Unknown reason to receive Memory Warning - ios

let me come to issue fast. There is no problem in my code so far. My only concern is Memory management. Let me make my app logic clear.
When App is launched globally NSmutableDictionary is declared and nearly 300 images are added to that Dictionary with various keys and images are added using pathForResource:ofType method.
After my rootViewController loaded my 35 custom UIViews are added to same global dictionary with another key.(this rootViewController will not be used often)
I have 4 ViewControllers where i am going to use this UIViews and images to all ViewControllers from the global dictionary.
I release the view and making it to nil when moving to another viewController.
My issue is when i move between ViewControllers fast ( 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 4 -->1 ). it gets crashed if I do like this for 4 - 6 times.
If I move slowly it gets crash after 10 - 15 times.
I Dont know the reason why it gets crashed even my Live bytes is max 5 MB. all i get from console and also from Device log is Received Memory warning. No leaks and No Dirty size or resident size while using Instruments.
While running in simulator i dont get this issue only on multiple devices i got this issue.
I have following doubts
Whether its good to add everything in global dictionary. My idea is to reduce the loading time for every ViewControllers
for reusing same images can we use pathForResource or image named method..
Thanks in advance ...

So your question:
Unknown reason to receive Memory Warning
First reason:
When App is launched globally NSmutableDictionary is declared and
nearly 300 images are added to that Dictionary with various keys and images are added using pathForResource:ofType method.
Second reason:
After my rootViewController loaded my 35 custom UIViews are added to
same global dictionary with another key.(this rootViewController
will not be used often)
Other questions:
Whether its good to add everything in global dictionary. My idea is to
reduce the loading time for every ViewControllers
No, it's not... Lazy Initialization?
for reusing same images can we use pathForResource or image named
You can use whatever you want, as long as you use it when you actually need it.


iOS Photo Gallery Memory Leak / Crash when using Push Segues

I've created a small photo gallery which is presenting a new view controller with a larger version of the photo and some additional text when it is clicked:
The problem is - after going through a handful of images - the application crashes due to overuse of memory. I attempted to resolve this by compressing the images in order to leave a smaller memory footprint, but the issue remains and I'm not sure what else I can do to resolve this issue.
Also - there is almost no code to doing this since I'm using storyboard's push segues as well as the built in navigation item to go back between viewControllers.
If you feel source code is necessary to provide insight in this instance - it can be found here:
To resolve this issue you have to use this trick; Put a "placeHolder" image in your cell's imageview in "StoryBoard". Don't load the images all at once in your "ViewController", load them one by one by running a loop or in your "cellForRowAtIndexPath()" method and add a delay in each iteration (Load first image then add a delay, load second image and add a delay, then for third one and so on up to the last image).
If you want to know how to add a delay then check this link:
NSTimer - how to delay in Swift
To resolve this issue I simply resized the images - I noticed I accidentally used a gigantic (6000 x 4000) image and even though I compressed the images iOS had to crunch pretty hard to resize them into the view... thereby causing the memory leak and subsequent crash.
Resizing them to 600x400 did the trick.

App crashes due to memory leak - Swift

I'm developing an iOS app that displays more than 1000 images -locally stored-, After using it for some time, app crashes due to memory leak.
I tried Profile tool, but couldn't figure out where the issue is, I'm displaying these images in both tableView and Icarousel. scrolling through app, memory increases but doesn't seem to be released.
Things I've already done:
Resizing Images(This just delayed the crash).
Clearing dictionaries and datasources- didn't make any difference-.
I tried Using "contentsOfFile" instead of "named" property when creating image- didn't make any difference also-.
Clearing the image in reusable func in the tableViewCell -nothing changed-.
I'm using AdMob, but even when I don't use it, memory still leaks.
As I understood you're storing your images in NSArray or something like that to represent them in table view.
Try to use NSCache to store your images in RAM. It will automatically clean used memory if it'll need.

iOS7 UIToolbar crash

I have an iPad app that has been running fine until iOS7. This issue seems to be only on ipad 2nd gen models and earlier when iOS7 is installed. Anyway, I've been tearing my hair out trying to figure out where this error is coming from, but have had no luck. The console in xcode (5) reports the following error after I perform a logged in segue:
2013-11-18 11:17:31.768 MyApp[400:60b] *** -[UIToolbar backdropView:willChangeToGraphicsQuality:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x18ec23e0
I can't lookup the address for more info (image lookup -a 0x18ec23e0) it just returns nothing.
In instruments running zombies, it reports that a message was sent to a UIToolbar like so:
When I inspect the instance, I get the following:
How do I debug this? I have no idea where this call is being made and it seems dependent upon a physical deivce (doesn't happen on the iPad mini or ipad 3/4)
I was struggling with a very similar error, also with a UIToolbar, that I couldn’t figure out until a couple hours ago. I also had to use and try to understand the zombies’ instrument but without any luck.
What I did was to pay a close attention to the call stack that was presented when the Exception Breakpoint was activated as described in the following tutorial:
Even though the call stack didn’t point me to the exact code line, I noticed that the app was trying to add a UIToolbar to a ViewController. Turns out that what I was doing was creating a local UIToolbar inside of a method and adding it to the presented UIView. After have modified this behavior, I stopped having the annoying sudden crash. It was difficult for me to find the issue because looking at the code of the ViewController that caused the crash, there was no code that created or used a UIToolbar; however this VC included a custom view that did exactly that, as I explained before.
Have said all of this I recommend you to closely inspect the VC that generates the crash. If you need to create a UIToolbar programmatically I recommend you to declare it as a strong property to maintain the memory reference as long as needed.
I hope this helps you.
I struggled with this for a while today. I had two storyboards, one for login/signup (set as the main storyboard for the project) and another with the rest of the application. The app delegate would detect if a user was logged in and instantiate the root view controller of the other storyboard. The root view controller of the login storyboard is a navigation controller and after after some investigation with instruments I realized there was a UIToolbar being instantiated from the nib. Opening up the storyboard file revealed an off-screen UIToolbar object in the root view controller. I deleted it and I'm not crashing any more.
I should also mention this crash was only occurring when I was using MKMapView.

ios puzzle app crashes after a few rounds

I have an iPhone app, that seems to have memory leaking problem. It's a puzzle game, after a few puzzles, the app crashes on devices.
I'm now trying to use xcode Instruments to detect what's going on. First time to use Instruments.
I noticed a leak bar in the "Leaks" plot, right the time when the view is loaded:
What are these memory leaking objects, detected by xCode Instruments?
. However these leaked objects are small, so I guess my app has other problems.
When my app continues to run, usually for 10+ rounds on an iPad 2, it then crashes. I don't much about Instruments yet, so I watch "All Heap Allocations". At the beginning of first round puzzle, the column "# Overall" is ~70k, it grows slowly between rounds of puzzles. When a new round puzzle comes in, it goes to ~90k, then round by round it reaches ~200k, then crashes.
Before crashes, in the log console I see memory warning and "CONNECTION INTERRUPTED".
I've followed a few things after searching memory leaking, such set NSArray/NSDictionary or mutable ones to nil, as much as possible (although not all of them, since some go between puzzles). I also changed UIImage imageNamed to [UIIMage alloc] initWithContentOfFile.
What else should I look/check to see what causes memory problem? TIA!
I wish I could post some codes that may be the suspect, but I really don't know what part to post. I should've check via Instruments in the course developing, so that I would know what caused the problem.
Regarding other view controllers. I do have others (menu, settings, app-store-rate, etc) and I generated all of them via code. My app doesn't have a storyboard or nib file. When I test crashes, I just click Next Puzzle button, so all other views will not show at all. So, before crash, the only view shown is the main view, with a few button, a few subviews, an animated pictures (but only the first puzzle as introduction). If it helps, here is my app:
If you trying to debug application with Instruments - enable zombie detection mode:
Xcode: Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme
Select Debug scheme
Select Arguments tab bar on the scheme description
In Environments variables add and check NSZombieEnabled variable
Then when you start application under Instruments control, you'll get name of the instance, when your application crashed.

Real memory usage - MPFlipTransition

I am creating an app with an UIViewController which displays other UIViewControllers with the MPFlipTransition inside it. It's like a little book on iPad.
The UIViewControllers inside are created each with xibs with 4-5 UIImageViews inside and some of those images are animated with CoreAnimations ([UIView animateWithDuration] blocks)
I remove all the animations in the viewDidDiseappear function with the QuartzCore function removeAllAnimation on each animated layer.
But when I'm testing the app on an iPad 3, it works properly, but on iPad 2 it crashes at about the 8th page change.
I've made a profiling with Instruments and found that the real memory usage was increasing everytime I turned the page (when the MPFlipTransition appears). But even if I remove from the superview the previous views, the real memory usage is not decreasing. I thinks that it created the crash on the iPad 2 because the crash come when the real memory usage is passing the 400 Mbytes value (and the iPad 2 has only 512MB...).
What do you think about this problem ? Any help ? I'm using ARC for memory management...
Thanks for you help ! Feel free to ask if any need of precisions...
