How to register rb as a template handler in rails - ruby-on-rails

Well since I am using a lot of helper methods in my view files and I avoid using html in most of my view files.
<%=myhelper #myobject%>
so I end up using,the erb processing tags each time for each file.
I want to register .rb as a template handler or any other extention for that matter.
So my templates look like
myhelper #myobject
I am clueless on how to go ahead.

I found it,it seems railscasts already covered that part.
Its show notes,worth checking out.
Things without ruby are easy to read and render without those erb tags.


html.haml to html.erb converter for Rails

I inherited a bunch of html.haml views in Rails project and want them to be html.erb.
Could you suggest some automatic Rails-aware converter?
Everything I've found is a set of HTML to HAML converters that additionally do not understand Rails.
You can use this converter to convert manually, link below
I don't think any automatic html to erb converter is available as of now!

Why isn't this method getting called from my Rails unobtrusive js template

I recently started using CoffeeScript in my Rails 3.2.14 app. Currently all of our javascript code is jumbled into application.js, which also acts as our manifest file. Our plan was to extract out the stuff into controller specific code so it is easier to maintain in the future. In our application_helper.rb file, we have this helper
def css_tag_id
We use this for page specific CSS and JavaScript. So my first step was taking code related to our PostsController and putting it in a new file I wrap all the code in with a check using the id on the body to ensure the code only runs on views rendered by the PostsController. This all gets compiled into one big application.js file and this is fine with me. This all works perfectly.
However, an AJAX submitted form on one of the pages hits an action in the PostsController which renders select_customer.js.erb. In this template, it calls a method that is now defined in, and for some reason no longer works.
Here is a small example of all the files involved:
jQuery ->
if $('#posts-new').length > 0
keywordsAccordion = ->
'active': 0,
'collapsible': true
Is CoffeeScript compiling so that it is all namespaced or something? And I need to call methods defined in it differently now from other js templates?
I realize this may be terribly confusing, but will be so grateful is someone can help me out.
Each coffeescript file is namespaced so that its functions are only available within the same file. So keywordsAccordion() is only accessible within the file.
You can attach these functions to the window object instead, making them available anywhere:
window.keywordsAccordion = ->
I believe you can also use #keywordsAccordion = ->, which is shorthand for this.keywordsAccordion = -> (with this referring to the global scope)

how to share code between Unobtrusive JavaScript in rails

As the title, I want to abstract some function and share them between different unobtrusive javascript files. How can I do?
To be more specific, for example, I have two files: show.js.erb, create.js.erb in views/object/
When I response to ajax request, I will render them.
Now this two files share some same code, so I want to abstract them and put it to a new file.
How can I achieve this?
Like with html.erb files you can also have partial for js.erb files.
Just extract the common code into a partial (starting with a _, so e.g _common_code.js.erb in views/object/).
Then you can just use the render function in the show.js.erb or create.js.erb files like this to include your common code.
render "common_code"
try extract common logic to separate file, include it to layout and use common functions from *.js.erb files.

Where in the Rails framework should I place my Backbone templates?

I'm a rails developer trying to learn Backbone and then I ran into this problem: since Underscore templates include symbols like <%=%>, I guess templates can't be included into erb files, so is it okay to have a rails partial for every single template? And what extension should it be?
You can escape the erb symbols by using two % in the opening tag, and put your backbone templates in the rails views:
<script type='text/template' id="my-template'>
<%%= name %>
will output the following in your page:
<script type='text/template' id="my-template'>
<%= name %>
Putting your Backbone templates directly in your rails views is IMHO the best option when you're trying to learn. You're already wrestling with the new concepts, no need to add another hurdle.
Starting with Rails 3.1, it provides two things that make working with Backbone templates a little easier: the asset pipeline, and automatic JST (JavaScript Template) compilation.
Create a directory in your app/assets folder called templates. This directory will automatically be picked up by the asset pipeline.
Next, name the files in that directory with an extension of jst and the type of template you are creating ejs (embedded javascript). You can even nest them in directories. For example:
The asset pipeline also allows you to use other templating languages like embedded coffeescript, mustache, handlebars, etc. by simply changing the file extension (and including any necessary gems).
Now to reference your JST templates in your Backbone views, simply use the path to the filename:
var Bookmark = Backbone.View.extend({
template: JST['bookmarks/show'],
render: function() {
return this;
You may need to add this line to your application.js:
// require_tree ../templates
Here's a nice article which explains all of this in a little more detail:
Where should you put your Backbone templates? I'd say nowhere. I believe that in most Rails applications, the server should be responsible for all rendering of HTML, while the client-side JavaScript should just be responsible for inserting that rendered HTML into the DOM. Among other things, this makes I18n easier.
The exception would be if Rails is simply being used as a lightweight backend for an application that runs mostly on the client side (though in that case, you might want to use Sinatra or something instead). In this case, Rails should probably render nothing, and have the JS do all the rendering.
Notice the underlying principle here. Either the server should be responsible for all rendering, or the client should. Splitting it will make life harder.

Rails Routing INSIDE CSS

Is there any way I can route assets inside of my css to where the rest of the views are pulling them? I mean, inside the CSS can I call url_for or css_for or something like that in order to have the images go through the assets router?
Thank you in advance!
You can use a controller action to render your CSS (with an erb template) and set the content type to text/css.
Take a look at this blog post from Josh Susser on dynamically generated stylesheets. It is from 2006 but the technique described is still applicable.
