Failing first name and last name regex test - ruby-on-rails

I am having quite a weird error in my rails' unit test.
I have the following test which fails for some reason:
should_not allow_value('#!>::<>').for(:first_name)
and the following validation in my model:
validates_format_of :first_name, :last_name, with: (/[\w]*/), allow_blank: true
Any ideas as to why the test fails?
PS: Error seems to go away when I change the * to a + in the regex...But why!

The regex /[\w]*/ matches zero or more word characters in the input. Since there are no word characters in your test string, it happily validates it. /[\w]+/ needs at least one word character to have a match, and that's why it works with your test string.
I think you should use /^[\w]*$/ to specify that from the start of your string to the end, you only want word characters (special characters ^ and $ match the start and the end of input, respectively, in a regex). Note that this allows a blank input.


rails validation with regex

I'm reading agile web development with rails 6.
In chapter 7, Task B: validation and unite testing
class Product < ApplicationRecord
validates :image_url, allow_blank: true, format: {
with: %r{\.(gif|jpg|png)\z}i,
what does the i mean in the end here?
It should mean that it's ending with .git or .jpg or .png
The i in your query tells the regex to match using a case insensitive match. There is nothing really unique to rails here so you may want to look into regexes in general to learn all the different terms you can use to modify your expression.
The expression %r{\.(gif|jpg|png)\z}i is equivalent to /\.(gif|jpg|png)\z/i
the \. means the period character
the | is an or as you stated
the \z is end of string with some caveats that you can read more about here:
and the i is incentive case matching
This means you would match 'test.jpg', 'test.JPg', 'test.JPG' or any permutation of those three characters in any case preceded by a period that occurs at the end of the string.
Here are the docs for regex formats in ruby specific:
And here is something where you can play with and learn regexes in general and try some expressions yourself:
short explain:
The "i" at the end of the regular expression is a modifier that makes the expression case-insensitive. This means that it will match both upper and lowercase letters in the image URL.

RegEx contain a combination of letters, numbers, and a special character

I'm finding a regular expression which adheres below rules.
Acceptance criteria: Password must contain a combination of letters, numbers, and at least a special character.`
Here is my Regex:
validates :password, presence: true,
format: { with: ^(?=[a-zA-Z0-9]*$)([^A-Za-z0-9])}
I am not all that great at regex, so any and all help is greatly appreciated!
You can use the following RegEx pattern
Let's look at what it is doing:
(?=.*\d) shows that the string should contain atleast one integer.
(?=.*([a-z]|[A-Z])) shows that the string should contain atleast one alphabet either from downcase or upcase.
([\x20-\x7E]) shows that string can have special characters of ascii values 20 to 7E.
{8,} shows that string should be minimum of 8 characters long. While you have not mentioned it should be at least 8 characters long but it is good to have.
If you're unsure about the ASCII values, you can google it or you could use the following instead:
As suggested in the comments, a better way can be:
\A represents beginning of string.
\z represents end of string.
/i represents case in-sensitive mode.
P.S: I have not tested it yet. May be I'll test and update later if required.

Regular Expression for excluding numbers or special characters

I'm setting up a user form in Rails that requires a first name and last name. I decided to use the 3rd to last regular expression from the this Ruby doc to ensure that they don't enter any numbers or special characters. Unfortunately when I return to the form I get this error:
The provided regular expression is using multiline anchors (^ or $),
which may present a security risk. Did you mean to use \A and \z, or
forgot to add the :multiline => true option?.
I'm just beginning to learn RegEx so if there's a better way to write this validation I'm all ears.
validates :first_name, :last_name, length: {minimum: 2}, format: {with: /^([^\d\W]|[-])*$/, message: 'First Name/Last Name cannot have any numbers or special characters'}
The documentation you linked to states:
Note: use \A and \Z to match the start and end of the string, ^ and $ match the start/end of a line.
Since you don't need multiline support for names (i.e. newlines in the name should be regarded invalid), you can safely change this to:
See also this answer which explains the security risk a bit more.
You will need to use \A for start of line and \z for end of line instead of ^ and $ due to security reasons. So your regexp should be

Validate some text in a ruby on rails model

I want to validate a text string to make sure it is safe. I do not want to escape it, as I want to display it.
I have tried
validates :description, :format => { :with => /^[\-$ ?!."'\/,a-z0-9]+$/i
and it works in that it passes text with characters that are allowed and fails when characters not listed above are include.
But Brakeman issues a message that advocates replacing the ^ with \A and the $ with /z. However if I do this, the validator fails all tests.
It is not working cause you are using forward slash/ instead of back slash \. The /z means matching the characters / and z literally. It is \z or \Z And they mean as follows:
\z means the end of the string. Whereas
\Z means before an optional \n, and the end of the string.
So use the one which fits best with you!

Parentheses messing up validation in rails

I have the following validation:
validates_format_of :title,
:with => /^[A-Z0-9 áàâäãçéèêëíìîïñóòôøöõúùûüý'-.]*$/i,
:message => "must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, periods, and single quotes"
This works most of the time, but when a title contains an open and closed parentheses, it passes. Anyone know how to get around this or maybe there is something wrong with my validation regex?
At the end of your regular expression you have '-.
This means that you want to allow all characters between (and including) the apostrophe and the period just like you did at the beginning of the regular expression with A-Z and 0-9.
The expression /['-.]/ allows all these characters: '()*+,-.
Inside the [], you need to escape the - character. I think that this will work the way you are hoping:
/^[A-Z0-9 áàâäãçéèêëíìîïñóòôøöõúùûüý'\-.]*$/i
PS. You don't have to escape the . inside the square brackets []
