Wijmo grid - Prevent row selection when clicking on a specific column - jquery-ui

I have a Wijmo Grid which allows row selection, whenever a user click on any column.
And I added a column to display a tooltip with additional info of the specific record.
The problem is when this column is clicked, Wijmo automatically selects the current row.
I've read the documentation, there is no event before selecting a row or clicking on a row. The selectionChanged event is not useful in this case, because it is fired after selecting a row.
I cannot add a tr click event handler and make e.preventDefault, because in this case the tooltip would not appear.
How could I prevent row selection, depending on the column clicked?

There is no native way to do this. What you could do is, handle the currentCellChanging event and set the 'selectionMode' option to none based on the clicked cell.
var isLoaded = false;
loading: function (e, args) {
isLoaded = false;
loaded: function (e, args) {
isLoaded = true;
currentCellChanging: function (e, args) {
if (isLoaded) {
if (args.cellIndex == 5) {
$(this).wijgrid({ selectionMode: 'none' });
else {
$(this).wijgrid({ selectionMode: 'singleRow' });

use selectionMode="none" work fine
which not select anything by default


Slickgrid render() not keeping current cell edit active

I have the event below on my dataview to handle when values are changed in code. The problem is that when this fires the call to render() causes any existing editor to be committed. I don't want that to happen. Or at least I want to start editing the cell that was actively being edited before render() was called. Any ideas on how to keep editor from committing or reopen it?
dataView.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
dataView.syncGridSelection(grid, true);
figured it out. Changed my code to this and it just updates the cell and not the grid (the _.each is the same as a for loop, it's underscore js)
dataView.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
_.each(args.rows, function (row) {
dataView.syncGridSelection(grid, true);
additionally if you are using the enableAddRow=true in the gridOptions then you will need to do this when a row is added so it will add the row and reenable the editor.
dataView.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {
//store the active cell and editor
var activeCell = grid.getActiveCell();
var activeEditor = grid.getCellEditor();
//make the active cell editable
if (activeEditor) {
grid.setActiveCell(activeCell.row, activeCell.cell);
dataView.syncGridSelection(grid, true);

How to force a jquery mobile selectmenu to remain in the active state

I would like my selectmenu to have the same behavior of a button. When I select an item in the list, the button remains "on". So I want my select menu to keep the ui-btn-active class after the click.
I tried this :
$(document).on("click", ".myselect", function() {
if ( $(this).val() != "0" ) {
} else {
It works for 1 second, but the class is removed just after. I suppose there is a refresh mechanism called after the click.
I suppose i should use a different event, but which one ?

Using a Button remove item from sortable list

I have a sortable div containers, that each contain a button to delete itself. This button calls a function which removes the div container from the DOM. Everything looks fine, until I begin to drag and re-order the sortable items. Now the deleted element does not show in the GUI (which is expected), however doing a check of the sortable array, seems to suggest it's still there.
How can I get it so that this array is properly updated during the removal? or during the sorting. Any help would be appreciated.
Below is my javascript.
$(function() {
// Make Cron Jobs Sortable
items: "> div:not(#controlHeader), serialize",
create: function(event, ui) {
cronJobOrder = $(this).sortable("toArray",{attribute: "id"});
update: function(event, ui) {
cronJobOrder = $(this).sortable("toArray",{attribute: "id"});
Then my function
// the variable being passed in is the "Delete" button reference, that way it can find the div container it's in.
function deleteCronJob(cronJob) {
var confirmation = window.confirm("Are You Sure?");
if (confirmation) {
$(cronJob).parents(".cronJobElement:eq(0)").fadeOut("medium", function() {
// Remove Item from cronJobOrder array
// Remove CronJob from View
} else {
return null;
I set up for you a simple fiddle. Alerting the sortable elements as array (and the updates after the remove button is clicked). Build your stuff around it.
function sortableArrayAlert() {
sortableArray = $('li').toArray();

Click and keydown at same time for draggable jQuery event?

I'm trying to have a jQuery UI event fire only if it meets the criteria of being clicked while the shift key is in the keydown state ( to mimic being held), and if not disable the event.
This example uses jQuery UI's .draggable to drag a container div only if the user clicks and holds shift.
Non working code, not sure if this is the best way to do this or what's wrong.
$(document).click(function(e) {
$('.container').keydown(function() {
if (e.shiftKey) {
} else {
disabled: true
I see lots of errors with that code. Firstly, you only add the key listener after there's been a click on the document. Second you are adding keydown to the container div, rather than the whole document. Then, you also need to listen to keyup, since releasing the shift key should disable draggability, then you also need to pass disabled: false to the case where shift is down. And your handler is missing the e parameter. Try this:
$(function(e) {
var handler = function(e) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
disabled: false
} else {
disabled: true

jQuery UI autocomplete select event not working with mouse click

I have a list of links, and I have this search box #reportname. When the user types in the search box, autocomplete will show the text of the links in a list.
<div class="inline">
<div class="span-10">
<label for="reportname">Report Name</label>
<input type="text" name="reportname" id="reportname" />
<div class="span-10 last">
<button type="button" id="reportfind">Select</button>
The user can then use the keyboard arrow to select one of the text, and when he press ENTER, browser will go to the address of the link. So far so good.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
source: $.map($("a.large"), function (a) { return a.text }),
select: function () { $("#reportfind").click() }
$("#reportfind").click(function () {
var reportname = $("#reportname")[0].value
var thelinks = $('a.large:contains("' + reportname + '")').filter(
function (i) { return (this.text === reportname) })
window.location = thelinks[0].href
The issue is when the user types, autocomplete shows a list, and then the user use the mouse to click one of the result. With keyboard navigation, the content of the search box is changed, but if the user clicks one of the options, the search box is not modified and the select event is immediately triggered.
How can I make the script work with keyboard selection and mouse selection? How can I differentiate between select events that are triggered by keyboard with the ones triggered by mouse?
To your 2nd question: "How can I differentiate between select events that are triggered by keyboard with the ones triggered by mouse?"
The event object in the jQuery UI events would include a .originalEvent, the original event it wrapped. It could have been wrapped multiple times though, such as in the case of Autocomplete widget. So, you need to trace up the tree to get the original event object, then you can check for the event type:
select: function(event, ui) {
var origEvent = event;
while (origEvent.originalEvent !== undefined)
origEvent = origEvent.originalEvent;
if (origEvent.type == 'keydown')
Thanks to #William Niu and firebug, I found that the select event parameter 'ui' contains the complete selected value: ui.item.value. So instead of depending on jquery UI to change the text of the textbox, which didn't happen if the user clicks with mouse, I just pick up the selected value from 'ui':
select: function (event, ui) {
var reportname = ui.item.value
var thelinks = $('a.large:contains("' + reportname + '")').filter(
function (i) { return (this.text === reportname) })
window.location = thelinks[0].href
I tested it in all version of IE (inlcuding 9) and always ended up with an empty input-control after I selected the item using the mouse. This caused some headaches. I even went down to the source code of jQuery UI to see what happens there but didn’t find any hints either.
We can do this by setting a timeout, which internally queues an event in the javascript-engine of IE. Because it is guaranteed, that this timeout-event will be queued after the focus event (this has already been triggered before by IE itself).
select: function (event, ui) {
var label = ui.item.label;
var value = ui.item.value;
$this = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
Had the same issue / problem.
Jquery: 1.11.1
UI: 1.11.0
Question: Do you use bassistance jquery validte plugin simultanously?
If positive: update this to a newest version or just disable it for tests.
I updated from 1.5.5 to 1.13.0
Helped for me. Good luck!
I recently encountered the exact same problem (autocomplete items not clickable, keyboard events working).
Turned out that in my case the answer was not at all JS related. The autocomplete UI was not clickable simply because it was lacking an appropriate value for the z-index CSS property.
.ui-autocomplete {
z-index: 99999; /* adjust this value */
That did the trick.
This may be a bit farshot, but I had a similar situation where selecting an autocomplete value left the input field empty. The answer was to ignore the "change" events (as those were handled by default) and replace them with binds to "autocompletechange" events.
The "change" event gets triggered before the value from autocomplete is in the field => the field had "empty" value when handling the normal "change" event.
// ignore the "change" event for the field
var item = $("#"+id); // JQuery for getting the element
item.bind("autocompletechange", function(event, ui) { [call your handler function here] }
I was facing a similar problem. I wanted to submit the form when the user clicked on an option. But the form got submitted even before the value of the input could be set. Hence on the server side the controller got a null value.
I solved it using a modified version of William Niu's answer.
Check this post - https://stackoverflow.com/a/19781850/1565521
I had the same issue, mouse click was not selecting the item which was clicked.My code was supposed to make an ajax call to fetch the data as per the selection item from autocomplete source.
Previous code: mouse click not working.
select: function(event, ui) {
for(i= 0; i< customer.length; i++)
if(document.getElementById('inputBox').value == customer[i].name)
Changed code :mouse click working
select: function(event, ui) {
// event.preventDefault();
for(i= 0; i< customer.length; i++)
// if(document.getElementById('inputBox').value == customer[i].fields.name)
if(ui.item.value == customer[i].name)
After inspecting the code in the developer tools console, I noticed there were two list items added. I removed the pairing <li></li> from my response code and oh yeah, the links worked
I also added this function as the click event:
$("#main-search").result(function ()
$("#main-search").val("redirecting...."), window.location.href = $("#main-search").attr("href").match(/page=([0-9]+)/)[1];
This works and you can test it here: Search for the term dress -->
