I have found this way to calculate elongation basing on image moments
def elongation(m):
x = m['mu20'] + m['mu02']
y = 4 * m['mu11']**2 + (m['mu20'] - m['mu02'])**2
return (x + y**0.5) / (x - y**0.5)
mom = cv2.moments(unicocnt, 1)
elongation = elongation(mom)
How can i calculate elongation of a Convex Hull?
hull = cv2.convexHull(unicocnt)
where 'unicocnt' is a contour that was taken with find contours.
By default, convexHull output a vector of indices of points. You have to set the returnPoints argument to 1 to output a vector of points that you can then pass to cv2.moments.
A time series (x, y, t) in 3D space (X, Y, T) satisfies:
x(t) = f1(t), y(t) = f2(t),
where t = 1, 2, 3,....
In other words, coordinates (x, y) vary with timestamp t. It is easy to compute the FFT of x(t) or y(t), but how do you calculate the FFT of (x, y)? I assume it should NOT be computed as a 2D-FFT, because that is for an image, whereas (x, y) is just a series. Any suggestion? Thank you.
for example: Y = fftn(X) returns the multidimensional Fourier transform of an N-D array using a fast Fourier transform algorithm. The N-D transform is equivalent to computing the 1-D transform along each dimension of X. The output Y is the same size as X.
for 3-D transform:
Create a 3-D signal X. The size of X is 20-by-20-by-20
x = (1:20)';
y = 1:20;
z = reshape(1:20,[1 1 20]);
X = cos(2*pi*0.01*x) + sin(2*pi*0.02*y) + cos(2*pi*0.03*z);
Compute the 3-D Fourier transform of the signal, which is also a 20-by-20-by-20 array.
Y = fftn(X)
Pad X with zeros to compute a 32-by-32-by-32 transform.
m = nextpow2(20);
Y = fftn(X,[2^m 2^m 2^m]);
also you can use this code:
first You might use SINGLE intead of DOUBLE
psi = single(psi);
fftpsi = fft(psi,[],3);
Next might be working slide by slide
% costly way
% This might save you some RAM, to be tested
[m,n,p] = size(psi);
for k=1:p
psi(:,:,k) = fftn(psi(:,:,k));
psi = reshape(psi,[m*n p]);
for i=1:m*n % you might work on bigger row-block to increase speed
psi(i,:) = fft(psi(i,:));
psi = reshape(psi,[m n p]);
% Check
I hope it will be useful for you
What is the algorithm used in OpenCV function convexityDefects() to calculate the convexity defects of a contour?
Please, describe and illustrate the high-level operation of the algorithm, along with its inputs and outputs.
Based on the documentation, the input are two lists of coordinates:
contour defining the original contour (red on the image below)
convexhull defining the convex hull corresponding to that contour (blue on the image below)
The algorithm works in the following manner:
If the contour or the hull contain 3 or less points, then the contour is always convex, and no more processing is needed. The algorithm assures that both the contour and the hull are accessed in the same orientation.
N.B.: In further explanation I assume they are in the same orientation, and ignore the details regarding representation of the floating point depth as an integer.
Then for each pair of adjacent hull points (H[i], H[i+1]), defining one edge of the convex hull, calculate the distance from the edge for each point on the contour C[n] that lies between H[i] and H[i+1] (excluding C[n] == H[i+1]). If the distance is greater than zero, then a defect is present. When a defect is present, record i, i+1, the maximum distance and the index (n) of the contour point where the maximum located.
Distance is calculated in the following manner:
dx0 = H[i+1].x - H[i].x
dy0 = H[i+1].y - H[i].y
if (dx0 is 0) and (dy0 is 0) then
scale = 0
scale = 1 / sqrt(dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0)
dx = C[n].x - H[i].x
dy = C[n].y - H[i].y
distance = abs(-dy0 * dx + dx0 * dy) * scale
It may be easier to visualize in terms of vectors:
C: defect vector from H[i] to C[n]
H: hull edge vector from H[i] to H[i+1]
H_rot: hull edge vector H rotated 90 degrees
U_rot: unit vector in direction of H_rot
H components are [dx0, dy0], so rotating 90 degrees gives [-dy0, dx0].
scale is used to find U_rot from H_rot, but because divisions are more computationally expensive than multiplications, the inverse is used as an optimization. It's also pre-calculated before the loop over C[n] to avoid recomputing each iteration.
|H| = sqrt(dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0)
U_rot = H_rot / |H| = H_rot * scale
Then, a dot product between C and U_rot gives the perpendicular distance from the defect point to the hull edge, and abs() is used to get a positive magnitude in any orientation.
distance = abs(U_rot.C) = abs(-dy0 * dx + dx0 * dy) * scale
In the scenario depicted on the above image, in first iteration, the edge is defined by H[0] and H[1]. The contour points tho examine for this edge are C[0], C[1], and C[2] (since C[3] == H[1]).
There are defects at C[1] and C[2]. The defect at C[1] is the deepest, so the algorithm will record (0, 1, 1, 50).
The next edge is defined by H[1] and H[2], and corresponding contour point C[3]. No defect is present, so nothing is recorded.
The next edge is defined by H[2] and H[3], and corresponding contour point C[4]. No defect is present, so nothing is recorded.
Since C[5] == H[3], the last contour point can be ignored -- there can't be a defect there.
currently I'm working on a project where I try to find the corners of the rectangle's surface in a photo using OpenCV (Python, Java or C++)
I've selected desired surface by filtering color, then I've got mask and passed it to the cv2.findContours:
cnts, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cnt = sorted(cnts, key = cv2.contourArea, reverse = True)[0]
peri = cv2.arcLength(cnt, True)
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.02*peri, True)
if len(approx) == 4:
cv2.drawContours(mask, [approx], -1, (255, 0, 0), 2)
This gives me an inaccurate result:
Using cv2.HoughLines I've managed to get 4 straight lines that accurately describe the surface. Their intersections are exactly what I need:
edged = cv2.Canny(mask, 10, 200)
hLines = cv2.HoughLines(edged, 2, np.pi/180, 200)
lines = []
for rho,theta in hLines[0]:
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a*rho
y0 = b*rho
x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))
x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))
cv2.line(mask, (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (255, 0, 0), 2)
The question is: is it possible to somehow tweak findContours?
Another solution would be to find coordinates of intersections. Any clues for this approach are welcome :)
Can anybody give me a hint how to solve this problem?
Finding intersection is not so trivial problem as it seems to be, but before the intersection points will be found, following problems should be considered:
The most important thing is to choose the right parameters for the HoughLines function, since it can return from 0 to an infinite numbers of lines (we need 4 parallel)
Since we do not know in what order these lines go, they need to be compared with each other
Because of the perspective, parallel lines are no longer parallel, so each line will have a point of intersection with the others. A simple solution would be to filter the coordinates located outside the photo. But it may happen that an undesirable intersection will be within the photo.
The coordinates should be sorted. Depending on the task, it could be done in different ways.
cv2.HoughLines will return an array with the values of rho and theta for each line.
Now the problem becomes a system of equations for all lines in pairs:
def intersections(edged):
# Height and width of a photo with a contour obtained by Canny
h, w = edged.shape
hl = cv2.HoughLines(edged,2,np.pi/180,190)[0]
# Number of lines. If n!=4, the parameters should be tuned
n = hl.shape[0]
# Matrix with the values of cos(theta) and sin(theta) for each line
T = np.zeros((n,2),dtype=np.float32)
# Vector with values of rho
R = np.zeros((n),dtype=np.float32)
T[:,0] = np.cos(hl[:,1])
T[:,1] = np.sin(hl[:,1])
R = hl[:,0]
# Number of combinations of all lines
c = n*(n-1)/2
# Matrix with the obtained intersections (x, y)
XY = np.zeros((c,2))
# Finding intersections between all lines
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1, n):
XY[i+j-1, :] = np.linalg.inv(T[[i,j],:]).dot(R[[i,j]])
# filtering out the coordinates outside the photo
XY = XY[(XY[:,0] > 0) & (XY[:,0] <= w) & (XY[:,1] > 0) & (XY[:,1] <= h)]
# XY = order_points(XY) # obtained points should be sorted
return XY
here is the result:
It is possible to:
select the longest contour
break it into segments and group them by gradient
Fit lines to the largest four groups
Find intersection points
But then, Hough transform does nearly the same thing. Is there any particular reason for not using it?
Intersection points of lines are very easy to calculate. A high-school coordinate geometry lesson can provide you with the algorithm.
I am looking at the code for Hough transformation in image segmentation. The following code is from Computer Vision by Linda Shapiro. Can somebody tell me what is quantize_angle and how can I compute it?
The Hough transform looks for straight lines (or other features) in an image and represents these features as points in a different 2D coordinate system, where one axis represents the angle θ of a detected line, and the other represents the distance δ from this line to the centre of the image.
Source: Wikipedia
To produce a Hough transform of finite dimensions, both θ and δ have to be quantized. For example, if θ lies in the range (0 ≤ θ < 2π), then you could map it to the range 0–255 by a function such as the following:
int quantize_angle(float theta) {
int q = floor(theta * 128.0 / 3.141592654 + 0.5);
return q % 256;
This will result in a Hough transform that is 256 pixels wide.
A one to one point matching has already been established
between the blue dots on the two images.
The image2 is the distorted version of the image1. The distortion model seems to be
eyefish lens distortion. The question is:
Is there any way to compute a transformation matrix which describes this transition.
In fact a matrix which transforms the blue
dots on the first image to their corresponding blue dots on the second image?
The problem here is that we don’t know the focal length(means images are uncalibrated), however we do have
perfect matching between around 200 points on the two images.
the distorted image:
I think what you're trying to do can be treated as a distortion correction problem, without the need of the rest of a classic camera calibration.
A matrix transformation is a linear one and linear transformations map always straight lines into straight lines (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_map). It is apparent from the picture that the transformation is nonlinear so you cannot describe it with a matrix operation.
That said, you can use a lens distortion model like the one used by OpenCV (http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/calib3d/camera_calibration/camera_calibration.html) and obtaining the coefficients shouldn't be very difficult. Here is what you can do in Matlab:
Call (x, y) the coordinates of an original point (top picture) and (xp, yp) the coordinates of a distorted point (bottom picture), both shifted to the center of the image and divided by a scaling factor (same for x and y) so they lie more or less in the [-1, 1] interval. The distortion model is:
x = ( xp*(1 + k1*r^2 + k2*r^4 + k3*r^6) + 2*p1*xp*yp + p2*(r^2 + 2*xp^2));
y = ( yp*(1 + k1*r^2 + k2*r^4 + k3*r^6) + 2*p2*xp*yp + p1*(r^2 + 2*yp^2));
r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2);
You have 5 parameters: k1, k2, k3, p1, p2 for radial and tangential distortion and 200 pairs of points, so you can solve the nonlinear system.
Be sure the x, y, xp and yp arrays exist in the workspace and declare them global:
global x y xp yp
Write a function to evaluate the mean square error given a set of arbitrary distortion coefficients, say it's called 'dist':
function val = dist(var)
global x y xp yp
val = zeros(size(xp));
k1 = var(1);
k2 = var(2);
k3 = var(3);
p1 = var(4);
p2 = var(5);
r = sqrt(xp.*xp + yp.*yp);
temp1 = x - ( xp.*(1 + k1*r.^2 + k2*r.^4 + k3*r.^6) + 2*p1*xp.*yp + p2*(r.^2 + 2*xp.^2));
temp2 = y - ( yp.*(1 + k1*r.^2 + k2*r.^4 + k3*r.^6) + 2*p2*xp.*yp + p1*(r.^2 + 2*yp.^2));
val = sqrt(temp1.*temp1 + temp2.*temp2);
Solve the system with 'fsolve":
[coef, fval] = fsolve(#dist, zeros(5,1));
The values in 'coef' are the distortion coefficients you're looking for. To correct the distortion of new points (xp, yp) not present in the original set, use the equations:
r = sqrt(xp.*xp + yp.*yp);
x_corr = xp.*(1 + k1*r.^2 + k2*r.^4 + k3*r.^6) + 2*p1*xp.*yp + p2*(r.^2 + 2*xp.^2);
y_corr = yp.*(1 + k1*r.^2 + k2*r.^4 + k3*r.^6) + 2*p2*xp.*yp + p1*(r.^2 + 2*yp.^2);
Results will be shifted to the center of the image and scaled by the factor you used above.
Coordinates must be shifted to the center of the image as the distortion is symmetric with respect to it.
It should't be necessary to normalize to the interval [-1, 1] but it is comon to do it so the distortion coefficients obtained are more or less of the same order of magnitude (working with powers 2, 4 and 6 of pixel coordinates would need very small coefficients).
This method doesn't require the points in the image to be in an uniform grid.