session management in rails without User model - ruby-on-rails

I have an rails app which relies on authenticating username/password entered to an external webservice. Rails app will not have a user model. When a user enters login/password and it makes a post request to check that login/password. External application will return back a cookie or token which can be used for subsequent requests made from rails app.
There is no User model in the rails app since all the users are stored in an external application.
Is there a gem which let me strictly do session management? I'm planning on storing that token in a session.

why not just create a sessions controller that saves the token into a session? I don't see a need for a gem.
something like
sessions[:token] = token
If you are dealing with a tokens that expire like facebook you can take a look at this
hope it helps

I might look at the way Michael Hartl does user sessions in his Rails tutorial. What you want is something slightly different, but you might be able to reuse some of what he did there.
(It's also just a good tutorial to go through, regardless of your level of Rails experience.)


How to track a user's session without requiring them to login with ruby on rails

I have an application that has an actual map of objects that any visitor can view as long as they have the correct access code. I don't require the user to login because I don't want to make them create an account as it is unnecessary. I want to allow the users to mark the objects on the map with a check and save the edits within the session. So if the user refreshed the page or they close the application and reopen it an hour or so later, I would like to save their marks based off their session id. But I am confused on how to set this up without requiring them to login because I am unsure how the sessions would work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sessions in Rails work the exact same way regardless if you have a proper authentication system or not.
When a first time visitor visits your application the sessions middleware creates a session identifier. This is a cryptographic hash that is kept by the server and also passed to the user in a cookie.
This lets you identify users across requests.
This session identifier is also linked to a session storage. By default this is ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore which lets you store session data in a encrypted cookie held by the client. This is where you would normally store a user id. Since its a cookie the amount of storage space is very limited. If you want to store more data in the session you can use a different store such as Memcached, Redis or ActiveRecord.
But what you may want to consider is creating (guest) user records implicitly without the normal sign up procedure. I would just use Warden and have a bare bones user model and a cron tab that cleans out unneeded data periodically.
This gives you a database oriented application model where you can use associations and build it like a standard rails application instead of the untestable mess that results when someone goes bonkers with sessions.
I would implement Cookies (with their permission of course). You can store basic data in it, or even create a sort of ID for them so when they return you can restore their settings

Rails Devise multiple concurrent sessions

I am developing a web application using rails and devise for the authentication. There are two types of users, one who are able to have multiple concurrent sessions (super) and the others who can only have a simultaneous session (normal). In order to implement this behaviour, I have added a new field on the User model to store the authentication_token (generated in the SessionsController#create). Also, I added a new filter to the ApplicationController which check if the stored token in the session is equal to the saved on the User model when it is a normal user. When it is not the same authentication token, we logout the normal user.
Now I am developing a new ionic mobile application which needs to login to the same rails application. However, in this case all user types can have multiple concurrent sessions. In order to do this, we would like to continue using devise (although we have also considered to use doorkeeper with password flow).
I am not sure about the best approach to get this. The main problem is to detect if we are accesing the API with the rails or ionic application. One approach is to add a parameter but I don't like to use a parameter in all requests. Another approach it is to use browser gem, but we can access the web from a browser in the mobile.
When we uses the rails application, we can use the same behaviour described above. Otherwise, I think it is not necessary to do anything because devise permits concurrent sessions by default.
Another posibility it is to use a new model to store the authentication token and its type (rails or ionic). If we are using the rails application, then we query the rails authentication token and override it (or create if it does not exist). On the opposite, we add the new authentication_token as a new instance related with the user model. With this behaviour we can manually control the expiration of the tokens and store more information (IP, browser...).
I am not sure about the best approach to achieve this behaviour. Thanks in advance.

Ejabberd and Ruby on Rails application

I have a Rails application with devise-like authentication and a lot of parts that depend on it. Now I want to add a chat between users using ejabberd (xmpp). I was searching through net and found that it's quite possible, but I can't understand how to make authorization in ejabberd server. For example user logins in a Rails app through login page with one credentials how to implement ejabberd loggining in this action? It will not be good to write like "please, put your user pw and ejabbered pw". Other way is to monkey-patch users registration, so ejabbered will use the same pw as user in the database and I will make authorization in one action, but will it be good? And how long user will be online in this way? Maybe I misunderstood something?
I've used rails extauth script like this and ruby_bosh gem for my application.
So now ejabberd is using my app to authenticate users. At login (for example) user's jid and password is using by ruby_bosh to make session and get jid, rid and sid saving them to session to use them later in a strophejs.

Rails 3: Infinity sessions lifetime

Now my rails session ends when i close browser. Its' not than i want. I need to create applciations where sessions never ends.
How can i do it?
Make a cookie that will login your user every time (s)he visits your site. If that's what you really want.
Know that when your user closes the browser, the session will not "really" end. Since HTTP is stateless, your server will not know when the browser is closed. Hence, this will not end the session.
So, if you want the session to never end, do as what I said in the first paragraph. But think about the consequences when your users are at a public terminal, like an airport. If somebody logs in your site and closes the browser, and somebody else visits your very site, this person will have previous persons' credentials. Do you really want that?
In Rails, there are many gems to handle this. It sounds like you need to read up on sessions first. This is not a Rails-specific or Rails-innovated concept. Basically, you need to create users with passwords that you store in a database in an encrypted manner. As #darioo said, you don't want every user to have the same session, do you?
Once you've read up on the philosophy (google it for a few minutes), then you should look at the following gems:
Warden (used by devise, et. al.):
You can then add devise to your Gemfile and progress from there.

Implementing a simple sign up/log in system in Rails using cookies

I'm fairly new to Rails and I'm trying to implement a really basic user authentication system. My main problem right now is that I do not have a clue what's a good design for this.
What I have now
My Rails app is not a website; it's a webservice that communicates with an iPhone app. All communication is in JSON.
When a user signs up, the app sends a POST request to /users.json with name and password as JSON in the HTTP body. Rails then saves the user id in a cookie:
cookies.signed[:user_id] =
When a user logs out, the app sends a POST request to /logout.json. Rails gets the user id from the cookie, updates the database and deletes the cookie.
Later, when the user wants to log in again, the app sends a POST request to /login.json with name and password as JSON in the HTTP body. Rails sets the cookie again.
My question(s)
Is this design RESTful? Because login and logout aren't resources.
Is it secure to use cookies like this? I'm planning to use SSL.
Is there a better way to do this?
Tt's a very basic approach
A more RESTful way:
Create a controller called sessions with a create and destroy action. Throw the login/logout out of your head and start thinking in sessions. A login is just a username/password combination. When you login you create/start a session, when you log out you destroy the session. The login is not affected.
Instead of using cookies.signed[:user_id] you should use session[:user_id]
SSL is a big plus, because the password can't be sniffed through the network.
And there are lots of out-of-the-box authentication systems.
My favourite is Devise:
there is a nice screencast ryan bates did on authentication from scratch
No, for the reason you stated.
No, you need to pass a second parameter to encrypt the user's id.
Well, you could use a gem, there's a few about.
If you do want to code it yourself, then I'd recommend looking at a tutorial. The one at is pretty good.
The basic idea is to create a user model with an encrypted password, which uses a salt formed from the current time and password. You then create a sessions controller and make it RESTful, but using cookies instead of another resource. Make sure to encrypt the cookie with the salt as well:
cookies.permanent.signed[:remember_token] = [, user.salt]
