I would like to kindly ask , How can I convert the following Z3 constraints into Z3py (Python API).
(declare-datatypes () ((S a b c d e f g)))
(declare-fun fun1 ( S ) Bool)
(declare-fun fun2 ( S S ) Bool)
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (fun1 x)
(= x a)
(= x b)
(= x c)
(= x d)
(= x e)
(= x f)
(= x g)
(assert (forall ((y1 S) (y2 S)) (= (fun2 y1 y2)
(and (= y1 a) (= y2 b))
(and (= y1 c) (= y2 d))
(and (= y2 e) (= y2 f))
You can encode it in the following way:
from z3 import *
S, (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) = EnumSort('S', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])
fun1 = Function('fun1', S, BoolSort())
fun2 = Function('fun2', S, S, BoolSort())
s = Solver()
x = Const('x', S)
s.add(ForAll([x], fun1(x) == Or(x == a, x == b, x == c, x == d, x == e, x == f, x == g, x == e)))
y1, y2 = Consts('y1 y2', S)
s.add(ForAll([y1, y2], fun2(y1, y2) == Or(And(y1 == a, y2 == b), And(y1 == c, y2 == d), And(y1 == e, y2 == f))))
Note that fun1 and fun2 are essentially macros. So, we can avoid the quantifiers and define them as:
def fun1(x):
return Or(x == a, x == b, x == c, x == d, x == e, x == f, x == g, x == e)
def fun2(y1, y2):
return Or(And(y1 == a, y2 == b), And(y1 == c, y2 == d), And(y1 == e, y2 == f))
I want to capture the assertion inside fac.
int f( x )
if( x == 1) return 1;
assert( x > 0 );
return 2;
int g (x)
{ assert( x > 5 );
return f(x-1) + f(x-2);
I want an smt2 code for this.
I can do this by striping the argument and making it global with unique name (also rename inside f), then do this 3 times each with a different name for function. Like below :
( declare-const x1 Int )
(define-fun f1 () Int
( ite ( x1 > 0) 1 2 )
(assert (> x1 0))
( declare-const x2 Int )
(define-fun f2 () Int
( ite ( x2 > 0) 1 2 )
(assert (> x2 0))
( declare-const x3 Int )
(define-fun g1 () Int
( + f1 f2 )
(assert (> x3 5))
I don't want to this. Is there any other way to do this without repeating ?
My purpose is to find values violating the asserts.
As far as I know, it is not possible to embed assertions within function definitions.
What I would try to do is to separate the expected behavior, the input assumptions and the output guarantees (if any).
(define-fun f ((x Int)) Int
(ite (= x 1) 1 2)
(define-fun f-helper ((x Int)) Bool
(< 0 x)
(define-fun g ((x Int)) Int
(+ (f (- x 1)) (f (- x 2)))
(define-fun g-helper ((x Int)) Bool
(and (< 5 x)
(f-helper (- x 1))
(f-helper (- x 2))
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(assert (and (= y (g x))
(g-helper x)
In this example we use f to model the behavior of the original function f, and f-helper to model the assumptions of f. The output, using the online Z3 tool, is as follows:
(define-fun x () Int
(define-fun y () Int
I would conclude saying that this approach could become tricky as soon as f and g are used inside both positive and negative contexts.. in this case one should pay extra attention that the polarity of the assertions is correct wrt. the expected result.
here is the Z3 context:
(forall ((X (Array Int (Array Int Real))) (i Int) (j Int))
(let ((a!1 (* (- 1) (to_int (select (select X i) j)))))
(= (+ (testArr X i j) a!1) 0))))
this means:
forall X,i,j. testArr(X,i,j) == X[i][j]
now, i try to prove two similar assert:
1 (=> (= (select (select Z i1) j1) (select (select X i) j))
(= (select (select Z i1) j1) (testArr X i j)))
2 (=> (= v (select (select X i) j))
(= v (to_real (testArr X i j))))
the second assert Z3 return valid, but the 1st assert Z3 return invalid,and in other example Z3 sometimes return unknown.
Our problem here is to show that
using Kleene algebras with test.
In the case when the value of b is preserved by p, we have the commutativity condition bp = pb; and the equivalence between the two programs is reduced to the equation
In the case when the value of b is not preserved by p, we have the commutativity condition pc = cp; and the equivalence between the two programs is reduced to the equation
I am trying to prove the first equation using the following SMT-LIB code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun sum (S S) S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun neg (S) S)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (sum y z)) (sum (mult x y) (mult y z))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (sum y z) x) (sum (mult y x) (mult z x))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (mult y z)) (mult (mult x y) z)) ))
(declare-fun b () S)
(declare-fun p () S)
(declare-fun q () S)
(declare-fun r () S)
(assert (= (mult b p) (mult p b)) )
but I am obtaining timeout; it is to say Z3 is not able to hand the commutativity condition bp = pb. Please run this example online here.
Z3 is not able to prove these equations but Mathematica and Reduce are able. Z3 is not so powerful as a theorem prover. Do you agree?
The first equation is proved using Z3 with the following SMT-LIB code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun O () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun sum (S S) S)
(declare-fun leq (S S) Bool)
(declare-fun negation (S) S)
(declare-fun test (S) Bool)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (= (sum x y) (sum y x ))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (sum (sum x y) z) (sum x (sum y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (sum O x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (sum x x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (mult x y) z) (mult x (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult e x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x e) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (sum y z) ) (sum (mult x y) (mult x z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (sum x y) z ) (sum (mult x z) (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x O) O)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult O x) O)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (= (leq x y) (= (sum x y) y))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (=> (and (test x) (test y) ) (= (mult x y) (mult y x))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (sum x (negation x)) e) )))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (mult x (negation x)) O) )))
;; bpq + b`pr = p(bq + b`r)
(declare-fun b () S)
(declare-fun p () S)
(declare-fun q () S)
(declare-fun r () S)
(assert (=> (test b) (= (mult p b) (mult b p)) ))
(assert (=> (test b) (= (mult p (negation b)) (mult (negation b) p))))
(assert (not (=> (test b) (= (sum (mult b (mult p q)) (mult (negation b) (mult p r) ))
(mult p (sum (mult b q) (mult (negation b) r))))) ) )
(echo "Proved: bpq + b`pr = p(bq + b`r)")
The output is
Proved: bpq + b`pr = p(bq + b`r)
Please run this proof online here
The second equation is indirectly proved using Z3 with the following procedure
This indirect procedure is implemented with the following SMT-LIB code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun O () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun sum (S S) S)
(declare-fun leq (S S) Bool)
(declare-fun negation (S) S)
(declare-fun test (S) Bool)
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (= (sum x y) (sum y x ))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (sum (sum x y) z) (sum x (sum y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (sum O x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (sum x x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (mult x y) z) (mult x (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult e x) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x e) x)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult x (sum y z) ) (sum (mult x y) (mult x z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S)) (= (mult (sum x y) z ) (sum (mult x z) (mult y z)))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult x O) O)))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= (mult O x) O)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (= (leq x y) (= (sum x y) y))))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S)) (=> (and (test x) (test y) ) (= (mult x y) (mult y x))) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (sum x (negation x)) e) )))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (mult x (negation x)) O) )))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (test (negation x)) )) )
(assert (forall ((x S)) (=> (test x) (= (mult x x) x) )) )
(declare-fun c () S)
(declare-fun b () S)
(declare-fun p () S)
(declare-fun q () S)
(declare-fun r () S)
(assert (not (=> (and (test b) (test c))
(= (mult (sum (mult b c) (mult (negation b) (negation c)))
(sum (mult b (mult p q)) (mult (negation b) (mult p r) ) ))
(sum (mult b (mult c (mult p q)))
(mult (negation b) (mult (negation c) (mult p r) ) ) ))) ) )
(echo "Proved: part 1")
(assert (=> (test c) (= (mult p c) (mult c p)) ))
(assert (=> (test c) (= (mult p (negation c)) (mult (negation c) p))))
(assert (not (=> (test c)
(= (mult (sum (mult b c) (mult (negation b) (negation c)))
(mult p (sum (mult c q) (mult (negation c) r))))
(sum (mult b (mult c (mult p q)))
(mult (negation b) (mult (negation c) (mult p r) ) ) ))) ) )
(echo "Proved: part 2")
and the corresponding output is
Proved: part 1
Proved: part 2
This output is obtained locally. When the code is executed online the output is
Proved: part 1
Please run this example online here
Z3 is not able to prove the second equation directly but Mathematica and Reduce ane able.
I am trying to prove a theorem in group theory using the following Z3 SMT-LIB code
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun identity () S)
(declare-fun product (S S S) Bool)
(declare-fun inverse (S) S)
(declare-fun multiply (S S) S)
(assert (forall ((X S)) (product identity X X) ))
(assert (forall ((X S)) (product X identity X) ))
(assert (forall ((X S)) (product (inverse X) X identity) ))
(assert (forall ((X S)) (product X (inverse X) identity) ))
(assert (forall ((X S) (Y S)) (product X Y (multiply X Y)) ))
;;(assert (forall ((X S) (Y S) (Z S) (W S)) (or (not (product X Y Z))
;; (not (product X Y W))
;; (= Z W))))
(assert (forall ((X S) (Y S) (Z S) (U S) (V S) (W S)) (or (not (product X Y U))
(not (product Y Z V))
(not (product U Z W) )
(product X V W))))
(assert (forall ((X S) (Y S) (Z S) (U S) (V S) (W S)) (or (not (product X Y U))
(not (product Y Z V))
(not (product X V W) )
(product U Z W))))
;; File : GRP001-1 : TPTP v6.0.0. Released v1.0.0.
;; Domain : Group Theory
;; Problem : X^2 = identity => commutativity
;; Version : [MOW76] axioms.
;; English : If the square of every element is the identity, the system
;; is commutative.
(declare-fun a () S)
(declare-fun b () S)
(declare-fun c () S)
(assert (forall ((X S)) (product X X identity) ))
(assert (product a b c))
(assert (not (product b a c)))
Please run this code online here.
The master branch Z3 is able to prove such theorem but the unstable branch is not able. Please let me know why. Many thanks.
I am trying to proof by induction that:
Given a group G then forall(x,y,z) / ((y^n)x(z^n) = x) => (Order(G) = n)
I am using bounded induction with the following code
;; Derive order n from a single axiom for groups order n.
;; ((Y^n)X(Z^n) = X )=> (order(G) = n) for 1 < n < 23
(declare-sort S)
(declare-fun e () S)
(declare-fun mult (S S) S)
(declare-fun power (S Int) S)
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= e (power x 0))))
(assert (forall ((x S)) (= x (power x 1))))
(assert (forall ((n Int) (x S))
(=> (and (>= n 2) (<= n 22))
(= (power x n) (mult x (power x (- n 1)))))))
(assert (= (mult e e) e))
(define-fun p ((x S) (y S) (z S) (w S) (n Int)) Bool
(=> (= (mult (power y n) (mult x (power z n)))
x) (= (power w n) e) ) )
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S) (w S)) (p x y z w 2)))
(assert (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S) (w S) (n Int))
(=> (and (> n 2) (<= n 22))
(= (p x y z w n) (p x y z w (- n 1))))))
;; Bounded inductive proof.
(assert (not (forall ((x S) (y S) (z S) (w S)) (p x y z w 22))))
And the output is the expected:
Run this code online here
I am proving the theorem for 2 < n < 23. When I try with 2 < n < 24 I am obtaining "timeout".
The question is: How to go beyond n=22 in this proof ?
Using (set-option :qi-eager-threshold 70000) suggested by Leonardo de Moura, Z3 is able to prove the theorem until n = 60000 (locally, online until n = 10000).