iOS read a certain line in a textfile [duplicate] - ios

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Objective-C: Reading a file line by line
(18 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a large textfile that has data for my program stored. It's basically a CSV file, consisting of float numbers, one in each line. Example:
I know how to read a file line for line, but then I will still end up with an array with all the data in my memory. I would prefer to access a distinct line e.g. kind of readFromLine:32
Is there a way to do that without loading or reading the whole file once? If not how should I convert my data? SQLite?

I would prefer to access a distinct line e.g. kind of readFromLine:32
Is there a way to do that without loading or reading the whole file
You can use NSInputStream to read the file, and the input stream will manage reading portions of the file into memory as it needs them.
If not how should I convert my data? SQLite?
The trouble with CSV files, at least for your application, is that the only way to know where a given line can be found is to read the file from the beginning and count lines. If you had an index that told you the offset from the beginning of the file for each line, or for every 10th or 100th line, or whatever, then you could look up the position of the line (or the closest preceding line) in the index and start reading your data file from the offset indicated by the index entry. Using a database format like SQLite would be another good strategy. You could also break up the large file into smaller pieces, so that loading just the relevant part of the file isn't so resource intensive.


Best way to ingest a list of csv files with dataflow

I'm looking for a way to read from a list of csv files and convert each row into json format. Assuming I cannot get header names beforehand, I must ensure that each worker can read from the beginning of one csv file, otherwise we don't know the header names.
My plan is to use FileIO.readMatches to get ReadableFile as elements, and for each element, read the first line as header and combine header with each other line into json format. My questions are:
Is it safe to assume ReadableFile will always contain a whole file, not a partial file?
Will this approach require worker memory to be larger than file size?
Any other better approaches?
Yes, ReadableFile will always give you a whole file.
No. As you go through the file line-by-line, you first read one line to determine the columns, then you read each line to output the rows - this should work!
This seems like the right approach to me, unless you have few files that are very large (GBs, TBs). If you have at least a dozen or a few dozen files, you should be fine.
An extra tip - it may be convenient to insert an apply(Reshuffle.viaRandomKey()) in between your CSV parser and your next transform. This will allow you to shuffle the output of each file into multiple workers downstream - it will give you more parallelism downstream.
Good luck! Feel free to ask follow up questions in the comments.

How to parse a binary PDF stream of unknown length?

From the PDF docs: "The keyword stream that follows the stream dictionary shall be followed by an end-of-line marker consisting of either a CARRIAGE RETURN and a LINE FEED or just a LINE FEED, and not by a CARRIAGE RETURN alone. The sequence of bytes that make up a stream lie between the end-of-line marker following the stream keyword and the endstream keyword; the stream dictionary specifies the exact number of bytes."
As the contents may be binary, an occurrence of endstream does not necessarily indicate the end of the stream. Now when considering this stream:
5 0 obj
<</Length 6 0 R/Filter /FlateDecode>>
6 0 obj
The Length is an indirect object that follows the stream. Obviously that length can only be read after the stream has been parsed.
I think allowing Length to be an indirect object that can only be resolved after the stream is a design defect. While it may help PDF writers to output PDFs sequentially, it makes parsing for PDF readers quite difficult. Considering that a PDF file is read more frequently than being written, I don't understand this.
So how can such a stream be parsed correctly?
The Length is an indirect object that follows the stream. Obviously that length can only be read after the stream has been parsed.
This is an understandable conclusion if one assumes that the file is to be read sequentially beginning to end.
This assumption is incorrect, though, because parsing a PDF from the front and determining the PDF objects on the run is not the recommended way of parsing a PDF.
While ISO 32000-1 is a bit vague here and merely says
Conforming readers should read a PDF file from its end.
(ISO 32000-1, section 7.5.5 File Trailer)
ISO 32000-2 clearly specifies:
With the exception of linearized PDF files, all PDF files should be read using the trailer and cross-reference table as described in the following subclauses. Reading a non-linearized file in a serial manner is not reliable because of the way objects are to be processed after an incremental update. (See 6.3.2, "Conformance of PDF processors".)
(ISO 32000-2, section 7.5 File structure)
Thus, in case of your PDF excerpt, a PDF processor trying to read object 5 0
looks up object 5 0 in the cross references and gets its offset in the file,
goes to that offset and starts reading the object, first parsing the stream dictionary,
at the stream keyword recognizes that the object is a stream and retrieves its Length value which happens to be an indirect reference to 6 0,
looks up object 6 0 in the cross references and gets its offset in the file,
goes to that offset and reads the object, the number 30,
reads the stream content of the stream object 5 0 knowing its length is 30.
An approach as yours is explicitly considered "not reliable".
I think allowing Length to be an indirect object that can only be resolved after the stream is a design defect.
If there were no cross references, you'd be correct. That also is why the FDF format (which does not have mandatory cross references) specifies:
FDF is based on PDF; it uses the same syntax and has essentially the same file structure (7.5, "File structure"). However, it differs from PDF in the following ways:
The length of a stream shall not be specified by an indirect object.
(ISO 32000-2, section 12.7.8 Forms data format)
Concerning the comments:
So I'm correct that PDF cannot be parsed sequentially,
While the very original design of PDF probably was meant for sequential parsing, it has been further developed with only access via cross references in mind. PDF simply is not meant to be parsed sequentially anymore. And that was already the case when I started dealing with PDFs in the late 90s.
and the only reason is that the required length of binary streams may be defined after the stream.
That's by far not the only reason, there are more situations requiring a cross reference lookup to parse correctly.
As #mkl indicated, a parser has to read somewhere before the end of the PDF file to get startxref, hoping that it does not start parsing in the middle of a binary stream.
That's not correct. The PDF must end with "%%EOF" plus optionally an end-of-line. Before that there must be an end-of-line, before that a number, before that an end-of-line, before that startxref.
This is already expressed clearly in ISO 32000-1:
The last line of the file shall contain only the end-of-file marker, %%EOF. The two preceding lines shall contain, one per line and in order, the keyword startxref and the byte offset in the decoded stream from the beginning of the file to the beginning of the xref keyword in the last cross-reference section.
(ISO 32000-1, section 7.5.5 File Trailer)
Thus, no danger of being "in the middle of a binary stream" if the PDF is valid.
The other thing I dislike about the format of PDF is this: When developing a parser, you usually create test files with some elements you are working on. This approach seems to work with everything but streams. The absolute file positions of syntax elements and the requirement for multiple random accesses makes this task harder.
You seem to be subject to the misconception that the PDF format is a tagged text format like HTML. This is not the case. Even though numerous syntactical elements are defined using some ASCII keyword and there are "lines", PDF is a binary format, the cross reference tables are not a gimmick but the central access hub to the objects, and optimization for random access is done by design.

retrieve txt content of as many file types as possible

I maintain a client server DMS written in Delphi/Sql Server.
I would like to allow the users to search a string inside all the documents stored in the db. (files are stored as blob, they are stored as zipped files to save space).
My idea is to index them on "checkin", so as i store a nwe file I extract all the text information in it and put it in a new DB field. So somehow my files table will be:
ID_FILE integer
TEXT_CONTENT text field (nvarchar in sql server)
I would like to support "indexing" of at least most common text-like files, such as:pdf, txt, rtf, doc, docx,pdf, may be adding xls and xlsx, ppt, pptx.
For MS Office files I can use ActiveX since I alerady do it in my application, for txt files i can simply read the file, but for pdf and odt?
Could you suggest the best techinque or even a 3rd party component (not free too) that parses with "no fear" all file types?
searching documents this way would leed to a very slow and inconvenient to use, I'd advice you produce two additional tables instead of TEXT_CONTENT field.
When you parse the text, you should extract valuable words and try to standardise them so that you
- get rid of lower/upper case problems
- get rid of characters that might be used interchangeably.
i.e. in Turkish we have ç character that might be entered as c.
- get rid of verbs that are common in the language you are dealing with.
i.e. "Thing I am looking for", "Thing" "Looking" might be in your interest
- get rid of whatever problem use face.
Each word, that has already an entry in the table should re-use the ID already given in the string_search table.
the records may look like this.
zip_id number
zip_file blob
str_id number
standardized_word text (or any string type with an appropriate secondary index)
zip_id number
str_id number
I hope that I could give you the idea what I am thinking of.
Your major problem is zipping your files before putting them as a blob in your database which makes them unsearchable by the database itself. I would suggest the following.
Don't zip files you put in the database. Disk space is cheap.
You can write a query like this as long as you save the files in a text field.
Select * from MyFileTable Where MyFileData like '%Thing I am looking for%'
This is slow but it will work. This will work because the text in most of those file types is in plain text not binary (though some of the newer file types are now binary)
The other alternative is to use an indexing engine such as Apache Lucene or Apache Solr which will as you put it
parses with "no fear" all file types?

iOS: Read in XLS

I'm trying to figure out how to read in the contents of an XLS document and I'm able to get the bytes just fine, but I don't have any clue where to go from here. Trying [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:data.bytes length:data.length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] and [NSString stringWithUTF8String:data.bytes] both don't get me anywhere (null). What are you supposed to do to read in the contents of an XLS file?
Trying to combine two answer.
"There is no innate ability to read Excel data into a Foundation container, like an NSArray or NSDictionary. You could, however, convert the file (with Excel) to a comma-separated-value (CSV) file and then parse each line's cells on the iPhone using the NSString instance method -componentsSeparatedByString:."
"A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form. Plain text means that the file is a sequence of characters, with no data that has to be interpreted instead, as binary numbers. A CSV file consists of any number of records, separated by line breaks of some kind; each record consists of fields, separated by some other character or string, most commonly a literal TAB or comma. Usually, all records have an identical sequence of fields"
How to read cell data from an Excel document with objective-c
objective-c loading data from excel
Even though saving your Excel file to CSV is the easier answer, sometimes that's not really what you're looking for, so I created QZXLSReader. It's a drag-and-drop solution so it's a lot easier to use. I don't think it's as feature complete, but it worked for me.
It's basically a library that can open XLS files and parse them into Obj-C classes. Once you have the classes, it's very easy to send them to Core Data or a dictionary or what have you.
I hope it helps!

Fast Search to see if a String Exists in Large Files with Delphi

I have a FindFile routine in my program which will list files, but if the "Containing Text" field is filled in, then it should only list files containing that text.
If the "Containing Text" field is entered, then I search each file found for the text. My current method of doing that is:
FileContents: TStringlist;
if Pos(TextToFind, FileContents.Text) = 0 then
Found := false
Found := true;
The above code is simple, and it generally works okay. But it has two problems:
It fails for very large files (e.g. 300 MB)
I feel it could be faster. It isn't bad, but why wait 10 minutes searching through 1000 files, if there might be a simple way to speed it up a bit?
I need this to work for Delphi 2009 and to search text files that may or may not be Unicode. It only needs to work for text files.
So how can I speed this search up and also make it work for very large files?
Bonus: I would also want to allow an "ignore case" option. That's a tougher one to make efficient. Any ideas?
Well, mghie pointed out my earlier question How Can I Efficiently Read The First Few Lines of Many Files in Delphi, and as I answered, it was different and didn't provide the solution.
But he got me thinking that I had done this before and I had. I built a block reading routine for large files that breaks it into 32 MB blocks. I use that to read the input file of my program which can be huge. The routine works fine and fast. So step one is to do the same for these files I am looking through.
So now the question was how to efficiently search within those blocks. Well I did have a previous question on that topic: Is There An Efficient Whole Word Search Function in Delphi? and RRUZ pointed out the SearchBuf routine to me.
That solves the "bonus" as well, because SearchBuf has options which include Whole Word Search (the answer to that question) and MatchCase/noMatchCase (the answer to the bonus).
So I'm off and running. Thanks once again SO community.
The best approach here is probably to use memory mapped files.
First you need a file handle, use the CreateFile windows API function for that.
Then pass that to CreateFileMapping to get a file mapping handle. Finally use MapViewOfFile to map the file into memory.
To handle large files, MapViewOfFile is able to map only a certain range into memory, so you can e.g. map the first 32MB, then use UnmapViewOfFile to unmap it followed by a MapViewOfFile for the next 32MB and so on. (EDIT: as was pointed out below, make sure that the blocks you map this way overlap by a multiple of 4kb, and at least as much as the length of the text you are searching for, so that you are not overlooking any text which might be split at the block boundary)
To do the actual searching once the (part of) the file is mapped into memory, you can make a copy of the source for StrPosLen from SysUtils.pas (it's unfortunately defined in the implementation section only and not exposed in the interface). Leave one copy as is and make another copy, replacing Wide with Ansi every time. Also, if you want to be able to search in binary files which might contain embedded #0's, you can remove the (Str1[I] <> #0) and part.
Either find a way to identify if a file is ANSI or Unicode, or simply call both the Ansi and Unicode version on each mapped part of the file.
Once you are done with each file, make sure to call CloseHandle first on the file mapping handle and then on the file handling. (And don't forget to call UnmapViewOfFile first).
A big advantage of using memory mapped files instead of using e.g. a TFileStream to read the file into memory in blocks is that the bytes will only end up in memory once.
Normally, on file access, first Windows reads the bytes into the OS file cache. Then copies them from there into the application memory.
If you use memory mapped files, the OS can directly map the physical pages from the OS file cache into the address space of the application without making another copy (reducing the time needed for making the copy and halfing memory usage).
Bonus Answer: By calling StrLIComp instead of StrLComp you can do a case insensitive search.
If you are looking for text string searches, look for the Boyer-Moore search algorithm. It uses memory mapped files and a really fast search engine. The is some delphi units around that contain implementations of this algorithm.
To give you an idea of the speed - i currently search through 10-20MB files and it takes in the order of milliseconds.
Oh just read that it might be unicode - not sure if it supports that - but definately look down this path.
This is a problem connected with your previous question How Can I Efficiently Read The First Few Lines of Many Files in Delphi, and the same answers apply. If you don't read the files completely but in blocks then large files won't pose a problem. There's also a big speed-up to be had for files containing the text, in that you should cancel the search upon the first match. Currently you read the whole files even when the text to be found is in the first few lines.
May I suggest a component ? If yes I would recommend ATStreamSearch.
It handles ANSI and UNICODE (and even EBCDIC and Korean and more).
Or the class TUTBMSearch from the JclUnicode (Jedi-jcl). It was mainly written by Mike Lischke (VirtualTreeview). It uses a tuned Boyer-Moore algo that ensure speed. The bad point in your case, is that is fully works in unicode (widestrings) so the trans-typing from String to Widestring risk to be penalizing.
It depends on what kind of data yre you going to search with it, in order for you to achieve a real efficient results you will need to let your programm parse the interesting directories including all files in there, and keep the data in a database which you can access each time for a specific word in a specific list of files which can be generated up to the searching path. A Database statement can provide you results in milliseconds.
The Issue is that you will have to let it run and parse all files after the installation, which may take even more than 1 hour up to the amount of data you wish to parse.
This Database should be updated eachtime your programm starts, this can be done by comparing the MD5-Value of each file if it was changed, so you dont have to parse all your files each time.
If this way of working can be interesting if you have all your data in a constant place and you analyse data in the same files more than each time totally new files, some code analyser work like this and they are real efficient. So you invest some time on parsing and saving intresting data and you can jump to the exact place where a searching word appears and provide a list of all places it appears on in a very short time.
If the files are to be searched multiple times, it could be a good idea to use a word index.
This is called "Full Text Search".
It will be slower the first time (text must be parsed and indexes must be created), but any future search will be immediate: in short, it will use only the indexes, and not read all text again.
You have the exact parser you need in The Delphi Magazine Issue 78, February 2002:
"Algorithms Alfresco: Ask A Thousand Times
Julian Bucknall discusses word indexing and document searches: if you want to know how Google works its magic this is the page to turn to."
There are several FTS implementation for Delphi:
Google is your friend..
I'd like to add that most DB have an embedded FTS engine. SQLite3 even has a very small but efficient implementation, with page ranking and such.
We provide direct access from Delphi, with ORM classes, to this Full Text Search engine, named FTS3/FTS4.
