Curved UITableView/UIScrollView - uitableview

I am trying to build an app that gives users a scroll option on the side (a UITableView or a UIScrollView) that is curved/elliptic, but I don't really know where to start so I would appreciate some help.
The idea would be to have the scroll/table look like this:
C Rest of screen
I look forward to hearing some ideas.

I once did a nice looking scroll view where you could scroll through thumbnails horizontally. I created a "curved" effect by making the images towards the center larger, similar to cover flow. It is quite simple, just change the transform based on the position in viewDidScroll. I think that would perhaps be a similar effect to what you are looking for.


Scroll screen in IOS

I have been trying to find a way to use a background image so that it is larger than the device screen size, IE: the user can scroll from top to bottom and side to side to view the entire image.
This is something I'm looking at in gaming. I just haven't found any way to do this, I know its because I'm looking in the wrong place or asking the question in an incorrect manner, so any help would be appreciated.
For this problem you can use scrollView and insert in it a content view , and give it say 3 times widths/heights of screen , see demo here ScrollAnyway

How to do Scrolling Lyrics with animation?

In my app, I want to add scrolling lyrics, like UIPickerView rolling lyrics, according to the song. I tried Cloud Label In Code4App ( but I'm not understanding that code since I'm new to Obj-C!
Can anyone please help me or suggest tutorials?
I don't think you're going to be able to use a UIPickerView for what you're describing since I don't think there's any way to do a slow controlled scroll on a UIPickerView, especially while changing the text characteristics continuously.
I think you might be better off using a UITableView, animating the content offset to scroll, and using attributed text to change the highlights.
I don't know how to get that circular UIPickerView "look" you're trying to achieve though. That might be more complicated...
I agree with Lyndsey that a picker view is not the right tool for what you are trying to do.
If you are a beginner at Objective C this is probably over your head. Way, way over your head even.
You would need to use Core Animation on the layers of a set of text views, and rotate those views around the Y axis, with the center of rotation being behind the view. You'd need to manipulate the transformation matrixes that you apply to each layer to get a perspective effect (applying a value of around -1/500.0 to the m34 entry in the CATransform3D)
For now I would suggest giving up on 3D rolling perspective, and just using UIView animation (look at the method animateWithDuration:animations: and it's cousins. That's nice and easy to use.

Make UIScrollView scroll from scrolling inside OR outside of it

Say I have a UIScrollView that scrolls horizontally just fine. It's height is around 50px. After usability testing, a lot of people are trying to scroll the contents by panning outside of it. Here is the setup:
Where it says "Amount" is the scrollview
I am wondering if it is possible to attach a UIPanGestureRecognizer on the blurred background it sits on top of and have it scroll along with that as well. If this is possible, could someone give me a start on what that approach would possibly look like?
Nah, the simple solution is simply make the scroll view bigger .. it's just that simple.
Have it mostly transparent, with your content sitting where you want it.
What you describe in your question is a good idea but it's extremely! hard to really implement well, a total pain. You simply "make the scroll view bigger".
Nice looking app.
These may be relevant to you...
The UICollectionView "swipe-away" in iOS7 app manager?
Show/hide UIToolbar, "match finger movement", precisely as in for example iOS7 Safari

Creating uicollectionview layout 3x3 and horizontal paging

I have a UICollectionView and I want to make it to show at most 9 images on the screen at a time... 3x3 and I want to load 9 at a time by scrolling from the right to the left (and being able to see the ones already loaded, without reloading be scrolling from left to right).
I've been doing some research and I don't think I know how to even ask the correct question.
Does anyone have any idea where I can start to look?
I think this is a good place to start.

iOS (iPhone only): Horizontal page scroll, where the scrolling page doesn't take up the whole screen

I am trying to achieve horizontal page scrolling effect (partial view, not of the entire screen scrolling), like in the HGPageScrollView component.
I am a fairly novice iOS programmer, and I am having difficulty finding the parts of the code which provide just the horizontal scrolling with the swipe gesture. So I am looking for any help, either some sample code, or pointers to the code in the HGPageScrollView, which provide just the horizontal scrolling functionality (i.e. not even the UIPageControl dots at the bottom, just the vanilla scroll).
I am only looking for an implementation which works in iPhone landscape orientation, if that makes it any easier.
Why I am not using HGPageScrollView:
It is not ARC compliant.
It does way more than I need it to, I am just looking for the scrolling.
Consequently, it is proving quite difficult for me to find where to remove all the features I do not need, like clicking on page to change the scrolling mode to full screen (HGPageScrollViewModePage)
I would like to use this as an incentive to learn more about the components available in cocoa-touch, and roll my own implementation.
I think this question might be suggesting the solution, but I do not know how to implement it. I guess I don't fully understand it, as there aren't enough details for my novice skills to go on.
Use a UICollectionView and set the pagingEnabled property to YES.
If you want to do complex layouts of the items (like in your example above where items are split on both sides of the screen) you may want to provide your on UICollectionViewLayout:
