MVC deployment in IIS 6 in win server 2003 -

Please help me how to deploy mvc3 application in IIS 6. I don't know how to set first page (start page in mvc) application. Which page I want to set first and hpw to set, I copied my full application from local machine to remote server.

Look here: You're not really setting a "default page" in MVC since everything is routed to controllers.

Try to access any of your action method/ page and see whether the MVC routing works for you.
To make the extensionless url work in IIS6, You need to enable wildcard mapping. Make sure you uncheck the "Verify file exist" option. Wildcard mapping brings some performance problems though. check the blog post by Phil explaining it.


Best practices for deploying an MVC application on IIS7

I'm not a web admin, and I'm new to IIS. So, I'm looking for advice.
My MVC application (e.g. fooapp) is the default application for my site (e.g. I used IIS Manager to add the site to IIS7. When I import the application, IIS Manager wants to put it in it's own directory (/foo), and tells me I shouldn't put it in the base (site) directory. This means that to get to my default MVC view, I have to enter the URL Needless to say, I want to get there via
I see 2 possible solutions:
Add a default page to the site directory that redirects to the MVC app.
Ignore the IIS admonition and load the app into the site directory.
My IIS7 knowledge is limited. I have played around with some options (such as HTTP Redirect). Since nothing changed, I obviously don't understand what I'm doing.
Anyway, if there are some considered "best practices" and/or other suggestions, please let me know.
Tbh, I'm not sure why the IIS manager is trying to convince you to add it as a sub app.. Maybe you just didn't do it right >_>
I've got a couple servers running with IIS7/7.5 and they have apps running in the root of the website.. No problem there :)
You might want to create a new website in IIS (right click on websites, choose "Add Web Site"), point the "Physical Path" directly to the folder your website's stored in, and set the Host name to whatever host you use ( ? :) )
This should work just fine )
In terms of deployment, if you use VS2010 I'd really recomment looking at Web Deploy.. It's a new addon written for IIS7, and allows one-click publish to IIS directly from VS2010. I'm using it on my site and it works flawlessly :)
Check out Scott Hansellman's talk about it, or check it out in the IIS website

IIS6 Problems with ASP.NET MVC

I have a ASP.NET MVC page. I Configured a IIS Website and added the additonal H:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll.
my Directory Structure is like that
My page is configured to port 9090.
If i try to access the page i get the "default" Page. But if i try to access any other page than the //myServer:9090 like //myServer:9090/home (which is the default method in my HomeController) i get a "page not found" error page.
For me it looks like he does'nt execute the assambly. In the Debbuging Server all runs nice.
What could be the Problem?
P.S: If i forgort something pls ask for! thanks!
Here's a nice post explaining how to configure ASP.NET MVC to run on IIS6 using extensionless routes.
Take a look at this page. You have to do different things to IIS to get MVC to run based upon what version of IIS you are using.
The Problem was that i use a 64BIT Server so i had to unclick "confirm that file exists"

Disable Visual Studio Web Server Directory Browsing

I'm using Visual Studio's built in web server to test and EPiServer applicaiton. When I have the app running in IIS, if I hit the root of the virtual directory, EPiServer will take over and server the defaul page to me. Using the Visual Studion server (which I am doing for license reasons with the SDK), it always gives me the 'Directory Listing' view of my site. Does anyone know how to configure this web server to not allow the directory listing/browsing?
Additional Information:
This problme only seems to effect the root of the visual studion web server (i'll call it cassini from here on in). As an example, if I run a site from localhost:6666, then what I will find is that localhost:6666/en/ will work just fine and the EPiServer VPP will know what it is doing. If I use localhost:6666/, then the VPP never kicks in (or so it seams). It seems to me that when the root of cassini is hit, it checks to see if the page exists (which it does not as I have no default). If it decides that the page does not exist, then it serves up the directory listing, rather than 404. The first thing to do for me is to dispable directory browsing in cassini, then look at why the VPP is not being actioned correctly.
So I suppose the base of the question is: Is there a way to modify these settins in Cassini when it is Visual Studio starting everything off?
(EPiServer may be a red herring, but just in case, it's CMS version 5)
Further Update
I managed to get hold of the source for Cassini 3.5 and gave that a whirl. 3.5 works just fine and behaves like IIS in this instance. I.e. the lack of default document does not lead to a Directory listing, rather if allows the HTTP handlers to kick in and then EPiServer does the rest! So the question is, can I achieve the same in Visual Studios effort at a web server?
Make sure you have a ~/Default.aspx file. It won't render, but it's needed in cassini for the virtual path providers to get a chance to handle the request for '/'.
Of course, if you make it anyway you might as well use it for the start page :-)
Even if you could get the server to not show the directory listing, could you get EPiServer to take over?
EDIT: From comments
The fact that it works with /en/ makes me think this is something that Microsoft could fix. I suggest you ask the vendor if they have a workaround. If they do not, then please create a suggestion at Be sure to specify details about EPIServer, URL to the vendor, etc.
Be clear that it works with /en, but you want a setting permitting it to work at the root.
Once you create the suggestion, please edit your question to include the link to the suggestion you create. That way, others reading your question can vote on how important they think this is.
The EpiServer part confuses me. However, if you are asking how to set the default page for the VS development server (based on the Cassini code), you're expected to do that in the project properties (right click on web project), Web, Start Action, Specific Page, foo.aspx.
I suspect the cassini/VS development server doesn't have a default page feature-- the source code for the cassini server (the ancestor of the VS development server) is on the web and you can check that and add a default page by building a custom version. And it doesn't have a very long list of other features that IIS has.
Which EPiServer version are you running?
Did you install it using EPiServer Manager?
There has always been some differences in the configuration between running the site at the root of a host name or as a (virtual) directory.
Check the site settings block in web.config and make sure you have a default.aspx at the project root.

Deploy mvc beta to iis 6 causing 404's

I'm struggling to get around the 404 errors from mvc beta when deploying on IIS 6. I had this working in one of the previews by mapping .mvc in IIS but this no longer works. I've read Omar's post and several others on the web and tried their solutions but no luck so far.
The home page opens without a problem on IIS 6 but others 404 and the site runs well on IIS 7.
Has anybody deployed mvc beta to IIS 6 with success? If so, what adjustments did you need to make to the code and/or IIS settings to get it to work?
I found a solution to my problem from Steve Sanderson's blog (Thanks Steve):
Use a wildcard mapping for aspnet_isapi.dll. This tells IIS 6 to process all requests using ASP.NET, so routing is always invoked, and there’s no problem. It’s dead easy to set up:
open IIS manager (run -> inetmgr -> OK)
right-click your app, go to Properties
then Home Directory tab, then click Configuration.
Under Wildcard application maps, click Insert (not Add, which is
confusingly just above)
then enter
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll for
“Executable”, and uncheck Verify that file exists.
I can't seem to write comments yet. So I'll write a new answer.
There are a few similar questions going around on stackoverflow.
I'm using MVC 3. I know the question was MVC 2 related. But since this is the first stackoverflow post I bumped in to, I think it's worth mentioning that:
when you use MVC 3, you need to add a new extension mapping with the executable of the .NET 4 framework (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll)
<edit>I just found out that I even don't need to set up the extension mapping. </edit>
It still didn't work for me then :) I still had to 'Allow' ASP.NET v4.0.30319 in the Web Service Extensions section in IIS:
open IIS
click on the server node
open the Web Service Extensions section
select the ASP.NET v4.0....
right click --> Allow
Good to go!
Url rewriting can help you to solve the problem. I've implemented solution allowing to deploy MVC application at any IIS version even when virtual hosting is used.

Views does not open in live MVC application

After I published my application none of links works in web site except default.aspx. When I clicked them "page not found" is shown. I guess, it is about routing. But I did not do any change on default mvc routing settings. What could cause this kind of thing?
Verify that IIS which hosts your published web site has all the correct settings to run ASP.NET MVC (see this for on how to set up IIS 6 and this for IIS 7).
One would need more details to debug the issue. On a quicker note, first check for server logs (IIS/Apache) - it would indicate whether the request reached the server or not, where was the requested routed to, who processed it and what happened. Also check for server error logs.
