When to call a reference property "delegate"? - ios

In my app I have a storyboard with two scenes. The first one is a Summary-View-Controller and just shows some data. But you can tap on it and switch to a Edit-View-Controller scene where you can make changes. To report the changes back to the Summary-View-Controller the Edit-View-Controller will get a reference to his parent. When editing is done he will call a method in his Parent-View-Controller.
The property in the Edit-View-Controller looks like that:
#property (weak, nonatomic) id <NameEditViewChangedProtocol> parentController;
My app works fine. That is not my problem. But in many tutorials I read a property like this is just called delegate.
#property (weak, nonatomic) id <NameEditViewChangedProtocol> delegate;
I know what delegation is and how it works but for me parentController is a more meaningful name. delegate, that could just be anything. So my question is: When should I call a property like this delegate? Are there any rule how to use this name?

I know what delegation is and how it works but for me parentController
is a more meaningful name. delegate, that could just be anything.
I think you've answered your own question here. A delegate is a helper object that "could just be anything" as far as the delegating class is concerned. The name parentController assumes something specific about the relationship between the two objects. If you know that that relationship will always exist, then it's appropriate to use that name. On the other hand, if the two objects only happen to have that relationship, but the relationship isn't important to the fact that one object is using the other as a helper, then use delegate (or something similar).
So, is it necessary that the objects in question have a parent/child relationship? Are you sending messages to parentViewController specifically because it's the parent? Or is it conceivable that some other object could respond to the same messages?

Usually names of properties of type id<some protocol> are the same as the last part of the protocol name, e.g. the 'delegate' property of a UITableView is a property of type id<UITableViewDelegate>, and the 'dataSource' property is of type id<UITableViewDataSource>. If you name your protocols by their purpose, the name of a property of type id<some protocol> should come naturally from the protocol name. For what it's worth, protocol names don't usually include the word 'Protocol'.
Andrew's answer about how to name the property could help you make a better name for the protocol as well, if you follow the protocol/property name correspondence which I explained.
Edit: Fix formatting throwing away <protocol names>

Call it a delegate when it will be used to make decisions at runtime about how the edit view controller should behave, or is to be notified of events, incoming data, etc. Call it delegate if the edit view controller is to be reused in multiple contexts, and the delegate's class can be anything (possibly conforming to a delegate protocol).
It may make sense to call it parentController if you know that the relationship between the two is always going to be a parent-child relationship with the parent 'owning' the child, rather than the more abstract delegate relationship.


Is it possible to observer a NSMutableArray from different class?

I'll try to summarize this as succinctly as possible:
I have three classes: a ViewController, a ViewModel, and a DataSource.
The ViewController creates both the ViewModel and DataSource. It then proceeds to "configure" the DataSource with a NSMutableArray that was initially created by and is owned by the ViewModel.
I'm aware that by implementing the appropriate indexed accessor methods I can make the NSMutableArray property KVO compliant so that my ViewModel can observe its changes.
However, what I want to do is observe the changes from my DataSource.
When it is configured the DataSource, "sets" the NSMutableArray to its own "objects" property (weak, strong, copy???). Whenever the NSMutableArray is updated via the ViewModel (which does the fetching from the server), my ViewModel is made aware of the changes. But, I can't seem to be able to observe these changes from the DataSource.
Any suggestions?
(Also, not a priority, but does anyone know of a way to do this "reactively" with RAC?).
Yes, it's possible to observe changes to an array property of one class from another class. I've done it. It's been a long time, and I don't have the code at hand, so I can't give you specifics, but it is indeed possible.
It's fragile, since if the listening object gets deallocated without removing itself as a KVO observer, you crash.
This sort of KVO observation seems like bad mojo to me. It creates fairly tight coupling between your classes, and makes the observing class dependent on implementation details of the observed class.
If I were to do this again I would probably use KVO within the class that owns the array, and then broadcast a notification, use a callback, or use some other method to notify the interested external object about the change that does not have such tight coupling.

Have multiple instances of a class point to one object #property

I will try to make this question as understandable as possible. I am implementing core data in my app, and I need to access the NSManagedObjectContext from around 10,000 different instances of a class (this class extends UIView). The Core Data stores what is displayed on these instances and the class builds it.
Everything that I have found so far uses View Controllers, of which you only have one instance, so you can just alloc init the VC in AppDelegate, set an #property for NSManagedObjectContext and be on your way. This does not work for my program.
What I want to do is have many instances of my CoreDataHelper class (which I will alloc init in the class that I have around 10,000 instances of, which all have a property pointing to the same NSManagedObjectContext. Is this a possible way to do it or will I have to make my program less flexible by moving all of the code to create the 10,000 different objects to the View Controller?
Sure, just put your NSManagedObjectContext in a singleton and all your instances can access the single class.
It does not matter if you get your managed object context from a singleton or from your app delegate (where presumably you the core data stack is set up by default).
To follow the pattern suggested by Apple with view controllers, do the exact same thing with your views: give them a #property of type NSManagedObjectContext and set it during initialization. Seems straight forward enough.
The advantage of the singleton is that you do not even need the property on your view but can call the singleton instead. But why go there? From your comments I understand that you do not really know how a singleton works. You don't need it. Go with the class property solution.
One more caveat: with your setup, you are seriously braking the MVC architecture by giving the views access to your data. Instead, you should indeed have a view controller do this and then populate your views with the retrieved data. I do not think that there is a compelling reason to deviate from this principle.

Property or not property?

Quick question about semantics :)
If I was writing a protocol, which is preferred:
// (a)
#protocol MyProtocol
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSSet *things;
// (b)
#protocol MyProtocol
- (NSSet *)things;
- (void)setThings:(NSSet *)things;
(a) is cleaner code but has the implication that implementing classes will have an ivar for things, which isn't the case in my project. Because of my use case, things cannot be KVO either. It also implies that the implementing class will copy things, which it's not doing in every case for me.
(b) is more accurate code (it's very explicit about what you can / can't do i.e. no KVO) but it's a little messier.
Any opinions?
I am amending my answer that (a) probably is not best for a protocol but best for a non-protocol interface.
I would go with the #property. How a property is implemented is an implementation detail and I never consider that from the outside.
Consider a v1 implementation where the property is only that. In v2 the internals are changed and either the setter or getter is made a method. Totally reasonable, one of the reasons that properties are good, they allow such changes, they hide the implementation details.
Also consider the opposite, in the next version where is is desired to remove the methods and replace them with a property. Again an implementation detail that a property in the first instance covers quite well.
Finally, in this case there is a copy attribute which provided explicit information of how a call with a mutable object will be handled, that is lost in the method implementation.
Protocols define messaging contracts [1]. They are not intended to store data. According to the Apple documentation you are only supposed to add properties to class extensions (you can add properties to categories but the compiler won't synthesize an ivar) [2]. Depending on what you are trying to do I would use one of the two following approaches to be consistent with the documented usage of the Objective-C language:
If you have the source code of the class (its one you created) then use a class extension.
If you do not have the source code sub-class the object.
That being said, if you really need to do it the other way use option (b). It is more corect and more correct is cleaner code!
Here is another question that deals with the same issue.
Good luck
I think case 'a' makes misinformation: class adopting protocol MyProtocol can follow not rules nonatomic and copy.
And for me it's very odd add properties inside protocols. It is going against paradigms of object oriented programming: delegates shold do some action, not provide informations.
So I advice you not use 'a' and 'b' cases, but to think again about yours programm architecture.

How does delegate call differ from normal method call ?

Whenever I wanted to inform something to parent class, I have used delegate instead of calling directly parent's functions. I have implemented like this...
CustomClass *custom = [[CustomClass alloc] init];
// assign delegate
custom.delegate = self; // Here we are giving parent instance like normal method call.
[custom helloDelegate];
In custom class, I have intimated parent like below....
// send message the message to the delegate
[_delegate sayHello:self];
So my doubts , how does it differ from direct call?. Setting delegate variable with self is somewhat equal to giving the parent instance to child and let the child call the function whenever required, how does protocols help here or why do we need protocols? what is the advantage?
A working example of the advantage of using a delegate as opposed to using a direct relation.
Say you are writing a universal app. You have two view controllers in your code iPadViewController and iPhoneViewController and they both need to get data from a web service. So you create a class for you web service call webServiceDownloaderClass.
Now, both your view controllers need to be notified when the webServiceDownloaderClass has finished.
Your options here...
Option 1 strong coupling
In you iPadViewController you define a method - (void)webServiceDidGetArray:(NSArray *)array;. And in the iPhoneViewController you define the same method.
In order for the webServiceDownloaderClass to call these methods it now needs a reference to each of the controllers...
#property (nonatomic, strong) IPadViewController *iPadController;
#property (nonatomic, strong) IPhoneViewController *iPhoneController;
and then when it finishes it needs to determine which one to call...
if (iPadController) {
[iPadController webServiceDidGetArray];
The cons here are that the view controllers are sort of defining what the web service class does when it is finished. Also, if you add another controller you have another property and no actual guarantee that the controller you referenced actually has the method you are trying to call.
Option 2 delegation
In your we service class you define a protocol.
#protocol WebServiceDownloaderDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)webServiceDidGetArray:(NSArray *)array
and a delegate...
#property (nonatomic, weak) id <WebServiceDownloaderDelegate> delegate;
Now you are defining the actions of the web service class in the web service class. And you only need one reference to any class wants to be the delegate. Also, any class can be the delegate. So now both the iPad and iPhone controller can be the delegate and by conforming the the protocol they are "promising" the web service class that they will implement the required method - (void)webServiceDidGetArray:(NSArray *)array;.
Of course, this is just one case where delegates can be useful.
There are also cases for when you should possibly use a direct relationship rather than delegation.
your question is really about the difference between subclassing rather than implementing protocols (or interfaces in other languages like java)..
with delegates, you are implementing a protocol.. (which is a contract between the class referencing the delegate and the delegate itself).. this gives you more flexibility than subclassing because with subclassing you are automatically inheriting all the methods in the superclass (which is far more restricting than simply using some of the methods of another class.. in other words: subclassing = is a relationship.. whereas as implementing a protocol (same as delegation) = has a relationship.
if you read any book about design patterns.. they will talk extensively about the advantages of loose coupling your code and writing code that prevents modification but allows extension etc etc.. basically using delegation rather than subclassing is one way of fulfilling those design best practices.
A delegate call is not different from an ordinary method call!
What is different is how things are used, and this has nothing to do with the call mechanism. Delegates are used to decouple the definition of the code providing the delegate service from the code "consuming" the delegate service, so that the "consumer" (which, oddly, is usually a service on behalf of the delegate provider) does not have to be coded to know about THAT SPECIFIC delegate provider.
In Objective C delegates are commonly implemented using "protocols", but this is far from the only use of protocols. Objective C uses them extensively in providing common interfaces among the various Cocoa classes.
And, in limited circumstances, one can legitimately implement a delegate using a common superclass rather than a protocol.
If you have two classes that are part of the same development effort and which would not be likely to ever be used apart from each other, there is no need to employ the delegate "pattern" to facilitate communication between them, even though they are is a service-consumer/service-provider relationship. The only reason to do so would be "on spec", in case the "service" were ever reused unchanged in a different project.

What is the purpose of an iOS delegate?

I understand what a delegate does in iOS, and I've looked at sample code, but I'm just wondering about the advantages of this type of encapsulation (as opposed to including delegate methods in the primary object).
The advantage of the delegate design pattern is loose coupling. It enables class A (the delegate) to depend on class B (the delegating class) without class B having to have any knowledge of class A. This ensures that the dependency relationship is one-way only, rather than being circular.
It also forms the foundation (lower case "f") of Apple's frameworks because it allows them to invoke your code as appropriate when functionality specific to your application is required. For example, responding to a button tap or telling a table view how many sections there should be.
Delegation is a design pattern not only used in iOS but many other languages. It enables you to hand values and messages over in your class hierarchy.
In iOS, delegation requires the "delegate" class to implement a protocol which contain methods that the "delegating" knows about. Still following?
The delegating class's implementation will call these protocol methods, but the delegate class will implement these methods in their class.
This keeps your Classes clean.
In reality, you don't really need delegation if you can add new methods to a single class. But for UIKIT's UIView class, Apple will not allow you to add new implementations to their class.
correct me if I'm wrong.
The most common use of a delegate in iOS is to establish communication within modules that are unrelated or partially related to each other. For example, passing data forward in a UINavigationController is very easy, we can just use segue. However, sending data backwards is little tricky. In this case, we can use delegate to send the data backward.
Let's call, the class, associated with the first Controller ClassA and the class, associated with the second Controller ClassB. The first Controller is connected to the second controller with a forward segue. We can pass data from ClassA to ClassB through this segue. Now, we need to pass some data to ClassA from ClassB for which we can use delegates.
The sender class(ClassB) needs to have a protocol in its header file(.h) and also a reference of it as delegate inside the block, #interface ClassB .... #end. This reference let's the ClassB know that it has a delegate. Any class that wants to use this ClassB will have to implement all of this protocol's required methods(if any). So, the receiver class,ClassA will implement the method but the call will be made by the sender class, ClassB.
This way, receiver class doesn't need to worry about the sender class' internal structure, and can receive the required information.
Delegation as I understand it is when an object will pass the responsibility of handeling an event to another object thus "delegating" the responsibility to that object.
For example if you have an NSButton in iOs you generally assign the Delegate to be the parent view controller. This means instead of handeling touchUp events in the definition of the button it is instead handled in the view controller.
The main advantage of delegation over simply implementing methods in the "primary object" (by which I assume you mean the object doing the delegating) is that delegation takes advantage of dynamic binding. At compile time, the class of the delegate object does not need to be known. For example, you might have a class that delegates the windowDidMove: method. In this class, you'd probably see some bit of code like
if([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:#selector(windowDidMove:)]) {
[[self delegate] windowDidMove:notification];
Here, the delegating class is checking at runtime whether its delegate responds to the given method selector. This illustrates a powerful concept: the delegating class doesn't need to know anything about the delegate other than whether it responds to certain methods. This is a powerful form of encapsulation, and it is arguably more flexible than the superclass-subclass relationship, since the delegator and the delegate are so loosely coupled. It is also preferable to simply implementing methods in the "primary object" (delegating object), since it allows runtime alteration of the method's implementation. It's also arguable that this dynamic runtime makes code inherently more dangerous.
Delegate is an important design pattern for iOS app.All apps directly or behind the hood use this delegate pattern.
Delegate design pattern allows an object to act on behalf of another.
If we are working with tableview then there are "tableViewDelegate" and "tableViewDataSource". But what this means
Suppose you have a tableview.
now some major concern for this.
1.what is the datasource(the data that will appear in table view) for this tableview?
2.How many row for table view etc.
delegate design pattern solve these question using another object as the provider or the solver of these question.
An object mark himself to the table view and ensure the table view that "Yes i am the man who can assist you" by marking himself as the delegate to the table view .Thanks
The class marked as delegate takes the responsibilities to handle the callbacks sent while some event occurs. For example, in case of UITextField, there are some methods called when some events occurs like editing started, editing ended, character typed etc. These methods will already be defined in the protocol. We will have to assign delegate for that i.e. which class is going to handle these events.
With the help of a delegate, two-way communication can be achieved. A delegate might be used to make an object reusable, to provide a flexible way to send messages, or to implement customization.
In iOS ecosystem especially UIKit Framework which consists of UIApplication, UITableView, UICollectionView, UITextfield & so on uses delegate & datasource design pattern intensively to communicate data to and fro.
Delegate design pattern is used to pass/communicate data from FirstVC(Delegator) to SecondVC(Delegate) to complete a task.
Here, SecondVC(Delegate) conforms to a protocol delegate & implements all its requirements like methods by providing body to complete that task given by FirstVC(Delegator).
Also, FirstVC(Delegator) object will be having a optional property of protocol delegate type i.e delegate which must be assigned by SecondVC(Delegate).
Now, FirstVC(Delegator) can call that method residing in SecondVC(Delegate) by passing data from its delegate property.
EX: CEO(FirstVC) which passes data i.e "confidential data" to Secretary(SecondVC) to do further processes using that data.
Datasource design pattern is part of Delegate pattern which is used to pass/communicate data from SecondVC(Delegate) to FirstVC(Delegator) when a task is assigned to SecondVC(Delegate).
Here, SecondVC(Delegate) conforms to a protocol datasource & implements all its requirements like methods with return type by providing body to talk back to FirstVC(Delegator) after the task is given by FirstVC(Delegator).
Also, FirstVC(Delegator) object will be having an optional property of protocol dataSource type i.e dataSource which must be assigned by SecondVC(Delegate).
Now, FirstVC(Delegator) can call that method with a return type residing in SecondVC(Delegate) by passing data from its dataSource property.
EX: Secretary(SecondVC) replies back with a data i.e "Sir, I am already having too much work to do. Please, can you assign that data to others" to CEO(FirstVC). Now, CEO(FirstVC) will analyse that data to do further processes.
Delegation means one object passes behaviour to another object..
