right way to register an internal ejabberd module - erlang

Lately I have been woorking with ejabberd and internal module development.
I would like to have an internal module developed using gen_mod + gen_server behaviours. My module has an ejabberd hook which is based on this one: http://metajack.im/2008/08/28/writing-ejabberd-modules-presence-storms
My start_link function is like:
start_link(Host, Opts) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME),
gen_server:start_link({local, Proc}, ?MODULE, [Host, Opts], []).
Where ?PROCNAME is:
-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_mine)
So in my localhost it is registered as ejabberd_mod_mine_localhost
As you see in the tutorial I linked, they use an hook in order to parse the presence stanza directly, but what if I want to compare the From value with a value I saved in the gen_server state? I thought of using a gen_server cast passing the packet to it, but the problem is that the function hook runs in a different process and therefore I cannot use:
gen_server:cast(self(), {filter, Packet})
and I can just use:
gen_server:cast(ejabberd_mod_mine_localhost, {filter, Packet})
But should I hardcode the name of the process? What if the host name is different? Should I register my gen_server using just its module name?

A common pattern is to use the domain of either the sender or the receiving user (depending on what you are trying to do). For example mod_offline (that store packets on DB when the destination user is offline) uses the destination JID to discover on which domain it have to run, something like:
gen_mod:get_module_proc(To#jid.lserver, ?PROCNAME)


Multiple gen_esme sessions

Trust you all are doing well.
I am trying to make multiple sessions to SMSC using OSERL application.
Since to make a SMPP client you need to inherit gen_esme behaviour.
I was wondering whether it is possible to make multiple connections towards SMSC without writing multiple gen_esme modules?
There are two main strategies for starting multiple processes using the same gen_esme based module:
gen_esme:start_link/4 - named or reference based server
gen_esme:start_link/3 - pid based server
I'm going to be referencing the sample_esme file found under the examples for oserl.
Named Server
Most of the examples from oserl show usage of gen_esme:start_link/4 which in turn is calling gen_server:start_link/4. The ServerName variable for gen_server:start_link/4 has a typespec of {local, Name::atom()} | {global, GlobalName::term()} | {via, Module::atom(), ViaName::term()}.
That means if we change the sample_esme:start_link/0,1,2 functions to look like this:
start_link() ->
start_link(SrvName) ->
start_link(SrvName, true).
start_link(SrvName, Silent) ->
Opts = [{rps, 1}, {queue_file, "./sample_esme.dqueue"}],
gen_esme:start_link({local, SrvName}, ?MODULE, [Silent], Opts).
We can start multiple servers using:
sample_esme:start_link(). %% SrvName = 'sample_esme'
sample_esme:start_link(my_client1). %% SrvName = 'my_client1'
sample_esme:start_link(my_client2). %% SrvName = 'my_client2'
To make our sample_esme module work properly with this named server strategy, most of its calling functions will need to be modified. Let's use sample_esme:rps/0,1 as an example:
rps() ->
rps(SrvName) ->
Now we can call the gen_esme:rps/1 function on any of our running servers:
sample_esme:rps(). %% calls 'sample_esme'
sample_esme:rps(my_client1). %% 'my_client1'
sample_esme:rps(my_client2). %% 'my_client2'
This is similar to how projects like pooler reference members of pools it creates.
pid Server
This is essentially the same as the Named Server strategy, but we're just going to pass the pid of the server around instead of a registered atom.
That means if we change the sample_esme:start_link/0,1 functions to look like this:
start_link() ->
start_link(Silent) ->
Opts = [{rps, 1}, {queue_file, "./sample_esme.dqueue"}],
gen_esme:start_link(?MODULE, [Silent], Opts).
Notice that all we did was drop the {local, SrvName} argument so it won't register the SrvName atom with the server's pid.
That means we need to capture the pid of each created server:
{ok, Pid0} = sample_esme:start_link().
{ok, Pid1} = sample_esme:start_link().
{ok, Pid2} = sample_esme:start_link().
Using the same sample_esme:rps/0,1 example from Named Server, we will need to remove sample_esme:rps/0 and add a sample_esme:rps/1 function which takes a pid:
rps(SrvPid) ->
Now we can call the gen_esme:rps/1 function on any of our running servers:
This is similar to how projects like poolboy reference members of pools it creates.
If you are simply trying to pool connections, I would recommend using a library like pooler or poolboy.
If you have a finite number of specifically named connections that you want to reference by name, I would recommend just having a supervisor with a child spec like the following for each connection:
{sample_esme, start_link, [my_client1]},
permanent, 5000, worker, [sample_esme]}

Pass some arguments to supervisor init function when app starts

I want to pass some arguments to supervisor:init/1 function and it is desirable, that the application's interface was so:
redis_pool:start() % start all instances
redis_pool:start(Names) % start only given instances
Here is the application:
start() -> % start without params
application:ensure_started(?APP_NAME, transient).
start(Names) -> % start with some params
% I want to pass Names to supervisor init function
% in order to do that I have to bypass application:ensure_started
% which is not GOOD :(
case start(normal, [Names]) of
{ok, _Pid} -> ok;
{error, {already_started, _Pid}} -> ok
start(_StartType, StartArgs) ->
Here is the supervisor:
init([]) ->
{ok, Config} = get_config(),
Names = proplists:get_keys(Config),
init([Names]) ->
{ok, Config} = get_config(),
PoolSpecs = lists:map(fun(Name) ->
PoolName = pool_utils:name_for(Name),
{[Host, Port, Db], PoolSize} = proplists:get_value(Name, Config),
PoolArgs = [{name, {local, PoolName}},
{worker_module, eredis},
{size, PoolSize},
{max_overflow, 0}],
poolboy:child_spec(PoolName, PoolArgs, [Host, Port, Db])
end, Names),
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10000, 1}, PoolSpecs}}.
As you can see, current implementation is ugly and may be buggy. The question is how I can pass some arguments and start application and supervisor (with params who were given to start/1) ?
One option is to start application and run redis pools in two separate phases.
redis_pool:run([] | Names).
But what if I want to run supervisor children (redis pool) when my app starts?
Thank you.
The application callback Module:start/2 is not an API to call in order to start the application. It is called when the application is started by application:start/1,2. This means that overloading it to provide differing parameters is probably the wrong thing to do.
In particular, application:start will be called directly if someone adds your application as a dependency of theirs (in the foo.app file). At this point, they have no control over the parameters, since they come from your .app file, in the {mod, {Mod, Args}} term.
Some possible solutions:
Application Configuration File
Require that the parameters be in the application configuration file; you can retrieve them with application:get_env/2,3.
Don't start a supervisor
This means one of two things: becoming a library application (removing the {mod, Mod} term from your .app file) -- you don't need an application behaviour; or starting a dummy supervisor that does nothing.
Then, when someone wants to use your library, they can call an API to create the pool supervisor, and graft it into their supervision tree. This is what poolboy does with poolboy:child_spec.
Or, your application-level supervisor can be a normal supervisor, with no children by default, and you can provide an API to start children of that, via supervisor:start_child. This is (more or less) what cowboy does.
You can pass arguments in the AppDescr argument to application:load/1 (though its a mighty big tuple already...) as {mod, {Module, StartArgs}} according to the docs ("according to the docs" as in, I don't recall doing it this way myself, ever: http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/kernel/application.html#load-1).
application:load({application, some_app, {mod, {Module, [Stuff]}}})
Without knowing anything about the internals of the application you're starting, its hard to say which way is best, but a common way to do this is to start up the application and then send it a message containing the data you want it to know.
You could make receipt of the message form tell the application to go through a configuration assertion procedure, so that the same message you send on startup is also the same sort of thing you would send it to reconfigure it on the fly. I find this more useful than one-shotting arguments on startup.
In any case, it is usually better to think in terms of starting something, then asking it to do something for you, than to try telling it everything in init parameters. This can be as simple as having it start up and wait for some message that will tell the listener to then spin up the supervisor the way you're trying to here -- isolated one step from the application inclusion issues RL mentioned in his answer.

Yaws websocket send message to all connected users

I am using yaws (Erlang framework) for socket communication. I can send message back to the user from server using websocket_send however i need to specify the PID of the user, that means that i can send message back to that user. However, i would like to send message to all connected users. Is there any way to do it?
Every time a websocket connection is established a new gen_server process is created for that connection. Hence each of these servers corresponds to one websocket connection. Thus websocket_send requires the PID of the gen_server.
For sending message to all the connected clients you need to maintain the PIDs of all the gen_servers. This can be done by having your own gen_server or using ets.
Similar to sending the Pid to gen_server
you can send the Pid in websocket callback init function
init(Args) ->
gen_server:cast(?YOURSERVER,{connection_open, self()}),
{ok, []}.
During termination
terminate(Reason, State) ->
gen_server:cast(?YOURSERVER,{connection_close, self()}).
Your gen_server handle_cast may look like this
handle_cast({connection_open, Pid}, Pids) ->
{noreply, [Pid | Pids]};
handle_cast({connection_close, Pid}, Pids) ->
{noreply, lists:delete(Pid, Pids)};
handle_cast({send_to_all, Msg}, Pids) ->
[yaws_api:websocket_send(Pid, Msg) || Pid <- Pids, is_process_alive(Pid)],
{noreply, Pids}.
Got it worked !!! Using GProc :)
Gproc is a process dictionary for Erlang, which provides a number of useful features beyond what the built-in dictionary has:
Use any term as a process alias
Register a process under several aliases
Non-unique properties can be registered simultaneously by many processes
QLC and match specification interface for efficient queries on the dictionary
Await registration, let's you wait until a process registers itself
Atomically give away registered names and properties to another process
Counters, and aggregated counters, which automatically maintain the total of all counters with a given name
Global registry, with all the above functions applied to a network of nodes
That will need a comprehensive approach which involves in-memory storage. Forexample, Each user may have a process holding the socket connection and so, you save say, in mnesia, or ets table e.t.c. a record like: #connected_user{pid = Pid,username = Username,other_params = []}. Later after advancing your perception of this problem, you will move onto session management, how to handle offline messages, and most importantly presence. Anyways, when a message comes in, having the destination username, then you will make a lookup from our table and get the corresponding Pid, and then send it this message, which in turn, it will then send it through its live Web Socket.

How to maintain stateful in yaws

I have some process (spawned) with state.
How to maintain simple stateful service in yaws?
How to implement communication to process in "appmods" erl source file?
let's we have simple process
start() -> loop(0).
loop(C) ->
{inc} -> loop(C + 1);
{get, FromPid} -> FromPid ! C, loop(C)
What is the simplest (trivial: without gen_server, yapp) way to access process from web?
Maybe, I need a minimal example with gen_server+yapp+yaws / appmods+yaws.
The #arg structure is a very important datastructure for the yaws programmer.
In the ARG of Yaws out/1 there is a variable that can save user state.
"state, %% State for use by users of the out/1 callback"
You can get detail info here .
There only 2 ways to access a process in Erlang: Either you know its Pid (and the node where you expect the process to be) or You know its registered Name (and the erlang node its expected to be).
Lets say you have your appmod:
out(Arg) ->
case check_initial_state(Arg) of
unknown -> create_initial_state();
UserPid = list_to_pid(Value),
UserPid ! extract_request(Arg),
Response -> {html,format_response(Response)}
after ?TIMEOUT -> {html,"request_timedout"}
CookieObject = (A#arg.headers)#headers.cookie,
case yaws_api:find_cookie_val("InitialState", CookieObject) of
[] -> unkown;
Cookie -> {ok,Cookie}
extract_request(Arg)-> %% get request from POST Data or Get Data
Post__data_proplist = yaws_api:parse_post(Arg),
Get_data_proplist = yaws_api:parse_query(Arg),
%% do many other things....
Request = remove_request(Post__data_proplist,Get_data_proplist),
That simple set up shows you how you would use processes to keep things about a user. However, the use of processes is not good. Processes do fail, so you need a way of recovering what data they were holding.
A better approach is to have a Data storage about your users and have one gen_server to do the look ups. You could use Mnesia. I do not advise you to use processes on the web to keep user state, no matter what kind of app you are doing, even if its a messaging app. Mnesia or ETS tables can keep state and all you need to do is look up.
Use a better storage mechanism to keep state other than processes. Processes are a point of failure. Others use Cookies (and/or Session cookies), whose value is used in some way to look up something from a database. However, if you insist that you need processes, then, have a way of remembering their Pids or registered names. You could store a user Pid into their session cookie e.t.c.

How to filter messages in Ejabberd

I have Ejabberd up and running with test users, and its working fine. I want to write a module that can intercept messages and modify them, as follows :
intercept "messages"
send them to a php file
get the result from the same php file (immediate)
Modify the message stanza and send it down the wire to the recipient
The ejabberd documentation is weak and tutorials are non-existent. Can you give me some sample code that does this. I can then figure how to configure it for my needs.
Thanks a bundle!
Here's the basic example of such module:
start(Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_hooks:add(filter_packet, global, ?MODULE, on_filter_packet, 0).
on_filter_packet({From, To, XML} = Packet) ->
%% does something with a packet
%% should return modified Packet or atom `drop` to drop the packet
And make sure to add this module into ejabberd's configuration into module section:
{packet_interceptor, []}
Just extend on_filter_packet/1 the way you want and return appropriately modified packet.
gleber's example is excellent. I also wrote a more complex example of packet manipulation that I built for Chesspark called
How can send this XML data to php (via ?xml=) and retrieve the resulting XML and then pass it to the recipient?
If you have a recent version of ejabberd that uses exmpp, you can use exmpp_xml:node_to_binary/1 or exmpp_xml:node_to_list/1 to turn the internal representation of the XML to a binary or a string respectively.
There were similarly named functions in the older ejabberd, but within the xml module.
It seems that what you want to do there is to create an XMPP server component. Lots of things has already been said on that post Which XMPP server to experiment developing a server component.
I can link you some useful links:
Jabber Component Protocol
An Echo-Bot in Python from metajack.im, a very nice blog from an XMPP guru. This bot listen for any message stanzas and reply to some of them.
Gleber's solution is really "ejabberd" oriented (certainly the easiest one in your case), whereas this one can scale with other XMPP servers.
There is the interface:
which I have used in the past and works well. Once the MyHost is registered with ejabberd, the module will receive the communications intended to MyHost through info messages (assuming gen_server).
As noted by #gleber, don't forget to add your module to the configuration file.
