Photo/Image Viewer for Monotouch [closed] - ios

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've googled a bit but could not find a simple Image Viewer class to use in my MonoTouch app.
I don't need to show image thumbnails neither a complete photo album (with multiple photos).
I just need an image viewer to show an UIImageView, allowing the common fullscreen/zoom operations.
Obviously such viewer could be implemented using a UIViewController subclass with UIGestureRecognizer, UIScrollView and UINavigationBar trickery, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Does anyone know about an open source component available ?
It would also be useful to host such component in the new Xamarin Component Store

Here it is.
Show both big images (larger than the screen) and small ones;
One tap to close view, two taps to zoom in/out. Pinch to zoom is also available;
Scrolling through available content. It's impossible to scroll image outside visible area. Thanks to UIScrollView's ContentSize property.
Suggestions for future:
I reduced code by removing UINavigationBar usage.
Also it's nice to add UIView's basic animation (fade in/out) when user opens/closes full screen image view.
Some relative info:
Solution was strongly inspired by this article.
As a starting point for patching I recommend Xamarin's article.
Any bug reports and suggestions are welcome!


Xcode - Swift arrange images in a grid 2x4 [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am developing a universal iOS app. I am looking to achieve the below grid layout using 8 images (inclusive of the text).
My skills of autolayout are poor, especially for universal apps. I would like the layout to remain for iPad and smaller screen devices, and scale the images accordingly.
I am unsure how to achieve this. Could you suggest a method and perhaps point me in the right direction by providing suggestions on methods to achieve this, such as UICollectionView or grid layout using autolayout.
Collection view! It's a great way to arrange things in a view like this that automatically adapts to screen size.
Apple docs -
Simple example you can follow - How to make a simple collection view with Swift
UICollectionView is a powerful tool, can be tricky to nail down at first but follow along on the tutorial and you should be able to make your design in no time!

Display picture in gallery [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I looked trough google and SO but did not find an answer to my question. I found a lot of topics about the Picker but I want to display an Image and not select one.
I have a Storyboard with various data, one of them being an ImageView with a scaled Image I receive from my database with Parse.
Now I want to display the full image when it is pressed. I know I could create a new View for this, but I was wondering if it would be possible to open this with Apple's Gallery or if there is alternative solution with Cocoapod that would simplify the displaying of the image.
I don't want to build a GUI just to view the full image and being able to zoom/share etc. if there is an already existing solution.
You could look into UIImagePickerController should only take a short time to implement and easy to get the image the user picks but you cannot change the appearance or extend the functionality.
EDIT: Due to my misunderstanding.
This GitHub has a very good and easy solution for simply displaying an image in a full screen manner with built in gesture control.
One of the best parts is that you can initialise it with URL/ALAsset/PHAsset/UIImage all through the same initialiser.
BFRImageViewController *imageVC = [[BFRImageViewController alloc] initWithImageSource:#[image]];

Stacks and Auto-layout across iOS devices [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So I'm following a set of tutorials and have come to a point where I have the app working (A simple calculator), but the UI could still be improved.
The current UI works great on phones, but when going up to an iPad, parts of the UI expand as needed, but the buttons stay at quite a small size. I have no constraints keeping the buttons small and the stack that the buttons are in do expand to fill the space.
My project files can be found here:
An image to explain is found here:
iPhone and iPad Preview image
Any help would be great.
After looking at your project I found one change that you can make. Go to storyboard and select the buttons then click on attribues inspector. Then under control change the alingment options on the far right, which will cause your image to expand to fit the space.
Inspector Setting
Sorry that i didn't catch this in my post. But you will need to click on the stack view for the top row of numbers and make sure to make the stack view settings like this.
Buttons are the right size. They are not small and behave as you expect. Try to change background color:
iPad screenshot
The problem is that you have very small images. You have to provide .#2x and .#3x images, so you won't lost quality on iPad.
Image assets

Circualr progress bar for Audio [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Now I am developing an app which includes music. On that I am using AVAudio player for playing music. My issue is that I need to show a circular progress bar with Play/Pause buttons. The sample image is attached with this.
How can I achieve this.
you can use components for example
and you can get lengh of your audio with :
There are some good suggestions above.
You could also use a UIView, set its layer content to the image, and add a CALayer in which you draw the progress arc and CAShapeLayers or filled CALayers to draw the Play/Resume shapes. CALayers are light-weight and straight-forward to work with. You would capture the users touch in the usual way - with a gesture recognizer added to the UIView.
I personally find it is often easier to roll my own in a case like this than to deal with the integration of external projects, mainly because they tend to be much more general than I need, and the amount of work understanding how to integrate them, how to strip out what I don't need etc. ends up being greater than the work needed to make this component myself.
That being said, you should realize that if you roll your own, you have to debug and test thoroughly - whereas with third-party code you are (hopefully) benefitting from the testing of many other people.
For an introduction to CALayers, see the WWDC 2010 session "Core Animation in Practice - Part 1" (full disclosure: I was the presenter).

iOS - Interface design resources [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm building an iOS app and I have all the functionality going already so it's time to sit down and make it beautiful. I'm not very savvy in this area, this is the first app I've made and I'd like some good, up to date or recent, resources/tutorials on iOS interface design.
I already know how to change the UINavigationBar for instance. But I'd also like to customize my buttons, my tab bar, menu bar, bar button items, and so on. Any good resources for this?
To be more specific, I'm more interested on HOW to do the customization on these elements, not so much as to look for good ideas on how to make them loon, though those are appreciated.
There are dozens of great UI designers around the internetz and a couple of them have great websites!
You can absolutely use them as reference and as inspiration. But you will need to do the work (coding + grafix) on your own.
Your question is a bit to wide ranged to answer it easily. (almost) Every UIKit control has different methods to manipulate its grafix/design. E.g. a UIButton is easy to customize by setting its button style to plain and set a custom Background Image, but that won't work for a UISlider.
Custom images are a popular method to implement a nice design as UI. It's pretty great to work with a good artist or do it yourself if you are experienced with design tools like photoshop and simply add the images of your design to your apps but never forget the weight of images.
Keep the file sizes in mind and don't let a simple app have more than a few mb. (Especially if you want to support retina devices)
In addition to that don't underestimate the power of core graphics. You can do a lot of fancy design stuff like nice gradients as backgrounds or shadow effects by code without the need of images.
Since iOS5 there is a protocol called UIAppearance. It helps a lot to implement custom UI designs but sadly it is not backwards compatible. Just take a look at my favorite tutorial site for iOS stuff about UI customization in iOS 5. Ray Wenderlich - User Interface Customization in iOS 5
And last but not least some common design websites for mobile UI:
