Multiple redmine instances best practices - ruby-on-rails

I'm studying the best way to have multiple redmine instances in the same server (basically I need a database for each redmine group).
Until now I have 2 options:
Deploy a redmine instance for each group
Deploy one redmine instance with multiple database
I really don't know what is the best practice in this situation, I've seen some people doing this in both ways.
I've tested the deployment of multiple redmines (3 instances) with nginx and passenger. It worked well but I think with a lot of instances it may not be feasible. Each app needs around 100mb of RAM, and with the increasing of requests it tends to allocate more processes to the app. This scenario seems bad if we had a lot of instances.
The option 2 seems reasonable, I think I can implement that with rails environments. But I think that there are some security problems related with sessions (I think a user of site A is allowed to make actions on site B after an authentication in A).
There are any good practice for this situation? What's the best practice to take in this situation?
Other requirement related with this is: we must be able to create or shut down a redmine instance without interrupt the others (e.g. we should avoid server restarts..).
Thanks for any advice and sorry for my english!
My solution:
I used a redmine instance for each group. I used nginx+unicorn to manage each instance independently (because passenger didn't allow me to manage each instance independently).

The two options are not so different after all. The only difference is that in option 2, you only have one copy of the code on your disk.
In any case, you still need to run different worker processes for each instance, as Redmine (and generally most Rails apps) doesn't support database switching for each request and some data regarding a certain environment are cached in process.
Given that, there is not really much incentive to share even the codebase as it would require certain monkey patches and symlink-magic to allow the proper initialization for the intentional configuration differences (database and email configuration, paths to uploaded files, ...). The Debian package does that but it's (in my eyes) rather brittle and leads to a rather non-standard system.
But to stress again: even if you share the same code on the disk between instances, you can't share the running worker processes.

Running multiple instances from the same codebase is not officially supported by Redmine. However, Debian/Ubuntu packages seem to support such approach... See:
Multiple instances of redmine on Debian squeeze
So, generally:
If you use Debian/Ubuntu go with option #2
Otherwise go with #1

Rolling forward a couple of years, and you might now want to consider a third option of using docker containers for each of your redmine instances.
I've been using , and have been quite happy with it except that it doesn't yet support handling of incoming mail for creating and commenting on tickets.


Is it possible to have two different apps with thinking sphinx pointing to the same database?

I inherited a legacy app running Thinking Sphinx v3. I've been working on a large update for it, upgrading rails, etc.
My updated app now has a different Thinking Sphinx index, but it shares the same schema. It also uses delta indexing with Delayed Job.
I have a beta environment fully up and running but I now want to point the beta app to the production database so my colleagues can test the update safe in the knowledge that if anything goes awry they can always fallback to the live app.
Is it possible for these two environments to co-exist? How should I be configuring my app or the database server?
It's generally possible to have two apps pointing to the same database, yes. Of course, there may be behaviours in one that impact the other, so you'd want to consider that complication!
With regards to Thinking Sphinx: each app's daemon and index data will be separate from the other, so that won't be a problem either. If you're running both apps on the same machine, though, you'll want to make sure the daemons are using different ports through the mysql41 setting.

Best web/app server to host multiple low hit rails/sinatra apps

I need to host a lot of simple rails/sinatra/padrino applications of different ruby versions each with 0..low hits per day. They belong to different owners and should be well isolated from each other.
When an app is hit it should respond in reasonably short time, but I expect several simultaneous visitors are hitting the same site to be a rare case.
I'm going to create separate os user for each application. Surely I'd like to put them as many per server as it's possible. Thus I need to choose the web server with the lowest memory footprint, which can run applications on behalf of different users with different ruby versions and gemsets.
I consider webrick,nginx+passenger,thin,apache+passenger. I suppose the reliability of all choices is sufficient for such a job, and while performance isn't an issue, the memory consumption is.
I found many posts regarding performance issues, but most of them discuss the performance tuning and issues. I couldn't find a comparison of web servers memory usage when idle.
Is "in process" webrick the best choice? Which one would you choose for that job?
And I couldn't figure out how to resolve subdomains to application ports with webrick. Shall I use nginx or apache for that?
I don't have much experience with hosting myself, but using Webrick for production is not a good idea I think. You can also check out mongrel which I saw used in production. In most cases though you will probably want to choose between thin and unicorn. Check out this or google around. Good luck :-)
Why not use Heroku? Its free and gets you out of the hassle of server configuration and maintenance.

issues with deploying rails servers to multiple hosts

I've heard often that deploying a traditional monolithic Rails app (i.e. no internal Web API, no message queue, no Redis/memcached server) to multiple servers can produce a bunch of bugs that are very hard to debug but I'm having a hard time coming up with some concrete examples despite a few hours of googling
Some obvious issues that I can think of are:
Observers - likely will not work properly as the observation is only propagated on one server and not all of them (assuming there is no Message Queue)
Sessions - would probably need to store these in the database which would need it's own host
Caches - any sweepers would have issues propagating invalidations between servers.
Anyone else care to contribute? I'd really appreciate any articles others may have come across or just general wisdom :)
Observers are just code callbacks.
They run on each process, on each server.
Sessions have defaulted to the cookie store for the last few years.
So multiple servers are no problem.
If you don't have enough space in your cookie then I suggest you may be doing something wrong.
Cache invalidation is indeed a problem.
But it always is.
One solution is to break your cache out into a standalone service.
Sites like Facebook have giant farms of memcache
I think scaling and clustering is always a hard problem.
But this seems to be an old argument against rails.
If anything the last few years have seen rails shine in this respect.
With ec2, nosql, and server automation becoming quite a norm in the community.

Set up staging and production environmets and minimizing downtime on simple hosting

I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 application,, currently hosted on Windows Azure. I have an Introductory Special subscription package that was free for several months but was surprised at how expensive it has turned out to be (€150 p/m on average!) now that I have started paying for it. That is just way too much money for a site that is not going to generate money any time soon so I've decided to move to a regular hosting provider (DiscountASP.Net).
One of the things I'll truly miss though, is the separated Staging and Production environments Azure provides, along with the zero-downtime environment swap.
My question is, how could I go about "simulating" a staging environment while hosting on a traditional provider? And what is my best shot at minimizing downtime on new deployments?
UPDATE: I chose the answer I chose not because I consider it the best method, but because it is what makes the most sense for me at this point.
Before abandoning Windows Azure, there are several cost-saving things you can do to lower your monthly bill. For instance:
If you have both a Web role and a Worker role, merge the two. Take your background processing, queue processing, etc. and run them in your Web role (do your time-consuming startup in OnStart(), then just add a Run() override to call queue-processing, etc.
Consider the new Extra Small instance, which costs just under half of a Small instance
Delete your Staging deployment after you're confident your production code is running ok. Keep the cspkg handy though, in blob storage, so that you could always re-deploy it.
I use DiscountASP myself. It's pretty basic hosting for sure, a little behind the times. But I have found just creating a subdirectory and publishing my beta/test/whatever versions there works pretty well. It's not fancy or pretty, but does get the job done.
In order to do this you need to create the subdirectory first, then go into the control panel and tell DASP that directory is an application. Then you also have to consider that directory's web.config is going to be a combination of its own and the parent one. You also have to consider robots.txt for this subdirectory and protecting it in general from nosy people.
You could probably pull this off with subdomains too, depending on how your domain is set up.
Another option: appharbor? They have a free plan. If you can stay within the confines of their free plan, it might work well (I've never used them, currently interested in trying them though)
1) Get an automated deployment tool. There are plenty of free/open-source ones that million/billion dollar companies actually use for their production environments.
2) Get a second hosting package identical to the first. Use it as your staging, then just redeploy to production when staging passes.

Are you using AWSDBProxy? Is there a performance hit when scaling out?

It seems that the only tutorials out there talking about using Amazon's SimpleDB in a rails site are using AWSDBProxy... Personally, I find this counter-intuitive to scaling out, considering the server layout of a typical Rails site below (using AWSDBProxy):
Plugin here:
Image here:
As you can see, even if we add more mongrels, we have two problems.
We have a single point of failure far less stable than our load balancer
We have to force all our information through this one WEBrick server
The solution is, of course, to add more AWSDBProxies... but why not then just use the following code in say, a class, skipping the proxy all together?
service =,
service.query(domain, query)
So what I'm getting at, is if you are using AWSDBProxy, what are you justifications for it? And if you are indeed using it, what is your performance like? If you have hard numbers, this would be even more appreciated!
I'm not using it, nor have I ever heard of it, but this is what I would think are reasonable reasons.
You're running your main app server on EC2, so the chance of Internet FAIL doesn't really affect you more than once.
You run one proxy on each of your app servers. So it's connection going down is no worse than it's connection(s) to the database going down.
Because it can be done. This is as good a reason as any in an open source project. Sometimes it takes building a thing before you know whether said thing is a good/bad idea.
You don't have the traffic levels to need a load balancer. Then your diagram squashes down to a line, if not a single machine.
