how to understand "what keyword had been searched to find a specific page of my website"? [closed] - search-engine

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wanna know what keyword was type in search engin textbox that leads the user to my website ...
it is pretty easy for google ... because it hold the search parameter in it's querystring and after redireting change it to destination ... (if u right clik on one of the items in google search list and 'Copy link address' you can see that keywords are in 'q' parameter).
but for other search engins like,, (and the rest of sites mentioned in this link ) the querystring don't contain the keywords and it directly refer to a site. How can I find the user keywrod in all search engins?

Have a Look on this (free to sign up)
i assumes you want an API right ?
Google Analytics provides APIs to collect, configure, and report on user-interactions
The Clicky Analytics API can also help you
they provide you the right way to what else you want

Sign up for google analytics!! Very easy to install and use.


Does your app contain, display, or access third-party content? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So as I'm submitting my iOS application a new question pops up from Apple that I've never seen before.
Does your app contain, display, or access third-party content?
Yes it does, it contains random images of players from Google such as this:
I'm also HTML parsing matches from FoxSports as shown here:
However if I tick Yes, it asks me another question:
Do you have all necessary rights to that content or are you otherwise
permitted to use it under the laws of each App Store territory in
which your app is available (for example, fair use)?
Do I have those rights?
If I use this Google Image search and tick "Labeled for reuse" could I use the image and just give credit to the link ?
Did the copyright owners of those images give you permission to use the images? If so, you have the rights. If not, you probably don't.
Contact an intellectual property lawyer if in doubt.

Photo source by... Tumblr? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How do the app Cal loads images from Tumblr?
I've seen that if you click on this photo source (it's a link), you go to something like this.
From what I understand, they are fetching all images from this user's posts. They seem to just reblog other posts they found with images.
Is it even legal?
How are they doing such thing?
They are probably using the Tumblr API
They also provide an Objective-C SDK ready for you to use in your projects here.
Regarding their policy, check this.
When you upload your creations to Tumblr, you grant us a license to
make that content available in the ways you'd expect from using our
services (for example, via your blog, RSS, the Tumblr Dashboard,
etc.). We never want to do anything with your content that surprises

Answering questions in surveymonkey with URL variables [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to assume with SurveyMonkey you can prepopulate answers in the survey via URL variables. For example, if I am sending out an email to my customers and one of the data points I want to have associated with my survey is email address.
Instead of the customer having to enter their email address I should be able to populate it for them.
IE would fill in the Email fields with
Is this possible? If not is there a reason? Does someone know of a survey platform that does allow this?
You can provide a custom variable with the survey by using the 'c' parameter, e.g.:
This custom id is then stored on the respondent's details. You can put any text you like in there, including an email address.
However AFAIK you can't store other variables this way - just the custom variable.

Choosing keywords for a search engine [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Given the fact that a search engine deals with a broad range of topics, to promote a new search engine with google adwords, how do you choose keywords?
Having some Search Exclusive Keywords is a good idea.
Suppose the search engine is "Findforme". A website like this can have the keywords Find, Findforme and so on. Also, having some keywords like "Search Faster" or "Find Faster" should be able to help. Now almost all the time, a user will not look for another search engine in google as they are already satisfied with what google is providing them. Having various popular Search Term Queries (STQ's) as keywords in advertising for their search Engine may help in the ad popping up, although it may not have relevance to the user and the advertiser will end up paying a large cpc.
I searched some of the above listed keywords on google and these were the following results.
Search Faster:
Hpoe this helps :)

Google showing website inner search engine results, how does it work? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Sometimes when I search in Google, appears a website and just below... several links from that website. Sometimes also (I don't know if it's related) I click on a result and the website shows me the page with the search terms highlighted.
How does that work? I mean, which technology or standard do I have to implement in my website in order to archieve those effects?
Do you mean sitelinks?
Google's systems analyse the link structure of your site to find shortcuts that will save users time and allow them to quickly find the information they're looking for.
They only show sitelinks for results when they think they'll be useful to the user.
You can read more here
To answer your question, all you can do is make sure you have a well formed site with clear navigation which your users can use and find useful. If your site popular then Google will do the rest.
Google shows highlighted search terms on its cached pages
When you're viewing a cached result the page is stored on Google's servers - so they can modify as they wish (highlighting search terms).
If you're viewing them on actual websites this is due to either:
Google wrapper around the page (such as mobile viewing)
Google toolbar (or similar)
