Ruby get arrays of dates based on given period - ruby-on-rails

I have question is there maybe a fine simple solution to this task:
I have first_date = "2011-02-02" , last_date = "2013-01-20" and period = 90 (days).
I need to get arrays with two elements for example:
[first_date, first_date + period] ... [some_date, last_date].
I will make it with some kind of a loop but maybe there is some nice fancy way to do this :D.

Date has a step method:
require 'date'
first_date = Date.parse("2011-02-02")
last_date = Date.parse("2013-02-20")
period = 90
p first_date.step(last_date-period, period).map{|d| [d, d+period]}
p first_date.step(last_date, period).map.each_cons(2).to_a

require 'pp'
require 'date'
first_date=Date.parse "2011-02-02"
last_date=Date.parse "2013-01-20"
period = 90
periods = []
current = first_date
last = current + period
while(last < last_date ) do
periods << [current, last]
current = last
last = current + period
if periods[-1][1] != last_date
periods << [periods[-1][1], last_date]
p periods
I am assuming that the last period must end on last_date regardless of its length, as your question implies.


Finding the months between two dates in rails

I can currently set a time range like so:
start_date: "2018-09-11"
end_date: "2018-11-19"
How can I do this for start to end of months? Examples:
time_range = ["2018-09-11".."2018-09-30"]
time_range = ["2018-10-01".."2018-10-31"]
time_range = ["2018-11-01".."2018-11-19"]
I'm not sure what's exactly your desired outcome but, given start date and end date as Date objects, you can perform
and at the end what you get is a three element array, and each element contains an array with all the dates in that range for a month
I do not know if I understand very well what you asked, but I'll try to help you.
The Date class has several methods that will help you to work with dates.
Date < Object
my_date_range_array = []
my_date_time_range_array = []
my_date_range_array = []
YourModel.where date:
YourModel.where date:
If you need every single date in the range, you can use something like this:
({ |date| date }
I hope that my answer helps you
This is a pure Ruby solution, but I believe (though I don't know Rails) it can be simplified slightly by replacing my methods first_day_of_month and first_day_of_month with Rails methods beginning_of_month and end_of_month, respectively. I designed the method for efficiency over simplicity.
require 'date'
DATE_FMT = "%Y-%m-%d"
def date_ranges(start_date_str, end_date_str)
start_date = Date.strptime(start_date_str, DATE_FMT)
end_date = Date.strptime(end_date_str, DATE_FMT)
return [start_date_str..end_date_str] if
[start_date.year, start_date.month] == [end_date.year, end_date.month]
d = start_date
ranges = [start_date_str..last_day_of_month(d)]
loop do
d = d >> 1
break if [d.year, d.month] == [end_date.year, end_date.month]
ranges << (first_day_of_month(d)..last_day_of_month(d))
ranges << (first_day_of_month(d)..end_date_str)
def first_day_of_month(d)
(d - + 1).strftime(DATE_FMT)
def last_day_of_month(d)
((d >> 1)
date_ranges("2018-09-11", "2019-02-11")
#=> ["2018-09-11".."2018-09-30", "2018-10-01".."2018-10-31",
# "2018-11-01".."2018-11-30", "2018-12-01".."2018-12-31",
# "2019-01-01".."2019-01-31", "2019-02-01".."2019-02-11"]
date_ranges("2018-09-08", "2018-09-23")
#=> ["2018-09-08".."2018-09-23"]
With the information provided by the OP, this is what I understand he is looking for.
Given a set range for example:
time_range = "2018-09-11".."2018-09-19"
new_range_min = time_range.min.to_date.beginning_of_month
new_range_max = time_range.max.to_date.end_of_month
new_range = new_range_min..new_range_max

For a given period, getting the smallest list of dates, using jokers

I use Elasticsearch where I have one index per day, and I want my Ruby on Rails application to query documents in a given period by specifying the smallest and most precise list of indices.
I can't find the code to get that list of indices. Let me explain it:
Consider a date formatted in YYYY-MM-DD.
You can use the joker * at the end of the date string. E.g. 2016-07-2* describes all the dates from 2016-07-20 to 2016-07-29.
Now, consider a period represented by a start date and an end date.
The code must return the smallest possible array of dates representing the period.
Let's use an example. For the following period:
start date: 2014-11-29
end date: 2016-10-13
The code must return an array containing the following strings:
It's better (but I'll still take a unoptimized code rather than nothing) if:
The code returns the most precise list of dates (i.e. doesn't return dates with a joker that describes a period starting before the start date, or ending after the end date)
The code returns the smallest list possible (i.e. ["2016-09-*"] is better than ["2016-09-0*", "2016-09-1*", "2016-09-2*", "2016-09-30"]
Any idea?
Okay, after more thinking and the help of a coworker, I may have a solution. Probably not totally optimized, but still...
def get_indices_from_period(start_date_str, end_date_str)
dates = {}
dates_strings = []
start_date = Date.parse(start_date_str)
end_date = Date.parse(end_date_str)
# Create a hash with, for each year and each month of the period: {:YYYY => {:MMMM => [DD1, DD2, DD3...]}}
(start_date..end_date).collect do |date|
year, month, day = date.year, date.month,
dates[year] ||= {}
dates[year][month] ||= []
dates[year][month] << day
dates.each do |year, days_in_year|
start_of_year =, 1, 1)
max_number_of_days_in_year = (start_of_year.end_of_year - start_of_year).to_i + 1
number_of_days_in_year = days_in_year.collect{|month, days_in_month| days_in_month}.flatten.size
if max_number_of_days_in_year == number_of_days_in_year
# Return index formatted as YYYY-* if full year
dates_strings << "#{year}-*"
days_in_year.each do |month, days_in_month|
formatted_month = format('%02d', month)
if Time.days_in_month(month, year) == days_in_month.size
# Return index formatted as YYYY-MM-* if full month
dates_strings << "#{year}-#{formatted_month}-*"
decades_in_month = {}
days_in_month.each do |day|
decade = day / 10
decades_in_month[decade] ||= []
decades_in_month[decade] << day
decades_in_month.each do |decade, days_in_decade|
if (decade == 0 && days_in_decade.size == 9) ||
((decade == 1 || decade == 2) && days_in_decade.size == 10)
# Return index formatted as YYYY-MM-D* if full decade
dates_strings << "#{year}-#{formatted_month}-#{decade}*"
# Return index formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
dates_strings += days_in_decade.collect{|day| "#{year}-#{formatted_month}-#{format('%02d', day)}"}
return dates_strings
Test call:
get_indices_from_period('2014-11-29', '2016-10-13')
=> ["2014-11-29", "2014-11-30", "2014-12-*", "2015-*", "2016-01-*", "2016-02-*", "2016-03-*", "2016-04-*", "2016-05-*", "2016-06-*", "2016-07-*", "2016-08-*", "2016-09-*", "2016-10-0*", "2016-10-10", "2016-10-11", "2016-10-12", "2016-10-13"]

Generate a list of commercial weeks falling between 2 dates in Ruby / Rails

I am trying to created a list of year-week (equivalent to mySQL's YEARWEEK(date,1)) falling between two date values in Rails. List is generating perfectly if start-date and end-date are falling in same year. Here is my code:
campaign_start_date = "2013-08-02 06:59:00"
campaing_end_date = "2013-09-01 06:59:00"
start_year = DateTime.parse(campaign_start_date).cwyear
start_week = "%04d%02d" % [start_year, DateTime.parse(campaign_start_date).cweek]
end_year = DateTime.parse(campaing_end_date).cwyear
end_week = "%04d%02d" % [end_year, DateTime.parse(campaing_end_date).cweek]
if start_year == end_year
(start_week..end_week).each{ |i| result << i }
# need to build a suitable logic here. to handle the case when duration spans over multiple years. for example started in 01-Nov-14 and ended in 01-May-15
return result
there will be no problem with above date values, it will fall to if case and the result I will get is:
which is also what I exactly want. BUT if my start-date and end-date values are these for example:
campaign_start_date = "2014-07-23 06:59:00"
campaing_end_date = "2015-03-01 06:59:00"
means falling in different years, then it need different logic that the one I have in if condition because for these date values (start_week=201430 and end_week=201509) the if condition is not suitable here because it would generate 80 values, which is wrong because number of weeks between these dates are not 80. Need help to develop the logic for else case. May be its easy but right now I am just tired to dig it any deeper.
Special attention: the solutions should care about commercial year and commercial week (refer .cwyear and .cweek functions of rails) For example yearweek of 2016-01-01 would be 201553 not 201601
any help in this regard would be much appreciated.
Thank you to those who replied t. I've finally solved the problem like this:
campaign_weeks = []
campaign_start_date = "2014-07-23 06:59:00" # or any date
campaing_end_date = "2015-03-01 06:59:00" # or any date
start_year = DateTime.parse(campaign_start_date).cwyear
start_cweek_of_the_campaign = "%04d%02d" % [start_year, DateTime.parse(campaign_start_date).cweek]
end_year = DateTime.parse(campaing_end_date).cwyear
end_cweek_of_the_campaign = "%04d%02d" % [end_year, DateTime.parse(campaing_end_date).cweek]
if start_year == end_year
(start_cweek_of_the_campaign..end_cweek_of_the_campaign).each do |w|
campaign_weeks << ("%04d%02d" % [start_year, w])
(start_year..end_year).each do |y|
first_cweek_number_of_the_year = (y == start_year) ? start_cweek_of_the_campaign : 1
last_cweek_number_of_the_year = (y == end_year) ? end_cweek_of_the_campaign :, 12, 28).cweek
(first_cweek_number_of_the_year .. last_cweek_number_of_the_year).each do |w|
campaign_weeks << ("%04d%02d" % [y, w])
return campaign_weeks
Notes: 28th Dec always fall in the last cweek/iso-week of the year. last ISO week of the year is either 52 or 53.
Got some hint from this answer: Calculating the number of weeks in a year with Ruby
The bottleneck is (start_week..end_week) range. It apparently goes through hundred (since we are on decimals):
2014xx ⇒ 201452 ⇒ 201453 ⇒ ... ⇒ 201499 ⇒ 201500 ⇒ ...
You should probably filter your range, like:
r = (start_week..end_week)
r.to_a.reject { |e| e[-2..-1].to_i > 52 }
Depending on how you count weeks (=-based, or 1-based,) the 201500 should be likely filtered as well:/ { |e| e[-2..-1].to_i.between? 1, 52 }
Try this out; it will work for any set of dates irrespective of whether the years are the same or not:
campaign_start_date = "2014-07-23 06:59:00"
campaign_end_date = "2015-03-01 06:59:00"
start_date = DateTime.parse(campaign_start_date)
end_date = DateTime.parse(campaign_end_date)
while start_date < end_date
puts "%04d%02d" % [start_date.cw_year, start_date.cweek]
start_date = start_date + 7.days
A bit late in the discussion but here is what I used to get the number of commercial weeks between two dates:
def cweek_diff(start_date, end_date)
return if end_date < start_date
cweek_diff = (end_date.cweek - start_date.cweek) + 1
cwyear_diff = end_date.cwyear - start_date.cwyear
cyear_diff * 53 + cweek_diff - cwyear_diff
It worked perfectly in my case. Hope it helps ;)

Ruby: Average array of times

I have the following method in my Array class:
class Array
def avg
if partial_include?(":")
blank? and 0.0 or (sum.to_f/size).round(2)
def avg_times
avg_minutes = do |x|
hour, minute = x.split(':')
total_minutes = hour.to_i * 60 + minute.to_i
def partial_include?(search_term)
self.each do |e|
return true if e[search_term]
return false
This works great with arrays of regular numbers, but there could instances where I have an array of times.
For example: [18:35, 19:07, 23:09]
Anyway to figure out the average of an array of time objects?
So you need do define a function that can calculate the average of times formatted as strings. Convert the data to minutes, avg the total minutes and then back to a time.
I would do it something like this:
a = ['18:35', '19:07', '23:09']
def avg_of_times(array_of_time)
size = array_of_time.size
avg_minutes = do |x|
hour, minute = x.split(':')
total_minutes = hour.to_i * 60 + minute.to_i
p avg_of_times(a) # = > "20:17"
Then when you call you function you check if any/all items in your array is formatted as a time. Maybe using regexp.
Average the Hours and Minutes Separately
Here's a simple method that we're using:
def calculate_average_of_times( times )
hours = times.collect{ |time| time.split( ":" ).first.to_i } # Large Arrays should only
minutes = times.collect{ |time| time.split( ":" ).second.to_i } # call .split 1 time.
average_hours = hours.sum / hours.size
average_minutes = ( minutes.sum / minutes.size ).to_s.rjust( 2, '0' ) # Pad with leading zero if necessary.
"#{ average_hours }:#{ average_minutes }"
And to show it working with your provided Array of 24-hour times, converted to Strings:
calculate_average_of_times( ["18:35", "19:07", "23:09"] )
#=> "20:17"
Thanks to #matt-privman for the help and inspiration on this.

Efficiently querying transactions by time range with activerecord

Is there a way to make this method more efficient? I am querying a large number of transactions and it seems inefficient to perform a separate activerecord query for each period.
Should I make a single query for the whole day and sort through the results, grouping them by period? If so, what's the most efficient way to do this? Look forward to your thoughts.
def self.transactions(period)
today =
time1 = Time.utc(today.year, today.month,, 9, 30, 0)
time2 = Time.utc(today.year, today.month,, 16, 0, 0)
transactions_by_period = {}
while time1 < time2
transactions = self.where("created_at >= ? and created_at <= ?", time1, time2)
transactions_by_period[time1] = transactions
time1 += period
return transactions_by_period
#todays_transactions_by_hour = Stock.transactions(1.hour)
First off, you can use ranges for nicer queries. I'd also rename time1 and time2 to start and finish
transactions = self.where(:created_at => start..finish)
Then you can reduce this to get them by periods.
transactions.reduce({|h, k| h[k] = []) do |periods, transaction|
# Calculate how many periods have gone by for this transaction
offset = (transaction.created_at - start).to_i / period
# Find the actual period
transaction_period = start + offset * period
periods[transaction_period] << transaction
I haven't tested the code, it is shown more for the logic
