How do I use a TComInterface<IStream> object and read it into a TMemoryStream? Can I take TComInterface<IStream> and use it as a TStream* somehow to use the TMemoryStream LoadFromStream call?
One way is to Read() the IStream data into a buffer that you then Write() to the TMemoryStream, eg:
TComInterface<IStream> pIStrm;
TMemoryStream *pMStrm;
STATSTG stat = {0};
OleCheck(pIStrm->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME));
li.QuadPart = 0;
OleCheck(pIStrm->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &ul));
unsigned __int64 ulPos = ul.QuadPart;
BYTE buffer[1024];
while (ulPos < stat.cbSize.QuadPart)
ULONG ulRead;
OleCheck(pIStrm->Read(buffer, min(stat.cbSize.QuadPart - ulPos, sizeof(buffer)), &ulRead));
pMStrm->WriteBuffer(buffer, ulRead);
ulPos += ulRead;
Another option is to write a TStream-derived class that accesses the IStream internally (similar to how the RTL's TStreamAdapter class wraps a TStream so it can be passed around as an IStream), eg:
class TIStreamWrapper : public TStream
TComInterface<IStream> pIStrm;
virtual __int64 __fastcall GetSize();
virtual void __fastcall SetSize(const __int64 NewSize);
__fastcall TIStreamWrapper(IStream *Strm);
virtual int __fastcall Read(void *Buffer, int Count);
virtual int __fastcall Write(const void *Buffer, int Count);
virtual __int64 __fastcall Seek(const __int64 Offset, TSeekOrigin Origin);
__fastcall TIStreamWrapper::TIStreamWrapper(IStream *Strm)
: pIStrm(Strm, true)
__int64 __fastcall TIStreamWrapper::GetSize()
STATSTG stat = {0};
OleCheck(pIStrm->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME));
return stat.cbSize.QuadPart;
void __fastcall TIStreamWrapper::SetSize(const __int64 NewSize)
ul.QuadPart = NewSize;
int __fastcall TIStreamWrapper::Read(void *Buffer, int Count)
ULONG ulRead;
OleCheck(pIStrm->Read(Buffer, Count, &ulRead));
return ulRead;
int __fastcall TIStreamWrapper::Write(const void *Buffer, int Count)
ULONG ulWritten;
OleCheck(pIStrm->Write(Buffer, Count, &ulWritten));
return ulWritten;
__int64 __fastcall TIStreamWrapper::Seek(const __int64 Offset, TSeekOrigin Origin)
li.QuadPart = Offset;
OleCheck(pIStrm->Seek(li, IStreamSeekOrigin[Origin], &ul));
return ul.QuadPart;
TComInterface<IStream> pIStrm;
TMemoryStream *pMStrm;
TIStreamWrapper *pWrapper = new TIStreamWrapper(pIStrm);
// or: pMStrm->CopyFrom(pWrapper, 0);
delete pWrapper;
I have semi-successfully translated reinit.pas to C++ to use it in my project. The part where int __fastcall LoadNewResourceModule(LCID locale); is called works fine, in fact I can even call it prior to Application->Initialize() and it will load the proper language at startup. However, the part that calls void __fastcall ReinitializeForms(void); does not work, and gives a runtime error:
Resource TControl not found
Here is the dirty version of .cpp, and .h, I've yet to clean it up and comment it properly, at this point the thing just has to work fully. Please help me sort this out.
#include <System.Classes.hpp>
#include <SysInit.hpp>
#include <Vcl.Forms.hpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "reinit.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
class TAsInheritedReader : public TReader
void __fastcall ReadPrefix(TFilerFlags &_flags, int &_aChildPos);
inline __fastcall TAsInheritedReader(TStream* Stream, int BufSize) : TReader(Stream, BufSize) {}
void __fastcall TAsInheritedReader::ReadPrefix(TFilerFlags &_flags, int &_aChildPos)
TReader::ReadPrefix(_flags, _aChildPos);
_flags = _flags << ffInherited;
int __fastcall SetResourceHInstance(int _newInstance)
PLibModule CurModule = LibModuleList;
while(CurModule != NULL) {
if (reinterpret_cast<void*>(CurModule->Instance) == HInstance) {
if (CurModule->ResInstance != CurModule->Instance) {
CurModule->ResInstance = _newInstance;
return _newInstance;
CurModule = CurModule->Next;
return 0;
int __fastcall LoadNewResourceModule(LCID locale)
wchar_t FileName[260];
PChar P;
wchar_t LocaleName[4];
int NewInst = 0;
GetModuleFileName(HInstance, FileName, sizeof(FileName));
GetLocaleInfo(locale, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, LocaleName, sizeof(LocaleName));
P = PChar(&FileName) + lstrlen(FileName);
while((*P != L'.') && (P != reinterpret_cast<PChar>(&FileName))) {
if (P != reinterpret_cast<PChar>(&FileName)) {
if (LocaleName[0] != L'\0') {
NewInst = reinterpret_cast<int>(LoadLibraryEx(FileName, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE));
if (NewInst == 0) {
LocaleName[2] = L'\0';
lstrcpy(P, LocaleName);
NewInst = reinterpret_cast<int>(LoadLibraryEx(FileName, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE));
if (NewInst != 0) {
return SetResourceHInstance(NewInst);
return 0;
bool __fastcall InternalReloadComponentRes(const String ResName, THandle HInst, TComponent* Instance)
//TResourceStream* ResStream = new TResourceStream;
//TAsInheritedReader* AsInheritedReader = new TAsInheritedReader;
if (HInst == 0) {
HInst = reinterpret_cast<THandle>(HInstance);
THandle HRsrc = reinterpret_cast<THandle>(FindResource((HMODULE)HInst, (LPCWSTR)ResName.w_str(), (LPCWSTR)RT_RCDATA));
if(HRsrc != 0) {
return false;
I checked HInst, it is not 0...
ResName = "TControl"
and it throws exception here for some reason
saying resource tcontrol not found
TResourceStream* ResStream = new TResourceStream(HInst, ResName, RT_RCDATA);
try {
TAsInheritedReader* AsInheritedReader = new TAsInheritedReader(ResStream, 4096);
try {
Instance = AsInheritedReader->ReadRootComponent(Instance);
} __finally {
delete AsInheritedReader;
__finally {
delete ResStream;
return true;
bool __fastcall InitComponent(TClass ClassType)
if ((ClassType->ClassName() == "TComponent") || (ClassType->ClassName() == "RootAncestor")) {
return false;
return InternalReloadComponentRes(ClassType->ClassName(), FindResourceHInstance(FindClassHInstance(ClassType)), (TComponent*)&ClassType);
bool __fastcall ReloadInheritedComponent(TComponent* Instance)
return InitComponent(Instance->ClassType());
void __fastcall ReinitializeForms(void)
for(int i=0; i<Screen->FormCount-1; i++) {
#ifndef _reinit_h
#define _reinit_h
#include <windows.h>
extern int __fastcall LoadNewResourceModule(LCID locale);
extern void __fastcall ReinitializeForms(void);
You don't really need to translate the code at all. You can use Delphi .pas units as-is in C++Builder projects. Simply add the .pas file to your project and compile it, the IDE will generate a .hpp file that you can then #include in your C++ code.
In any case, your translation is not correct in many places.
For instance, the original code wasn't written with Unicode in mind, but you are using Unicode strings in your code. Expressions like sizeof(FileName) and sizeof(LocaleName) are the wrong buffer sizes to pass to the Win32 APIs being used, which can potentially allow buffer overflows. The code was clearly expecting BYTE-sized narrow characters, not WORD-sized wide characters.
It also looks like the original code was not written with 64-bit in mind, either. It is using 32-bit integers in places where 64-bit integers would be needed (for resource handles, etc).
So, the original code needs some updating to support modern systems properly.
But also, your translation of InitComponent() is wrong. It is using strings where the original code is using metaclass references instead, and it is passing the wrong value in the last parameter of InternalReloadComponentRes(), which you have not even declared correctly.
And also, your loop in ReinitializeForms() is skipping the last TForm in the Screen->Forms[] array.
Now, that all being said, try something more like this:
#ifndef REINIT_H
#define REINIT_H
void __fastcall ReinitializeForms();
NativeUInt __fastcall LoadNewResourceModule(unsigned long Locale);
#include "ReInit.h"
#include <Windows.hpp>
#include <SysInit.hpp>
#include <SysUtils.hpp>
#include <Classes.hpp>
#include <Forms.hpp>
#include <memory>
class TAsInheritedReader : public TReader
void __fastcall ReadPrefix(TFilerFlags &Flags, int &AChildPos) override;
void __fastcall TAsInheritedReader::ReadPrefix(TFilerFlags &Flags, int &AChildPos)
TReader::ReadPrefix(Flags, AChildPos);
Flags << ffInherited;
NativeUInt __fastcall SetResourceHInstance(NativeUInt NewInstance)
PLibModule CurModule = LibModuleList;
while (CurModule)
if (CurModule->Instance == HInstance)
if (CurModule->ResInstance != CurModule->Instance)
CurModule->ResInstance = NewInstance;
return NewInstance;
CurModule = CurModule->Next;
return 0;
NativeUInt __fastcall LoadNewResourceModule(unsigned long Locale)
WCHAR FileName[MAX_PATH+1] = {};
::GetModuleFileNameW(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(HInstance), FileName, MAX_PATH+1);
WCHAR LocaleName[5] = {};
::GetLocaleInfoW(Locale, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, LocaleName, 5);
LPWSTR P = &FileName[lstrlenW(FileName)];
while ((*P != L'.') && (P != FileName)) --P;
HMODULE NewInst = nullptr;
if (P != FileName)
if (LocaleName[0] != L'\0')
// Then look for a potential language/country translation
lstrcpyW(P, LocaleName);
NewInst = LoadLibraryEx(FileName, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
if (!NewInst)
// Finally look for a language only translation
LocaleName[2] = L'\0';
lstrcpyW(P, LocaleName);
NewInst = LoadLibraryEx(FileName, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
if (NewInst)
return SetResourceHInstance(reinterpret_cast<NativeUInt>(NewInst));
return 0;
bool __fastcall InternalReloadComponentRes(const UnicodeString &ResName, NativeUInt HInst, TComponent* &Instance)
// avoid possible EResNotFound exception
if (HInst == 0) HInst = HInstance;
HRSRC HRsrc = FindResourceW(reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(HInst), ResName.c_str(), MAKEINTRESOURCEW(10)/*RT_RCDATA*/);
if (!HRsrc) return false;
auto ResStream = std::make_unique<TResourceStream>(HInst, ResName, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(10)/*RT_RCDATA*/);
auto AsInheritedReader = std::make_unique<TAsInheritedReader>(ResStream.get(), 4096);
Instance = AsInheritedReader->ReadRootComponent(Instance);
return true;
bool __fastcall ReloadInheritedComponent(TComponent *Instance, TClass RootAncestor)
const auto InitComponent = [&Instance,RootAncestor](TClass ClassType) -> bool
auto InitComponent_impl = [&Instance,RootAncestor](TClass ClassType, auto& InitComponent_ref) -> bool
if ((ClassType == __classid(TComponent)) || (ClassType == RootAncestor)) return false;
bool Result = InitComponent_ref(ClassType->ClassParent(), InitComponent_ref);
return InternalReloadComponentRes(ClassType->ClassName(), FindResourceHInstance(FindClassHInstance(ClassType)), Instance) || Result;
return InitComponent_impl(ClassType, InitComponent_impl);
return InitComponent(Instance->ClassType());
void __fastcall ReinitializeForms()
int Count = Screen->FormCount;
for(int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
ReloadInheritedComponent(Screen->Forms[I], __classid(TForm));
There is a library for parsing.
I added ALXmlDoc.pas to the project, C++Builder created ALXmlDoc.hpp
In ALXmlDoc.pas lines 177,178:
property Nodes [const Name: AnsiString]: TALXMLNode read GetNodeByName; default;
property Nodes [const Index: integer]: TALXMLNode read GetNodeByIndex; default;
In ALXmlDoc.hpp:
__property TALXMLNode * Nodes [const System :: AnsiString Name] = {read = GetNodeByName / *, default */};
__property TALXMLNode * Nodes [const int Index] = {read = GetNodeByIndex};
I get an error about duplication - how to fix it?
In .pas line 705
property OnParseText: TAlXMLParseTextEvent read FonParseText Write FonParseText; // [added from TXMLDocument]
In ALXmlDoc.hpp:
__property _di_TAlXMLParseTextEvent OnParseText = {read = FonParseText, write = FonParseText};
__interface TAlXMLParseTextEvent: public System :: IInterface
virtual void __fastcall Invoke (System :: TObject * Sender, const System :: AnsiString Path, const System :: AnsiString Str) = 0;
_di_TAlXMLParseTextEvent FonParseText;
void __fastcall DoParseText (const System :: AnsiString Path, const System :: AnsiString Str);
In my Unit1.h:
void __fastcall OnParseText (System :: TObject * Sender, const System :: AnsiString Path, const System :: AnsiString Str);
In my Unit1.cpp:
void __fastcall TForm1 :: OnParseText (System :: TObject * Sender, const System :: AnsiString Path, const System :: AnsiString Str)
// ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1 :: Button1Click (TObject * Sender)
TALXMLDocument * aXMLDocument = new TALXMLDocument ("root");
aXMLDocument-> OnParseText = OnParseText;
I get an error:
[bcc32 Error] Unit1.cpp (30): E2235 Member function must be called or its address taken
How to declare an event?
In C++, array properties can't be overloaded solely on their index type. So you will have to rename one of the offending properties, there is no other option. And then I would suggest you file a report with the library author asking to make the library be more friendly to C++ users.
In the Delphi code, TAlXMLParseTextEvent is a reference to an anonymous method:
TAlXMLParseTextEvent = reference to procedure (Sender: TObject; const Path, Str: AnsiString);
Which is why it gets translated to an __interface on the C++ side (because anonymous methods really are implemented behind the scenes using interfaces). Delphi-style anonymous methods require extra handling in C++, as is documented on Embarcadero's DocWiki:
How to Handle Delphi Anonymous Methods in C++
Under the cover, Delphi implements anonymous methods types (also known as method references) via an interface that implements an Invoke(...) method.
So a method that takes a method reference parameter in Delphi is exposed to C++ as a method that takes an interface.
As such, your C++ code would need to do something more like this instead:
struct TParseTextMethod
void operator()(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str)
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TALXMLDocument *aXMLDocument = new TALXMLDocument("root");
// the TMethodRef functor is defined in the documentation,
// you can copy/paste it as-is into your code...
typedef TMethodRef<TAlXMLParseTextEvent,
TObject *Sender,
const AnsiString,
const AnsiString> MyMethRef;
aXMLDocument->OnParseText = _di_TAlXMLParseTextEvent(new MyMethRef(TParseTextMethod()));
Or, you can streamline the functor usage a bit more by not using the TMethodRef wrapper (see Inheritance and Interfaces and Implementing Interfaces):
class TParseTextMethod : public TCppInterfacedObject<TAlXMLParseTextEvent>
TParseTextMethod() {}
void __fastcall Invoke(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str)
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TALXMLDocument *aXMLDocument = new TALXMLDocument("root");
aXMLDocument->OnParseText = _di_TAlXMLParseTextEvent(new TParseTextMethod());
Or, if you want to keep using your OnParseText() method as-is, then you will have to wrap it inside a functor, eg:
void __fastcall TForm1::OnParseText(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str)
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TAlXMLParseTextMethod)(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str);
struct TParseTextMethod
TAlXMLParseTextMethod Method;
TParseTextMethod(TAlXMLParseTextMethod aMethod) : Method(aMethod) {}
void operator()(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str)
Method(Sender, Path, Str);
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TALXMLDocument *aXMLDocument = new TALXMLDocument("root");
typedef TMethodRef<TAlXMLParseTextEvent,
TObject *Sender,
const AnsiString,
const AnsiString> MyMethRef;
aXMLDocument->OnParseText = _di_TAlXMLParseTextEvent(new MyMethRef(TParseTextMethod(&OnParseText)));
void __fastcall TForm1::OnParseText(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str)
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TAlXMLParseTextMethod)(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str);
class TParseTextMethod : public TCppInterfacedObject<TAlXMLParseTextEvent>
TAlXMLParseTextMethod Method;
TParseTextMethod(TAlXMLParseTextMethod aMethod) : Method(aMethod) {}
void __fastcall Invoke(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str)
Method(Sender, Path, Str);
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TALXMLDocument *aXMLDocument = new TALXMLDocument("root");
aXMLDocument->OnParseText = _di_TAlXMLParseTextEvent(new TParseTextMethod(&OnParseText));
Alternatively, if you are using one of the Clang-based compilers then you can use a C++ style lambda instead of a functor:
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TALXMLDocument *aXMLDocument = new TALXMLDocument("root");
aXMLDocument->OnParseText = [](TObject*, const AnsiString, const AnsiString Str) {
void __fastcall TForm1::OnParseText(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str)
//------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TALXMLDocument *aXMLDocument = new TALXMLDocument("root");
aXMLDocument->OnParseText = [this](TObject *Sender, const AnsiString Path, const AnsiString Str) {
OnParseText(Sender, Path, Str);
The thread at How to get version info shows the code to get FileVersion, I need to get other values, includuing some I myself have added to VersionInfo table.
How can I get them using C++Builder 10.2 (Tokyo) ?
I used to get them in C++Builder 6.0 using the VerQueryValue method but it is raising too many exception on types.
I do not know how to change the code to C++Builder 10.2.
Bellow is the actual code I am using:
struct TransArray
WORD LanguageID, CharacterSet;
DWORD VerInfo, VerSize;
HANDLE MemHandle;
LPVOID MemPtr, BufferPtr;
UINT BufferLength;
TransArray *Array;
char QueryBlock[255];
String FFileVersion ;
// this one of the methods which have errors
String __fastcall TAppVersion::GetFileVersion(void)
String Result ;
BufferPtr = NULL ;
// Get the product version.
wsprintf(QueryBlock, "\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\FileVersion",
Array[0].LanguageID, Array[0].CharacterSet);
VerQueryValue(MemPtr, QueryBlock, &BufferPtr, &BufferLength);
if(BufferPtr) Result = (char *)BufferPtr;
__fastcall TAppVersion::TAppVersion()
FFileName = Application->ExeName ;
VerSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(FFileName.c_str(), &VerInfo);
if (VerSize > 0) {
MemHandle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, VerSize);
MemPtr = GlobalLock(MemHandle);
GetFileVersionInfo(FFileName.c_str(), VerInfo, VerSize, MemPtr);
VerQueryValue(MemPtr, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", &BufferPtr,
Array = (TransArray *)BufferPtr;
FFileVersion = GetFileVersion();
Your code is mixing ANSI and UNICODE logic incorrectly. VerQueryValue() is a preprocessor macro that maps to either VerQueryValueW() or VerQueryValueA() depending on whether UNICODE is defined or not, respectively. Your code is assuming VerQueryValueA() is being used, but that is not always the case. In modern versions of C++Builder, VerQueryValueW() would be used instead, by default.
Try something more like this instead:
struct TransArray
WORD LanguageID, CharacterSet;
DWORD VerInfo, VerSize;
LPVOID MemPtr, BufferPtr;
UINT BufferLength;
TransArray *Array;
String FFileName, FFileVersion;
#include <tchar.h>
String __fastcall TAppVersion::GetFileVersion(void)
String Result;
if (MemPtr && Array)
// Get the product version.
TCHAR QueryBlock[40];
_stprintf(QueryBlock, _T("\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\FileVersion"), Array[0].LanguageID, Array[0].CharacterSet);
if (VerQueryValue(MemPtr, QueryBlock, &BufferPtr, &BufferLength)) {
Result = String(static_cast<TCHAR*>(BufferPtr), BufferLength).Trim();
return Result;
__fastcall TAppVersion::TAppVersion()
MemPtr = NULL;
Array = NULL;
FFileName = Application->ExeName;
DWORD Unused;
VerSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(FFileName.c_str(), &Unused);
if (VerSize == 0) return;
MemPtr = new BYTE[VerSize];
if (GetFileVersionInfo(FFileName.c_str(), Unused, VerSize, MemPtr)) {
if (VerQueryValue(MemPtr, TEXT("\\VarFileInfo\\Translation"), &BufferPtr, &BufferLength) {
Array = (TransArray *) BufferPtr;
FFileVersion = GetFileVersion();
__fastcall TAppVersion::~TAppVersion()
delete[] static_cast<BYTE*>(MemPtr);
Though really, you shouldn't rely on TCHAR at all in modern code:
struct TransArray
WORD LanguageID, CharacterSet;
DWORD VerInfo, VerSize;
LPVOID MemPtr, BufferPtr;
UINT BufferLength;
TransArray *Array;
UnicodeString FFileName, FFileVersion;
UnicodeString __fastcall TAppVersion::GetFileVersion(void)
UnicodeString Result;
if (MemPtr && Array)
// Get the product version.
WCHAR QueryBlock[40];
swprintf(QueryBlock, L"\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\FileVersion", Array[0].LanguageID, Array[0].CharacterSet);
if (VerQueryValueW(MemPtr, QueryBlock, &BufferPtr, &BufferLength)) {
Result = UnicodeString(static_cast<WCHAR*>(BufferPtr), BufferLength).Trim();
return Result;
__fastcall TAppVersion::TAppVersion()
MemPtr = NULL;
Array = NULL;
FFileName = Application->ExeName;
DWORD Unused;
VerSize = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(FFileName.c_str(), &Unused);
if (VerSize == 0) return;
MemPtr = new BYTE[VerSize];
if (GetFileVersionInfoW(FFileName.c_str(), Unused, VerSize, MemPtr)) {
if (VerQueryValueW(MemPtr, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", &BufferPtr, &BufferLength) {
Array = (TransArray *) BufferPtr;
FFileVersion = GetFileVersion();
__fastcall TAppVersion::~TAppVersion()
delete[] static_cast<BYTE*>(MemPtr);
A while ago I did some playing with this. It is not complete and I would call it beta 1. But here it goes.
The header:
class TAppVerInfo
__fastcall TAppVerInfo(const wchar_t* pModPath);
__fastcall virtual ~TAppVerInfo(void);
__property System::String LanguagesCodePage = {read = GetCodePage};
__property System::String Comments[System::String LanId] = {read = GetComments};
__property System::String InternalName[System::String LanId] = {read = GetInternalName};
__property System::String ProductName[System::String LanId] = {read = GetProductName};
__property System::String CompanyName[System::String LanId] = {read = GetCompanyName};
__property System::String LegalCopyright[System::String LanId] = {read = GetLegalCopyright};
__property System::String ProductVersion[System::String LanId] = {read = GetProductVersion};
__property System::String FileDescription[System::String LanId] = {read = GetFileDescription};
__property System::String LegalTrademarks[System::String LanId] = {read = GetLegalTrademarks};
__property System::String PrivateBuild[System::String LanId] = {read = GetPrivateBuild};
__property System::String FileVersion[System::String LanId] = {read = GetFileVersion};
__property System::String OriginalFilename[System::String LanId] = {read = GetOriginalFilename};
__property System::String SpecialBuild[System::String LanId] = {read = GetSpecialBuild};
void *VerInfo;
System::String __fastcall GetCodePage(void);
System::String __fastcall GetComments(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetInternalName(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetProductName(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetCompanyName(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetLegalCopyright(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetProductVersion(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetFileDescription(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetLegalTrademarks(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetPrivateBuild(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetFileVersion(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetOriginalFilename(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetSpecialBuild(System::String LanId);
System::String __fastcall GetValue(const System::String& LanId, const wchar_t* pName);
and the CPP:
__fastcall TAppVerInfo::TAppVerInfo(const wchar_t* pModPath)
DWORD dwUnused;
DWORD VerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(pModPath, &dwUnused);
VerInfo = malloc(VerInfoSize);
if(0 == GetFileVersionInfo(pModPath, 0, VerInfoSize, VerInfo))
VerInfo = NULL;
throw Exception(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError()));
} //040904E4
__fastcall TAppVerInfo::~TAppVerInfo(void)
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetCodePage(void)
System::String retVal;
WORD wLanguage;
WORD wCodePage;
} *lpTranslate;
UINT cbTranslate;
TAutoStringList tStr(new TStringList);
VerQueryValue(VerInfo,L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", (LPVOID*)&lpTranslate, &cbTranslate);
for(i = 0; i < (cbTranslate/sizeof(LANGANDCODEPAGE)); i++)
tStr->Add(System::String().sprintf(L"%04x%04x", lpTranslate[i].wLanguage, lpTranslate[i].wCodePage));
retVal = tStr->CommaText;
return retVal;
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetComments(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"Comments");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetInternalName(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"InternalName");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetProductName(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"ProductName");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetCompanyName(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"CompanyName");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetLegalCopyright(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"LegalCopyright");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetProductVersion(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"ProductVersion");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetFileDescription(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"FileDescription");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetLegalTrademarks(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"LegalTrademarks");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetPrivateBuild(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"PrivateBuild");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetFileVersion(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"FileVersion");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetOriginalFilename(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"OriginalFilename");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetSpecialBuild(System::String LanId)
return GetValue(LanId, L"SpecialBuild");
System::String __fastcall TAppVerInfo::GetValue(const System::String& LanId, const wchar_t* pName)
System::String retVal;
System::String aPath(System::String().sprintf(L"\\StringFileInfo\\%s\\%s", LanId.c_str(), pName));
wchar_t *pBuf;
UINT uLen;
if(VerQueryValue(VerInfo, aPath.c_str(), (void**)&pBuf, &uLen))
retVal = System::String(pBuf);
return retVal;
I want to implement a collection or list using TOwnedCollection / TCollectionItem. I need a persistent list (to load and create from a FileStream) of classes with polymorphism.
Here is (part of) my code so far, but I didn't succeed to create the derived class TGenerator instead of its parent TPowerComponent and add it to the Collection.
class TPCCollection : public TOwnedCollection
typedef TOwnedCollection inherited;
TPowerComponent* __fastcall GetPowerComponent(int Index);
void __fastcall SetPowerComponent(int Index, TPowerComponent *Value);
__fastcall TPCCollection(TPersistent *Owner);
HIDESBASE TPowerComponent* __fastcall Add(void);
HIDESBASE TPowerComponent* __fastcall Insert(int Index);
__property TPowerComponent* PCCollection[int Index] = {read=GetPowerComponent, write=SetPowerComponent};
class TPowerComponent : public TCollectionItem
typedef TCollectionItem inherited;
public :
int X, Y, Rotation;
PowSymbType HisType;
__fastcall TPowerComponent(TCollection *Collection, PowSymbType AType );
void __fastcall Assign(TPersistent *Source);
virtual void __fastcall Paint(TCanvas * Canvas);
class TGenerator : public TPowerComponent
typedef TPowerComponent inherited;
public :
double PG, Qgmin, Qgmax, Vsch;
__fastcall TGenerator(TCollection *Collection, PowSymbType AType );
void __fastcall Assign(TPersistent *Source);
virtual void __fastcall Paint(TCanvas * Canvas);
// implementation
// TPCCOllection
__fastcall TPCCollection::TPCCollection(TPersistent *Owner)
: TOwnedCollection(Owner, __classid(TPowerComponent))
TPowerComponent* __fastcall TPCCollection::Add()
return static_cast<TPowerComponent>(inherited::Add());
TPowerComponent* __fastcall TPCCollection::Insert(int Index)
return static_cast<TPowerComponent>(inherited::Insert(Index));
TPowerComponent* __fastcall TPCCollection::GetPowerComponent(int Index)
return static_cast<TPowerComponent>(inherited::GetItem(Index));
void __fastcall TPCCollection::SetPowerComponent(int Index, TPowerComponent *Value)
inherited::SetItem(Index, Value);
// TPowerComponent
__fastcall TPowerComponent::TPowerComponent(TCollection *Collection, PowSymbType AType )
: TCollectionItem(Collection)
void __fastcall TPowerComponent::Assign(TPersistent *Source)
TPowerComponent *Src = dynamic_cast<TPowerComponent>(Source);
if( Src )
// copy members from Src...
else inherited::Assign(Source);
// se dessine
void __fastcall TPowerComponent::Paint(TCanvas * Canvas)
// TGenerator
__fastcall TGenerator::TGenerator(TCollection *Collection, PowSymbType AType )
:TPowerComponent( Collection, AType )
PG=0; Qgmin=0; Qgmax=0; Vsch=1.0; Con=-1;
void __fastcall TGenerator::Assign(TPersistent *Source)
TGenerator *Src = dynamic_cast<TGenerator>(Source);
if( Src )
// copy members from Src...
else inherited::Assign(Source);
// Usage
TPCCollection * NetWork = new TPCCollection(this);
// Usage to Access all the collection
for( int i=0; i< NetWork->Count; i++)
To add a TGenerator and not a TPowerComponent, I use:
TGenerator * Gen=new TGenerator( NetWork, Generator);
The creation of the TCollectionItem child automatically add itself to the TCollection
The problem here is that we can't separate the process of item creation from adding it to the collection.
When I need another list that can have some of the items of the first collection list, for example, SelectedComponents can have one or some of the Items of the NetWork Collection, without recreating them.
This can be done with
std::list<TPowerComponent*> SelectedComponents;
but I can't write/read them using FileStream / persistent list. I need to put them in a TCollection but without recreating them.
The RTL's native DFM streaming for TCollection objects only partially supports polymorphic TCollectionItem classes.
You can add polymorphic TCollectionItem objects to a TCollection in code (at runtime, as well as at design-time with the aid of a custom editor), as long as they all derive from a common base class that is passed to the TCollection constructor. And such a collection can even be saved as-is to a DFM.
However, when loading back a DFM, native streaming will force all collection items read from the DFM to use whatever TCollectionItem class type you pass to the TCollection constructor. So, polymorphic classes can't be loaded natively.
The only way to override that behavior is to disable native streaming for the collection (make your TCollection property be non-published, or at least mark it as stored=false), and then stream the collection items manually.
Have your main component (or whatever TPersistent class owns the collection) override the virtual DefineProperties() method to call TFiler.DefineProperty() to register custom reading/writing methods for streaming the collection items. To support polymorphic classes, you will have to write each item's ClassName to the DFM before writing its property values, then read the name back so you know which class to instantiate before then reading property values.
I need your help.
I have this Xamarin app, that is sending a multicast on the network using System.Net.UdpClient, but it seems pretty unstable and crashes a lot in background threads that I don't control. So I though why not go low-level.
Everything seems good except for the part of enabling the broadcast flag on the socket. In Objective-C you can do this:
setsockopt(CFSocketGetNative(cfSocket), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (void *)&yes, sizeof(yes));
By looking at the mono source you'll see that the Socket class has an EnableBroadcast:
Which inspired to this (very experimental) code:
public class NetworkHelper
[DllImport("libc", SetLastError = true)]
protected unsafe static extern int setsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, void* optval, uint optlen);
public unsafe static void DoMulticast()
var socket = new CFSocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
var optval = 1;
var res = setsockopt(socket.Handle.ToInt32(), (int)SocketOptionLevel.Socket, (int)SocketOptionName.Broadcast, &optval, sizeof(int));
if (res < 0)
It runs, but no matter what I change the setsockopt signature to, it returns -1.
TL;DR Do you think it's possible to enable the broadcast flag on a CFSocket (though Xamarin.iOS) done in the old CFNetwork.framework?
I've nailed it. I was missing the CFSocketNativeHandle like in the "native" Obj-C code, which I guess converts a CFNetwork->CFSocket into a native file descriptor pointer.
This is my full implementation (C# Extension):
public static class CFSocketExtensions
extern static nint CFSocketSendData(IntPtr handle, IntPtr address, IntPtr data, double timeout);
[DllImport("libc", SetLastError = true)]
extern static int setsockopt(CFSocketNativeHandle s, int level, int optname, IntPtr optval, int optlen);
extern static CFSocketNativeHandle CFSocketGetNative(IntPtr handle);
public static void SendData(this CFSocket socket, CFSocketAddress address, byte[] data, double timeout)
using (var buffer = new CFDataBuffer(data))
var error = (CFSocketError)(long)CFSocketSendData(socket.Handle, address.Handle, buffer.Handle, timeout);
if (error != CFSocketError.Success)
throw new CFSocketException(error);
public static bool EnableBroadcast(this CFSocket socket, bool enable = true)
int size = Marshal.SizeOf<int>();
IntPtr pBool = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
Marshal.WriteInt32(pBool, 0, enable ? 1 : 0); // last parameter 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE)
var res = setsockopt(CFSocketGetNative(socket.Handle), (int)SocketOptionLevel.Socket, (int)SocketOptionName.Broadcast, pBool, size);
return res > -1;
public class CFSocketAddress : CFDataBuffer
public CFSocketAddress(IPEndPoint endpoint)
: base(CreateData(endpoint))
internal static IPEndPoint EndPointFromAddressPtr(IntPtr address)
using (var buffer = new CFDataBuffer(address))
if (buffer[1] == 30)
{ // AF_INET6
int port = (buffer[2] << 8) + buffer[3];
var bytes = new byte[16];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer.Data, 8, bytes, 0, 16);
return new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(bytes), port);
else if (buffer[1] == 2)
{ // AF_INET
int port = (buffer[2] << 8) + buffer[3];
var bytes = new byte[4];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer.Data, 4, bytes, 0, 4);
return new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress(bytes), port);
throw new ArgumentException();
static byte[] CreateData(IPEndPoint endpoint)
if (endpoint == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("endpoint");
if (endpoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
var buffer = new byte[16];
buffer[0] = 16;
buffer[1] = 2; // AF_INET
buffer[2] = (byte)(endpoint.Port >> 8);
buffer[3] = (byte)(endpoint.Port & 0xff);
Buffer.BlockCopy(endpoint.Address.GetAddressBytes(), 0, buffer, 4, 4);
return buffer;
else if (endpoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
var buffer = new byte[28];
buffer[0] = 32;
buffer[1] = 30; // AF_INET6
buffer[2] = (byte)(endpoint.Port >> 8);
buffer[3] = (byte)(endpoint.Port & 0xff);
Buffer.BlockCopy(endpoint.Address.GetAddressBytes(), 0, buffer, 8, 16);
return buffer;
throw new ArgumentException();
public static class CFObject
internal extern static void CFRelease(IntPtr obj);
internal extern static IntPtr CFRetain(IntPtr obj);
public class CFData : INativeObject, IDisposable
internal IntPtr handle;
public CFData(IntPtr handle)
: this(handle, false)
public CFData(IntPtr handle, bool owns)
if (!owns)
this.handle = handle;
public void Dispose()
public IntPtr Handle
get { return handle; }
[DllImport(Constants.CoreFoundationLibrary, EntryPoint = "CFDataGetTypeID")]
public extern static /* CFTypeID */ nint GetTypeID();
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)
handle = IntPtr.Zero;
public nint Length
get { return CFDataGetLength(handle); }
extern static /* CFIndex */ nint CFDataGetLength(/* CFDataRef */ IntPtr theData);
public byte[] GetBuffer()
var buffer = new byte[Length];
var ptr = CFDataGetBytePtr(handle);
Marshal.Copy(ptr, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return buffer;
extern static /* UInt8* */ IntPtr CFDataGetBytePtr(/* CFDataRef */ IntPtr theData);
* Exposes a read-only pointer to the underlying storage.
public IntPtr Bytes
get { return CFDataGetBytePtr(handle); }
extern static /* CFDataRef */ IntPtr CFDataCreate(/* CFAllocatorRef */ IntPtr allocator, /* UInt8* */ IntPtr bytes, /* CFIndex */ nint length);
public static CFData FromData(IntPtr buffer, nint length)
return new CFData(CFDataCreate(IntPtr.Zero, buffer, length), true);
extern static /* CFDataRef */ IntPtr CFDataCreateCopy(/* CFAllocatorRef */ IntPtr allocator, /* CFDataRef */ IntPtr theData);
public CFData Copy()
return new CFData(CFDataCreateCopy(IntPtr.Zero, Handle), true);
public class CFDataBuffer : IDisposable
byte[] buffer;
CFData data;
public CFDataBuffer(byte[] buffer)
this.buffer = buffer;
* Copy the buffer to allow the native side to take ownership.
//fixed (byte* ptr = buffer)
// data = CFData.FromData((IntPtr)ptr, buffer.Length);
GCHandle pinnedBuffer = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
data = CFData.FromData(pinnedBuffer.AddrOfPinnedObject(), buffer.Length);
public CFDataBuffer(IntPtr ptr)
data = new CFData(ptr, false);
buffer = data.GetBuffer();
public void Dispose()
public IntPtr Handle
get { return data.Handle; }
public byte[] Data
get { return buffer; }
public byte this[int idx]
get { return buffer[idx]; }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (data != null)
data = null;
The only downside with this implementation is the CFSocketAddress, CFDataBuffer etc. which are defined as internal classes in the source.