Connection in RabbitMQ server auto lost after 600s - timeout

I'm using rabbitMQ server with amq.
I am having a difficult problem. After leaving the server alone for about 10 min, the connection is lost.
What could be causing this?

If you look at the Erlang client documentation you will see a section titled Connecting To A Broker
This gives you a few different options that you can specify when setting up your connection to the RabbitMQ server, one of the options is the heartbeat, as you can see the default is 0 so no heartbeat is specified.
I don't know the exact Erlang notation, but you will need to do something like:
{ok, Connection} = amqp_connection:start(#amqp_params_network{heartbeat = 5})
The heartbeat timeout is specified in seconds. So this would cause your consumer to heartbeat back to the server every 5seconds.
Also take a look at this discussion:!topic/rabbitmq-discuss/u227xzvqOr8

The default connection timeout for the RabbitMQ connection factory is 600 seconds (at least in the Java client API), hence your 10 minutes. You can change this by specifying to the connection factory your timeout of choice.
It is good practice to ensure your connection is release and recreated after a specific amount of time, to prevent eventual leaks and excessive resournces. Your code should ensure that it seeks a valid connection that is not close to be timed-out, and re-establish a new connection on the ones that did time-out. Overall, adopt a connection-pooling approach.
- Java example:
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.setConnectionTimeout( YOUR-TIMEOUT-IN-SECONDS );
Connection = factory.newConnection();


Flickering HttpClient sometimes throwing IOException

I'm using under Java 19 (Temurin) and perform sendAsync(...) requests from different treads on the same instance. I assume this is ok, as the javadoc states:
Once built, an HttpClient is immutable...
However, some requests fail with: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes
The weird thing is, it depends on the speed of my requests:
Requests every 5 seconds: 30% failure
Requests every 3 seconds: 0% failure
I've written a test for it:
private final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
#ValueSource(ints = {3, 5})
void httpClientTest(int intervalSeconds) throws Exception {
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
httpClient.sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray()).get();
httpClient.sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray()).get();
httpClient.sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray()).get();
httpClient.sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray()).get();
httpClient.sendAsync(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray()).get();
I've already tried the following:
Doing the same with curl on the command line. No requests fail whatever interval I try. So it's probably not a problem with the server.
Running the tests multiple times in parallel. Still the 5-second-intervals fail (then multiple times in parallel). So it's probably not a problem with the server.
Creating an HttpClient.newHttpClient() for every request. No requests fail whatever interval. So it's probably not a problem with the server but with an internal state of the HttpClient (although it claims to be immutable?).
Do you have an idea what I could do, without needing to create a new HttpClient for every request?
Here is the answer for the record: the has a long default HTTP/1.1 keepAlive time, which is longer than what usual servers are configured with. This often results in the server closing idle HTTP/1.1 connections before the client does. If the server closes the connection at about the same time than the client tries to reuse it, some IOException might get raised.
If such exceptions are observed too frequently applications should consider adapting the default keepAlive time in the client to some value shorter than what the servers it connects to are using.
A default value for the HttpClient HTTP/1.1 keepAlive time can be specified on the command line with: -Djdk.httpclient.keepalive.timeout=duration-in-seconds
So for instance - if a server is configured with a keepAlive time of 5s, you could consider supplying -Djdk.httpclient.keepalive.timeout=3 or -Djdk.httpclient.keepalive.timeout=4 on the client's java command line.

How does the connection manager discard unconsumed connection?

I am trying to debug a connection leak issue in my app where the connection manager is using more connections than I would have wanted. One lead I have is the following:
According to Apache HttpClient quick start, if response content is not fully consumed for any reason, the pooling connection manager can not safely reuse the underlying connection and will discard it.
Can anyone point me to the code block that does the checking of unconsumed content in a connection and the discarding of the connection?
// Please note that if response content is not fully consumed the underlying
// connection cannot be safely re-used and will be shut down and discarded
// by the connection manager.
try (CloseableHttpResponse response1 = httpclient.execute(httpGet)) {
System.out.println(response1.getCode() + " " + response1.getReasonPhrase());
HttpEntity entity1 = response1.getEntity();
// do something useful with the response body
// and ensure it is fully consumed
HttpClient version 4.x and 5.x wrap HTTP response entity with a proxy that releases the underlying connection back to the pool upon reaching the end of the message stream. In all other cases HttpClient assumes the message has not been fully consumed and the underlying connection cannot be re-used.

NoHttpResponseException is a retriable exception?

We implemented connection pooling in our client code to invoke a server which closes(sends Connection:close in response headers) a connection after 2.5mins. Due to server behaviour we sometimes/intermittently get NoHttpResponseException. And this may occur at high TPS or at low TPS as well.
We are using apache http client version 4.5.11. And there is one validateAfterInactivity setting in PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager which is by-default set to 2000ms. But i think we may get same exception if we try to get the connection in 2000ms period.
We can choose to set aggressive value for validateAfterInactivity but i heard that it can degrade the performance by ~20 to 30ms for each request.
is retrying this exception a good solution ?
And also align to same context, can we retry in case of Connection reset ?
#ok2c any suggestion here ?
Thanks in advance.
NoHttpResponseException is considered safe to retry for idempotent methods.
In your particular case however I would consider limiting the TTL (total to live) of client connections to 2.5 minutes to match that of the server endpoints.

wso2 esb how to increase endpoint timeout

I have JMS queue message processor sequence where request is send to SOAP endpoint. However request to this endpoint can take a long time, up to 30 minutes or so. How can I can configure ESB to allow long timeout values ? Currently I'm getting following error after 60 seconds:
[2014-01-20 14:18:31,772] WARN - TargetHandler http-outgoing-4: Connection time out while in state: REQUEST_DONE
[2014-01-20 14:18:31,775] WARN - SynapseCallbackReceiver Synapse received a response for the request with message Id : urn:uuid:c6a023c2-7fb4-4321-b1c2-d78e9bb13add But a callback is not registered (anymore) to process this response
Thanks for any help
Edit: I added http.socket.timeout=1800000 -property in repository/conf/ which seems to solve the timeout issue.
Assuming this is a "Scheduled Message Forwarding Processor", to increase the send timeout up to 30 minutes :
In your endpoint, verify that "connection timeout" is "never
timeout" (edit the endpoint in the console and "Show Advanced
Edit repository/conf/ and modify
synapse.global_timeout_interval (in ms) : this is the maximum time a
callback instance will exist in wso2 to receive the response
copy the sample axis2 conf file
from samples/axis2Client/client_repo/conf/axis2.xml to, for example,
Edit this axis2_mp.xml config, find
transportSender name="http" and add a parameter "SO_TIMEOUT" (in ms) : <parameter name="SO_TIMEOUT" locked="false">108000000</parameter>
Edit your Message Processor and in Show Additional Parameters, specify the entry "Axis2 Configuration" to repository/conf/axis2/axis2_mp.xml
SO_TIMEOUT is the time to wait for the response.
You can specify CONNECTION_TIMEOUT for the max time to establish the connection.
Pay attention : all callbacks will persist up to 30 minutes in the ESB !

How to check server connection

i want to check my server connection to know if its available or not to inform the user..
so how to send a pkg or msg to the server (it's not SQL server; it's a server contains some serviecs) ...
thnx in adcvance ..
With all the possibilities for firewalls blocking ICMP packets or specific ports, the only way to guarantee that a service is running is to do something that uses that service.
For instance, if it were a JDBC server, you could execute a non-destructive SQL query, such as select * from sysibm.sysdummy1 for DB2. If it's a HTTP server, you could create a GET packet for index.htm.
If you actually have control over the service, it's a simple matter to create a special sub-service to handle these requests (such as you send through a CHECK packet and get back an OKAY response).
That way, you avoid all the possible firewall issues and the test is a true end-to-end one. PINGs and traceroutes will be able to tell if you can get to the machine (firewalls permitting) but they won't tell you if your service is functioning.
Take this from someone who's had to battle the network gods in a corporate environment where machines are locked up as tight as the proverbial fishes ...
If you can open a port but don't want to use ping (i dont know why but hey) you could use something like this:
import socket
host = ''
port = 55555
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((host, port))
while 1:
clientsock, clientaddr = s.accept()
which is nothing more then a simple python socket server listening on 55555 and returning alive
