How to make a vertical scrolling view on iOS? - ios

Can someone please guide me to a tutorial , on how to implement a vertical scrolling view on my iOS app?
I can't believe that the last 2 days , I can't find a single working example on just a vertical scrolling view. All the tutorials are about horizontal scrolling, zooming etc etc.
What I am looking for would be something like this tutorial, which shows how to make a uiscrollView and add objects to it, from the Builder and not programmatically. The only flaw I found was , that when trying to add a map down in the scrolling area, the map would appear up and not in the position I placed it. Maybe any ideas on that too?
Anything in mind?

So you want to create a scroll view in xib.
Add a scroll view to the nib file
set its size to to whatever you want
Add your controls (Buttons,labels..)
Add it as a sub view of main view
Finally create a property of scroll view and in viewDidLoad set the content size of the scroll view
self.scrollView.contentSize =CGSizeMake(320, 700);

It simple, same as horizontal scroll view.
Add a scrollview in a view hierarchy,
UIScrollView *scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:scrollView];
Now to make scroll view scrollable, set its scrollview content size greater than its bound.
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(scrollView.bounds.size.width, scrollView.bounds.size.height*3)];
Now it can scroll three time the height of scrollView.

I've struggled with this simple issue for a full day. There are most likely benefits to a more sophisticated approach, but unchecking autolayout solved my issue.
For the quick fix, I believe this is the best approach and will save you a HUGE headache.

Just change the content size of your scrollview.Let's assume you are creating a UIScrollView with the following frame
scl=[[UIScrollView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 620, 172)];
Now call the content size property of your scroll view,like i have shown below .
[scl setContentSize:CGSizeMake(700, 172)];
Now add the scroll view on a view / View Controller etc and check it .


Convert view to scrollview for modal controller

I have some modal controllers that are UIViews and are not scrolling.
Reading on SO, the apple docs and elsewhere, it seems there are three approaches to fixing this:
Multiselect all the elements within the view and then go
change the view to a scrollview in the identity inspector and then
add the following line to viewdidload:
[(UIScrollView *)self.view setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 2000)];
Copy elements to clipboard, delete the uiview, add a new scrollview
and copy the elements into the scrollview. Warning - this destroys
the positioning of the elements although it does preserve their
outlet properties.
However, I have tried all of these and the scrollview still does not scroll.
Is there any other step I am missing?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Getting scrollviews to work is not easy and there is much conflicting advice on the web.
I finally got this to work by setting the content size in a separate method as opposed to viewdidload.
(void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
self.MainScroll.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320, 1800);
Thanks as well to Evo for advice on setting all the vertical dimensions correctly and using freeform in the VC size inspector as it won't work if you don't carefully set these.
If you have EVER enabled autolayout, even if it's disabled now, you need to:
Select the view controller you plan on scrolling
At the bottom right of the storyboard view, click the third button (far right) and then "Reset to Suggested Constraints"
Make sure that all the elements in the scrollview are embedded in the desired positions.
If you are not using autolayout:
Check that the Size of the view controller is set to (320, 2000), or whatever you want.
In the Simulated Metrics of the view controller, you can set the size type to Freeform.
Then in the tab to the right of Simulated Metrics, you can set the width and height to the desired values.
Please comment any concerns

Swift - Can't understand the contentSize of a UIScrollView

Hi I have set in my storyboard a UIScrollView (of the same size of the view) and ctrl-dragged it in my code.
Now I have created a button programmatically using a simple algorithm of mine.
I then tried to
which printed 1700.
Then I tried
which printed 142.2 (also coming from the algorithm). So the heigh I would like to reach while scrolling is 1700 + 142.2 = 1842.2
So i tried to hardcode the content size in this way
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width:self.view.bounds.size.width, height:2000)
But when I run the app I can scroll no more than the middle of the button, which is in numbers
1700 + 142.2/2 = 1771.1
Why the heck is that?
I did all this to try to understand how this UIScrollView works but I can't figure it out.
Added a screenshot.
Inside the bubbles there is the button.frame.origin.y value. That's the max I can scroll leaving the screen untouched.
This is probably to do with scroll view insets - a mechanism where the edges of the content always appear under the navigation and toolbar.
You either need to manually account for this by reading the contentInset property of the scroll view, or using interface builder.
Scroll view Reference:

Using interface builder to layout a scrolling view with images and text

I have a requirement in my app to display a bunch of information that includes both text and images. It will be quite long, so it will need to be scrollable to access all the content.
I know that I can achive this by programmatically adding different UILabels, UIImages etc to a UIScrollView. But this is a proof of concept, so I'm looking for something a little quicker than having to work out all the positioning and code required. The information is static anyway, and does not need to interact with code.
Is there a way to do this using the interface builder (storyboard or xib is fine)?
you definitely can do that if you simply want a quick interface
1.> you might need to know how long is your scroll view, for example in my case, i set it to 1568
2.> Then i drag all the controls that will fit for the first 568 pixel view onto the scroll view and position them.
3.> Then change the Y value for that scroll view to something like - 500, so you can see the rest of the scroll view, and put everything you need there.
4.> After you have all your controls, and remember to set the frame back to 0,0,320,568
5.> last step, in your code, set SCROLLVIEW.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320, 1568);
I would still suggestion don't hard code all those values, but if you are looking for a quick way to do your interface, hope that gives you some ideas.
Just start a new project with a single view, it will come with a xib or storyboard for its single ViewController.
Create a UIView by dragging it into the workspace and place as many Labels, Images and UI Elements as you want.
Open the xib / storyboard and drag a UIScrollView in as your root VC's root view. Drag the view containing your layout into the scrollview, making it the scrollviews only subview.
Done (almost)!
If you launch your app at this point, you'll notice you can't scroll. That is because the scrollview is "too stupid" to adjust the size of its contentSize property on its own.
You'll need some code here, but it is only a tiny snippet and you won't need to touch it again:
Create a new Category on UIScrollView.
In your category's implementation, do:
#implementation UIScrollView (MyHandyCategory)
-(void)awakeFromNib {
NSArray *subViews = [self subviews];
UIView *contentView = [subViews objectAtIndex:0];
[self setContentSize:contentView.frame.size];
Done (for real this time)! This will check the size of the view your scrollview contains and ajust the contentSize after it has been initialized. You can change the size of your content view as you like, no need to play around with hardcoded values or even Interface Builder values!
If it’s just proof of concept I’d have a WebView and a local HTML page you load. Easy-peasy.
I would suggest UICollectionView. It's fairly straightforward. There's a good tutorial here:

Xcode 6.1 IOS really long form

I am quite new to xcode.
I am trying to create a contact details form for an iPhone using the storyboard. The problem is that form is longer than the display and I can't work out how to design it using the storyboard.
Any ideas?
In IB, you can set the controller's size in Simulated Metrics to Freeform, then select the view and make it as tall as you want. Then, add a scroll view to take up the whole view, and add your UIElements, and lay them out how you want. When you run the app, the view controller will still only be as big as the screen (obviously), but the scroll view will be as big as you made the view in IB (you may need to increase its contentSize even more to be able to scroll to the bottom).
Such forms are often made in storyboards using a UITableView and setting the "content" of the table to be "Static Cells." You can set any number of cells and the contents of the cell you want. The table itself is scrollable inside the storyboard/Interface Builder editor and looks much the way it would when presented to a user.
First, select the tableView on the left
Then, you can move it simply scrolling (on mac, two fingers on the trackpad, or using the mouse wheel)
You should have a look at UIScrollView, it is designed to support content larger than screen size (like you see in web browser or settings)
Basic usage is:
//Set a size which will be able to cover all form elements
[yourScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake()];
//Your scrollView now extends from CGPoint 0,0 to contentSize.width,contentSize.height.
//Your subviews should be positioned according to scrollview's bounds not the viewcontroller.view or any other container view.
//Add all the form elements
[yourScrollView addSubview:...];
[yourScrollView setDelegate:self]; //If you need actions after user scrolled etc.
Have a look at the developer manual for more info. Most method names are quite self explanatory.

How can I add a scroll view to my iOS application?

I am creating an application for the iPhone which involves having buttons which animate a image view, I created another view in which the buttons are held, however I would like to be able to horizontally or vertically, scroll this view of buttons. I have looked into adding scroll views and I have even followed a tutorial, But I just can't figure out how to add it to my app. Any Ideas anyone? In the tutorial I followed the guy adds the scroll view to the MainWindow.xib, now my app is created and designed in the viewcontroller.xib. So after following the tutorial when I hit build and go it loads that nib and all you see is a white background and a scroll view. (also in that tutorial he scrolled an image where as I would like to scroll a long view of buttons) I realize the newbie-ness of my question could be crazy, but I'm new to programming all together. Here's another additional question, if someone helped me get this scroll view working where would you design the contents of that scrolled view if it's length is longer than the iphone screen? Because It is my understanding that the space to design with in interface builder is the size of the iphone screen and designing interfaces longer than the iphone screen isn't do-able. (of course I know it is do-able I just don't know how to do it).
You can set the content view (scrolling area) dimensions programmatically:
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(contentViewWidth, contentViewHeight)];
And then add you view components to the scroll view using the coordinate system of the content view. So say your scroll view was 100x100 pixels and you wanted the scroll view to be twice as wide:
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(200.0f, 100.0f)];
You could then add a button to appear on each half of the scroll view:
// First half of content view
button1.frame.origin.x = 10.0f;
button1.frame.origin.y = 50.0f;
[scrollView addSubView:button1];
// First half of content view
button2.frame.origin.x = 110.0f; // NOTE that 110 is outside of
button2.frame.origin.y = 50.0f; // the scroll view frame
[scrollView addSubView:button2];
You could probably design each page of the scroll view as a separate sub view in the NIB and then shift the sub views origin to the correct page location either in Interface Builder or programmatically - but I have never tried this. If this works you'd then be able to layout your buttons using IB.
I would be interested to know if this works.
most views have a .hidden property.
set it to YES to hide -> myscrollview.hidden = YES;
set to NO to show -> myscrollview.hidden = NO;
you can put this hide/show inside an animation and fade out the scrollview.
look-up "simple quartz animation" - it only a few lines of code.
