Choose properties to be COLLECTed - neo4j

How can I choose which properties to be collected in a Cypher COLLECT statement?
I can do COLLECT([,]) but then I don't get the properties names.
Say I have ProfileA which is connected to several ProfileB's, I'd like to have returned ProfileA and a collection of ProfileB's where ProfileA-->ProfileB, but only and

At the moment there's no support for literal maps in collections, so we can't build a collection of maps, which it sounds like you want to be able to do.
Your idea of passing a collection to collect should work, and you'll get a collection of collections where the name is always first and the email is always last.
Another option is to do collect( as names, collect( as emails and have two collections.
Or, you could just have the full nodes. Sorry that there's not a better way (AFAIK)!


Is there a way in SumoLogic to store some data and use it in queries?

I have a list of IPs that I want to filter out of many queries that I have in sumo logic. Is there a way to store that list of IPs somewhere so it can be referenced, instead of copy pasting it in every query?
For example, in a perfect world it would be nice to define a list of things like:
And then in another query reference it:
where mything IN things
Right now I'm just copying/pasting. I think there may be a way to do this by setting up a custom data source and putting the IPs in there, but that seems like a very round-about way of doing it, and wouldn't help to re-use parts of a query that aren't data (eg re-use statements). Also their template feature is about parameterizing a query, not re-use across many queries.
Yes. There's a notion of Lookup Tables in Sumo Logic. Consult:
for details.
It allows to store some values (either manually once, or in a scheduled way as as a result of some query) with | save operator.
And then you can refer to these values using | lookup which is conceptually similar to SQL's JOIN.
Disclaimer: I am currently employed by Sumo Logic.

Representing a list of items in Neo4j

Suppose you have a list of items (instructions in a function, posts on a blog, episodes in a TV series etc) that need to be kept in order, what is the recommended way to store them in Neo4j? Two possibilities that come to mind:
Assuming the items don't already have a suitable property for sorting by, assign them incrementing sequence numbers.
Use a linked list of nodes.
Which of these is typically recommended? Or is there a third option I'm missing?
Use a linked list.
Sequence numbers still have to be sorted, which is unnecessary overhead. And to do the sort, neo4j has to iterate through every node in the sequence, even if you are only interested in a small part of the sequence.

Visual studio online query items without tags

When are working with various Work Item types (user stories,Tasks, etc) we assign tags to reference the area of work. This makes it easy to filter the Backlogs items view to find any related stories.
I would like to build a query to identify Work Items where the tags have not yet been assigned.
I know this can be achieved using excel and filtering, however I specifically would like to do this using the queries. Is this possible??
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Firstly, I have to say that it is not possible to create work item query to show work items which don't contain tags. As you see that the Operator for Tags is Contains or Does Not Contain, it is not possible to use these two operators to filter out these non-tagged work items.
Secondly, as you have more than 100 tags, it is not an effective way to use "Does Not Contain" operator to exclude all tagged work items.
How about you adding a 'Null' tag to all non-tagged work items to specify that these work items don't have any tags? With this approach, you can create a work item query with Tags Contains Null to list these non-tagged work items.
If you don't want to take this approach, you need to work with excel just as you mentioned above, or take Dave's advice to work with API.

Any tips for displaying user dependent values in a list of items?

It is pretty common for a web application to display a list of items and for each item in the list to indicate to the current user whether they have already viewed the associated item.
An approach that I have taken in the past is to store HasViewed objects that contain the Id of a viewed item/object and the Id of the User who has viewed that item/object.
When it comes time to display a list of items this requires querying the database for the items, and separately querying the database for the HasViewed objects, and then combining the results of these queries into a set of objects constructed solely for the purpose of displaying them in the view.
Each e.g li then uses the e.g. has_viewed property of the objects constructed above.
I think it is time to find a better approach and would like to know what approaches you would recommend.
i wanna to know whether there is better idea also.
Right now my solution is putting the state in the redis and cached the view with fragment cache.

Cypher query return related nodes as children

I am using the Neo4j .NET Client ExecuteGetCypherResults to run cypher. It expects everything to come back in a single column. I have simple class JobType which contains a list of JobSpecialties on it. In the database this is modeled as the Types having a relationship to the Specialties.
I need a cypher query that returns the results as such, in a single column. The related Specialties should be a child property of the Type node I would expect the query to look like this:
start s=node:node_auto_index(StartType='JobTypes')
match s-[:starts]->t, t-[:SubTypes]->ts
return {Id: t.Id, Name: t.Name, JobSpecialties: ts}
But this doesn't work. I can't figure out from the docs if this is even possible. If there is a better way to get the result back to the .Net client, I am open to suggestions.
start s=node:node_auto_index(StartType='JobTypes')
match s-[:SubTypes]->js
return s.Id, s.Name, js;
ExecuteGetCypherResults does support multiple columns, you just need to kick our deserializer into a different mode. This is an implementation detail generally hidden behind our higher level APIs, which is why this isn't obvious.
When you call new CypherQuery, pass CypherResultMode.Projection instead of CypherResultMode.Set.
I actually can't remember why we have this. Sometime, I'll need to dig through the lower levels and try and kill it. Pull requests welcomed. :)
As a preference though, we always prefer people to use the higher level APIs (but we recognise there are some limitations).
It sounds like the .Net client needs some updating for cypher. Cypher doesn't support building maps on the fly yet, although it is something that is in the feature request list already...
You can create an array with your results (but as of 1.9.M04, they need to be the same type to be merged into the array):
I've actually submitted a pull request (through back channels, since it broke some unit tests) to fix that (so you can have multiple types in an array built on the fly), but I think there are some concerns whether merging of different types is a good idea.
Update: This will be fixed in 1.9.M05/1.9.GA. Now you can build an array with any type mixed:
