how to create a transparent UIBarButtonItem? - ios

I have a UINavigationBar with a pattern on it. I've seen a lot of UI that implement transparent UIBarButtonItem, and I wonder how to make the same.
Tint dosent do the trick unfortunately...
please help...

Put a UIButton inside the UIBarButton item. The button can be transparent. In Xcode's Interface Builder, just drag a UIButton to one of the empty corners of the UINavigationBar. Xcode will automatically create a UIBarButtonItem and put the UIButton inside it. You can then set the UIButton type to Custom and apply other properties such as title or image.

Follow the procedure described by Melsam and set the transparency of the button by using
button.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0 alpha:0.5];


TintColor Changing on Popover Push

I'm setting the tint color of a window to an arbitrary color, then trying to over-ride this on a per-button basis, but it appears that the buttons revert to the window tint color whenever there is a segue applied on them.
Setting tint color in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
self.window.tintColor = [UIColor redColor];
and then my two buttons in viewDidLoad:
[self.button1 setImage:[[UIImage imageNamed:#"711-trash"] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
self.button1.tintColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
self.button2.tintColor = [UIColor blueColor];
where button1 is a custom type button and button2 is a system type button.
When the popover first presents, the two buttons are tinted purple and blue. But when the segue view controller is pushed, the popped, the two buttons switch to red. Is there any way to prevent this?
I've tried reproducing your code like this:
However everything worked as expected:
So I agree with #user3779315, possibly you are setting the buttons' tint color somewhere else. Btw, additional code of your project would help to clarify the issue :-)

Programmatically set UIBarButtonItem fill color?

I have a set of UIBarButtonItems from png files inside a UIToolbar.
When a user clicks on an icon, I want that icon to be filled with a color to indicate a state change.
Is it possible to do this with a single set of images (maybe by programmatically changing some attributes) or do I necessarily need two sets of images (on for each state) ?
make sure your UIImage's renderingMode is UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate first
if you initWithImage then change UIBarButtonItem's tintColor.
Although UIBarButtonItem is not a view, its tintColor property behaves
the same as that of UIView.
else if you initWithCustomView in which with a UIImageView then change the imageView's tintColor might work too
else you can setItems: animated:NO to UIToolBar every time after clicks which might not be a elegant one
It is very straight forward. You just need to do the following in code :
imgView.image = [imgView.image
imgView.tintColor = [UIColor someColor];

change navigationbar button colors for ios7

I am trying to find out how to change the text and arrow color of the UINavigationBar buttons.
I know how to change the titleTextAttributes but cannot find out how to do it to the buttons.
For example this is how I change the titleTextAttributes inside my AppDelegate
self.navigationController.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = #{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor redColor]};
I have looked through the UINavigationBar docs and cannot find any button attributes so not sure what to do here.
to change the text color and the color of the arrow in the navigation bar you can use this code (iOS 7):
self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor redColor];
this code will also change the color of the buttons
You can globally change it as easy as this

Drawing a UIButton/UIBarButtonItem to use parent bar's tintColor?

I've got a bit of a dilemma. It's not a dealbreaker, but I'm interested in a decent answer if there is one.
I've been using a UIButton with a custom subview inside of a UIBarButtonItem (as the bar button item's customView). My custom subview is not a UILabel nor is it a UIImage, which is why I'm doing what I'm doing. This UIBarButtonItem is an item on my navigation bar, and the navigation bar has a tintColor set. I want the UIButton to have that rounded-rect appearance of UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered, which means it should also take on the tintColor of its parent bar.
Current solutions out there have implemented extracting png files from UIKit for UINavigationBarDefaultButton.png and family. This would look great if I weren't setting a tintColor property; instead the button remains that "iOS navy blue", when I want, say, bright orange (not the color I'm using but you get my drift). Which brings me to my dilemma: what's the best way to make a UIButton look and act like that UIBarButtonItem style, including taking on the tintColor property? I can set that property myself on the button; it's no big deal.
Would I want to draw that UIButton's background in CoreGraphics? Is there a framework/library out there that implements this already? If I'm dreaming the impossible, just tell me. I'm not that awesome with doing CoreGraphics by hand yet, but it's definitely not outside the realm of possibility.
If this can't be done, I know I can always take the cool custom UIView I'm attempting to finagle in and just save it off as an image (and thus use UIImage inside of a UIBarButtonItem), but I'd like to see if this is possible.
This is what I'm dealing with (below). The back button looks awesome, but only because I'm not messing with it. I'd like that rightBarButtonItem to use my tintColor that I have set, but in order to give it that UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered appearance with a customView set, I'm forced to make the button use png files for its background. Below is what you see, even with tintColor set on the UIBarButtonItem (since it's using a png).
I did find this question/answer on Stack Overflow, that gets me close enough that I can wing the rest. It's a well-detailed post about how to tint a UIImage with a UIColor; I've pulled it out into a function and I've posted a gist for that right here.
Combined with that, I've defined a category method on UIButton that lets me create a button with that background image, tinted, and I plop that into an empty UIBarButtonItem.
+ (id)buttonWithBarStyleAndTintColor:(UIColor *)tintColor customView:(UIView *)customView {
UIImage *defaultNormal = [UIImage imageNamed:#"UINavigationBarDefaultButton.png"];
UIImage *defaultPressed = [UIImage imageNamed:#"UINavigationBarDefaultButtonPressed.png"];
UIImage *back = [TintImageWithTintColor(defaultNormal, tintColor)
UIImage *pressed = [TintImageWithTintColor(defaultPressed, tintColor)
UIButton *button = [self buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
button.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 34.0f, 30.0f);
[button addSubview:customView];
customView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
customView.frame = CGRectCenterRectInRect(customView.frame, button.frame);
[button setBackgroundImage:back forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[button setBackgroundImage:pressed forState:UIControlStateSelected];
[button setBackgroundImage:pressed forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
return button;
You can try and set the UIButton type to custom and make sure its color is clear, same for your custom view, that way the only visible view will be the UIBarButtonItem tint color.
Also if you are willing to invest, there is this tool called PaintCode that does the code for CoreGraphics for you.

Change Nav Bar Title Font - DIFFERENT

As you can see in the picture below, my UIViewController IS NOT a UINavigationController, it's a common UIViewController. What I did is I put a UINavigationBar using interface builder and above it I put a UIImage. The problem is that I want to change the font of this UINavigationBar. Anyone would have a clue on how to do it?
Usually, with a common UINavigationController I use the following code:
// this will appear as the title in the navigation bar
self.label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
self.label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.label.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Copperplate" size:22];
self.label.shadowColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.0 alpha:0.5];
self.label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
self.label.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; // change this color
self.label.text = [self.navigationItem title];
self.navigationItem.titleView = label;
[label sizeToFit];
Well it should work the same way. I think you just need an IBOutlet for the UINavigationBar, or only for the UINavigationItem (the title for your UINavigationBar) and that's it.
Storyboard Solution
There's nothing wrong with the answer above but a really simple way to do this is to select the Navigation Bar in the storyboard. Then change the Title Font in the attributes inspector.
Nota Bene
This technique is also really useful when you want to change the font
across an entire set of views whenever you are using a navigation
controller. (Just change it in one place). Xcode 7.1.1 has a couple of bugs. One of those requires that you toggle the Bar Tint from the default to another color (you can always reset it to the default if needed) in order to see the font change.
Custom Fonts
The above is currently not working when selecting a custom font (as of Xcode 7.1.1).
Please see the following SO Answer for a workaround if you need a
custom font. (tldr; add an outlet to a button or label, change the
custom font on that control, set that control as the
