size.width, sub.view.frame.size.height);
[self.view addSubview:sub.view];
Hope this helps, feel free to ask if any queries...

Want to Push another View from current view

I am doing paypal integration and my project is working good.
But i want to push my Next view from my current view. first i used Navigation Controller but now i want to push it with out navigation controller.
I used the syntax with Navigation controller is
[self.navigationController pushViewController:[[[NextViewController alloc] initWithURL:[ECNetworkHandler sharedInstance].redirectURL returnURL:RETURN_URL cancelURL:CANCEL_URL] autorelease] animated:TRUE];
And i used the syntax to push another view controller without navigation controller is
NextViewController *webVcustome = [[NextViewController alloc]initWithURL:[ECNetworkHandler sharedInstance].redirectURL returnURL:RETURN_URL cancelURL:CANCEL_URL];
[self.view addSubview:webVcustome.view];
With Navigation it works but without navigation it don't.
What should i do to push the view controller.
instead of adding a subview call presentViewController:animated:completion, like this:
[self presentViewController:webVcustome animated:YES completion:nil];
for more information of this message take a look to the documentation
If you want to "push" a view without using UINavigationController , I think you can only use two views to adjust their frames when they are begin "push" movement.
eg:maybe you can creat 2 subviews such as : currentView , anotherView. And then add them to the self.view.
maybe you can set the currentViews frame is (0,0,320,480) and anotherViews frame is (320,0,320,480) , when you want to "push" them , you can set their frame is the currentViews frame is (-320,0,320,480) and anotherViews frame is (0,0,320,480) with a UIView animation

Source view controller hides during custom segue

I'm trying to make a custom segue so that the destination view controller slides down from the top.
I wrote my code according to the example from the documentation.
The problem is that when the segue is executed, the source view controller goes black, and then the animation occurs. How can I prevent the source view controller from going black?
(I already tried implementing the solution presented in this answer but the screen either goes black after the transition, or reverts to the source view controller.)
Here's my code:
UIViewController *splashScreen = self.sourceViewController;
UIViewController *mainScreen = self.destinationViewController;
//Place the destination VC above the visible area = CGPointMake(,;
//Animation to move the VC down into the visible area
[UIView animateWithDuration:1
animations:^{ = CGPointMake(, [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height/2 );
[splashScreen presentModalViewController:mainScreen animated:NO];
The reason that your source view controller seems to be hidden is that the destination view controller is presented right away.
When you are writing custom segues you don't have both views available at the same time. You could either
push view controller, add the source view to the destination view controller and animate
add the destination view to the source view controller and animate, then push view controller
push to an in-between view controller, add both views, animate, push to the destination view controller.
In all the above cases where I say push view controllers you could instead present view controllers modally. In fact that might be more suitable for the in-between view controller solution.

