SharpDX, can't find a function - sharpdx

I am trying to use the CreateRenderTargetView function since I am transcribing C++ DirectX over to C#. I am using D3D11. It there a substitution for CreateRenderTargetView that I could use?

The general philosophy of SharpDX is to move all xxx.CreateYYY(...) to the constructor of new YYY(xxx, ...), so CreateRenderTargetView is in "new RenderTargetView"


How to define a ref struct in F# in .NET Standard 2.0?

When F# 4.5 was announced, it was stated that:
The F# feature set is comprised of
The ability to produce IsByRefLike structs (examples of such structs: Span<'T>and ReadOnlySpan<'T>).
How to "produce" these types? I tried the [<IsByRefLike>] attribute but is was not found in .NET Standard 2.0.
The attribute is found in System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[<Struct; IsByRefLike>]
type Apa =
{ A: Span<int>
B: int }
Phillip Carter talks about this in What's new in F# 4.5 (about 21 min. in).
It is available for .NET Core and .NET Framework, but not .NET Standard 2.0.
Starting with .NET SDK 6.0.200 (available in Visual Studio 2022 17.1), the F# compiler recognizes user-defined IsByRefLikeAttributes. The following code will transparently enable defining ref structs on .NET Standard 2.0 as well as later frameworks:
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System
[<Sealed; AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Struct)>]
type IsByrefLikeAttribute() = inherit Attribute()
namespace MyLibrary
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
type MyRefStruct(span: Span<int>) = struct end
Technically, this is not an answer.
First, according to the specs, IsByRefLike is for the compiler, not for the developers to use:
Second, when we do want something from a compiler, then it is crucial that we do understand what we want from it. So a correct question could be: I need ABC because I need to do XYZ, where ABC would be something related to IsByRefLike and then XYZ would be something based on IsByRefLike. The question does not explain why IsByRefLike is needed.
I think that a minimalist approach should be always weighted in when considering which language features to use / not to use: do we really need some particular language feature to accomplish what we need? F# Option.bind comes to mind: if the function is a one-liner then Option.bind is great. However, if there is some tree of how to parse the result, then it might be better to do that explicitly without using Option.bind.
So the questions are:
Do you really need IsByRefLike?
If you think that you do, could you, please, post an example of where you actually do need it.

Writing CLS compliant code in F#

I am very new to F# and I started to write my functional wrapper on top of OpenGL. I also intend to use it to write a graphics engine which should have interop with all .Net languages.
But it is hard to find information about which code constructs in F# are not CLS compliant.
For example I already know of a few that are not CLS compliant:
static type constrains
tupleless functions
probably 'T list and Seq
maybe even union types
How do I know what features of F# are not CLS compliant?
Use the CLSCompliant attribute. It will guarantee that your code is CLS-Compliant at compile time.
Like this:
module myProject.AssemblyInfo
open System
[<assembly: CLSCompliant(true)>]
Source: Mike-Ward.Net: Learning F#–Assembly Level Attributes
For a more complete discussion of the CLSCompliant attribute, see C# Corner: Making Your Code CLS Compliant

Porting API function to Lua

Can someone give me any suggestions as to how to use this function from Lua:
I'm just a bit confused as to how to call the function as in is it from a dll or do I need to make a dll or is this a Luacom type of scenario.
Lua cannot go out into random DLLs and start calling random C functions1. If you want to call some code in a DLL, then you need to write a proper Lua module in C that will load this DLL and marshall the call from Lua to the DLL. Lua can read regular Lua modules and act accordingly.
1: If you're using LuaJIT, you can do this via their FFI stuff. To a degree, as you'll need to provide a string describing the interface for the functions you want to call.

Interfaces in Lazarus/FPC: Multiple inheritance

I'm trying to create a shell extension to provide EXIF information for JPEG files in Windows Explorer "infotips", and am using Lazarus as this needs to produce an x64 DLL.
Does Lazarus support multiple inheritance with interfaces, and if so, how do I go about it?
for example, something like:
IInfoTips = interface(IPersistFile, IQueryInfo)
No, interfaces in FPC does not support multi-inheritance yet.
What you can do is letting the implementation class inherit from both interfaces:
TMyInfoTips = class(TInterfacedObject, IPersistFile, IQueryInfo)
But not at interface level, as you wish. Such statements won't compile:
IInfoTips = interface(IPersistFile, IQueryInfo)
You can only "inherit" from a single interface type.
Delphi does not support it either. Only the defunct Delphi for .Net compiler did... but because .Net/C# IR supports (and expects) the feature.
I'm also missing this feature in Delphi or FPC.
Both interfaces are defined in shlobj for Free Pascal/Lazarus, just like on Delphi. If symbols changed units during the Delphi lifetime, we try to put them in the more recent units, but there is a large backlog there.
All this should be largely Delphi compatible, maybe it is easier if you explained what exactly doesn't work like expected.
Added after Arnaud's comments:
No it does not. Objects implement interfaces in Pascal. I don't really understand why it is really important to do this anyway. Sure it is a bit of syntactic sugar, but since any delphi style interface implements Iunknown, you can just query an interface for another interface:
uses activex;
var x :IPersistfile;
y :IPersistStream;

How to generate the F# type signature similar to FSI in my own code?

If one uses the F# Interactive Shell (FSI), the inferred expression type (signature) is printed to the console along with its value:
val it : int * string * float = (42, "Hello F#", 42.0)
How can I mimick the same behaviour in my own code, e.g. to get the inferred types as string for a F# expression?
I don't need to dynamically evaluate any F# expressions, the expressions are known in compile time and are part of my (static) F# code. I need this feature to be able to mimick the FSI output in LINQPad for my F# demos.
Using Unquote
Unquote has a facility for getting the F# signature of a type. Simply download the latest release and add a reference through LINQPad to Unquote.dll, then you can do e.g.
If you're interested, you can peak at the source code for the implementation of the FSharpName Type extension:
Using FsEye
Another neat approach would be to use LINQPad's beta Custom Visualizer API to embed FsEye into LINQPad (FsEye uses the same F# type signature printing algorithm as Unquote). This is also very simple, all you need to do is download LINQPad beta, download and reference FsEye.dll from the latest release of FsEye, then you can do e.g.
If you look at the F# compiler code and see how the --sig option is handled by the compiler I think that will get you what you're looking for. More about the --sig option and signatures here:
Signatures (F#)
