How to create a proper multi-page structure with jQuery Mobile? - jquery-mobile

I want to create a multiple page jQuery Mobile application and don't have any idea how to do that in a proper way.
Is is better to go for a single HTML file for each page or better putting all pages in one single file? How about changing pages and reacting to events like initializing, stopping, starting, coming back to pages, etc.?
I'd like to know the perfect way to build the page change with all the events in jQuery Mobile.

It depends on your application, you can either put all pages together or separate them. All Jquery transaction work with both methods.
Read more about this subject here: Pages


How to make an iframe not reloading itself in a rails 4 layout?

I'm actually making a rails app for a music band. And they recently asked for a music streamer to play music throughout the whole application.
As they're on bandcamp, I thought that I might as well do that via the iframes they provide, before building a javascript streaming feature in some time.
But, here's the issue : when you put an iframe in your application.html.erb, it's reloading itself everytime the user is loading a new page. Exactly as if the code wasn't in the layout, but on every pages instead.
So far I've tried some stuff, like putting the iframe in a partial and calling it via : render 'layouts/shared/music_widget', but the issue stay the same.
As I've found nothing on the web so far, I'm guessing I've missed something ( maybe I lack some knowledge in rails' basic magic )... so, I'd be glad if someone here could help me with this one.
Thanks !
That’s because when you reload, a completely new page is generated and downloaded by your browser. The whole HTML is replaced with every HTTP request. To achieve what you want, you’d have to look into asynchronous solutions and SPA’s (Single-page Applications), basically having only one page and replacing the content of it using AJAX.
I suggest using batman.js, a great library which makes it relatively easy to switch to AJAX page loading using Rails. A big advantage is that it was built with Rails in mind, and as such it couldn’t be more simple to integrate it with your current application. However it does require you to learn CoffeeScript.
Alternatives include AngularJS, Ember.js, Backbone.js, each of them having gems helping with Rails integration.
I am sure there are many more, but I listed the most popular choices. You could also create your own JavaScript to handle that. The easiest solution in such a case would be to have the big <div> containing everything but the iframe; bind to the click event of a elements with a special attribute set (for example data-ajax="true"), make an AJAX request to the URL specified in href, and replace the content of the big <div> with the response.
In any case, you’ll need to read more about Single-page Applications.
I am working on a similar project which requires the use of iframe to play music thoughout the website. For that I used two layouts, one is the application.html.erb and another one is called player.html.erb
Now Application .html.erb is the one which contains header, footer and the iframe. And the other layout does not contain any of these and is the one which is used to for the actions to be opened in the url.

BoilerplateJS and Jquery Mobile

wondering how to use BoilerplateJS with Jquery Mobile. Perticulary when it comes to manage url and how to deal with the which is created automatically.
I haven't seen any examples out there so have been doing exactly that myself but haven't yet completed the exercise. You need to add the jQuery Mobile references into the top level index.html and then modify the html (structure, tags) to something that JQM will like to render. You also need to ensure the views correctly trigger enhancement of content changes. It seems straight forward enough although styling might yet be a gotcha so I can't yet say whether it's trivial-but-time-consuming or going to be a mess.

Angular.js with jQuery Mobile

I'm doing an app with jQuery Mobile and Angular.js. Cause we have some issues using both libs, exists an adapter that do "teh job".
So I'm trying using routeProvider to route my pages. But I still can't render pages using this.
Here plunker if u can help show me the way.
Thanks in advance!
I ran into a similar problem and maybe what I learned might help you. It comes down to the differences in the way angular and jquery go from one page/section to another (routing).
First, the basics: angular routes by inserting a chunk of html into your view, then on whatever click/action/etc, removing that html from the view and adding a new chunk of html. Essentially you're on the same page all the time; it's just the included html is changing. In contrast, think of jqm as loading up all the html into the same page, with those html chunks as divs. Instead of removing html chunks and replacing them (via routing), it's just turning divs off and on. (There are multi-page jqm apps but SPAs really highlight the differences.)
My suggestion is to pick which set of features you really want: angular's minimalistic loading (only as you need it), or jqm's flashy transitions and other built-in features. If you've got a massive app with a lot of data on every page, you might want to bypass jqm and use angular alone, and see what you can do with angular's new animate functions. It'll mean you'll need to build (via CSS or javascript) duplicates of the jqm features -- and from what I've seen, you can get close but it won't quite be as pleasantly streamlined as jqm.
If the jqm built-in features are what you really want, then skip using angular's routing. It'll just introduce all kinds of complications, anyway. Set up your pages using jqm's pattern, and use angular only where you're dealing with data.
What I've found works best is to treat it like it's a jqm app overall, and only add angular into the sections where you need it. After all, you don't have to add ng-app at the html line; you can add it into a single div as needed. Since jqm is happiest as a system-wide kind of thing, while angular is just fine being confined to pieces within a system, so far I've found jqm-whole and angular-parts to be the simplest way to get the best of both worlds.

Dynamic menu versus hard-coded

I'm working on building a mobile application for a client using jQuery Mobile. The question I have is fairly basic and non-technical:
The application can have three different types of users, all with a different menu layout. Some users will have access to some parts of the system that other users will not.
My question is- should I hardcode the menu system in the index.html file or should I dynamically create it when they log in? I'm assuming that there would be a slight performance gain by hardcoding the menu and then just choosing which #page to display as opposed to requiring an ajax call...but keeping the menu builder on the server side processing keeps us more agile if need to change the menu after deployment.
Deep apologies if this has already been asked. Thanks for your help!
Build your pages dynamically. On jQuery mobile, a lot of stuff will be repeated and if you want to respect the DRY principle and want to create easily maintainable code, do it dynamically.
Also, by doing this on a mobile application you will reduce the loading times : instead of loading 3 pages you'll only load one, wich can be crucial in mobile developpement.
Hard coding is bad if it can be done dynamically do it because it saves over head and produces nicer code that is easier maintainable.
If you want to change the menu in the future you can just edit the source of information instead of going through all your code having tons of messy if and else statements saying if this person is logged in don't show this option but show this one etc.

Rails web application control panel with ajax tabs and validation

I'm looking to build a rails web app with an admin control panel. I'd like the control panel to use a tabbed interface for controlling users, projects, tasks etc, and I'd like to switch between tabs using jquery tab UI controls with ajax. Also using restful authentication for users and my own code for projects, tasks etc.
Here's what I can't wrap my head around. Normally, I'd have a controller for each tab, so validation is simple, if there's an error (say in the user) i just render the proper action with the object and it's errors and we're set. However, if I'm not refreshing (to different controllers between tabs) how does this work? Do I need to have one massive controller with all the user, project, task validation and controls (ie. crud operations)? Seems like not the greatest design.
Or is there some way I can use an 'admin' controller that encompasses separate controllers for proper crud/error checking etc.
Hope this makes sense?
I would make the contents of each tab be called in by a separate ajax request. This would give you the following benefits
Now each tab can easily be a different view/controller
You only need to load the contents for a tab when it is used; you won't be processing code/downloading html for tabs that the user doesn't use.
If you don't want to use this route, (i.e. you feel you need to load all the contents of the tabs on page download in a single request) then you could separate out the code using helper methods and partials. See my answer here: Rails Sub-controllers?
I would personally use inline validation in the forms. Jquery does that pretty well , but there are a lot of library that can help you with that.
I guess it's not exactly what you were looking for, but it would make your job easier. Of course still keep validation in the models so that no one can bypass the validation (using firebug or something like this)
