Automate kendoUI upload control using codedUI test framework - upload

When using codedUI as automation test framework to testapplication I am facing an issue with KendiUI upload control.
Issue: I record and playback the event of uploading a file from the UI developed using KendoUI upload control, but the automation framework doesn't show the progressbar indicating file uploaded, it shows the progressing icon for ever.
How do I get resolve of this
However it works fine when I manually try to upload the file, within secs its shows the progress bar and check mark appears indicating file has been uploaded.

I experienced same issue but with help of Microsoft CodedUI support I was able to resolve this issue.
In the test method where you are trying to perform some functions like file upload etc using ajax related controls disable the WebWaitForReadyLevel. Please paste the below line of code in start of your test method
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebWaitForReadyLevel"] = "3";
which will actually disable it.
This disabling is at testmethod level so if you don't want to disable don't write any such code because by default WebWaitForReadyLevel is enabled.
Hope this helps.


Umbraco - editing preview window sidebar options

I have a project which is using Umbraco v7.7.9 installed with nuget.
I was wondering if it is possible to change the buttons displayed in the sidebar section when a user selects to preview a content node. Particularly I want to remove the option that allows the user to close the preview.
The reason I want to hide this option is because some of the content the backoffice users will be previewing will not actually be published yet so clicking the close preview button causes an error.
I first asked this question on the Umbraco forums but haven't received a response yet, here is the link to the question:
Thank you in advance.
Currently no - it would not be possible without doing hacks in the Core that would be overwritten when you upgrade your site (unless you manually merge your changes in when updating).
If you however don't mind doing that - the file used for the preview function is /umbraco/preview/index.html. You should look for the element with an exitPreview() click handler attached to it.
In later versions (7.10+) this modification will have to be done in /umbraco/Views/Preview/Index.cshtml instead, as these static files will be changed to MVC actions.

How do I modify recorded ranorex scripts using c#

I am a newbie to Ranorex. I have a couple of recorded ranorex scripts. I want to modify them using C#. In Ranorex studio, when I click on View Code from a recorded script, it says that I cannot modify the C# code that is displayed there. I searched online about how to do this but haven't found an answer. I would appreciate if anyone can help. I am using Ranorex Studio v7.0.1 on a Windows Server 2012 R2.
Alternatively, if I can only create the code using C# and use it with Ranorex, I am fine with that approach as well, although it might take some more time.
To convert a recorded part to user code that can be edited:
Right click on the action in the rxrec file
Select "Convert to user code"
What this will do is create a user code element for which the code can be edited.
To create a user code action yourself:
Click "Add new action" in the rxrec file
Click on "User code"
Double click the created action and you will be directed to the code editor
More info here:
When i worked with ranorex - user code actions were the way i did my automation logic. Never used recordings.
I also suggest you learn more about the Ranorex Repository as you will need the knowledge for it to successfully develop user code actions and automation logic. Info here:
Later on you can start using code modules. But until you have better knowledge of Ranorex and automation principles i suggest you do it through the recording modules as you have a lot of reference and helping methods/actions there.
Another point to remember is you can always add an action and check the code to see how it works and try to implement it yourself throught the user code actions.

kendoui file upload - unable to run parallel ajax request

I am developing dropbox similar application where user can upload single or multiple files via kendo ui file upload control in ASP.NET MVC.
Issue i am getting is during file upload ..say (2MB file) all other ajax requests are shown in pending state, and once the upload is complete...all the pending requests are executed sequenctially..
Please help me resolving this issue. Unable to find any help on Google.
Do you run your case in production or you are in debugging mode? If in development mode(debugging) try to use release (production) mode and see if there is any change.

MergExtDropBox Livecode Can't find handler

Trying to use MergExtDropBox for the first time in Livecode for iOS. I've copied the external into the Copy Files pane but I'm getting a "Can't Find Handler" error when I try to run mergDropboxSetup.
It's most likely that there's some issue with the way you have added the external to your app. Take a look at this video where I explain how to do that
Based on the comments I'm not sure this is the most likely issue. I'm wondering if you are executing the command on desktop instead of iOS? If that's the problem then you will need to wrap your code in something like this:
if the platform is "iPhone" then
mergDropboxSetup ...
end if

JQuery Mobile. Was working, but now has a bug

I have an app that uses The script has worked every time, but now when I try it there is a 1 in 3 chance that I will get this error:
$.mobile.pageContainer is undefined
[Break On This Error] $.mobile.pageContainer.addClass(className);
I have added the origional version and tried again, but I still get the error (line 2425)
Is there any JQuery Mobile version I get that will be error free? Again this error is in the mobile file, and not my code (
Edit I get the same issue when I use the min version as well
"1 in 3 chance" to me sounds like you have a race condition based on the download times of your scripts. You may want to look at firing custom events when everything is downloaded and ready to go instead of having a downloaded script immediately executing.
Again this error is in the mobile file, and not my code
The error is being reported in the JQuery mobile code, but it could be caused by an error in your script. Try creating a simple test script that uses JQuery mobile to see if you still get the error.
Make sure you still link to the correct JQuery.js file and that's still up.
It's always best to download a working JQuery script and host it on your own server though. So no changes will ever be made to it.
As for your question if there are other JQuery Mobile versions, I'm sure there are.. But that's what Google will help you with.
